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Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Sat Apr 29, 2023 9:18 pm


It was proving to be another day in the Village Hidden in the Clouds. Resting along the peaks of the mountains the air was always so clear and being above the clouds caused the sun to shine upon the village without much in the way of hindrances. The chilly air of winter was giving way to the warmth of spring as people had slowly transitioned their way out of wool sweaters into t-shirts and shorts. One villager, however, didn't bother following that same pattern. Along the streets of the village walked a ninja of some repute, if only slight, as he wore his usual colorful clothes that would draw the attention of anybody who didn't recognize him. His bright orange and crimson jacket that swayed in the mountain winds as they bore a resemblance to flames dancing. The ninja brought out a cigarette from a packet he carried in one of his jacket pockets before bringing it up to his lips and placing it gently as it hung loosely from his mouth. Today was going to be one of those days that the ninja would need to savor this one as he walked along the street towards his destination which was the village's infamous Warmonger's Arena. This was going to be the first time he'd ever entered the arena himself and, from what he understood of his test, this was going to be extremely dangerous.

He would have to travel outside of the village towards the wastelands of the black forest as he entered the arena. His senses would quickly be taken by the scent of blood as he looked at his surroundings from his point 30 meters away from the arena's center. All along the ground there were splotches of blood, old and possibly new, as the ninja in question flicked his thumb causing a flame to dance along it's tip. The flame would burn the cigarette's end as he inhaled the smoky flavor before blowing out the flame on his thumb which caused a puff of smoke to escape his lips. His blue hair would sway in the breeze as he adjusted his glasses to make them sit along his nose more comfortably as the Meijin Moyasu Nokoribi prepared himself internally for a fight. He had no idea what he was in store for, apart from another ninja who would be fighting him to the death for freedom, but he would have to face down this mystery as best as he could.

WC: 414

[Requesting NPC C rank Hunter for this mission.]
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Re: Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Wed May 03, 2023 8:53 pm
Stats, Uranus Ushitora:

Uranus 'Storage Displacement' Ushitora had been shifted to a facility in Kumogakure, something about the prison in the Hidden Sand village not being equipped with the personnel to contain him in his cell. Now he was promised freedom once again if he did no more than what he did best. It was all he ever knew.

His broad, towering frame stood in his dark blue gi with his arms crossed, 30 meters from the center of the arena and 60 meters from his challenger Moyasu Nokoribi. All he was told to do was kill, but he heard the ramblings of guards and members of the audience on his way to the arena from his cell. The stakes were high for both himself and his opponent. He cracked his neck, and his back, and began to walk calmly towards the Genin, his eyes fixed on his opponent's torso to watch for any minute movements to which he would be ready to react.

"They fear death. They should fear so much more than that. Do they know what it means to be truly afraid? I'll show them. They think they know pain. They can't begin to comprehend it. I survived obliteration. I will survive them!" He declared in his gruff, coarse voice as the crowd roared in anticipation of a good fight, and as he covered a distance of fifty feet walking towards his opponent unless given a reason to change his course.

WC: 240
Battle Info:
HP: 300/300
AP: 700/700
Have fun!
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Re: Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Wed May 03, 2023 9:48 pm
The towering man came into the arena without an escort of any sort which Moyasu guessed was going to happen given that this was going to be a deathmatch. The man stood 60 meters away and seemed to be enjoying themselves in the midst of the crowd as he spoke a few words that were meant to be taken as a threat. Given that the dude was quite big Moyasu could tell this guy was strong. Much stronger than him which gave him the idea that getting up close and personal with this guy would be a bad idea. He reacted to the man's threat by simply taking another drag from the remainder of his cigarette and blowing out some smoke which travelled up and blew into the air above the two. Being that there was no roof the smoke would drift completely away from what was about to take place as the Meijin kept his eyes on the man before flicking the cigarette away with his right hand where it would land a few feet away from him. His other hand he would remove from his pocket and set it on his hip before bringing his now free right hand up in order to form the seal of confrontation. He wouldn't focus any chakra as he did this, unless he was given a reason to, as he would give a respectful bow towards the gentleman though wouldn't break eye contact.

"I look forward to fighting you." He would then stand back up and put his arm down to his side as the tails of his jacket would start to sway and flutter. His chakra would start to envelope his body, crimson in color and exuding a strong amount of heat, as it would start from the ground at his feet and work it's way up to his head. His glasses would shift into shades upon detecting the heat now touching them and his long blue hair would flutter softly. All the while his eyes would never leave from his opponent as he wasn't sure if his burly size was going to be any sort of indicator as to how fast he was. This was it; this was going to be his test. This would determine if he was capable of becoming a Chunin. He needed to make certain he didn't screw this up and get killed. That would just be embarrassing.

WC 403

Skill currently being used: Dragon Fire Mastery
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Re: Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Wed May 03, 2023 10:25 pm
 "So, you think you have what it takes to be a Chuunin, skinny boy? Bring it.." Uranus scoffed and smirked, sizing up his new opponent from just under 45 meters. He flexed all of his muscles using Chakra Enhanced Strength (+50/50 Strength/Speed) and halving the costs of his Taijutsu techniques of rank B and below. He then immediately sprinted towards Moyasu at a speed of 145 using Crashing Thunder Charge to close the distance. He would watch intently for any reason to desist, but unless his path is hindered he would then punch Moyasu in the gut with an impact force of 100.

WC: 105
TWC: 345

Battle Info:
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Re: Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Wed May 03, 2023 11:51 pm
After a few more words were said from the large "gentleman" the Meijin would see the ninja's muscles suddenly tense which would cause the fire Meijin to tense his chakra causing the heat of his flames to grow hotter as all his senses grew in intensity allowing him to track the ninja's much faster movements. His body would be overtaken by the flames, his body almost seeming as though it was made of fire, as he would keep his eyes on his approaching target. The Meijin would wait for the ninja to get close enough for his flames to cause the bigger ninja harm. If the ninja proceeded to go with his punch towards Moyasu's gut the flames would cause 170 damage upon reaching within 5 meters of Moyasu as the Meijin would allow his reflexes to take control of his body as he would sidestep out of the way of the fist, at a speed of 170, before using a foot to press his heel against the man's arm in order to hop back and away from the man by ten meters. If the Ushitora was to stop his charge or try some other attack Moyasu would stand there watching the Ushitora closely in order to respond accordingly.

WC 182

Techs Used: Blast Furnace: Accelerator (S rank) +70 to Vigor/Speed = 170/140 (Reflex speed +30 = 170) respectively; Power = 170; AP used = 50; AP remaining = 1,950
Skill used (and will be used indefinitely unless specified otherwise): Dragon Fire Mastery
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Re: Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Thu May 04, 2023 2:26 am
The Ushitora was unfazed by the fiery aura that cloaked his opponent. He executed his right handed punch through the Blast Furnace, bearing the full force of its heat as he scanned for an opening through the flames. He watched Moyasu as he moved to Uranus' left by a length one centimeter wider than his fist at an impressive reflex speed of 170 to evade his punch, leaving the horned Taijutsu user overextended with his right foot forward and his left arm behind him. When his opponent then placed the heel of his right foot on Uranus' left bicep half a meter behind him in an awkward position he waited exactly until Moyasu began his leap to make his next move.

As soon as he ceased to feel the heel of his opponent's foot on his body, while Moyasu's ankle was closer to the Ushitora's chest than his own knee, Uranus immediately switched to his own fiery enhancer Ushitora Enhancement (+80/80 Strength/Speed), getting shrouded in flames of his own as he seamlessly switched over from Chakra Enhanced Strength in an instant, and at the same moment used Blue Oni: Scatter with a speed and power of 140 causing streaks of lightning to expand outwards from his body over a radius of 20 meters.

Moyasu who propelled from the mercenary's bicep behind his body to a spot ten meters from his takeoff point would be struck in the leg by the lightning before he could land, debuffing his Speed and Vigor by 50 each should he make contact. If he were to have a strength stat lower than 140 he would also be paralyzed while remaining within the thunderous dome.

WC: 274
TWC: 619

Battle Info:
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Re: Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Fri May 05, 2023 3:46 am
It proved to be a good dodge as well as a nice little jump but it seemed the big ninja had another couple of weapons hidden in his arsenal. He would watch the man become engulfed in flame before suddenly lightning started to erupt outwards from the ninja's chest moving at a speed of 140 which was just as fast as he was moving at that moment. He would quickly draw his legs into him at 170 speed, his reflexes once again kicking in to form a sort of fetal position in midair, as he would make certain none of his limbs got caught in the blast field as he travelled in a perfectly horizontal trajectory over to the ground. With his jump to the side his body would maintain a meter of distance away from the electric dome of power as his right hand and lips immediately began to move. Since he had put enough into the jump to cover ten meters he would complete the necessary nine hand seals at 140 speed, his right hand forming 5 seals as his lips softly whistled 4 quick notes, upon reaching the eighth meter of his ten meter jump. From one of his knees a fireball of about ten meters in diameter would shoot forth like a bullet towards his target eight meters away at a speed of 170.

His foot would then sweep down quickly at 140 speed towards the ground, as though the Meijin was kicking a ball, as his foot would push off the ground renewing his horizontal jump giving him an extra 12 meters in distance as he immediately drew his legs back into his fetal position at 170 speed right after his foot touch the ground. All the while the fireball he shot earlier would shoot forth straight through the lightning field at 170 speed towards it's target: Uranus. If the man did nothing to dodge he would be engulfed in the flames and suffer 170 damage before it continued along it's trajected path. All the while Moyasu continued his horizontal jump until he landed and came to a stop two meters away from the outside of the lightning field's 20 meter radius. All the while he kept his attention on the fiery man inside the lightning field and his surroundings so that no surprises were waiting for him upon his landing or during his horizontal jumps like a wall or something.

WC 406

Skills used: One Handed Seals
Whistle Trigger
Jutsus used: Blast Furnace: Accelerator (Upkeep = 25 AP; 170/140 [+30 reflex speed] Vigor/Speed respectively)
Great Blazeball (AP used: 110 (25% chakra disc; +15 AP due to OHS; +5x4=20 for four hand seals whistled); 170 Power/Speed
AP left: 1,815
Would like to make a small claim that the Blue Oni tech's debuffing factor will not affect the Blazeball's stats as Uranus specified that the debuffs would only affect Moyasu if it hit upon activation in his post. This is significant since the Blue Oni tech specifies that either a debuff of a person or debuff of a tech has to be decided upon activation.
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Re: Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Fri May 05, 2023 6:45 am
"That's useless!" Uranus roared, giving dialogue for character development as he noticed the first twitches of his opponent's legs tucking in to evade the first burst of his thunderous dome that was Scatter. Although his legs were rapidly tucked, Moyasu's jump which he had already started could not achieve a speed greater than 140. With the Ushitora's technique quickly emanating from his whole body including his right fist immediately behind Moyasu their collision was inevitable. He would be momentarily spared only by the little bit of space that he had created by curling up into a ball. Unfortunately for him his ankle would be placed directly in front of Uranus' right fist 1 micrometer away when he curled his legs.

 Uranus upon seeing his opponent's tucking knees, and his feet 1 meter from the origin point of the expanding thunderous dome from the center of his body only had to use his massive wingpsan (2.21m) to swipe his right hand 1 micrometer and close it to grab Moyasu's left ankle at a power of 145 using Jotun Grip, pulling his body inwards while Blue Oni: Scatter expanded out to its maximum range. Moyasu would be debuffed by 50/50 to Speed/Vigor as well as be paralyzed unless he had a strength stat greater than or equal to 140. 

 Uranus would then 'crush' Moyasu's ankle dealing 145 damage and then slam his immobilised body into the earthen ground at an impact force of 115 dealing an equal amount in damage as well as an additional 50 damage from the environment health of 100.

WC: 262
TWC: 883

Claiming hits on Moyasu with Jotun Grip, Blue Oni: Scatter (-50/50 Speed/Vigor, paralysis) and impact force

Battle Info:
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Re: Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Fri May 05, 2023 11:16 am
'Shit!' The thought went through Moyasu's head as he was suddenly grabbed by a grip of 135 which completely crushed his ankle before being brought hard to the ground. The field of lightning would completely paralyze him, making him unable to do anything, as his body was slammed into the ground causing a bunch of his internal bones to break though luckily none would damage his organs. He laid on the ground, in pain and unable to move, catching his breath only slightly as the lightning kept flowing around him. But he wasn't dead yet. His opponent however...

Due to Moyasu's still fiery aura surrounding his body the flames from his Blast Furnace technique would scorch his opponent's body, well within the fire Meijin's range, as he would be burned to death by them due to being so close. Moyasu, unable to move his body, could still control his chakra as he kept it up for as long as he could making certain the Ushitora would be fried. It was his only, and possibly last, chance.

WC 177

As previous post's Blazeball was interrupted I don't expend that tech's AP: AP pool = 1,925
Techs used: Blast Furnace: Accelerator Upkeep = 25 AP
AP pool = 1,900
Claiming miscalculation in Jotun Grip's strength. As Uranus's stat page shows only knowing C rank version of the tech, and since Uranus paid the C rank amount of AP for it's usage, I claim that the jutsu is thus the C rank version. This means, at base, the jutsu has 20 power. With scaling rules this means the max power Jotun Grip can have is 135 and not 145 as his strength should be at 230. 20 by 230 scaling adds up to 135 power. Because of this, and also taking into account Moyasu's 5 DR due to having 5 strength, I claim Moyasu survives this with only 5 HP remaining. 135+115+50=300
HP = 5/300
Also would like to claim final hit of Blast Furnace: Accelerator thus killing my opponent as opponent only has 110 health remaining vs my 120 power BF. 170 - 50 in vig = 120 Power
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged  Empty Re: Ultimate Test: A Ninja's Resolve Challenged

Fri May 05, 2023 12:25 pm
Moyasu's bones were crushed to oblivion the very instant his body collided with the ground. When the dust settled, the Meijin's flames had vanquished while Uranus remained ablaze. The bloodthirsty crowd roared thunderously as the mercenary lifted the bloodied corpse of his late liberator by the ankle, raising him up overhead above his hairy horns to declare his hard fought victory. The first Genin had fearlessly taken his gamble and failed, and he went out as a real shinobi. He would be remembered, and would live in the minds of his friends who were yet to try their luck - until it was their turn to depart. The road ahead for the brave Genin who remained in the Chuunin Exams was going to be long, dark and challenging.

 As for the Ushitora, he had pulled it off once again. He was a free man, free to roam the world in search of his next victim.

WC: 154
TWC: 1037

Battle Info:
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