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Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Genin Exam [Izuna] Empty Genin Exam [Izuna]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:35 pm

Zunair sat at the forefront of the classroom, grading the papers from the written portion of the exam. Some passed, some didn't. Just how it is. In a minute, students, that actually weren't his, are about to come in to be tested on the demonstration portion of the test. These students have already passed the written part and now just needed to be evaluated. While this is a nervous time for the students, it is also an exciting step for some of the soon-to-be inspiring shinobi.

A flash of lightning with the vibrating roar of thunder echoed through his silent classroom. His students have already been sent home since it was just a day for the exam. Looking at the test, the name written on top of it was Xena Uchiha. One of his top students and her paper reflected it.  She had a better grasp and understanding of Konoha's history with chakra then most of her peers. But then again, she was seventeen graduating the academy. Had to start somewhere.

Sound of creaking wood and the turn of a doorknob, students began pouring into his classroom. Soon it will be time to judge these students. Putting his stack of papers into a drawer on his desk, he waited until it was five minutes past the time of arrival before he started speaking to the class. Taking attendance first to make sure all participating students are there, he moved on to the next step.

"Now, that I know you're all here, my name is Zunair Hyūga, I will be your proctor during this exam. While I know most of you are nervous, just remember this is a simple test. You all have what it takes to pass, you just got to prove that me." Zunair announced making eye contact which each and every student.

"Just remember," Zunair paused as he saw a student that he was familiar with, Izuna Uchiha. A small smirk crossed his lips, "don't let your emotions get in the way." While he was talking to every student, those words were indeed, directed to the Uchiha clansman.

"Now, I'm going to call you alphabetically into the examination room and you will perform the techniques required. There, I will tell you if you pass or fail. Good luck. Up first, I have Akira, Suichi," with that said, Zunair picked up another stack of papers that had information on each of the students. He then led the promising students into the examination room. Most have passed by the time he got Izuna, but some did fail. Back to the classroom they go. 

It was about thirty minutes into the exam when finally, he had one student left to grade, and that was none other than Uchiha, Izuna. Zunair would call him into the examination room while looking down at his report. Decent stats all around and knows a few jutsu above his caliber. Of course, he does, typical Uchiha. Prone to outshine everyone.

"Whenever you are ready, you may begin," Zunair said with smile, watching the academy student with a piercing gaze.

WC: 513/500
Izuna Uchiha
Izuna Uchiha
Stat Page : Izuna
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1500

Genin Exam [Izuna] Empty Re: Genin Exam [Izuna]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:25 pm
It was finally time. Izuna had been waiting and training for this day for years and finally he was at the cusp of his dream. The very heavens seemed to be beckoning him into the examination room, thunder rumbling as a lightning storm ravaged the world outside the academy walls. Yet he would gain nothing from overzealous foolishness now. So he waited, and he listened to the downpour as he did so, it was calming for him easing the longing for the day to be over and the results to be in. Then the door finally opened and a vaguely familiar man entered the room, Izuna sat up ramrod straight in anticipation for his final exam. Unfortunately the man was here to give a rehearsed speech before the test.

He knew the first part of his speech was to encourage and build confidence in the students, Izuna was only half listening, enjoying the periodic flash of lightning through the windows. He could feel his chakra hum in response every time it did. The man came to the second part of his speech, warning about emotional control. Was he looking at Izuna? Now that he looked at him he did feel like he recognized him, but he couldn't for the life of him remember where. Where did Izuna know this man from? The answer eluded him though he felt like it was at the tip of his mind.

The man began calling names and students began rotating in and out of the examination room, some with new headbands and glowing smiles, others on the verge of tears or outright crying. Izuna didn't know anyone in the classroom with him, his friends had been assigned other days to take their exam. His mood darkened as the rainfall began to dwindle and die, no more thunder could be heard.

Eventually he was called into the examination room, looked like he was the last of the class to be tested. As he stood up to walk to the examination room he hoped for one more lightning flash, just for luck... But it seemed the storm had subsided, now the sun was out, and the rain had completely stopped. Izuna's posture slumped the tiniest bit as he made his way into the room.

Once inside, the eerily familiar Procter locked him in a piercing gaze, Izuna didn't meet his eyes. Rehearsing the feel the chakra should have when he performed the two techniques. His anxiety was now rising and he felt like he might make a mistake. After receiving the go ahead to continue, Izuna formed the RAM handseal, and channeled his chakra in that way he had a hundred times before. A single perfect copy of Izuna appeared, and he fluidly moved into the the next handseal he would need, DOG. The clone he had formed stayed exactly the same while Izuna shifted into a copy of the Procter currently examining him. After waiting for 10 seconds Izuna dispelled both techniques and waited for the Procter's response.
WC 503
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Genin Exam [Izuna] Empty Re: Genin Exam [Izuna]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:42 pm
Clasping his hands together with small and nod, "Great job, Izuna. You passed," Zunair said as he grabbed one of the headbands from behind him that littered the wall and handing to the newly appointed genin. "The next time you'll come here will most likely be when you will be designated to your squad, congrats on becoming a genin and hope you well for all your future endeavors, you're free to go." Zunair said, following behind Izuna as he leaves before locking the door and returning to grade the tests. Once finished, he would leave.

TWC: 608
375/375 to Chakra Flare (25% off because of max stats)
Izuna Uchiha
Izuna Uchiha
Stat Page : Izuna
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1500

Genin Exam [Izuna] Empty Re: Genin Exam [Izuna]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:55 pm
Izuna took the headband given to him with a sense of wonder. How could such a simple piece of equipment be so significant? He was ushered out of the classroom promptly, the man congratulating him before going back to his work. Izuna idly wondered about who his teammates would be as he made his way home. He would have to visit elder Eko soon as well, and let Yao and Katsou know he passed. Izuna smiled for the first time that day as the weight of what had happened finally caught up to him, the first milestone in his journey had officially been crossed.
WC 104
TWC 607

1000 Ryo, 5AP, and promotion to Genin/D Power Rank, One Hidden Leaf Ninja Headband
1304/4000 Sharingan Two Tomoe (Already had 700 from here)

607WC into 6 Stats /// 6 Vigor
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Genin Exam [Izuna] Empty Re: Genin Exam [Izuna]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:32 am
Approved for both
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