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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 44250

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:18 pm
Anger Management :

Ban's Stats:

It was a typical misty evening in Kirigakure. The sun was starting to set, people were returning home from work and the village square was beginning to get higher traffic. This was also when people would start to enter bars and have a drink or two. Shinobi would often go out to drink on their nights off after a long week of taking on missions and training. Unfortunately, Ban Hozuki wasn't one of those fortunate few with the day off. She was on patrol tonight.

Ban went on patrol decked in her full uniform and armor. The Red Officer's Armor was tough but also showed the village that she was a higher-ranking shinobi, her village symbol on the breast plate of her uniform. The symbol could also be seen on the massive maul on her back, Jormungandr. The rest of her equipment was in her weapon pouches worn on her belt at her sides except for two sai hidden in both sleeves of the Kiri detention jacket.

The bars were located relatively near each other, which made it easier for patrolling shinobi to keep tabs on the behavior. It was a frequent place of a domestic disturbance. Nothing serious most nights, just a warning or telling too-drunk patrons to go home.

It was dark now. As Ban was traveling down the bustling streets near the bars, a couple of screams came from a bar about 10 meters behind her. She and a couple of people near her turned around to see some patrons of a lesser-known bar run out. "Oh my god!" "He's dead!" "Someone get help!" Ban was able to pick out a couple of voices to listen to in order to figure out what was happening.

WC: 288
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Re: Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:17 am
D-Rank Hunter NPC:

Jinsoku Hyuuga, or Jin, for short, had not always been a criminal. In fact- up until this very moment, they had been considered a good example of what a Kirigakure Genin should be. That was, until a rather unfortunate accident occurred. Jin was of a humble upbringing and worked hard to gain status as a shinobi and bring in money to support their family. When Jin was not working as a Genin- they were working extra hours bussing tables at a popular bar, the “Drunken Clam”, in the village that was frequented by many shinobi and civilians alike on their days off. Tonight, like most nights, the bar was packed, and the patrons were as rambunctious as ever. Jin, was carrying a plastic bin, half full of dirty dishes and empty cups, tight to their torso as they made their rounds of the bar, clearing the surfaces so that the patrons could order more drinks.

Jin was having a relatively decent shift when their path back to the kitchen became suddenly blocked by a large and burly man, who now had their back to Jin and seemed to be arguing with another male in front of them. It was so loud that Jin could not make out what they were arguing about, nor get their attention so they could pass. Their voices continued to raise, and one thing led to another, and before Jin knew it, the large man before her went crashing to the floor after being sucker punched by the individual they were quarreling with moments before. Jin moved just in time to avoid being crushed under the weight of the giant man, but in the midst of the commotion, launched her plastic bin full of dirty dishes into the air, it’s contents now raining down upon the man who had just finished knocking out the other. The sounds of breaking glass was loud enough to obtain the attention of all the other patrons and the bar fell silent as the crowd watched as the man was now beginning to bear down on Jin. “You’ve stained my favorite shirt, ya runt!” The man yelled as they balled their fist and prepared to deliver another knuckle sandwich- this time to Jin. He released his fist and without thinking, Jin countered his attack with their gentle fist and delivered a single blow. The movements were quick, but the aftermath was apparent. The moment Jin’s palm landed flat upon the man’s chest, he stopped moving, a moment passed, and then their back exploded outwards- the power from Jin’s sudden attack passing through their sternum- causing the man’s organs to launch themselves from his body and blood to spatter on the patrons behind them.

Screams of horror now filled the room as every patron in the bar was staring at Jin in disbelief as they tried to make sense of what they just witnessed.

“Murderer!”, “Arrest him!”, “Quick, don’t let him get away!” Were some of the words that Jin was able to make out from those around him. The reality of Jin’s actions was beginning to set in and a moment of clarity proceeded. It was at this exact time that Ban, who was 10 meters from the front entrance outside of the bar, would hear the voices of patrons fleeing, “Oh my god!” As Ban heard these words, Jin removed a small ball from one of their pockets and quickly spiked it on the ground near their feet, causing the room to quickly become engulfed in a thick, black smoke. Jin activated their Byakugan, granting clarity amongst the chaos, and navigated towards the back of the bar (clearing 5 meters of distance) and quickly out the back door, exactly opposite of the front entrance.

A boy, 5 feet 6 inches in stature and draped in a dark cloak, could now be seen swiftly exiting the back of the bar and taking an immediate right turn down the alley located behind the row of buildings that the bar resided. The row of buildings were so close together that the only way to the backstreet was through or over. Jin knew that now that he had killed a civilian in cold blood, he would be arrested and Jin had no intentions of going to jail- so before he could be captured- his quick thinking led to a diversion, allowing the Genin a chance to escape.

The street behind the row of buildings Jin had exited, extended as far as the normal eye could see. The street was 5 meters wide and indefinitely long, the perimeter lined with various buildings and other things one would find in a city. There were a few other on this street, but it was not as busy as the main street which was now flooded with drunk and panicked bar patrons. With their Byakugan Activated and their senses on high-alert, Jin was now ran at their max speed, away from the bar and down the back street- in the opposite direction of where Ban was standing when they heard the first sign of trouble- in an attempt to escape being found and linked to the murder.

WC: 867

-5 AP Byakugan
AP 1250 - 5 = 1245
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 44250

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Re: Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:13 pm
Just Ban heard the first cry and charged toward the scene, a smoke bomb went off. This person was a shinobi. She could also tell from the brief flare of chakra she could sense. Ban engaged her Kiri goggles that allowed infrared detection. The perpetrator was easy to see from the crowd, being the only one slipping out the back to the alley. Ban had moved 2 meters toward the bar by the time he reached the alleyway and turn right.

Ban was 6 meters(5 meter-long buildings + 1 meter from the building front) from the alleyway. Ban increased her speed using Crashing Thunder Charge (Power 85). Simultaneously, she weaved her hand signs for Water Clone (speed 80). With Atmospheric Absorption, she was able to create the clone 5 meters ahead of her using the water molecules in the air. The clone would continue to move forward after being formed. The clone was only 3 meters from the bar front.

The clone would swell up using Great Water Arm Techinque ( 205 vigor/205 strength) and weave the hand signs Ninjutsu Amplifier and Water Dragon Bullet (130 power, 180 speed /w amp). The dragon spawns on the clone using Hydrofication to travel with it. The water dragon would then go straight for Jin, going through the buildings to get a straight shot. If caught, Jin would be grabbed in the jaws of the dragon.

Ban, the original, would head through the bar and out the back the same way Jin did. Once getting into the alley, she would continue down the alleyway after Jin. "You're under arrest kid. Give it up!"

WC: 270
TWC: 558


Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Re: Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Sat Feb 25, 2023 4:42 am
The chase was on. In a matter of moments, the commotion caused by Jinsoku’s actions had been picked up by a nearby patrolling shinobi and Jin quickly went from bussing tables to fleeing for their life. Upon activating their dojutsu, the veins between Jin’s eyes and temples bulged, and their omnipotent vision frantically scrubbed their surroundings for anyone who may be interested in detaining them for their actions. Jin located the Chuunin known as Ban, and their corrections armor, almost immediately- “Terrible luck.”, Jin thought. Out of all the possible shinobi that could be patrolling the area- it had to be them, clad in their armor known for reprimanding naughty shinobi. Nervous sweat now accompanied Jin’s bulging veins as they processed the information granted by their 360-degree vision. This was bad. If Jin was going to survive, they would need to be as calculated and quick as possible, and willing to fight to save their life- if need be.
At the same time Ban’s clone appeared from thin air, a blue hue would form around Jin’s pupils and and a great boost to their physical abilities would accompany the change (210 Speed/110 Strength). Once the water clone began to swell and at the moment the clone would form their first hand seal, Jin would begin to whistle five distinct tunes in preparation to send a warning to the Chuunin to back off. Ban’s clone completed their hand seals and a mass of water began to form again out of thin air, directly on the clone and begin moving straight towards Jin. It was at this moment that Jin would stop in their tracks, turn to face the direction of the oncoming water mass, and release a single burst of concussive force that traveled in all directions (except for the ground) from Jin in a half-sphere. “Back off! I don’t want to hurt anyone else!” Jin yelled in distress as the explosive force, that appeared as softly blurred space to the naked-eye, consumed all that could not withstand it as it traveled it’s intended course away from it’s caster. This was meant to serve as a deterrent to Ban, an opportunity for their comrade to drop their pursuit of Jin so they could escape their mistake. Once the burst connected with the water dragon, the overwhelming power would cause it to disperse and if Ban wasn’t careful- they too would find themselves under attack from the Hyuuga’s powerful display of the Gentle Fist. 
WC: 412
TWC: 1,279

AP Expenditures:
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 44250

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Re: Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:25 pm
Ban thought she would have the element of surprise against this person, but she was mistaken. Despite being a building apart and facing away from Ban initially, they could spot her approach and countered. Ban wasn't sure how it was done due to not knowing the power of the Byuakugan.

During this time, Ban was only 10 meters away from Jin, still at the front ends of the buildings when he launched his attack. She noticed looking into the window the massive wave of physical energy destroying buildings around Jin and causing the water dragon to flee. The blast had traveled 2 meters as she weaved 5 hand signs for Discover an Incomplete Truth (Armor Health: 150+50) and Great Water Arm techinque (205 vigor 205 strength). She continued charging forward with Crashing Thunder Charge ( 125 power). The blast would hit Ban but not do anything to stop her pursuit. She was 4 meters away from Jin when the explosion hit.

With the buildings destroyed and pushed back away, Ban had a clear line of sight on Jin. The Hozuki would stop to grab her hammer off her back. As soon as she had her hammer, she activated Skillful Dance: Nullification and used Bull Rush (120+50=170 power) to charge straight at Jin and attempt to strike his side, sweeping her hammer across a meter radius. If hit, it would break the bones that the hammer came in contact with. This would severely injure him and require immediate medical attention if not treated. It would also have the bonus effect of sucking 50 ap from Jin.

WC: 264
TWC: 844


Last edited by Kealoha on Thu Mar 02, 2023 5:20 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited out clone from canon because of breaking the clone rules)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Re: Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Fri Mar 03, 2023 3:32 am
Jin’s attempt to ward off the Chuunin, Ban, had failed and the mist shinobi decided to advance towards Jin, instead of fleeing from their display of destructive power- that was currently in the process of ripping through the buildings surrounding them and effectively clearing a path between the hunter and the hunted. This angered the Genin, turned criminal, and their gaze that now fell upon Ban, grew wicked- transmitting a killer’s intent; an expression only possessed by those who had killed before (Debuff -30 Chakra/Speed). This odd pressure occurred at Ban’s first step towards Jin in an attempt to clear the 10 meter gap between them, and as Ban began to clear the distance, Jin started whistling a string of tunes. Upon whistling the last note, Jin bolstered their capabilities with the power of Lightning release, apparent by the sparks of lightning chakra that now surrounded them, ready to empower their next move. Jin’s initial blast wave passed over Ban harmlessly and with just a meter and a half to spare, Jin would thrust a lone right hand forward, towards Ban’s chest, in an attempt to recreate their first murder of the night. A powerful vacuum shell now released from Jins palm and traveled a path towards Ban with the intent to erase them from the world- but would it be strong enough to finish the job?

WC: 225
TWC: 1,504

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 44250

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Re: Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:50 pm
Ban was close enough to see the white of Jin's eye filled with bloodlust. She closed the distance with the Hyuuga, feeling his killing intent as she got closer. He wasn't going to run, instead, he started to prepare for a counter to Ban's approach. Lighting surged throughout his body and he prepared his Vaccum Palm stance. Ban didn't stop. She had now felt the boy's heart and knew he would fight to protect himself. Her heart hardened in battle as she knew that this was not how a shinobi should act and he needed to be punished. He had killed, not for the sake of the village, his comrades, or self-defense, making it unjustifiable.

As Jin prepared for her attack, Ban pressed on. Ban's stance widened as she began the swing of Jormungandur leaving her open for a brief moment. The Hyuuga launched his attack at Ban's center, attempting to take her out. The vacuum struck Ban's armor at the center, but Jin could see through his Byakuguan that the chakra surrounding her armor strengthened her armor. Additionally, the power of the vacuum weakens upon contact (Nullification debuff -70 strength). Ban's body was bulky enough to tank Jin's attack and continue her attack unrestricted. Jormungander stuck the Hyuuga's left side, crushing his arms and ribs. the force of the attack would also knock him to the ground.

Ban placed her body on top of Jin's, attempting to grab his right wrist and pin it to the ground. "Are you done?" she growled, "Are you done destroying so much to escape your consequences?" She looked at the wounds that she had caused. "I've destroyed your arm and your ribs, you won't make it unless you get to the hospital. Give up and I will take you there before throwing you in prison." Ban would call this mercy. There was no chance of him becoming a shinobi again, but there was a chance that he could return to society and make amends.

WC: 332
TWC: 1176

Starting AP: 1133
Temple Style: Discovery of an Incomplete Truth upkeep -25 ap
Great Water Arm Technique upkeep -25 ap
Ending AP: 1053

Last edited by Kealoha on Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Put finishing AP)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Re: Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:37 am
A devastating blow. The image of Ban reflected in the Hyuuga’s eyes as time elapsed between the moment that Jin released their Vacuum Palm and Ban swinging their Warhammer, Jormungandur, at Jin’s side. Jin did not expect for Ban to tank his attack lack that, in fact, it didn’t even glance them. The hammer smashed into the Genin’s side and the sound of Jin’s ribs cracking now splintered through the crisp, night air in grotesque fashion. Jin’s side of his body went numb and droplets of cold sweat were pooling and sliding down his face as his pupil strayed downwards, attempting to make sense of what had happened. His body began to shut down and their byakugan deactivated. “I-I can’t move my body.” His eye strained to make sense of what happened. The hammer caused his ribs to buckle inwards, their bones rupturing now sending waves of intense, piercing pain to the Genin’s brain as the adrenaline wore. Jin’s legs went next, as they dropped to the ground, landing on their back with a ‘thud’. Ban quickly pounced and pinned Jin’s right wrist to the ground, Ban’s bodyweight pressed against a cluster of broken ribs. Jin flailed in pain but it was no use. In his current state, he could not resist Ban’s strength pinning him down. “I-I didn’t mean to do it!” Jin yelled out, tears now running down the boys face. “P-please don’t kill me…,” He let out a great sob, spraying Ban with tears and causing himself even more pain... He regathered himself once more and eventually said, “I-I promise I will make things right.” These were the last words of Jin before passing out under the presence of Ban and would soon die if their wounds were not attended to. Whether Ban choose to help them out or not, was up to her.
[Claim Defeat]

WC: 309
TWC: 1813

Claims TBT
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 44250

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Re: Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Wed Mar 08, 2023 6:19 pm
Ban hovered over the boy's body, aiming the hammer's head at his chest. His body was bruised and broken and he knew he had lost. He accepted defeat, pleading to Ban for help before passing out. She needed to act quickly to save him. She quickly placed her hammer away and started compressions on him after confirming he was unconscious. She was trained in basic first aid and is a first responder and shinobi, so this was basic stuff she was trained on. He couldn't be carried by her, and she knew that medics would be on the way to responding to the situation.

A squad of emergency response came to the scene. Immediately people inside the buildings were searched for and rescued. A couple of additional shinobi and medical staff came over to Ban and Jin's unconscious bodies. The shinobi noticed the threat was neutralized and released their guard. The medical staff quickly went to Jin and tended to what they could right away before they could transport his body safely in a stretcher. A couple of them asked Ban if she was okay or if she got injured. Ban said no but still followed them to the hospital.

Ban waited outside the ER where Jin's body was getting treated. She explained to a couple of the shinobi what had happened. They decided that they would take him to Pelican Island once it was safe to do so. Ban was relieved. It was only when she finally sat down for the first time since the incident that what happened had just hit her. Why was she so worried about this boy? He could've killed her, he had the intent to.

She couldn't imagine the boy as a monster. She was the only one around to see his fight, to see his fear and eventual regret. It was the regret that made her sympathize. She could've easily killed him if she wanted to without any restrictions besides the ones in her mind.  Ban wondered if this had happened 1 or 2 years ago she would've been so easy on him since she had been taught to throw emotions away when in a fight.

Ban eventually left the hospital after hearing his condition was stable. She didn't speak a word after that or to even check in on Jin. She knew she'd see him again at Pelican Island.

WC: 397
TWC: 1573
Anger Management Mission rewards: 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP / D-Rank Bounty (5,000 ryo + 1500 WC)
1238 wc towards Water Wall (1500/1500) continuing from Event WC
1000 WC towards Bull Rush B -> A rank
835 WC towards Iron Wall (835/1000) B -> A rank
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter) Empty Re: Extreme Anger Therapy (Hunter)

Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:00 pm
Well done, approved.
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