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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Poultry in Motion  Empty Poultry in Motion

Tue Jul 26, 2022 4:57 pm

Saturn Yamanaka found himself in a bird nursery, one looked after by Kumogakure's keepers of the aviary. The foul stench of bird poop left a stark impression on the blonde shinobi's nose as he swung open the door to a shady looking cabin to which he was directed by the young boy who was tasked with receiving him. Pinching his nose shut as he stepped inside, he was immediately greeted by the incessant cawings of a horde of caged ravens. In the small congested cabin, he was the only bird keeper. He had expected to see an expert who would guide him or at least another poor Genin who would join him in his miserable task, but instead he was left in the company of the aviaries that he was to make proper. The boy who guided him to the cabin now stood three feet behind him, safe from the cabin itself, but visibly disgusted by the foul stench even from his distance. Before Saturn had even seen him make any movements, he was already handing Saturn a broom and a clean piece of cloth. "The pay is 1000 ryo. Maybe 1500 if you can get rid of the stench. But there must be no skid marks. Not on the floor, and certainly not in any of the cages." The boy explained to Saturn, who moped as he snatched the broom from the kid and the cloth as well. Letting out a deep disgruntled sigh, he shut the door behind him and ensnared himself in the mess that was a cabin and a bird cage.

Looking around him, Saturn felt woozy. Each individual raven in the cabin with him had a distinct personality. They perched in their cages and cooed at the Genin in shrill voices of varying pitch as he scrubbed the dusty stained wooden floor. Their voices seemed to speak to him with words, mocking him for his unfortunate task. "Caw! You missed a spot! Caw!" He thought he heard one of them say. "Shut up, ye bastard, I'll dip this cloth in your water." Saturn glared at the specimen and the bird quickly went quiet. When Saturn sometimes possessed the bodies of birds to overcome the various trials and tribulations that he had to face as a shinobi, he often took on their traits. He had an understanding of their logic and mannerisms. The lot in the cabin were utterly spoiled, compared to the wild birds who had to fend for themselves out in the world, he thought. Soon, he was reaching into the cages, getting his hands filthy as he wiped the metal bars and replaced the papers on the bottoms of the cages. He worked quickly and efficiently as he despised the task and wanted to get it over with. He wiped his brow and put his head down, working diligently on the task at hand.

 As quickly as he had entered, he stepped back out from the hot cabin into the open. To reward himself for his strife, he sparked a cigarette immediately. As he passed the kid who had guided him to the cabin, he stopped and waited for his fee. "Don't smoke, kid." He instructed the minor, who seemed intoxicated by his charming presence and good looks. The child peered into the cabin and sniffed in sharply. There was no sign of the odor that had haunted the room just a short while ago.

"We got more cabins to clean, sir, if you'd like." 

"No thanks. I'll pass. I know someone though, maybe I'll tell him. Just give me my fee and get out of my face."

"Okay, here's a little extra 'cause you did such a good job!"[/justify]

"Yeah, yeah whatever, give me that. See ya!"  

Saturn collected his fee and took his leave, taking out an old mission scroll to see what mission he had next on his list for the day.

 WC: 652/500
Mission rewards x2 with beloved presence; 2000 ryo, 10 AP, + 5 beach side tickets
12 AP
500 words towards Storage Displacement
150 words towards Singularity (towards upgrading from B to A, previously trained here; )
Kosuke Sashihara
Kosuke Sashihara
Stat Page : Ko's Chart
Health: 300 | AP: 1440
Vigor: 100 | Chakra: 150
Speed: 40 | Strength: 10

Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 90500

Poultry in Motion  Empty Re: Poultry in Motion

Wed Jul 27, 2022 1:29 am
Saturn wrote:
WC: 652/500
Mission rewards x2 with beloved presence; 2000 ryo, 10 AP, + 5 beach side tickets
12 AP
500 words towards Storage Displacement
150 words towards Singularity (towards upgrading from B to A, previously trained here; )

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