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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Oh to be a Moose Empty Oh to be a Moose

Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:04 pm
The Mission:

Musu arrived in a strange place, a winter wonderland of sorts, and honestly didn't know what to do with himself. It was cold, frigid even, and jounin of the sands didn't quite know how to process the change the intense heat of Sunagakure to the blistering cold of this this new village. Still, Musu was here to help those in need so that they could have a great holiday, and it was time for him to get to work. While he enjoyed the relaxation that a place like this could provided, if there was work to be done (or money to be made), then Musu would take it upon himself to rise to the challenge and complete any mission, big or small.

A large storm had been buffeting the land since Musu arrived a day ago, only to learn that a man had gone missing, how awful! Musu, being the kind soul and cheered up from the all the holiday spirit, decided that he would lead a search party to find this man, hopefully alive. He figured that this would be a good way to get things going here, in terms of helping the village and getting situated, and hoped that with the right group they would able to be quickly be successful in finding this lost traveler. After all, no one ninja can do it all, and besides it better to go on missions as a team. It makes the whole journey go by faster!

Recounting the series of events that led to the disappearance of the man, Musu had an idea of where the man would be if they were indeed still alive: A small forest off in the distance where people would hunt and search for supplies. The man had been out there looking for some game before the storm and perhaps was trapped by the freezing winds in some dwelling of his own creation... or worse. Still, Musu was going to think positive here, and hope that the man was smart and strong enough to survive for this long to make it back to his love.

Outfitted with the best coats, gloves, and boots that anyone in the winter wonderland could find, the Jounin of the hidden sand would leave the warmth and comfort of the hearth and head near the door of the inn Musu was staying at. He knew that this village was currently housing some ninja, a lot of ninja, who all seemed to find their way to this winter wonderland. With some luck, his call to find other like minded people to help search for this man would bear fruit, and another ninja or two would arrive to assist this maiden in finding their lost mate.

Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Oh to be a Moose Empty Re: Oh to be a Moose

Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:45 pm
Another day stirring the wine glass amid the Arrubboth party area of the reception area. The festives of the large creatures was particuarly telling as many had gone to do a freindly set of strength which zaled even now after glancing them down and similar speciecs made an alarming call that these beings had strength worth hundreds of men to match even a percentile. He wasnt certain even the most accomplished of men, and women would compare. He had finished his wine a few hours ago and merely watched now.

Howver, zaled was a host here as it was his domain, and enjoyed watching, he even contemplated seeing if his ability to summon via a contract would make them very suitable allies. Although he was never certain how the interdimensional shifts and adjustments would work, but it was worth the experiment eventually. However, another being caught his eye hurridly approaching him. An stout grumpy looking elf in a fit at the laugher of thers. Perhaps overworked? it was a fair shot as in a puff of fine peppermint puff he appeared before zaled gfloating with a small rolled parchment. and zaled knowing the cue glanxed over the contract and had the details in mind as he slipped into his office and out in a thick red over coat, and his gear on him carefully hidden in easy to reach areas for himself.

He sported a sleek scarf and in his hands were a pipping hot cup of hot apple cider cinnamon flavor for the participants curtious to the transdimensional snack and food machines around his reception area. A small chider pack of an unusual brand of hot sider gum with the unusual instructions of chewing will provide small warm sips of fine cider.

truely facinatimg what these other dimensioms provide. i hope the people on this task enjoy my treat.

zaled thought as he stepped through the door into the blistering cold. The door would appear from the carved shape of a tree arch a mere 5 meters from the other participant and out came the whistlimg zaled hood up now and sipping a one of the two cups of cider as the door swund shut behind him.

He approached the induvidual and by his experienced eyes the fellow was unaccustomed to the cold. The smallest of shakes which were suppressed by a show of toughness trying to adapt.

ah poor chap. good news i am here to warm him up.

zaled thought as he approached with a smile his foot steps probbably alerting the induvidual by now.

"you look unaccustomed to such things. Take a drink here a curtousy toy dimensions lovely addition to this realms joint additiom
it might just warm you up."

zaled stated as while the missiom was a first a participant shaken needed focus. as his focus was on the person nearby and he had the pack of chewables to assist the missing induvidual.

"take a sip and relax. Eviornments like this require both the rescuee to be in the right mind set. and set up. We will get them. Your name my freind?"

wc: 514
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Jupiter's Stats
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Oh to be a Moose Empty Re: Oh to be a Moose

Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:36 pm
His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. Trekking through a white, frigid desert was a man in a thick woollen robe. Months had passed since his last memory, and how he arrived to Winter Wonderland was only one small part of his lost chapter. With every step, the fog thickened like his foggy memory. Each time he vaguely came close to grasping a solid recollection, the blizzard pelted him with hailstones the size of his balled fists. He was growing thirsty. The exhaustion crept in slowly at first, and then all at once. His vision was now hazy and blurred. The Sun in the sky became two, then three as his eyes narrowed. The ice around him was plentiful, but there was not a drop of water to be found. He put his hand on the bark of a birch tree, struggling to stand upright while the world spun around him. On the ground was a beehive, its honey now spilled. It was then we he saw the beast. He stared at the snarling jaws of a grolar bear no less than nine feet tall. It was a familiar situation, but in the most dire circumstances.

The limbs of the bear would be found under the branches of four different birch trees. Its eyes were gouged out and its snout was split in two along with its jaws. The thick woollen robe that cloaked the shinobi was now painted with a dark red hue. There was nothing like fighting a man eater in its territory in a battle to the death to wake Jupiter Yamanaka from his somber. He sat on the severed torso of the beast, drinking honey straight from the hive while he stared at the picture of a man in a poster that he held in his hand. He struggled to recall how he came to collect the poster, but he knew why he probably chose to embark on the quest in search of this man. When he was not busy coping with the torment from the God of Death who lingered perpetually in his mind, he was busy getting ryo to put food on the table and to pay the rent for his small flat in the Hidden Sand. A blizzard could not get in the way of the driven young man when he was motivated. The voices in his head were quiet, he noticed. Perhaps the hailstorm was too loud for him to hear them. Soon, when he was replenished, he would be on his way once again.

When he came across a small inn on the way, he noticed a strange arching doorway next to the establishment from afar. It caught his interest, as the structure was unlike any he had seen. Perhaps it was a sign of shinobi, he gauged, before making his way over. He would approach the two older men still in his blood soaked robe and hold up the poster. "Excuse me, gentlemen. I am looking for this man. His family is deeply concerned for his safety. Have either of you seen a man with his appearance?"

WC: 522
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Oh to be a Moose Empty Re: Oh to be a Moose

Mon Jan 09, 2023 12:12 am
As though this land was laced with the magical essence of Serendipity, the gathering party had arrived, and Musu continued to stare in wonder at the greatness of this new land (Second to the Hidden Sand Village, of course, nothing would top the magnificence of Sunagakure). Indeed, this village hidden in the snow had no shortage of amazement and freezing temperatures.

Musu was delighted when Zaled arrived, although he had never met this stanger before, something in his chakra told him that the cloaked figure with the offering of a warm beverage would be a key ally on this quest, and Musu could use something to warm the bones. With a smile, Musu would grab the drink when Zaled offered it to him, and started to slowly drink it while he spoke.

"Musu is my name, thank you for the... tea? It's delicious, truly wonderful for sure. I'll be more prepared to find this man now. I'm certain with your help that we will bring this lost soul back!"

As soon as Musu finished speaking, leaving no time for pleasantries, another figure would appear seemingly out of nowhere. This being, clearly another ninja, had a more ominous feel than Zaled, as though he was the key to begin this journey. As luck would have it he was, Jupiter too was looking for the same chap that we were, a party of three now formed. Musu greeted them with a smile.

"No, but we too were put on the task of finding this man. If we combine our forces, I'm sure we can locate him quickly, if they are still alive." Musu would respond.

"I heard this area is home many beasts, perhaps he stumbled upon one of them, or found themselves lost in the blizzard. I was going to begin where he was supposed to be and go from there, unless either of you think otherwise?" Musu would say, pointing in the direction leading to where the man was supposed to be last. 

Either way, should either Jupiter or Zaled decide to make a move, Musu would follow behind, better to stick together Musu thought.

Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Oh to be a Moose Empty Re: Oh to be a Moose

Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:32 pm
"apple cider, an unusual bit beyond our world as it may seem"

zaled corrected musu  with a warm pat on the man"s shoulder, but the whaff of fresh blood from behind as a bloody man arrived holding up a poster. zaled with a quick thought spoke up.

"yea we are too seeking this man, but at your  rate child you will freeze faster then our target. do not just blindly accept the fliers offered beyond the shinobi realm rift without.... heavens! here!"

zaled hissed as he tossed his scarf to the boy jupiter and handed him his own cup of cider. the boy was covered in blood and for matters worse simply acting as if it was nothing. Ad the cpld air now brushed up a fresh breeze of snow and zaled glanced towards the clearing comsidering the others odds.

the gust as random it was was merely short by a coulple seconds but a deafening reminder as zaled slipped a small bit of the gum amd chewed a warm swath hot apple ciper fillimg his mouth at each chew and he exhaled  satisfied. as he lodged the piece of gum in his cheek to not chew while talking.

"i doubt animals want this cold musu, with haste gentleman!"

zaled stated as he moved towards the wooded area, and chewingvthe gum. As such it took him near no time to reach the area, but his dismay was that while it was getting  slightly colder the area was another mess. The drifts of snow billowed through the area and thankfully there were no fallen trees but that was due to the relative care and youth of the trees. eerily he understood too well how devistating the eviornment may get due to being one who used it more to his own advantage even. Thankfully there were no one keen to re enact the results of his previous encounter with the foolish. A clean like kill of  that boy that invaded the volcano village he watched over a year ago.

Harrowing, but experience spoke miles ahead that trees have not fallen, so the chance of woumds and well the complications of that which in his days as a knight led to an early grave, or early end of ones career at best as an regent instructor  of squires of the star city.

aye i do not miss thoes days of wounds, but times have changed i supposed. These two i guess i will grant them a treat as well.

zaled thought, as he travled at a slower pace. more so to track the now barely visible path ofvtheir lost target steafily getting clearer.  However the sound of sobbing could be heard within the deeper parts. Slight but audiable. Therefore zaled continued into the thickets with blinding speed, surely it would not be too much time, As unlike many time was the factor  and half of zaled's thoughts were on assuring these two both get warm much sooner then wandering around unprepared.

hopefully the two kept up, but likewise he would figureatively enhance the pair capacity a bit as a gift to incite them to seek him out for more lessons within the shinobi world.

"musu, junipher allow me grant you two a tiny trick that will enhance your sensory capacity just a little bit in your future endevors of course."

if they were curious he would happily teach him his personal gauge technique which he has refined. using this induvidual, and each other as a simple practice dummy.

wc: 586

Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Jupiter's Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 168000

Oh to be a Moose Empty Re: Oh to be a Moose

Tue Jan 10, 2023 9:46 am
The last five words spoken by the man whose face seemed vaguely familiar to the Genin of the Hidden Sand made his eyes widen. If they are still alive.. The words rang in his head. He himself had just faced a behemoth in the snow, and he wondered if an ordinary man would be equipped to deal with such a beast. He felt a slight sense of relief when he heard that the two men in front of the inn were also tasked with the same mission. Although he preferred to work alone, he was feeling a bit overwhelmed by his present set of circumstances, and was glad to have some help.

Jupiter gazed towards the direction pointed out by Musu, the man who had spoken first. Is that where he was supposed to be? He thought, feeling skeptic as the man had not revealed a source for his claim. Before he could ask, the second man had tossed a scarf at him. Instinctively, he caught the garment and clutched it, listening to the words that would be spoken next. He thought his accent to be eccentric, and choice of words to be akin to a man from another dimension. Yet he made sense. He accepted the offer of the scarf, wrapping it around his blood soaked cloak, and accepted the drink of cider before looking down at it suspiciously. He could not afford to allow himself to feel too glad, or make friends. The God of Death had taken away from him every person he had ever formed a bond with. "Does this contain any alcohol?" He would ask Zaled before taking a swig. Should he confirm that it indeed contained alcohol, his swig would have been a chug without a care for the hot temperature of the beverage.

"Oh believe me, they do." He told Zaled as he walked with them towards the woods. Yet as they wandered deeper into the woods, not one sound of a howling wolf of a flying raven could be heard. Only a cold and empty silence only broken rhythmically by the boots of the walking men treading in the snow.

A tiny trick? Jupiter was made curious by the offer. He raised his brow. Any tool that could help make him stronger was one that he was happy to acquire. Becoming a more formidable shinobi was his one and only endeavour, the only reason that he bothered to eat or drink. But the question arose, of how the man had vaguely gotten to know his name. He had botched it, but it was close enough to make the Genin suspicious. "It's Jupiter. I would be glad to take you up on your offer, but first, tell me stranger. How did you - almost - know my name?"

WC: 463
TWC: 985
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Oh to be a Moose Empty Re: Oh to be a Moose

Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:03 pm
Without a second of delay Zaled was on the case, springing into action, and the trio of intrepid adventurers were on the way to rescue this man. Moving forward into the dense snowy thicket the whistling of the harsh winds made it difficult to hear Zaled and Juptier's voices, the snow made it difficult to see long distances, and the tall grass made it difficult to maneuver.

As the trio continued, Zaled would remark on a technique that he was working on. As a sensory ninja, the sand ninja of the Uzumaki clan would be intrigued by this offer. Using his sand Musu had access to skills already akin to sensing out targets, but it was in fact difficult to sense some people when the conditions were right, and any technique to make it easier to see these ninja could in fact prove useful.

"Say, a fine offer for sure, perhaps I can pick up a trick or two from you Zaled." Musu would remark, almost yelling at this point to make sure his voice was heard. Seeing the Musu was a terribly specialized ninja, there weren't many techniques that others could learn from him, seeing that they were either hidden away in the secret vaults of Sunagakure, or unable to be mastered by those outside the Uzumaki clan.

If Zaled willed it, Musu would proceed to listen in on how his technique worked, memorizing every detail that he described as the moved closer and closer to what had to be their goal. After some time of wondering through the thicket and looking for any sort of clues one was found: a Clearing in this brush and trees would appear out of the brush. As luck would have it, the storm that was rampaging through the land would also lighten up, giving the group a small respite and a chance to investigate the surroundings.

Inside this clearing appeared to be a small campsite: The remains of a makeshift fire pit would be coupled with the snow in remains of what appeared to be some hunting supplies... next to the frozen corpse of what appeared to be an animal native to the land. This animal appeared as a cow like creature with large antlers.

Upon further review, it looked like the stomach of the beast had been sliced open...

Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Oh to be a Moose Empty Re: Oh to be a Moose

Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:23 pm
zaled noted the upcomming clearing and well while clear of most of tge cing winds. The set cold was brutal enough that insufficent warming wad still unfortunate. As he noted was the results of the corpse and makeshift campfire, crudely made but acceptable for the quick heat, although the winds and snow had taken it out siftly, it may have been a couple hours, or at max an hour of life.

we are close, but im sure he went out of the wind and prolly made due once the fire went out.

zaled thought as he glanced at the corpse of the frozen but cut animal. remains of a frozen now meal to hope the storm was not too terrible, but well the results were clear. However, to assist the two shinobi. zaled  after a few seconds adressed the two shinobi.

"to answer you juiter i observed a bit of your exam and had an audience with your kage guren, obsiously i had a few things to do outside of the shinobi realm, but you will find me back in your village soon enough, but yes i figured i would teach what i can to inprove from an outside perspective. After all you have heart,but heart and growth are two seperate things."

zaled stated as he gazed down the pathway, the foot prints nigh invisible, but hurried down the path.

"like this man you need help, everybody does, and it is why i am here to offer you growth and strength. To you musu you will see tjis technique may be unusual, but as one that posesses a sharingan i debdloped this for everyone to breach the gap of infomation one may gain. After all i am more a teacher, developer, and well handy in such means. So this man, ourselves, and the likes will be your training ground."

zaled stated as he moved through the pathway following the pathway,but now he seemed to have noted the steps were hurried as he glanced at his pack of the unique chewables in his thick coat.

"chakra,and the world nets you infomation, from what you see, hear, and smell, or touch. Although intuitive your ability to glean infomation is limited by many things. but mainly identifying. However your chakra is a part of yourself,and as such your will to make something like fire. or lightning, is no diffrent from seeing what you need to know. Focus gour will to know and chakra into your eyes, and concdntrate on whst you desire to know. Whaf you desire to gauge and size up. The more you refine this, the more percise you become, to even idemtifying how even forgein techniques may work. At my level being the creator, i can pretty much size you or anyone,save anything i know at merely a glance.:

zaled paused and glanced back at the two having gave his instructions. It was many things but not unclear.

"you see jutsu are not just tools of destruction, bug merely a reflection of the persons will. taken form. know and understand my efforts teaching you this, and ready yourselves to grow. This will open your eyes,to but a crumb of the world. But likewise it will reveal that everything iis simple,steel yourselves, look upon myself, yourself, and each other as your first test.Understand what you are seeing fully. When ready weave the ox seal. and glance around. Accoustom yourself what you will see."

zaled awaited the two to complete this task as it was an simple comcept but required the two to take it seriously.

"With this jupiter you will understand what maybe you might've lacked amid your trials and tribulations you will improve upon by knowledge and using it. musu for yourself confidence is diffrent from certaincy, many sensory jutsu give bare bones, but this will assist you beyond the natural boundaries of such means. To speak plainly one must understand that while everyone can learn,it takes focus to master. But likewise thats why you will be tasked to utilize and show me improvement."

zaled stated as he stopped and pointed off to a small cave, where the foot steps lead to.

"show me you two what you see, and understand"

wc: 711


(note although not demostrating you two can use E rank of gauge)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Jupiter's Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 168000

Oh to be a Moose Empty Re: Oh to be a Moose

Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:29 am
Jupiter stopped in front of the carcass of the frozen cow, with large antelope-like antlers. He was curious, and looked down at the gaping wound that sliced across its stomach. The cut seemed neat and fresh, but there was no blood in the open wound. There was blood however, on the snow, under the beast. A long line of blood left a trail coming from a section of the woods towards the Sunset. However, the blood trail cut off after just a few feet. It was a strange spectacle to behold. He felt the presence of Jashin in the unholy beast, now deceased. "Behold, Behemoth, which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox." Jupiter spoke in an ominous tone, muttering to himself as he stared at the carcass. Before he could investigate, Zaled had bespoke, calling unto his attention and that of the Jounin.

 First, he finally answered the Genin's question from earlier, after the long walk they had shared. "It's Jupiter.." he muttered, correcting the slightly wrong pronunciation of his name by the older gentleman who had omitted a 'P'. He remembered the last time that he was involved in a 'real' fight. It was in the ring against Karo Yogan and a puppeteer whose name he could not recall off of the top of his head. It was a mild challenge, one that he had thought he had overcome, but his proctor had disagreed. Deeming himself unworthy shortly afterward, he had trained hard to compensate. "Heart..?" He spoke, wondering what Zaled meant when he said that he had one. He listened carefully to the explanation that followed.

 He gathered that chakra is an innate part of oneself that allows the individual to gather information through their senses. However, the ability to understand and interpret the information is limited, but by honing one's willpower and chakra, they can become more accurate in gaining knowledge. Additionally, Jutsu or techniques are not just tools of destruction, but also a representation of a person's willpower and determination. Thus they contain clues about their creator. By understanding and practicing these concepts, one can open their eyes to a small part of the world, and come to realize that everything is simple.

"The Ox seal?" He repeated after Zaled. It must be a sign. He got into an active stance and formed the hand seal, weaving his fingers together. First, he pointed them at Zaled, the teacher. He focused, staring into his piercing blue eyes. His own light blue eyes first took a dark red color, before its darkness grew more ominous until his pupils were pitch black.  Speed: 128. He sensed it, and gasped slightly. He could not put into words how he came to learn this information about his mentor. He then turned his hand seal towards the woods, in the direction from which the trail of blood under the frozen carcass seemed to emerge. He could not see anything for a while, until he saw a silhouette and heard the rustling of a bush in the woods, in the distance. Vigor: 100.

Taking a sharp inhalation, he stopped forming the Ox seal as his eyes reverted to their normal blue color. Looking left and right at the older shinobi, he spoke hurriedly and pointed at the woods. "There's someone there." He declared, before jogging towards the trees taking long strides, using his strength to propel him.

WC: 570
TWC: 1555
+Learning Gauge (E)
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Oh to be a Moose Empty Re: Oh to be a Moose

Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:55 am
Musu would listen carefully to Zaled as he spoke about his time in the hidden sand his knowledge of the inner workings of the village. He eyes immediately went towards Zaled as he continued to speak of Kazekage. What might the two ninja discuss, and how could this man who wasn't even a part of the village gain such an audience with the Kazekage. Of course, Musu knew that the previous kage had allowed the harboring of missing ninja and other rouges in the village. After all, Musu too was once an outsider, were it not for the Hidden Sands Generosity, the Uzumaki may have indeed died that one faithful day...

Musu's thoughts would continue to swirl around Zaled for a bit longer, he had questions that he needed answering but now was not the time and place. At this moment, according to the creeds and laws of the hidden village they were all in, they were all allies, and considering this ninja was willing to part with his knowledge showed at least good will. The Uzumaki would sidebar these thoughts for now...

As Musu listened and watched Zaled explain and Jupiter complete the technique he would absorb as much knowledge as possible. He was all for new knowledge, even if it wasn't something he was going to use in combat.

"Interesting technique, Zaled, thank you." Musu would say.

Getting back to the task at hand, Musu would follow Jupiter as seemed to find something out in the woods. The fleetfooted man would run towards this presence and the Uzumaki jounin would follow. As the three ninja would approach the area a figure would emerge near the entrance to a small cave. As they got Closer, Musu could see ever more clearly that the figure would begin to match description of the missing man, alive. His lips were blue and his ears were darker still. However the man was standing.

Musu could quite catch what the man was muttering about, something about bringing a moose home for some reason. That appeared out the question now, with it dead.

"Perhaps you can explain more on the way home. Although you shouldn't be walking in your state." Musu would say.
Adding Mission:


Learning Gauge - E Rank
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