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Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Political Warfare Empty Political Warfare

Thu Dec 01, 2022 4:48 pm
So then, what have you to say…of the village, Yachiru?” The Captain of Root inquired, golden eyes hugged by tainted, black scleras. The reflection of Chinoike bounced of those malicious optics. A few meters across the room that they stood within, Yachiru shifted her posture, turning her head, raven black locks brushed against her shoulder as she looked at him with those gloomy and menacing eyes. A cold exchange of glances. She allowed a smile, gentle enough to relay she was pleased enough to remain there. “It will suffice for the agenda you have in mind. However, you of all people should be aware that it is easier to crush a dream than realize one. Forming a bond is infinitely more difficult than breaking one.” She did not speak false words, and it was true that he knew this well. Her words were directed towards the bonds he had seemingly cemented with the Hokage and the Deputy. Yachiru was indifferent towards the union, but she dared not opening speak on it - not out of fear, but respect for her sire.

Any betrayal you can see is trivial, what is truly frightening and much more lethal, is the betrayal you cannot see.” He allowed his words to sit with her, for but a moment before he continued. “I never asked them to trust me at all. I told them that I would join them, but I never told them to trust me. It is probably best that they never do, I have a tendency to use those close to me as a stepping stone to close the distance between me and what I want. In fact, it is probably best to never trust anyone, myself included. Sadly…there are not many strong enough to do that.” He closed his eyes, sighing as he reflected on his own words.

Yachiru looked around, the chambers of the Root Captain was no less humbling than that of the Hokage chambers. Slabs of gray and black, splashes of light dressed the walls in flickering illumination and shade. Shelves if scrolls, possible assignments and uniforms. Masks of various creatures. A desk of fine mahogany with blood red trimming. A chair equaling it’s beauty. They sat upon an elevated platform from the rest of the office, gives the leader the ability to always look down on those that are visiting his chambers, and those visiting always looking up to him. No windows, as this base was concealed underground, beneath the entire village with a network of tunnels that leads to hidden passages within and outside of the village. Masterfully concealed that can only be revealed by a unique seal that Aokidanza provided himself once he was placed at the head of the unit.

Her eyes settled on the large, open space that resembled a octagon-like ring. “So it would seem. Yet, no- never mind that. We have more important matters to tend to. This upcoming summit, what do you make of it?” She inquired, intently awaiting an answer. Opening his eyes, gradually moving to sit at his desk, the Demon processed the words of his guard, his Anbu. “If I am to be forthcoming with you, I do not know what to think of it. History has shown us time and time again that with each gathering of Kage it was never settled without conjuring further conflict. Sunagakure attempt on the life of the Mizukage. A string that lead to the conflict between the Kazekage and the Mizukage which lead to a rumor of someone being left behind for dead to the mist shinobi. Further rumors of revealed a strike against Hoshigakure by an unlikely alliance between Sunagakure and Kirigakure. I was there around that time, things looked pretty intense from my position. But that matters very little to me, I’m more interested in who will show. This Ketsuekigakure is a newly established village that has grown right under our noses. To that end, they are due our respect. Best way of doing that is with the presence of each Kage in attendance. However, that is already a problem. Ishimaru has decided to send me in his stead, and I’m sure that he is not the only Kage with the same intent.

So, that was the context of that scroll? By your logic, Konohagakure is already showing some form of disrespect.” She exclaims. Aokidanza made a clicking sound with his teeth, in a no-no manner. “Yes, and no. Ishimaru should be the one attending, it is his right as the Hokage, and secondly if not him it should be Goto. But I’m no mere substitute either. My role is not to simply fill in a seat. I am there to discern who we can use and who we are willing to give the illusion that they can use us. Politics is never a clear game to play, one small victory could lead to a number of consecutive losses. One strategic loss could lead to a landslide of conquering. It’s a whimsical play of uncertainty at best.

I detest games… Why are we not just going in with murderous intent? You and myself are more than capable.” The Demon raised a brow. Her words were…foolish. “Do not use such words, it makes you look weak. We didn’t come to live such tenured lives being foolish, Yachiru.” His tongue was sharp, but it did not come off harshly, it wasn’t meant to. He wanted to remind her that he wasn’t a man of recklessness, but of timing. She understood, her expression did not betray her thinking though, still holding to the mentioned suggestion. “But you said it yourself, history tends to repeat itself. How foolish would it be for us to show and not expect things to go sideways. Blood will spill, especially if Hoshigakure, Sunagakure and Kirigakure attends. Or do you think a village with such military might would simply overlook such recent attempts? I wouldn’t, and neither would you.” She had a point, more so a foretelling, it was rather convincing.

The brat, Ayato, is not one to overlook such disrespect, but he is nothing like his predecessor. He is reasonable, rational, cautious and that makes him dangerous. But even so, he is not the concern. Who he brings with him is.” Yachiru slightly tilted her head to the left, what did he mean by that. She moved in close to the desk, standing to the left of him. “What does that mean?” She asks. The Senju side eye to lock their gaze. She really didn’t know? It was she playing coy again? “Oh? You don’t know? My, my, this is quite the surprise. There are few amongst the Hogokage’s ranks that are considered…black sheep. Thus demanding that he keeps them in a short leash. Although, I have heard rumors of one of them “disappearing” without a trace.” “The librarian with the ugly tower? Yes, I’ve heard of that rumor as well. Though I never learned a name. But as for the other one, I wouldn’t mind seeing that one there.

The Demon chuckled, knowing that would be her response. “Some presences are not as welcomed as others. And that one would only disrupt what I’m trying to accomplish there. I am sure that Ayato knows this much as well.” The Demon stood from his seat and made his way to the lower level, his body passively absorbing nature chakra within it. His form changed before the Chinoike’s eyes. This was a first she ever seen this form from him. He looked like a demon, a true demon. She smiles.

Forming seals and placing his hand on his left shoulder to leave a small four inch seal there. This seal had a power of 240. Another set of seals would be form as he crafted another seal to amplify it. Placing a seal on his right shoulder. Forming another set of seals to leave a seal under the one on his right shoulder.  And finally a set of seals to place a seal on his chest center.

The Demon would then revert back to his original form, turning to look at her. “Now then, with that out of the way, time to discuss our plan of action.

TWC: 1,370

Spellbinding Seal: 240 Power/Speed | Left Shoulder | 75 AP
Seal of Absorption V7 [Mastered]: 200 Power | Right Shoulder | 37 AP
Seal of Redirection V7: Under Seal of Absorption | 33 AP
Seal of Protection: 140 Power | Center of Chest | 33 AP
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Political Warfare Empty Re: Political Warfare

Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:29 pm

26 AP with max stat bonus
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Political Warfare Empty Re: Political Warfare

Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:54 pm
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