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Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 4:24 pm
Mission Summary:

It has been some time…since the attempt on his life was made by his Uncle, Aizen. The events of that dreadful day convened a numerous cascade of emotions, emotions that even the Hoshimura himself didn’t know held a voice within him. It’s been so long, so long since he felt such irritation, such rage. For many years he believed that his parents were killed in action while out on a mission, but to his disappointment it was not so simple. His uncle was tasked with cutting them off and laying them to waste. For years he had no one to blame, no one to direct that anger towards until that dreadful day.

Slaying his uncle where he stood, learning that there was more to it than just murder, it was because of him, Tsunayoshi, that they were targeted. His existence angered someone behind the scenes and that costed him his parents. With that information in mind he walked into the Nova Tournament with a massive weight on his chest, as if the very clock tower was pressed against him. His mind was honed, focused on one thing…victory. He tore through his brothers-in-arms as if they were the ones that did him wrong. He did not hesitate with any of his movements. He became the Omen of the Battlefield during that festivity.

It goes without saying, that Tsuna made some rivals during the tournament, some enemies even. Yet, that did not hinder him in the least, nor would it ever. He passed the torch of “Champion of Hoshi” to someone who held his respect, Enishi, in order to become the “Keeper of Haven” in exchange.

Intel suggested that there was a possible infiltration in progress, or would be soon. The sewer system was ideal for sneaking in without being detected. That would be wise, if not for Tsuna being as diligent as he was with patrolling Hoshi and protecting its peace. Armed in his Blood Oath armor, Lightbringer latched to his left hip, the shield of the Starknight latched to his left forearm. He aimed to set out from the information center located within the royal palace. Deciding it would be best to move out as quickly as possible while maintaining discretion he would form a few seals with his left hand, concealing his physical form along with his equipment - rendering his chakra signature undetectable at a power of 125. Erasing his presence completely.

While utilizing the silent killing skill he concealed the sounds of his steps, armor, weapons etc. he was hit a phantom at this point. It seemed like only a few swift strides from his sprinting were took as he came upon the sewer system. And once he was within he would form another set of seals with his left hand, focusing chakra and opening his mind’s eye granting him extreme levels of mental clarity, allowing him to sense all forms of chakra within 50 meters range of himself all around.

Cautious to keep to the side of the tunnel system within the sewers he could pretty much make out the measurements to be 15 meters tall ceilings, 10 meters wide spacing between the walls. From what the Intel suggested there was only one route from outside the village in through the sewer system and that was the route the infiltrated could use. Immediately heading to that location while being mindful of his senses and surrounds he would stop 25 meters from that very point of entrance. His path was clear and free of any hindering that could affect him.

There was a flow of water along the ground which lead out the village to the borders open water. The Hoshimura would stand and await for the threat.


AP: 1117/1250
Dustless Bewildering Cover: 75 AP | 125 Power | 125 Speed
Mind’s Eye of the Kagura: 33 AP | 90 Power | 50 Meters radius sensory
Silent Killing: Skill in use
One-Handed Seals: 15 AP (S tech) | 10 AP (A tech)

Shiro Hyuga likes this post

Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty Re: A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:40 pm
He had expected the boy to have been tough, especially given his own lineage clan. He was a Hoshimura after all, they were some of the strongest people that the Assassin had ever had the pleasure of taking their lives. Yet this was different. He didn’t expect an outcome, neither did his own benefactors on the matter, resulting in them commissioning Aizen Hatake to kill Tsunayoshi’s own parents. The bodies were easily dispatched, and had left the young Hoshimura stagnated in his life. His benefactors had thought that he wouldn’t pursue the life of a ninja any longer. Always being shackled by the tragedy of his parents.

And yet… He persisted, he grew in strength and rose to a station in such rapid fashion that Nakaba was surprised that Aizen had not killed him when he had the chance. To know that a dear friend of his hand was killed by his own kin sickened him to his core. However he knew what his own assignment was in regards to the young “Keeper of Haven”. It was preplanned that he were to scope out the situation from a far, roughly 34 meters away from the entrance, hiding near the valleys below the back entrance of the villages own sewer system. He had traversed through here many times, all until the attack on Hoshigakure had tightened up their security. He had to play the role of the possum, constantly changing his face to a persona that he titled simply as “The Beggar”. Coming through the village in rags, calling out for people to come and join the church for god's glory on the earth. Even though he was mainly heckled and seen as a general annoyance. The Guards didn’t suspect a thing. He was free to move around the village and return to where his benefactors lay in wait for this peculiar moment.

The moment where he would assassinate Tsunayoshi Hoshimura, and take up his identity in order to worm his way into the village's own good graces.

However, before he moved towards the sewer system, his hands immediately weaved hand signs at blistering speeds below the hills. A clone was made in his image, allowing him to see if he could potentially scout out the Keeper of Havens. He didn’t want to alert the village of his presence, the darkness of night clouding his image and figure. Allowing a shadow to be cast over his clone. Watching with great interest as the clone moved forwards, striding up the hill before reaching the peak of it. The clone was five meters away from the entrance, the Hiyu clan member keeping himself on guard just in case Tsunayoshi was around, he knew his sensory skills were impressive based on the rundown he was given on his abilities. However he was still unsure just how good he was.

The clone however was meant to act as a drone of sorts, to tip off the assassin to Tsunayoshi’s location, and also try his best in order to bring him out. The clone couldn’t see anything, nor sense any presence nearby. His suppression not masking his chakra against the S-Rank sensory skill that Tsunayoshi was casting. However, the clone finally made its way into the entrance… In its mind, it began to count as it took each step on the opposite side of where Tsunayoshi was. His form begins to become more clear, along with his chakra coming closer and closer. His appearance was that of a blonde man, 5'10, pushing on 5'11. His build was lean, with blue and black robe like attire adorning his figure. With the robes going up to just around the neck to give some amount of protection. Each step indicated half of a meter being traversed across the right side of the sewer system. The clone took 45 steps, counting each one in its as it stayed on high alert, almost as if it knew it was being watched. However he still continued to move, going from 45 steps to 50 steps, almost parallel to where Tsunayoshi was. The clone counted to mark where it was by those steps, looking left before continuing to move forwards by five steps

This is going to be a long night.


AP Costs

Current AP:2000

Jutsu used:
Chakra Suppression:In use
Chakra Sensory:In use
Shadow Clone Jutsu: - 30 AP

Shadow Clone AP:1000

Current AP: 970

The Assassin:
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty Re: A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:05 pm
The Keeper of Haven stood in wait as he allowed his sensory Jutsu expand his sense of awareness. Moments passed, and before long he utilized his armor to expand the reach of his detection from 50 meters to 60. This allowed him to determine up to 30 meters pass the entrance. Then he notice…another. Tsuna honed in as he began to immediately analyze the suspect. They stepped cautiously half a meter with each step gradually approaching the entrance of the sewers. Why would they be doing that? Their steps in between houses a cadence that hinted to counting. Where they blind? No, that couldn’t be it. It would be nearly impossible for a blind man to navigate their way back to these sewers. Then what else could it be? The Hoshimura could not shake that the signs pointed to each step being counted. It then hit him. They were counting steps…for someone else.

He concluded that he was not welcoming just one guest, but possibly more. This put the severity of the mission into another degree of awareness for Tsuna. The Nova would make his way to the entrance, his eyes laid upon the man closing in. He was looking about cautiously as if he was looking with more than just his eyes. Yet Tsuna knew he wasn’t a sensor or else he would have found him out by now. As it stands he’s still unaware.

And then it hit him again, as the man steadily walked towards Tsuna’s location, in that time Tsuna made his way out of the sewers while avoiding the water still. He notice the other signature. They were one in the same. So that meant the one approaching was a clone. Tsuna immediately shifted his focus on to the further one. While being aware of the clone in distance due to his sensory technique and avoiding it. It was time to approach. So the original was merely 34 meters from the entrance. Hiding near the valleys below. Tsuna moved at a speed of 125 silently while avoiding any foliage or obstacle in his path, stopping 4 meters away from the man, standing to his right. Tsuna observed him closely before simultaneously forming individual Handseals in his hands.

Tsuna is then submerged in a hot pink aura what made his armor and equipment feel weightless, including himself. His speed and chakra boasted to a new height mirroring each other at 205. Releasing a seal before the next as a visible white and hot pink surge of chakra emits from his current position, spreading outwards in all directions at a speed of 185 which would seem both abrupt and blitzing from the Missing Nin’s perspective as it came so suddenly, so close. Along with this surge came a law that will be abided. The range of this surge would rush to 35 meters. Senses - the law enforced by Tsuna’s will. All five of the human senses - smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing - they were banished from this realm of domain. Those caught in this domain will not know their left from their right, their up from their down. They will not know where, or when they are. They would be trapped in a void of no senses.

In this time the Hoshimura would maintain his senses. He would continue to keep the original in his sights as he analyzed and perceived his reaction to what was happening. He would respond as necessary.

AP: 907/1250
Dustless Bewildering Cover: 37 AP | 125 Power | 125 Speed
Mind’s Eye of the Kagura: 16 AP | 90 Power | 50 Meters radius sensory
Silent Killing: Skill in use
One-Handed Seals: 10 AP (A Rank) | 10 AP (A Rank)
Wosac: 50 AP | +80 Speed/Chakra

Vigor: 25
Chakra: 205
Speed: 205
Strength: 25
Space Time Amplifier: 50 AP | +50 Speed (Following Jutsu)
Senseless Void: 37 AP | 135 Power/Health | 185 Speed
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty Re: A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:30 pm
The clone had been steadily approaching each and every step with care, making sure that no one else would completely notice the clone, as Nakaba had set out a trap that was unfortunately obvious enough for someone with the keen senses of Tsunyoshi. He should have known better, he was losing his edge slightly… How was it that he somehow was unable to notice that the bastard of a Hatake would be able to figure out his obvious ploy. Especially since he was still waiting, patiently waiting for the clone to be popped, however, like a bait that would never be caught. His clone had not popped like he was expecting, a stressful situation indeed. He waited patiently on the bottom of the hill, Tsunayoshi having stood on the slightly diagonal ground only four meters away from Nakaba. The blond haired man was carefully turning his head from side to side, seemingly curious about something. Was it the clone? Or was it something else? He could only keep on lightly fidgeting his head until it had happened. Out of the corner of his eye, he was able to see the flood of pinkish chakra begin to flourish throughout the outline of someone else invisible to him. Tsunayoshi could see it, the emerald green eyes widened in surprise as a  domain expansion was coming at him at a speed that would have almost blitzed him.

He could feel the hot pink chakra, knowing that Tsunayoshi had played his cards perfectly to get himself to where he was. In perfect distance to kill him. His mind clicked for only a moment, as the barrier had traveled by one meter, covering parts of the hill and the background. Nakaba’s whole body suddenly turned into the same gunmetal black substance as his fellow clan members. It allowed him to back away from the coming expansion of chakra, he was moving backwards, keeping himself on guard just in case of the bastard having one of those tricks up his sleeve. He didn’t want half of the village to know of his very existence. Not only that, but the clone would be there as support just in case. As Nakaba had moved to where he was five meters away from the domain expansion itself, exactly 40 meters away from Tsunayoshi. The hot pink chakra not giving him any details as to how or where Tsunayoshi could be. His blackened armor acting as a protective shield just in case Tsunayoshi attempted to come at him once again.

His clone, even being 75 steps now from the entrance, about 37.5 meters away from the entrance. He had looked back to see the mass of pink light in the entrance of the sewers. The clone came 3 meters in front of the barrier. Since the hill top would obscure Tsunayoshi’s current position. Nakaba and his clone were still unsure as to where he was. As it was either the bastard would go towards his clone and pop it. Or he would come towards Nakaba himself.

Both the clone and he himself would be ready, just in case the brat of a Hoshimura decided to try and overplay his hand.


Current AP:970
Clone AP:1000

Kurogane:- 50 AP
Chakra Sensory is active
Chakra insight is active

Total AP:920
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty Re: A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Mon May 01, 2023 1:07 pm
The senses on this one was more than impressive, instinctively reacting the Tsuna’s sudden release of his aura at a moments notice - he was good, the Nova would think to himself…however, be that as it may, being good wouldn’t be enough. He seemed to have coated himself in some sort of jet black armor, it reminded him of the Hiyu, was this another one of them? The Hiyu were quite proficient in bodily adaptation, in fact their all father, Atarashi Hiyu wrote the book on it. But, be this as it may, the assassin moved away but not at the expected speed Tsuna would anticipate, in fact he moved munched slower in attempt to escape the aura; at a speed of merely 10 from what he could deduce. Was he distracted? Or was that armor simply just his instincts at play.

No matter, it was too late, the aura would invoke the law of the field upon him, robbing him of all his senses as it fully expand to its max range of 35 meters, but then due to the Bloodoath Armor an additional 10 meters capping it at 45 meters. The Assassin would no longer understand where he was goin or if he was still moving in the direction he opted to move in from the beginning. He was lost in a void.

Simultaneously to this, the Nova would release his Dustless Bewilderment and Mind’s eye of kagura techniques, as he had no need to conceal himself any longer. His armor would make sure that his chakra was not picked up via chakra sensory. In the same breath that the Hiyu was caught, Tsuna formed a set of seals, selecting 5 meters behind the Assassin to spawn an orb 30 cm in diameter. The orb would erupt into a black, red and purple explosion at a speed and power of 205/230 due to the mastery over the Jutsu. The explosion, should it make contact with the assassin would instinctively place his own enhancer on cooldown, his body telling him that he was in over his head against his foe - a wise confession.

The hands of Tsuna would then form more seals after the set for the aoe were done, making it a back-to-back movement as Lightbringer was infused with malevolent chakra known as Dark Chariot which increased the health and impact for of the weapon by +50, bringing it to 200 health. Time seemingly went still as the blade erupted even greater than it did as the Hoshimura keenly and carefully navigated his way to the Assassin closing the distance to 2 meters with his blade held firm for a severing strike which released a blast from the blade in the form of a cone/horizontal arc with the length reaching 50 meters while the width reached 25 meters - infusing his Dark Chariot into the Jutsu before hand he increased the power/speed to 250/235 aiming to decapitate the man in one single strike while also eradicating the environment up to 50 meters of the arcing swing

Tsuna would watch as his blade and dark chakra infused blade sliced through the air, the darkness, the ground, the very fabric of time and space as he aimed for the neck, and if he didn’t get that he would still get the entirety of the Assassin either way.

His guard will remained on the up and up, but he was certain that this was the end.

AP: 630/1250
Silent Killing: Skill in use
Wosac: 50 AP | +80 Speed/Chakra

Vigor: 25
Chakra: 205
Speed: 205
Strength: 25

Senseless Void: 37 AP | 135 Power/Health | 185 Speed
Dark Chariot: Apollo’s Misfortune: 75 AP | 230 Power | 205 Speed | Mastered for Power
Dark Chariot: 40 AP | +50 Infusion
ANT: Lightbringer: 200 Health (Dark Chariot Infusion active)
Dark Chariot: Titans Bane: 75 AP | 250 Power | 235 Speed | Dark Chariot Infusion Perk | Mastered
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty Re: A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Thu May 04, 2023 5:05 pm
It seemed he was simply too slow in the fight against the man who had won against the top brackets of what Hoshigakure had to offer. The man's whole body felt empty… Nothing could be felt, none of his senses could be of use, not even his use of sensory. He assumed that his armory technique would have protected him against any attack that Tsunayoshi would have come towards him with. His body however stood still, as he had no real idea what was happening around him. His sight, his sense of smell, his sense of touch, all of it was worthless now as he stood in the pitch black darkness of this void. He wondered if the man had already attacked at this point, or if there was anything his clone could have done in the initial skirmish. Yet he had felt something, pain rushing through his body as he felt his back get torn into by the blast of chakra that had detonated behind him.

Was this… The feeling of death rushing through him, the thought that everything that he had come to know would end. He cursed the bastard child before him. Even if he couldn’t hear it. His rage, his pure rage at the thought that he had lost would have sounded out before the void as a terrifying scream came out of his body. One last final attempt at defiance, his whole body still felt numb right after the explosion, his body seemingly moving towards Tsunayoshi, attempting to see about grabbing the man before him. Still screaming outwards it is a pit of fury and despair. His pupils were small, focused solely on the Hatake brat before him. His arm reached out to try and grab onto the man who was Hoshigakure’s protector, when suddenly he could see again, the blade having sliced right through his throat for a split second as he could see the man who had killed him. Only for a moment did he feel calm, as his head was suddenly lobbed off, falling to the ground with a soft thud. Blood poured from the wound as a slip of paper fell out from the clothing of the man, flying into the air as it landed right on the ground. If Tsuna were to inspect it, a list of names would have been on the piece of paper.

Tsunayoshi was the first name placed on the slip of paper, followed by Ayato Hyuga, Akaboshi Uchiha, Enishi Kurosawa, the Doctor, and a multitude of others listed on the piece of paper. With a few designated to be captured, one of which was Ryumi Hiyu.

The Hiyu’s head lay on the ground, it’s blonde hair stained with blood, as the grass was turned red from the blood shed, as it seemed that Tsunayoshi had stopped another threat from going into the village.

The Rat had come across an Omen of death, and lost.


{Victor: Tsunayoshi}

(This was really fun and a good learning experience! Thank you very much and congrats on A-Rank!)
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty Re: A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Thu May 04, 2023 7:01 pm
With the beheading of the assassin, Nakaba Hiyu, the sensation of touch, hearing, sight, taste and smell all returned. The pain was brief. The eyes of the Hiyu would see an man clad in thick armor, essentially wrapping him. A single mass of steel and their face covered in a terrifying helm. The subtleties of his breathing from behind the mask could be heard, if one was listening closely. As the flickering chaos of dark chariot ebbed from the steel of Lightbringer Tsuna sheathed his blade.

Taking note of the paper that slipped from garment of the beheaded, falling to the ground before him, Tsuna motioned to pick it up. Upon doing so he read the content it held, a distorted sigh would escape the helm as the paper was stored within a slot of the armor.

Looking on to the corpse, he began to understand - another attempt on his life. First Aizen and now Nakaba. Who was behind these futile attempts? The Nova wondered as she crouched down to collect the head that soaked and dripped of blood, while simultaneously taking the body and lifting it to his shoulders. The thought of something more couldn’t be shook from his head. Was there someone within the village aiming to eliminate him, members of Hoshigakure’s Nova. And what, exactly, did they want with Ryumi Hiyu? That alone presented another column of questions.

Looking about the field, he saw the destruction his Dark Chariot technique bestowed upon the land. Seeing the destruction to the village walls as its power exceeded the natural earth health. Something he was sure he needed to help repair, if only financially. It didn’t matter much to him. The body of the Hoshimura lifted from the ground as they hovered 50 meters from the grounds surface. Taking off at full speed and navigating around the village to enter it as he made his way to find Ayato.


TWC: 2094
Memorizing Nakaba Hiyu’s chakra signature
16,000 ryo Mission Reward
7,500 ryo Nova Bonus (Anbu Bonus)

Collecting the corpse of Nakaba Hiyu and all their possessions

Jutsu claims will be decided later, if that’s alright?
Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 15300

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty Re: A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Thu May 04, 2023 8:16 pm
Approved for Shiro and Tsuna. Congrats!
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty Re: A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Fri May 05, 2023 8:45 am
Using max stat bonus discount towards upgrading Senseless Void from A to S: 1,687 WC required. Dropping the remaining 407
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A] Empty Re: A Rat Plagued By An Omen [Highstakes Hunter: A]

Fri May 05, 2023 9:46 am
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