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Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
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Genin Exam Empty Genin Exam

Sun Jul 29, 2018 7:10 pm
Fuyo woke up. Grabbed Matatabi and layed him on his head, Walked up to Nekrun and nekrun has a apple in his mouth while hes sleeping "What the." Fuyo shook his head and walked up to the academy. Him and Matatabi where ready to face the Genin Exams!
Asami Miyamoto
Asami Miyamoto
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Genin Exam Empty Re: Genin Exam

Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:15 pm
Shiro Matsumoto hated three things in this world:

1. The way ice clung to the bottom of an empty cup.

2. How her mother always lectured her about marriage.

3. Administering genin exams for ungrateful academy students.

And yet, here she was sitting at the front of one of Konohagakure's many classrooms with an empty cup of ice water to her left and the words of her mother still ringing in her ears from the night before. Out of habit more than necessity, she swept her blonde hair to the side and glanced down at the list of names. She recognized a few of the more famous family names, but none of the first names rang even the vaguest of bells. It had been a long while since the middle-aged woman had taught an academy class and was only proctoring the current round of exams due to a last minute sickness.

Oh well, twenty students isn't that much, she thought to herself. With any luck, she would be done by the early afternoon and home before early evening. In the grand scheme of things the jounin couldn't complain, but she did and would continue to do so probably until the day she died.

A few minutes passed and soon the once empty classroom began to fill with a small contingent of nervous-looking students. In a way, she pitied the children—they had picked a poor time to become shinobi. After being subjugated by Kirigakure, Konohagakure—or at least the circles Shiro ran in—began to chafe under the yoke. The village had put up a pitiful defense and many people whispered of the need to rebel, which would require countless lives sacrificed for the cause. Of course, Shiro refrained from commenting on the whole situation aloud for fear of retribution, but she too had her doubts about Kirigakure's puppet kage, Risako Akara.

For now, however, Shiro had a job to do.

"Fuyo Uchiha," she intoned, her blue eyes glancing up from her desk and out into the sea of faces. "Fuyo Uchiha, come to the front of the classroom and perform the clone and transformation techniques. Also, please, tell the class what the Will of Fire means to you ."

The Will of Fire? Now there was a joke if Shiro had ever heard one. It was something that died long ago with the arrival of Kirigakure. The Will of Fire, which had once been a roaring furnace, was now nothing more than a wilting flame.

"And, lastly," she jabbed a thumb at a map near the front of the classroom. "Point out where Kirigakure no Sato is on the map."

[Please follow the instructions given by the npc in an 800 word post to become a genin. Good luck!]
Fuyo Uchiha
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Genin Exam Empty Re: Genin Exam

Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:57 pm
Fuyo was sitting  in the back row by himself with his pet cat Matatabi. When he heard his name and the instructions of the test his heart dropped. he had just a cluster of butterfly's in his stomach. He inched down the stairs  and for each step the stairs creaked and for every creak he cringed, So it was a little harder to approach the Procter. when Fuyo got to the front he took a glance at the woman's eyes you could tell that she didn't want to be here and she hated every one of the kids in the room that she was proctoring.
        Fuyo started to begin his jutsus but he started to think *OK now this is a huge thing i have to think this over, This is a ninjutsu that makes a copy of the user but having the clone to have zero mass. OK now the hand signs. There tiger Ox boar dog or wait were the middle two switched, You know might as well do it like this.* Fuyo started to weave signs Tiger Boar Ox Dog. POOF, The steam faded away and the figure of two of fuyo but only one with a cat on top his head. Fuyo released his clone from existence. Fuyo was so proud of himself with gleaming in his eyes he looked at his Procter and her dead eyes looking at him he only saw this when he was looking at or doing something that he didn't like. Fuyo shook his head with Matatabi on top Fuyo almost shook him off. Fuyo realized what he did he apologized and went on to the next part to his exam. The transformation jutsu now this is one that he didn't really practice so he was really nervous. He look at his Procter and whispered "Hey can you give me just a small hint at the Best way to accomplish this jutsu." The Glare that she gave Fuyo was telling him that she wasn't going to talk to him until he finished the exam. Fuyo put Matatabi on the ground and started to concentrate on his feline friend. Fuyo took full notice every detail, every scruff of hair every broken hair and wove the hand signs. Dog, Boar, Ram. POOF And when the steam almost cleared you could see a dark shadow of two small cats and when it did fade there where two cats that look like twins. Then Fuyo started to mirror every movement of his cat. For every twitch, shake or step Fuyo copied. The class conspired in awe no one  knew which cat was the true Matatabi or there fellow classmate Fuyo Uchiha. The jutsu that he was most afraid of coming up in the exam he did perfectly Fuyo took a glance at his fellow peers. Fuyo started to laugh so hard that he finally reverted out of his transformation. POOF, when the steam faded Every one had a disjointed look in there eyes when they saw a kid of there age rolling on the ground out of laughter. While fuyo was rolling around on the floor Matatabi walked up to his master a jumped on him. Fuyo stopped. Matatabi used his front left paw to point toward there pissed off Procter. Fuyo sat up and looked into there proctors eyes they were empty, just a dark pit filled with the worst of creatures. the look reminded him of looking death in the eyes. Fuyo shocked stood lightning quick an stiffly flinging Matatabi across the classroom nailing one of the class mates in the face. Matatabi sunk his claws into the classmates face. But Fuyo didn't even notice because he was enchanted and sucked into the eyes that reminded him of death its self. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" The scream shook Fuyo out of the trance of death and he finally realized what was going on, He dashed to his peer aiding him from Matatabi's wrath of sharp claws. Fuyo slowly pried of Matatabi and carefully layed the frighted cat on his own head. Fuyo walked back to the non impressed Procter with her glare of absolute death. Fuyo finally approached the ungodly Procter Then she glanced at the map on the wall and said "OK, now where is Kiriakure on Sato." Fuyo walked up to the map and started thinking to himself. "OK, So The land of earth has hidden in the sand and the land of lightning has um-mm i think it was kumogakure ya and The land of wind had for sure sunagakure and obviously land of fire has konahagakure that means Kiri belongs to Land of water, umm wheres THAT! UMM think Land of earth and sunagakure is a large portion of our peninsula in the top left and then land of lightning and kumogakure is another large part of this peninsula but this time is a huge portion in the top right, and land of earth and hidden in the sand were in the bottom left corner and land of fire and konahagakure is one of the largest in the bottom right corner. OH that means Kiri is the island country man im dumb god." Fuyo pointed to Kiri and looked at the Procter and said am "i done?"
Asami Miyamoto
Asami Miyamoto
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Genin Exam Empty Re: Genin Exam

Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:52 pm

The single word cut across the room with all the speed and ferocity of a carefully honed kunai. If this first genin-hopeful was any indicator of what lay ahead for Shiro, then it was more than unlikely that she'd be home for dinner. At the very least she had expected the students to be able to follow directions. Alas, her hopes were dashed against a cold hard reality in which instructions were ignored and tests nearly failed—Fuyo would have one chance to redeem himself.

"You are not done," she grimaced as if it pained her to repeat her directions. "You still have to tell that class what the will of fire means to you."

Once more Shiro fell silent and waited.
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Genin Exam Empty Re: Genin Exam

Thu Aug 02, 2018 10:24 am
"The Will of Fire..." Fuyo Tried to make something up but instead he told the hard truth. "The Will of Fire means absolutely nothing to me. The Will of Fire used to stand for peace but look at our village. The Village used to stand tall with pride but, THAT PRIDE MEANS AND DOSES NOTHING!! We have been controlled and manipulated from the start the will of fire used to be a blazing inferno but now its nothing more then smoldering ash." The room fell silent, Even Matatabi took  step back from his raging owner. Fuyo sharply looked at the Procter his eyes filled with rage and murderous intent. The woman flinched. "Now am i done..."
twc: 977
Asami Miyamoto
Asami Miyamoto
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Genin Exam Empty Re: Genin Exam

Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:57 pm
"Very well."

Shiro's face betrayed no emotion one way or the other. As much as she pitied the state of Konoha's collective will it was rather disheartening to see a child denounce the village so readily. When a child could see through into the world of adults it had to be bad. And, indeed, it was bad in Konohagakure where they were made to kowtow to a foreign power without so much as a whisper of rebellion.

"Congratulations on the completion of you genin exam," her voice fell flat. "Try your hardest to rekindle that fire in your comrades."

Fishing around in the open drawer to her left, Shiro pulled a brand new headband forth and tossed it to the boy. Hopefully, he had sense enough to catch it. One down, nineteenth to go. Maybe it wouldn't be all that bad?

[Nice job! Feel free to claim 15 stats, a free specialty, and the free genin jutsu found on the 'all rules' page.]

TWC: 700

(Claiming +3 stats to Asami Miyamoto and 700 words towards mastering Earth Release: Earth Wave via npc word count)
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Genin Exam Empty Re: Genin Exam

Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:38 pm
Claiming 15 stat points, Space time (Main) Free genin jutsu.
TWC: 977
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Genin Exam Empty Re: Genin Exam

Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:23 pm
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