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Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

The Moon on Fire (travel) Empty The Moon on Fire (travel)

Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:33 pm
[Travel from Moon to Fire]

[ Per Long Distance rules, completing this Mission once arriving in Fire country, will begin mission once we have traveled there]

Their time through the small towns of Moon country had come and gone without too much incident.  In truth, there had only been a couple points to highlight.  There had been a run in with a very interesting gentleman who claimed to know elements no one else did, A merchant selling grape jam that he claimed could heal any illness known to man, and finally a traveling swimsuit salesman that had taken a keen interest in Youka.....overall a strange accompaniment of people.  It hadn't been easy to keep Youka from loosing it on the man, he could feel his bloodlust from a town over almost.  Yet, in the interest of keeping everything savvy for the travel, nothing of actual import happened.  They'd moved town to town, and now found themselves hitchhiking on a merchants wagon.  There had been some carriages that were offering a sale on a ride, but neither of the men had opted to spring for the fare fee.  Instead, a kindly merchant in exchange for some stories and a couple bought drinks at the bar offered to give them a lift to wherever they needed to go.  Not one to turn down a good deal, Maku had accepted and off they went.  

The wagon continued to move down the remote plain roads of Moon country.  Each bump could be easily felt by the two as they sat in the back of the wagon.  Looking around Maku began to take stock of the variety of items that were nestled into the wagon.  There were clothes, other tactile type materials, art equipment, scrolls, shoes, and more.  Overall, there were very few shinobi type materials.  Filling all this away in his mind, he decided to make sure the merchant made it to wherever he so desired.  He seemed a good enough man, and not deserving of a gruesome fate.  Just a guy trying to make his way in the world, and willing to pick up a couple of bums.  Fiddling with his regalia, Maku adjusted the takigakure armor.  The headband was currently around his neck, hair splayed out while they rested.  Having it tied back for so long had given him a headache, though that could have been all the rum from Moon country, who was to really say.  His left hand fiddled with the hilt of the knife that lay securely in his front sheet on his chest.  The merchant was humming tunelessly at the front, so the odds of them being overheard where nonexistant.

"So, did you have Hook draw up some documents for you?"  He would ask youka, voice still a little low just in case.  "I know we made it this far, but that's been the easy part, who knows what happens now."  His tone was that of one dealing with a very dramatic moment.  In truth, he doubted anything would happen, but still that seemed not fun.  instead, he had placed himself in on a top secret mission, with his ride or die.  Together they would discover the secrets of the world, big brain stuff.  Hook had made up his own documents, and they were perfect.  He had mentioned it to youka before the onset of their journey, and they had stopped by the nail salon that fronted the Missing Ninja's brokers office.  So, it only made sense that he had something done, though he had not seen any of it personally.  He had opted instead to participate in the up and up portion of the parlor.  His nails, incase the reader is wondering, looked immaculate as well.  No color, but a clear coat that kept them from breaking.  

He'd listen to what his friend had to say, and even eye the documents if Youka handed them over.  "Well, I wonder if anything has changed.  It has been a very long time since I've been back out this way."  He would say either nodding or handing back any documents that had been shown.  He'd lean his head against the cart, the bouncing reminiscent of their time at sea not that long ago.  "I mean, there is a chance right?"  He would say eyeing Youka down.  "A chance that things aren't so bad.  I mean Moon Country, and old Tenga looked fine.  We could leave them alone, maybe all this is better too, you just never know is all I am saying."  He would shrug closing his eyes.  In truth he'd been prepared to start the work within the Moon, but once they had done some investigation, it proved an unworthy place to start.  Instead they had set off, Moon had never been their primary first destination, but when one finds themselves walking through, best to check it all out.  "I mean, I doubt it....this place was one of the worst back in the old days if I remember.  Hope that little shit is still at the gates."

The last part was added.  Though Youka would not have met the kid he was referring to, he had no doubt told him about him.  Some little punk that had tried to start problems so long ago for no reason.  He'd never had a chance to settle anything with the little twerp, so maybe now was the opportunity depending on how it all went down.  He'd listen to what Youka had to say, probably something solemn insisting that he was being overly optimistic with thinking like that.  In truth he would agree with that statement.  It wasn't that he wasn't willing to do anything, but he was trying to prepare himself for any outcome.  Thinking you are going to lift a heavy rock, and then never doing so is just as stressful as going out and getting it done.  Why not consider it all in one go.  The carriage would continue to roll through the plains, still some ways off from their final destination.  He wasn't sure if he drifted off to sleep or not.  He was mostly aware of the comings and goings and any question he would answer simply enough, but a certain peaceful twilight had overtaken him.

He’d been sleeping so much more than he ever had.  Though it could be explained by the excessive travel, or his hours attempting to perform legitimate missions to pad his resume, there was another reason.  Though he didn’t know it just yet.  The dull aches and pains continued behind his eyes, and his stamina was drained much more than it ever normally was.  Running out of energy and vitality was not something he was very much used too.  So when it came to fight such tiredness he was out of his league, and succumbed easily.  In this twilight his mind was aware of what was going on around them, if only vaguely.  Not focusing on any one thing or the other, instead just moving from subject to subject as quickly as they could skitter past.  He remembered the gates as the first time he’d seen them, back when he was a rogue ninja in the start.  He’d abandoned his post, his village and set out to make his own way.  How he’d survived that journey was something beyond him.  He’d been decent at what he did, but no where near the ability to stand up to the types of people who made the road their home.

Instead luck and happenstance had seen him through such things.  He’d been told by many that he wouldn’t Make it, that all this was for naught.  That he should hide behind the walls of a village and sit idly by until a chance arose.  That thought triggered him back awake, and helped push him towards Youka’s own ideology.  What would have become if he had sat by with the status quo and done those things that he was supposed to do.  He’d not of made it very far, and life certainly would be a lot more boring than it was now.  Peeking his head out the bag of the covered wagon he’d watch as the landscape still produced nothing but rolling plains.  They’d not gone far, he’d not really fallen asleep. Reaching into his bag, he would fumble around with the many items that sat within it.  His hand rattled through several things, some sounds that didn’t make much sense issued out from the bag until his hand seemingly found what it was looking for.  Pulling it out, he had something in his hand which he shook a couple times.  Opening the little cardboard box, it was revealed to be a simple playing card set.

Shuffling the deck with a flourish he would deal out some cards.  “Care to play?” He’d ask Youka as he already felt him a hand.  What transpired was a form of poker played within the seedier places of the boarders.  A modified rules that allowed a certain amount of cheating provided you never got caught.  It was a fun twist to a classic game that gave those people who flirted with the morality of games and cheating a leg up, and a way to hone their slight of hand tricks.  They’d play a couple rounds, perhaps in almost silence, perhaps in idle chatter.  It was easy for them to move between the two seamlessly.  On a particularly bad hand, Maku folded earlier than normal with a. Slight huff.  “I hope I’m a little luckier than this, otherwise it’s gonna be a real struggle around here.”  He’d say with a slight chuckle to cover up the annoyance.  Pushing the makeshift pile of random things he’d made for their chips he’d begin shuffling once more.  The cards moving quickly as he did so, before laying them all out once again.  Both hands set and ready.  

This time he had a decent hand.  A pair of kings and a single queen.  Looking  at the pictures that represented the values he considered them a little more than normal.  A king was not the card he would use to describe himself, no for him he’d much prefer the joker card.  Looking at Youka he would make his opening wager.  “If you were a playing card, which one do you think you’d be?”  He’d ask casually as he eyed the man’s bet.  He’d make his accustomed move before drawing.  Reviving a lot of nothing, he’d bluff forward with a larger portion of his pile that was shrinking rapidly.  His eyes would continue to watch his friend, trying to pick up any tells, though the man was deadpan as ever.  He’d give that to him, he had a hell of a poker face, and being dead for so long seemed to have done nothing but improve it even further.  Upon the turn, he’d be forced to throw down his hand once again.  Starting so strong only to receive nothing of value to follow it up. If he was a philosopher he might have thought there was a great lesson here, or perhaps a bit of foreshadowing…..then again maybe it was all just cards anyway.

“Hey! If you boys are hungry there’s some dried meats back there and bread, help yourself to a little!” The merchant would say yelling back to the duo.  Not needing anymore invitation than that, he’d quickly find some and prepare himself a small sandwich.  Offering the contents over to Youka to either put back, or prepare his own, whatever he so desired.  Taking a bite of the cured meat the salty flavor mixed well with the bread.  He probably could have done better with some sixes and time to prepare,  but then again, it was hard to beat the simplicity of a sandwich. 

“You know, I don’t mind a decent gamble, but I’m hoping I got my bad luck out on you.  Wouldn’t do well to keep lady fortune at an arms reach, I need her a little closer.”  He’d say smiling crumbs at the corners of his mouth.  He’d finish the sandwich and then lay back, feet dangling off the end of the merchants cart.  Traveling, was so boring.  

TWC - 2000
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

The Moon on Fire (travel) Empty Re: The Moon on Fire (travel)

Thu Jun 09, 2022 10:28 am
During their time walking through the country borders of Takigakure it worried Youka on the degree of abnormality were in the people they passed. It seemed that the world had turned slightly more askew while he was away. On to more pressing matters since he had last traveled the world it seemed travel had become a lot more intolerable than before, maybe the landscape had changed drastically increasing its landmass forcing more days in the travel time. Maku was taking to it a lot better than he was almost as if they were on a holiday with how he interacted with the civilians that randomly came and went. He had stayed adorned in the Takigakure ninja outfit since they had left Yukigakure and had fallen quickly into the role of helpful village ninja. It wasn't until they hitched a ride in a wagon from a random man that they were able to gain some semblance of quiet and a time to once again speak to each other on what was going on.

Maku had asked if he had actually used the courier that he had acquired since their old one had met an untimely demise. He still hadn't actually asked how that had happened but the man was into dealing with all types of individuals, it wasn't a stretch to see him meet his death in that regard. Rolling up the sleeves from his white robe to adjust to the temperature change as they moved from Yuki to Taki, and now once again switching to the much warmer Konoha. "Yes, yes I did, I hadn't intended to as I've been away for quite some years I think my name has faded from time...but on the off chance that I am still remembered this will help thank you for thinking ahead." Taking them out from his inside chest pocket he'd hand them over to Maku to allow him to read the details so they could get their story together, it wouldn't make any sense for them to travel together and not know who their alter was. On the topic of if anything had changed Youka would look up at his friend through his hooded robe.

"I doubt it, from my time as Raikage and the information that was on Konoha it was never a village that was on the forefront of any growth for a long time. Even when I slipped into the village, it's defenses were lacking, children allowed to wander and be taken so was stagnant." Maku kept on about a child that had turned him away at the gates from what seemed to be a long time ago and it still stuck with him to this day, Youka couldn't help but to laugh and speak through a chuckle. "Ah so you do hold grudges, how long have you felt slighted my friend? Does it hurt, tell me where." Just for a moment Youka had somehow reverted to a previous iteration of himself, catching it he stopped, the smile fading, the laugh dying into a grumble. Where had that come from? Maku had seemingly fallen asleep, hopefully he hadn't caught or seen Youka smile or wasn't the time or place to have cracks showing in him.

Awhile later his friend rocked back to life, dried drool lined his cheek, disgusting. He didn't say anything and instead reached into his backpack pulling out a deck of cards and dealing them out before even asking if Youka wanted to actually play the game. Picking up the cards without hesitation, what else was he supposed to do in this situation they would play their games. Maku brought up the question of what card Youka thought he would be if he had to choose, he gave it little thought before answering the question. " I'd say the Jack, the first to break away from the mold, still not stronger or weaker than any card depending on the circumstance it's just exists in the middle to link the weak and the strong making them equal or more powerful whatever the situation requires." Maku played that he had a big hand by raising the pot pushing more money forward. He seemed to forget that Youka would always move forward without regard of what was put in front of him to heed that progress. Without even waiting for Maku to finish his raise Youka had already moved the same amount forward matching his raise, even if he were to lose, forward was the only way to go. Just like that the hand was over in Youka's favor today was just not the day for Maku.

They had been offered food and Maku took to it quickly without any regard for formality, when it was Youka's turn he simply rolled it back up placing it behind him. He had eaten what he would need for the next day at least, he'd eat again once they were at their destination. On the note of his friends luck he'd simply chime in with a head nod and speak softly, mainly to himself. "Yes...lets hope."

(Traveling from Takigakure borders to Konoha borders time starts now 10:28:35 09JUN22)
Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

The Moon on Fire (travel) Empty Re: The Moon on Fire (travel)

Thu Jun 09, 2022 7:37 pm
“Wow so rude, making fun of me.  It does hurt, right about here actually….”  He’d say rubbing his chest over his heart so his middle finger stuck out.  “It was so rude.  Imagine being rude to me, back when I was young with so much potential.  You know I was prepared to try and join them that day, do the lords work and everything.  What an oppurtunity missed for them.”  He’d say with a shrug.  In truth the interaction had irked his nerves in a way he could barely describe.  He’d always had a pride streak, and after gaining the courage to set out on his own, to be humbled so quickly didn’t sit well with him.  He probably forgot more things than he ever remembered, but some things did indeed sit on him, and for whatever reason, this was one of those things.  He felt much the same way about the man who had arrived on the second gate visit, but at least he’d let them in, with a showing of theatrics that rivaled his own.  Stupid spinning wheel.  “Wasn’t the guy who let us in spinning a wheel?  Remember it described a bunch of ways we could die, and then a sliver of”let them in”. So dumb……wish I’d thought to steal the idea later…..”. He’d trail off.  That person had been Navi a hokage, but that knowledge was forgotten if it was ever known.

He missed Youka’s bit of humanity, or maybe he didn’t.  Regardless he continued to drift off as he had stated before.  He knew what Youka was trying to be, and maybe it was just politeness…..then again maybe it wasn’t.  It was always hard to tell with Maku.  He displayed what he wished and kept what he wished, making it hard to always know what he was thinking or up to in general.  

The card game was played, and Maku considered his words.  He placed a lot of thought it seemed into his answer, and it made sense.  From what he was aware, Youka had lost fights before.  So, claiming to be the strongest would be nothing but hubris.  In truth, Niether of them were the strongest at anything.  They’d lost just as they’d won.  To think otherwise would be foolishness.  Like so many, when in power stories get exaggerated and told, so the trail they left behind would always be more exciting and fantastic than anything that they actually did could be.  The Jack seemed suitable, and it wasn’t lost on him that his own chosen card, the Joker started with the same letter.  Perhaps a bit silly, but the connection was still noted.  The two were odd men out, the joker being even a bit further off given it didn’t always see standard play.  Yet the thought still made him smile.  It was amusing, and that’s really what mattered.  Soon the bets would be taken away, and Maku would put them back where he’d gathered the various tokens to play doppelgänger for actually money.  

The food would be finished, and quite would reproach them.   A soft word of “let’s hope so” escaped Youka’s lips and that was it.  Yes let’s hope….let’s hope we win, or maybe let’s hope we loose.  He assumed either way would be fine with Youka, the point wasn’t winning necessarily, the point was doing.  Should they be squashed down, then the job was finished.  The only thing gained from a win was to continue forward for the long work.  Looking around he guessed they were around half way through their journey, maybe even a little more.  The plains had started to give way to forests now, the temperature increased.  What would have likely been nearly unbearable was made temperat by the copious canopy of foliage.  Providing shade, and birdsong as they continued down the road.  The journey was an easy one, if being long.  Still, what awaited them could be just as long so he wanted to do his best to enjoy the journey and not just the destination. Looking out, he’d see a multitude of birds, rabbits and squirrels all moving through the trees and in their wake.  Taking some of the scraps of break form where he’d been eating he’d drop them over the side so that some may not have to fight so hard for a meal.  

Crossing his legs, he’d close his eyes once again, the dull ache returning.  This time he did not sleep, but instead focused.  His breathing became stilled, and he took comfort not in the stillness of nature but in its chaos.  All around them hundreds of lives fought and struggled, some absorbing those of others so that they may survive.  There was a hierarchy here, but not if greed, or practicality.  One that was fair in its own way, one thag made sense.

He felt the nature energy collecting within his stomach.  Drawing it in from the woods.  He’d not practiced this technique since he’d found Youka once again.  He thought it best, to return to the Sage ways, or at least get some reps in as an athlete might say.  He didn’t use it nearly like he had before.  Instead he merely focused on absorbing it, and gathering it to his side.  Holding it close.  He’d stay like this for a long time, perfectly still.  Concentrating.  Letting the world come to him, and letting his own psyche be with the world.  

During this time, his kind considered the toads of discord, and he considered summoning Doku.  The frog had skills that Maku did not, and they would be useful.  Perhaps now was not the right moment, but soon, before they really were in the heart of it all, he should summon the creature and discuss such things.  There was time though right?  Things couldn’t go sideways right away….there was always time to make sure everything happened as it should.  If not, then surely what was the worst that could happen?  Even in his meditative state a smile crossed his lips….nothing at all.

TWC - 3003
+2 nature stacks
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

The Moon on Fire (travel) Empty Re: The Moon on Fire (travel)

Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:51 am
(Quick post to move forward :p)

Youka sat in silence as their travel came to an end and the road grew closer to the borders of Konoha. Maku as per usual kept on with the conversation and Youka would respond in kind with his usual grunts and head nods while focusing his concentration on what was to come. They both eventually made it to the end of their travel looking down into a valley that led to the borders of the village hidden in the leaves...finally they had arrived.

(Exit into Konoha borders)

TWC= 931
+18 AP
Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

The Moon on Fire (travel) Empty Re: The Moon on Fire (travel)

Fri Jun 10, 2022 1:25 am
The journey would continue on, and Maku would come out of his concentrative state.  He could still feel the energy welling inside of him, but without a doubt it was already starting to dissipate back to nature as it came.  It was a powerful ability, but not one you could maintain for long periods of time.  Sighing, he breathed out and watched as the forest grew thicker and then opened back up.  Moving forward, they would eventually come to the end of the road for what the merchant was willing to take them on.  Hoping off, Maku would hand him a few coins in thanks and wave him off.  Watching he'd wait until the man was beyond his sight before he moved back towards Youka.  Together they would set off for a small town that was near their ultimate goal.  Along the way Maku would summon Doku.  Exchanging a few words with the toad, he'd watch it form a variety of handseals with it's strange toad hands.  As he watched for a moment it seemed to become even more monstrous before placing it's toad hand on right chest.  Beneath his clothes a seal would form.  It had taken 10 seals, and clearly a welling of energy, but it was done.

His work done, the toad would vanish in a puff of smoke, gone back to where the discord toads now made their home.  Smiling, he would examine the seal before fixing up his armor and continuing on their way.  It had been something he and the toad had discussed prior to the start of the journey.  He had let the Toads of Discord live in peace and alone for sometime.  It had been with a certain level of unease that he had resumed his contact with them.  not knowing how they would respond to his call, he had been pleasantly surprised.  It had been his run in with Ukam that had started the whole thing, the giant beast.  Still he wasn't brave enough to summon it at this time.  Choosing to stick with the more reasonable toads for the time being.  Perhaps it was due to the latent discord energies, and its own similarity to his chakra that caused the affection, but the toads had been more than happy to help him out.  Communication with them was always difficult, but nothing that couldn't be overcome.  Within the hideout they had crafted their plan. 

Wanting to wait until they had arrived in Fire country to avoid suspicion, he had conversed with Doku.  The plan was to utilize the toads fuinjutsu knowledge to assist in bolstering Maku's own defensive and offensive capabilities.  This included a certain shield and a weapon for him to use with ease.  Once within the boarder they had planned that Maku would summon Doku 3 times, receiving a different seal each time.  This would give him the opportunity to rest, and be able to use each one at the top of his abilities.  This would be the first of that agreement.  A seal that would allow him some firepower that could be called upon quickly.  He'd never bothered studying much about fuinjutsu, despite how useful the craft clearly was.  Perhaps it was something he should have put effort into.  Certainly its versatility was something to be admired, but still the strict seals had no peaked his interest.  Fuinjutsu and Genjutsu were similar in their attention to detail and chakra control, yet he preferred genjutsu.  He liked the make it up as you go, the flexibility it provided with its illusions.  For him Fuinjutsu seemed to structured, to rigid for him to really sink his teeth into.  

The rest of the walk would continue as they approached the town that was still some ways off.  It would likely take a day or so of consistent walking to make it all the way there.  Once their they could begin gathering information, and learn whatever they needed to know of what had become of this place.  Maku struck up a Takigakure tune as they walked,, the roads deserted.  It would go on like this for a long time.  just the two men, the empty road and the sound of a lullaby.  Here and now there was so much peace.  Around them the animal life could be seen if not heard moving through the brush.  One could almost imagine that nothing could go wrong, nothing was coming, nothing was ever going to happen.  It was possible even for Maku to believe such things for the time being.  

As he walked, that same dull ache returned to his eyes.  A bit more sharp than normal, he ended up rubbing his eyes absentmindedly.  Shaking his head, he wished that if something was going to happen, that it just would.  Instead it felt as though he was waiting for nothing to ever happen.  Struck by minor annoyances, doomed to plague him for the rest of his time on this mortal coil.  Well, all that was a bit dramatic but that was beginning to be how he felt.  Still, placing it to the back of his mind he did his best to ignore it, to ignore nearly everything.  His mind returned and attempted to gather energies from the world around him as they moved.  He'd never been able to do it, to gain energy while moving.  Den had said it was impossible to do so, and being told that it was impossible he now felt the need to attempt it.  

Continuing on the road would open up, and the forest would clear out.  Finding a small little village, Maku would make accommodations for them to spend the night so that they could start gain in the morning.  It took some convincing as Youka was more apt to keep going, but in the end he was able to convince him.  A small inn, a warm meal, and a couple drinks later his head hit a lumpy pillow.  After the long journey however, it was just what he needed.  

twc - 4005

Exit to land of fire boarders


+4005 towards Rinnegan

Seal placed on Maku left chest

Ghost Lake seal with 175pwr

Doku used 
Ghost lake + Fuin amp + Summon enhancer
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Moon on Fire (travel) Empty Re: The Moon on Fire (travel)

Fri Jun 10, 2022 2:42 am
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