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Beating up the Cheater Empty Beating up the Cheater

Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:47 am
Mission Name: A Small Lesson
Rank: D
Mission Location: Neutral Village

Challenges: N.A.
Task: A man approaches you with an offer and a promise of a decent payday. Apparently his wife was being unfaithful with one of the other men in town, and he wanted you to go beat that man to a pulp. He specifically instructed you to beat him badly, but not to kill him, as a way to teach him a lesson… but it is up to you whether you follow these instructions. Do you do as he asks and beat the man to a pulp? Do you sell him out? Do you kill the man and blackmail the one who hired you? As usual the choice, and the consequences, are yours.

Word Count Requirement: 1000
Reward: 2000 Ryo / 10 AP

Character Requirements: Missing Ninja
Character Exclusive: -

There were plenty of things for Uta to do today, he could go shopping, he could go find work with the locals and do some odd jobs, he could even just sleep all day and laze about after all he had enough money to take a break for a bit but he was itching for some kind of violence. Uta had been on the “good” side of the latest interactions with people and it was about time he balanced that out with some of the “bad” side of things.
So Uta got up out of his rented bed, stretched his body so he was all set for the day of fun and activities and left the tavern he had been staying at. Now it was once again time to get back on the right path and exercise his god given right to do what he wanted when he wanted. For the next couple of hours Uta simply wandered around the town, memorizing pathways, places of the most people and where the least gathered, traveled down the alleyways and looked into every dark place to see what was there. Uta probably knew more about the town than some of the residents at this point as he had no fear of going anywhere as he was sure he would be able to take care of any of the local thugs that might be roaming about in the daylight though he was more sure they were all in their holes waiting for things to darken.
This was the perfect time to find his own victim or victims, he didn’t really care about the amount of people that he harmed just as long as he got to enjoy himself. It was during this time of searching and learning that someone bumped into Uta, this someone had done it on purpose to get his attention though Uta was simply more interested in choosing him as the first victim. The man started to apologize to the Wandering criminal though of course Uta didn’t care about an apology as he wore his friendly smile, then the man started talking about how he would be willing to pay Uta to take care of someone for him. This interested Uta as it fulfilled two of the desires he wanted to take care of at the same time, harming someone and being paid. Being able to do both at the same time was one of those golden opportunities that landed in Uta’s lap from time to time.
“Tell me the details or you might end up being the one who is harmed.” Uta said as he swung his arm around the man’s shoulder like an old friend seeing a buddy for the first time in ages. The man explained his situation to Uta, apparently he had been working late shifts lately trying to save up money to provide for his beautiful wife who he had been married to for years now, the money was to go to purchasing them a big house on the edge of the town that was apparently the house the wife really really wanted and just had to have. So the man being a thoughtful and loyal husband worked and worked till one day he was rewarded for his efforts with a bonus and an early day off. He had went home excited to let his spouse know about the surprise only to get a surprise of his own. The door unlocked and sounds coming from their bedroom, the sounds and noises coming from there the man swore he could still hear so he left but not far away he waited till he saw a man leave his home.
The man thought of dealing with him right there and then, but he was scared and chickened out so he has been looking for someone to do it for him. Now the man explained he didn’t want the offending man to be killed he simply wanted him to be beaten an inch of his life as a warning to never do such a thing again. That was a very big part of the deal that was being presented to Uta. Of course Uta agreed as taking a life was horrible and you shouldn’t do such a thing and that he would of course only beat the man.
So he was given the target’s description, where he lived and his daily routine, after all the scorned man had had plenty of time to study all this since he discovered the infidelity. Uta nodded and went about his day on his way to now find the best time to catch this cheater at the best time, though it would seem that he would be lucky once more as the target in question was walking by one of the many alleyways that dotted the road, this particular alleyway lead to a nice boxed in area that was far enough away from people and things to avoid any problems and it was starting to get late so people were already starting to head to their own homes.
Uta took this golden chance and drunkenly stumbled into the man jolting him into the alleyway, the man clearly upset started to say something to the drunk but one look into Uta’s blacked out and blood red eyes and that overly calm smile sent a chill down his spine and the words stuck in his throat. “Oh I’m so sorry sir, Seems I drank to much. I thought you were someone else, someone that liked to sleep with married women in their husband’s own homes.” Uta said with a smile his words dripping with irony as he straightened up to his full height and grew closer to the man.
He stumbled over his words, a fear filled his body as his mind raced trying to think what spouse could possibly belong to such a terrifying person. He had after all only chosen women that had weak and loyal husbands, ones that worked late into the night for their spouse’s betterment. He tried to make excuses but a fist broke his jaw and a quick chop to the throat stopped any other sounds from being able to be made.
Uta spent a good while simply beating the man in various way, from breaking minor bones to blacking both eyes and making sure that the man would have a hard time talking ever again. A smile stayed plastered on Uta’s face as he enjoyed the time he had with the man as much as he could, after all he was an expert at beating someone to an inch of their life and keeping them alive. Not much you could do with a corpse full of dying blood after all. When he was satisfied with the work he had done he wrote in the man’s blood “cheater” on his clothes and body making sure whoever discovered him would know what happened to him. It made it easier to get away with the crime if people knew it was done probably by some upset partner.
Uta went and found the client as he was being referred to now and let him know where to find the man and that the job was done and he wouldn’t have any issue with the target anymore so he collected his money and left the town enjoying the night sky and cool breeze.
WC: 1231

+2000 Ryo, +10 AP

Using max stat discount below:
+166 towards Hidden Mist Technique: 959/1125 > 1125/1125 Prior trained: Here
+1065 towards Hiding in the Rain: 0/1313 > 1065/1313
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Beating up the Cheater Empty Re: Beating up the Cheater

Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:54 am
Uta wrote:
+2000 Ryo, +10 AP

Using max stat discount below:
+166 towards Hidden Mist Technique: 959/1125 > 1125/1125 Prior trained: Here
+1065 towards Hiding in the Rain: 0/1313 > 1065/1313

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