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Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Righteous Past Empty Righteous Past

Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:17 am
Mission Overview:

The outskirts of Konohagakure used to not only be one of the most frequented areas of the past by friend and foe alike, but was home to quite a share of its own conflicts. Nowadays, asides from the occasional infiltration of one or two missing nin, it ends up being quite and dull. The silence made for a great deal of peace, but in its wake left a malaise of stagnation. Only the higher ups seemed to care enough to keep everything running, while most of the Genin and even Chunin rarely acted on their own positions, instead choosing the cushy life of a military personal that chose not to engage in stressful missions. Lynn used to be one of those people, who leeched off the life of the Hidden Leaf with the minute amount of power they held. Nowadays, every day she wakes up, she felt disgusted that she'd ever considered acting in such a disdainful way. Nagisa wasn't the only blessing in her life, but the traumatic experience she had outside the village was as well. It taught her what it truly meant for them to protect what they care about, and that the life of a kunoichi shouldn't be treated so carelessly. So even as her mind constantly begged her to refuse the admission for another bunch of patrol missions, her heart led her to accept anyway. She had to, if she wanted to show everyone the true way; and for herself... also Nagisa. Definitely for Nagisa.

What really surprises her as she heads to the meet up point near the gates, but not too close to them, is that the documents she received for the mission said they'd be getting a third mystery partner. Why they'd hide their identity was seriously baffling to her, but given the condition of the village and its presence of shinobi lately, she isn't too surprised. Who it would be was a small curiosity to her, but whoever it was, being with her dearest would make it a lot easier to bare. It'd be a little more difficult to be lovey dovey like usual, so she internally decided to slow down on her physical displays of affection. It's one thing to embarrass herself, it'd be another to do so to both herself and Nagisa towards another fellow Genin. Least, she believes their final piece will be a Genin. The only Chunin she knows of was Zunair, and she somehow doubt they'd meet again anytime soon. Their rank had a lot more on their plate than the others.

To her surprise, it seems she was at the rendezvous first. Of course, the possibility of others hiding around crossed her mind, but she paid that thought no mind as she sighs and takes a rest against a nearby building, her arms crossed and her leg propped up against the front of the wall. Today's weather was rather dreary, with grey clouds completely obscuring the sunlight above, and tiny droplets of rain dampening the surrounding area with its gentle trickle of rainfall, alongside a cool breeze to brush through everything. With any luck, it'd only start storming once the trio were done with their work for the day, but she also didn't completely mind the idea of being soaked. She had her lovely brown jacket made for her on, and her forehead protector was wrapped firmly around her waist, blatantly showing off the emblem of their village. Life was good, and she felt awesome, if not tired and ready to go home. It felt like a pain to be so excited when working, but that's what you get when you're with the love of your dreams.

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Nagisa Honemushi
Nagisa Honemushi
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Righteous Past Empty Re: Righteous Past

Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:10 am
Nagisa was going on her first serious mission. Walking dogs and convincing crowds of academy students to stay in school had been light work for her so far, but patrol the village, especially the seedier parts would be possibly dangerous. It was reassuring that Lynn had gone on a much more difficult patrol assignment and lived to tell the tale. With her coming along she felt a lot safer. There was another ninja coming along as well someone she didn't know. Nagisa didn't expect this outing to be much of a date like the last one was, so in her mind "the more the merrier." She couldn't hide the fact that she was a little on edge, but she got dressed all the same.

She wore her short denim shorts, a purple blouse, and a fishnet body suit underneath covering her legs and chest. A bit showy perhaps, but still practical for moving quickly and going into action. She packed her ninja tools into two pouches attached to her hips. Senbon, Shuriken, smoke bombs... She went through her favored tools before decided to head out. Uno yipped at her heals, but she was wary of bringing him for once. Sorry buddy, but not this time okay? You've been doing really good on my other missions, but I need you to stay here today I'll be back later alright ? The small Shiba pup seemed to slouch, but he did as he was told. Nagisa smiled and weaved as she descended the stairs of the Honemushi family kennel in a hurry. She wasn't late yet but she might be if she didn't hurry.

As she approached the village outskirts she started to look around. She noted the stark silence. It was strange. The village hadn't been very lively as of late, but it had at least been more alive than this dead and dingy area would have you believe. Aside from a few shuffling stragglers the area was pretty clear. This made it easy to pick out her partner. On this gray dreary day Lynn stood out from the crowd. It seemed Nagisa was arrive just minutes before the appointed time. Her rushing had paid off. Hey there Pine Tree~ She said on approach with a quick wave. With her hands behind her back she bounced over next to Lynn leaning against her for a moment and nuzzling her before return to a more professional distance. We'll be professional for the rest of the day yeah?~ She said with a wink clueing her in that no fliting would be tolerated Infront of their mystery guest. You don't happen to know who will be joining us do you? Nagisa asked before tightening her bandana forehead protector just a little. I only know they're a genin....and we're gonna be safe right? I'll keep on my toes; you too okay? Nagisa lightly punched Lynn's shoulder. Her face wore a worried expression before returning to her usual bright grin. She was nervous but pretty optimistic. She waited for Lynn to respond to her line of questioning, but more importantly for their final squad member to arrive. The grey cloud rolled over the sky as the meeting time approached. 

Natsumi Nara
Natsumi Nara
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Righteous Past Empty Re: Righteous Past

Sun Jul 10, 2022 1:01 am
As of late, days, weeks, and months blurred into one irreconcilable mess in Ichika Zukumiki's head. Every day went the same way: wake up, work, sleep. Wake up, work, sleep, the cycle continued with the same predictable monotony of a ticking metronome, wake up, work, sleep. Pulled by the irresistible strings of habit and societal dictates, her body moved through all the actions the village expected of a model genin, leaving the teen a passenger in her journey through life with only a festering darkness and growing pessimism to keep her company. What, in the end, was the point of it all?

The streets of Konohagakure took on a new character under overcast skies. Merchants huddled near the back of their stalls, passersby hurried from building to building in hopes of staying dry, and the former energy of the village in summertime came to a standstill as it collectively braced for the coming storm. In a strange way, Ichika preferred this version of the village over any other; it felt appropriate as if her inner world had been turned inside out for all to see, skies the color of static and all.

Of course, such thoughts were nothing more than a fantasy cooked up by an overactive imagination. Those who saw her today would see the same thing they had always seen: a slight, black-haired genin. Hair pulled into a tight bun and sporting a dark blue T-shirt with the proud symbol of the Uchiha emblazoned on the back, she looked the part of a dutiful kunoichi. At her hip hung a weapons pouch fully stocked with tools she hoped to never use. Though, if nothing else, the earth tone pouch offset the black capris that reached just past her knees and rounded out her outfit.

Not unlike the mechanical metronome of her daily routine, she arrived at the outskirts of the village neither a second too late nor a second too early. Her two compatriots for the day had, apparently, already arrived and, by the looks of things, were getting acquainted, though Ichika couldn't quite catch what they were talking about as she walked up. Oh well, she wasn't much in the mood for small talk this morning anyway.

"Good morning," she cut into the conversation with a flat tone. "Please call me Ichika, I look forward to working with you two today."

She gave a slight bow.

"I apologize for not being here sooner, shall we get started?"

If there were no objections, the teen would turn on the spot and take the lead on the route outlined in the mission specs. Patrol missions were nothing special, soon today would be over. So far, by all accounts, it would be just another day: gray, dreary, and altogether forgettable—the same cycle would continue: wake up, work, sleep.

TWC: 469
Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5000

Righteous Past Empty Re: Righteous Past

Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:48 pm
Before Lynn broke down and pulled a book out from her mission satchel, she found herself approached by an angel. Speaking that wonderful nickname of hers to the love obsessed Uchiha, her smile widens upon seeing Nagisa in her casual wear, still functional for a mission, but enough to tantalize her for more. Of course, even before she's briefed on needing to be more 'professional', what with the mystery Genin joining them, she knew she'd have to reign in her behavior. That didn't stop her from leaning over to steal a kiss from their lips, and a gentle squeeze in the form of a warm hug after she's nuzzled against, tilting her cap and shooting a wink their way. "Don't worry, I can suffer a day without being romantic. We'll just have to make up for it later." Then, she stands there, albeit away from the wall and keeping her posture straight, listening intently to what her partner has to say about the situation. With no need for special eyes to discern the clear nervous tension etched into the actions and words of Nagisa, she stuffs her hands into her pockets and looks off to the side, then back towards them, now deciding to speak in a much more calm and orderly manner.

"I have no clue who we're paired up with... but I'm sure they'll only make it even easier to get this done and over with. All we need to do is pay attention to our surroundings, always be on guard, and maybe question a few of the locals to see if they've noticed anything strange today. Sure we'll get a whole lot of nothing, since it's so poor out today... but stick together, and we can accomplish anything. This type of mission is much more daunting when you're alone, but we're fortunate enough to be a three man squad." Feeling that's enough to soothe what she perceives as their worries, she decides to give one more little bit of affection by ruffling the smaller woman's hair, her expression changing back to a soft smile. "Besides, I got a cool new toy to take out if we run into some real trouble... you won't have to cover me nearly as much. Trust me. We're both the shining knights in armor now." That's around the time when she notices Ichika walking in, and she curiously turns around to face them, her hands still in her pockets until they've actually gotten closer.

"... Another Uchiha? Wow," they thought to themselves as they take a gander at Ichika, now pulling one of her hands out to offer a handshake to the newcomer of the group, right after bowing back politely. Recently, she'd been getting less and less uncomfortable at the idea of being around another of her clan, though she was still going to exercise healthy skepticism when it came down to it. Plus, why were they being paired so obviously due to the fact they're all the same bloodline? It's quite odd to her, but she can at least see potential in it. Maybe a new friend? She couldn't shake the feeling she may have met them before, but a lot of Uchiha looked the same. Not everyone dyed their hair pine tree green like she did, after all. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Lynn." She'd let Nagisa introduce herself before continuing the conversation further, since she didn't feel the need to speak for her. When all of that is situated, she goes on with only a bit more to say.

"Yeah, we can get going. Outskirts, followed by the residential areas, then the slums. There's been a bit more activity in the last of the three as of late, so be extra cautious once we're there. I doubt we'll run into anyone or anything before that. Oh, and on the way, why don't you tell us what you're bringing to the team? As much as we should value our secrets, I need to know at least a little bit so I can help us strategize on the fly." On schedule, she decides to follow the new girl, since she seems like she knows where to go without saying a word. She'd follow to the right side of her, and she'd motion for Nagisa to take her position as well, her gaze occasionally scanning across the various buildings and streets to check for anything suspicious. They were unlikely to spot anything of substance right now, but you never know.

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Nagisa Honemushi
Nagisa Honemushi
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Righteous Past Empty Re: Righteous Past

Tue Jul 12, 2022 10:34 pm
Nagisa managed to nod along to Lynn's words of reassurance. She even managed to believe her. She laughed a little when the girl mentioned that would both be knights in shining armor now. It was true that Nagisa often had to cover for her during group spars in the academy. Lynn just wasn't all that gifted in the physical side of things nor on the jutsu side of things, but that had been changing. Lynn had certainly increased her physic and supposedly her abilities as a shinobi since they had last been in combat. Nagisa had been starting to get a bit curious about what her partner could do now. She was about to speak up, and comment something snarky about her having to pick up her slack even with her new toy, but then their third arrived. 

Ichika had an Uchiha fan symbol emblazoned on the back of her shirt. It was the first thing that Nagisa noticed about her besides her more serious demeanor. For some reason, Nagisa first impression was that she wasn't going to be joking around with them today, but that won't stop her from being a little more light hearted than her fellow Uchiha. In contrast to the bows, Nagisa offered a light wave to the girl. "You can call me Nagisa, Nice to meet you Ichika!" Nagisa smiled big and offered no complaints as the group began their patrol of the village outskirts. 

Ichika seemed confident and Lynn followed her on the right side, so Nagisa took the left. Lynn was wanting to strategize incase they ran into something, so Nagisa would oblige first. I've got a pretty wicked Fireball jutsu, and a few summoning arts to bring large objects to me for offense or defense. I'd rather use those as a last resort so think of me as ranged support! Nagisa gave a first pump and waited for the other two girls to say what they were good at. She had left out a few of her less impressive jutsu like a basic genjutsu and assorted other fire techniques, but she didn't want to go on too long. While she listened she kept her eyes peeled for any sudden movements hands ready to reach into her pouch and throw one of her shiny new ninja tools at anything that surprised her. 

The group made their away around the route, but not much had stood out in the village outskirts. The day was turning out to be as boring as it was dreary, and with Ichika not seeming to want to talk too much it was quiet. That is until suddenly Nagisa saw something move into her blind spot from the corner of her eye next to a trash pile. Not wanting to be surprised, she shot first and asked questions later. Reaching into her pouch swiftly, she threw 3 shuriken to her left aiming to encircle the target harmlessly pinning them to the wall. Gotcha! She exclaimed as the stars sunk into a wall next to a pile of bags holding discarded food and other materials. Nagisa ran over to get a closer look at what she had trapped with two Kuni held in each hand. As she got closer she noticed it was a small tabby cat shocked and afraid. It hissed before running away into a nearby side street. ...ahaha sorry about that! It was just so quiet... I guess I was a little jumpy... Nagisa bent down to retrieve her shuriken and tuck them back into her pouch. After she stood back she realized the building that she had thrown her stars into had the same symbol painted on it as the one that was on Ichika's back. ..Wait...Lynn is this that building that you wanted to visit? The Uchiha..?? Nagisa looked up at the Symbol and then to the other two Uchiha standing next to her. She had forgotten the name, but knew it had something to do with their heritage. She was sure that Lynn would remember, and perhaps Ichika knew as well.

Natsumi Nara
Natsumi Nara
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Righteous Past Empty Re: Righteous Past

Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:54 am
A little strategizing couldn't hurt.

"Ranged support is always helpful," she gave a half nod as if to affirm the notion of her words. "I focus on genjutsu and..."

Groping for the right words in her head, Ichika glanced up at the nearby rooftops.

"...I guess I'd call it the manipulation of space and time with an emphasis on moving from point to point a bit faster than one otherwise might."

No, those certainly weren't the right words. Then again, how exactly did one go about explaining portals and momentum manipulating arrows the right way? Ichika still wasn't quite sure; the study of space and time was a bit funny like that. On one hand, it could encompass the summoning arts Nagisa purported to have and, on the other, it could also include the exploration of worlds unseen all while bending the fabric of reality itself. It was certainly a rare discipline whose wide breadth was only nearly matched by its unexplored depths.

Esoteric quibbles aside, both Lynn and Nagisa seemed tolerable so far. Unfortunately, Ichika could not say the same of other genin who had joined her on past missions. There was always something or, more appropriately, someone: the talker, the whiner, the self-important, and the incompetent. Like an uncompromising mirror to the soul, missions brought out the best and worst in those who undertook them. It just so happened that the mettle of the average Konohagakure genin was lacking. Surely, this assessment had nothing to do with Ichika being a tiny bit judgy—

At the sound of metal on metal, her eyes lit up with the crimson of her birthright as her attention flicked back to the left.

Tracing the path of Nagisa's shuriken, the tomoes of her sharingan spun out into three perfectly formed shapes orbiting a single pitch black pupil in each eye. Time itself seemed to slow to a crawl, and the trajectory of the projectiles played out like a prescient piece of photography, as not only did afterimages of the weapon appear, but Ichika could almost see the path the shuriken would take before they took it. Without anything to go on other than her teammate's reaction, Ichika's hands began to fly through a familiar set of seals as she followed Nagisa down the alley, Monkey -> Rat -> Ram -> Tiger—her chakra surged and then fell flat with the jutsu ending before it could even begin.

A cat, it was just a cat.

Ichika's arms fell to her sides, and she let out a breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Despite whatever coolheaded facade she put up, she was still only a genin. And, as much as missions revealed about others, they also, though she would never admit it, revealed much about herself as well—she was just as jumpy as Nagisa, if not more so.

"No worries, just be more care..." she stopped mid admonishment as the red of her bloodline ebbed from her eyes, and her gaze found the building before them. Truth be told, the structure had likely seen better days; a few windows were papered over, it could do with a new paint job, and the whole thing felt off, as if it were built for another day and age. "Huh."

Searching for the answer to Nagisa's question, she looked over at Lynn.

TWC: 1023
WC: 554
Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Righteous Past Empty Re: Righteous Past

Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:16 am
Hearing the two other girls explain what they could provide in terms of teamwork was most certainly interesting for her to analyze, for sure. Indeed, the two still kept some of their secrets close to their sleeves, and Lynn didn't blame them for that at all. Nagisa said she had the Great Fireball Jutsu down already, which was something she was acutely aware of prior, but hearing about summoning objects piqued her curiosity. It's clear she too had developed some neat tricks during their time apart from one another, and she would have to dig deeper into that later. Ichika, on the other hand... from what the green haired Uchiha could tell, she was mentioning some sort of point to point teleportation. She assumed this was only on herself, but she didn't want to assume nor pry further, as she'd wait until they were on better speaking terms to learn their strategies together, assuming Ichika would be part of she and Nagisa's group of friends later on. Well, it's not much of a group for Lynn, but you'd get what she meant if she spoke of it. Quietly nodding at both of them, she smiles and slips her jacket up a notch, uncovering the sheathe of a newly smithed sword hanging on the side of her back, which she was hiding a bit prior. They both could have recognized a lump in her clothing if they were paying enough attention, but it's possible they weren't.

"Nagisa here already knows, but I'm more proficient at Genjutsu than anything else. I'm also practicing with weapons now as well, which is why I have this here ninjato on my hip... I'm not the best at it yet, but it'll help me support the both of you, or take out individual targets trapped in my techniques. Just try to follow up on my attacks if you can, because I'm certainly not the hard hitter of the group." Right as she finishes that last sentence, the - what she would dub from here on out, the "bushening' - occurs. A small rustle in a nearby collective of bushes alerts all three of them, though unlike her two partners, Lynn didn't react with as much fright and downright violence. While she was a little unnerved, and had put her right hand on the handle of her blade, she didn't make any movements and watched as her love just about sent a poor cat down a life, and Ichika looked like she was going to blow it away with a jutsu of her own. Before Nagisa went to take a closer look, Lynn exclaims in a serious but soft tone, "Hey, don't go closer-", but her words are not heeded until the prior mentioned cat is actually revealed. Needless to say, she's quite bemused by the course of events, and shakes her head as the scared feline scampers off with a hiss. Looking between her allies, she does her best to be nice when she says, "I can tell you're both a little nervous, but, you need to keep your hand down until you know it's an enemy... I don't think we'd have a fun time if that cat happened to be owned by one of the civilians, and it ends up injured or killed. Also, Nagisa, try to not get too close if you can help it... you're ranged support, right? And, Ichika?" she says, looking towards her as the fabled Sharingan fades from her eyes, a hand on Lynn's hip to further emphasize her approach on the matter. "Whatever you were about to do, I'm glad you didn't, but... try conserve your chakra. Those red eyes of yours drain it quick, and what it looked like you were doing... it'd be unwise to use that against someone we know nothing about. We're Genin, so we don't have as much at our disposal as others do... because of that, we need the element of surprise more crucially. Never forget that."

Once all of that is over, Lynn's attention is brought towards the building Nagisa struck with her shuriken earlier, the worried and somewhat reminiscing expression on her face turns into that of mild curiosity, smiling widely when she sees the Uchiha emblem in all its fallen glory hanging at the front of the entrance. "Yeah... that's the Konoha Military Police Force," she begins, before taking a glance around to make sure there's no bystanders, and stepping closer, running her finger along the dusty doorknob of its front doors. "In case you're curious, Ichika, me and Nagisa found a tiny bit of history involving this place, and it turns out the Uchiha Clan used to run it, until the Fuma Clan succeeded them decades after... since you're a Uchiha yourself, I'm not sure how interested you are in learning the true secrets of our past, but I sure am. We wouldn't be able to do a deep dive, considering our mission... but we could definitely do a sweep through the building, and make sure there's no hidden vagrants inside. What do you both say, wanna do that? Or should we leave it alone?" As much as she wants to not take no for an answer, she'd rather make sure they don't get a penalty for vying off track of their primary focus, even if she can justify at least searching the building for what she'd describe as 'suspicious activity'. Their teamwork was way more important to her, and she didn't want them to feel like she did back outside the borders of Konoha...

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Nagisa Honemushi
Nagisa Honemushi
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 4000

Righteous Past Empty Re: Righteous Past

Wed Jul 20, 2022 9:50 pm
Nagisa felt a bit silly for her outburst, but Ichika had made it better only for Lynn to go and make it worse. I'll be more careful don't wanna make a mistake twice, but I appreciate your kindness and how fast you were on the follow up! Nagisa nodded and flashed a smile over to Ichika, before crossing her arms and turning to Lynn with a bit of a sour expression. I'm sorry Pine tree before we get back to the police building, would you tell me who died and made you the squad leader ?~ I mean its one thing to try and boss me around, a very ballsy thing by the way, but who are you to give tips to someone you barely know? I saw you awaken the silly pinwheel eyes. It's funny you think your an expert already. A vein could be seen twitching on her forehead, but it went away quickly she wasn't all that mad because in the end Lynn's was right about her at least. She just informed Nagisa in her usually know it all kind of fashion. That habit of hers made it hard to study under Lynn, and Nagisa's temper didn't help. Nagisa was definitely angrier that her partner was telling their fellow Uchiha about the usage of her own eye. They were in company so Nagisa didn't wait for a response from her green haired partner. She cooled own quickly, but offered a defense of Ichika. Ichika knows what she's doing, right Ichika? She would let the girl interject if she wanted but they she would turn her attention to the building and Lynn's inquiry

You really wanted to check out the building so I'm fine with it. I'm sure it'll be empty it looks abandoned...and I'll stay farther back this time should anything happen. Nagisa huffed, but her anger had passed. She would walk over to the door waiting for either Lynn or Ichika to take the lead on exploring the building. Though Nagisa tried not to show it she was also interested in the building. She hadn't learned much about her Uchiha side of the family. She was curious about their history, her history, because it seemed to intertwined with her home. The girl hadn't let Lynn lecture her on their history again since their date mission, but maybe this would be a good ice breaker to the topic.

Natsumi Nara
Natsumi Nara
Survived 2021
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Righteous Past Empty Re: Righteous Past

Fri Jul 29, 2022 8:08 pm
Of course.

Ichika gave Nagisa a nod—of course, she knew what she was doing.

"Perhaps," her eyes flashed a defiant red as she returned her once-more-Sharingan-filled gaze to Lynn. "Next time you should trust your teammates more. I don't think we'd have a fun time if that cat happened to be something—or someone—more nefarious. Who knows what could have happened to any one of us?"

The Sharingan faded from her eyes again, and her tone softened.

"I guess it doesn't matter now," she shrugged. "No harm no foul, I suppose. I'm up for sweeping the building, any idea how to get in? It looks a little...a little, well, dead."

Whatever history and secrets the building might hold were likely hidden beneath a good layer of dust and a few locked doors. The recent glory of the Uchiha clan lay much closer to the village's seat of power, not some building whose best days were behind it. Kenal, Nashua, and, of course, Viper were the names any self-respecting Uchiha in Konoha and beyond would know. The legacy of the Uchiha was as rulers, not a police force—and, if Ichika had anything to say about it, it would remain that way. After all, despite its recent hardships, the clan was considered one of the village's noble clans for a reason.

TWC: 1245
WC: 222
Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Righteous Past Empty Re: Righteous Past

Tue Aug 02, 2022 1:07 am
Getting lip back from Nagisa would have been fine, but it was compounded by Ichika's own biting remark to 'trust' them both more. That'd also be fair, if it weren't directed towards just her love, but why should she trust the much more clearly patriotic Uchiha? Then that thought is only countered in her own mind space by the fact that she probably feels the same way. Suffice to say, though she doesn't say much, and only had a somewhat concerned and irritated look on her face, she decides to brush it all off and move on, since the both of them seemed to want to quickly kick the situation under the rug. The only part that really hurt was that her own experience in comparison to the both of them wasn't being considered at all, and being glared at by another of her clan's Sharingan made her feel inclined to flash her own out of a fit of anger... a deep breath takes care of that problem for her instead, as she closes her eyes, cracks her neck, and continues on with what she had to say about the police building. There was literally no point in arguing with them. All they get from her is a solemn, but genuine "Sorry. I just don't want to see my comrades hurt..."

Meanwhile, the reaction to her suggestion of entering the decrepit dump that was once the Konoha Police Station is much more positive, and she keeps her spirits up with that rather than dwelling on their misfortune. Since the doors are comprised of see-through glass, a wooden frame and a handle, she's able to make out whether or not there's anything attached to the mechanisms with little trouble, examining each intricate detail she can gather before determining if they should try opening the front door. Concluding that there's nothing wrong, she jimmies the handle to find that it was locked. That was to be expected, as even if there was no one in the interior, they higher ups may have had it locked up to keep out unwanted trespassers. Too bad Lynn wanted to get in so badly, and had the authority to do so. Motioning for them both not to be too close, she lifts her coat to the side, and slowly draws her brilliantly crafted ninjato, holding it in both hands and in front of her. Calmly breathing in and out, she looks towards the middle point that connects both doors together, lifting up her blade, only to then strike down with impressive speed, causing a 'click' from the door to squeak out. This makes the doors creak open, and she sheathes her weapon after wiping it with her sleeve, looking back at her partners.

"Feel free to ignore me if you want, but splitting up probably isn't the best idea... lets cover each other's blind spots while we search through the area. There might be squatters, so stay your hand unless they attack with killing intent... please," she asks rather than orders, in order to hopefully get their cooperation. Whether or not they completely agree wit her, she takes a step inside, viewing the lobby area with a mild bit of disinterest. There wasn't a whole lot to marvel at, since this isn't where all the goodies of the past would be hidden, nor were there any obvious signs of people living here either. There was two hallways to the east and west, however, with signs that say 'Armory, and Interrogation Room respectively. Seeing that as their obvious choices, she quietly inquires, "Where should we go first?"

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