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Hiroshi Inugashi
Hiroshi Inugashi
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 750

A little of this, a little of that Empty A little of this, a little of that

Wed May 03, 2023 9:23 pm

It was a beautiful morning in Hoshigakure the sun was just about to rise over the mountains that surrounded the village and Hiroshi was just waking up. He had left the window open overnight on accident after a night of drinking. He was a little hungover, but he was ready for the day. He reached over and reached out for the pack he left on his bed table. When he reached over, he felt two packs, he had gotten a second pack before returning home the night before. Thank God, I thought of everything. He thought as he sleepily pulled a cigarette out of his pack and pressed it to his lips. He lit the cigarette and rolled onto his back. I need some food. He thought as he dropped the ash into his ashtray. He had been given a few mission scrolls and he knew he needed to get up and eat before going to the missions.
When Hiroshi finished his cigarette, he got ready for the day by taking a shower getting dressed, and eating a big breakfast of steak and eggs. He drank a few cups of coffee and then poured coffee into his thermos and headed to the mission location. The hangover was mostly cured he felt like today wouldn’t be too bad. He looked down at the mission scroll to figure out what he needed to do, and where to go. Hiroshi needed to head to the talent office where he’d meet the others in his group. A Taijutsu tournament, sounds like fun. Hiroshi would think to himself knowing he wasn’t gifted in Taijutsu whatsoever. There must be someone in our group that’ll be able to participate. He finished his thought as he lit a cigarette and headed to the talent office to start the mission.

WC: 301
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

A little of this, a little of that Empty Re: A little of this, a little of that

Thu May 04, 2023 9:17 pm
The dark haired Hyuuga rolled out of bed. He pushed aside the blinds and looked out the window. It was strange having the mornings be so dark. While yes, it was early, his lifetime in the countryside was very different. Amikiri had lived on the opposite side of the mountain range that currently blocked the sun, so he was used to earlier sunrises and later sunsets than in Hoshigakure. It also didn’t help that he moved to Hoshigakure back in early November. The days were pretty short back then, but now they were getting longer.

He decided to leave the window open and let some air and sunlight into his relatively small apartment. Oh, how he missed the open air and seeming never ending expanse of the countryside.

The Hyuuga moved to the stove, lighting it with a match. He grabbed a cast iron pan and cracked four eggs into it. Today was a simple breakfast. Just four fried eggs. Amikiri grabbed his pepper mill and by the end of the process, there was enough black pepper across the surface of the eggs for it to have a great flavor. He slid the eggs onto a plate, grabbed a fork, and ate them. Amikiri decided not to sit down. He had been laying down for the past eight hours, no need for rest now.

The dark haired man saw some mail slide through the mail slot on his door. He bent over to grab it and, using one hand to eat his eggs, went through his mail. It was a bit difficult to go through all the papers and, sure, Amikiri could have just used his Byakugan, but it was the simple challenges in life that made Amikiri happy and nostalgic of his life in rural Haven country.

Seeing a letter about missions, Amikiri’s interest immediately peaked. Quickly scanning the letter, it seemed like today’s tasks would be relatively simple. Participate in a quick taijutsu display and, the seemingly more difficult one of the two, stop a multi decade feud between two restaurants.

The Hyuuga let out a simple sigh. These tasks were the exact reason he got up at this hour. Recently his workload as a shinobi had increased and, with the same workload from his normal job, he found it quite difficult to give himself enough time to decompress. Sure, he was making a lot of money, most of which was going to his family, but he didn’t know long he could keep this up.

Setting that thought aside for now, Amikiri got ready for his job. No need for anything fancy today. He definitely wouldn’t need his Great Spear, as thought would be strictly out of the guidelines of a taijutsu spar and it likely wouldn’t be needed for a simple cook off. He settled for simply taking some basic ninja tools and his Nise, which provided modest protection without anyone having to know.

Amikiri headed out the door and down to the talent office described. He would arrive there soon enough and, upon arrival, it was pretty clear which building it was. The office had a big banner out front, saying, “TAIJUTSU TALENT? COME HERE!”

Amikiri remembered that the mission details outlined a group of some sort, so he patiently waited outside of the office, letting the rest of the group get there before going inside.

WC: 560/1400
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A little of this, a little of that Empty Re: A little of this, a little of that

Wed May 10, 2023 4:08 am
Roy Goka woke up from his straw bed inside the shelter he had been in the for the last couple months. This living situation was about to change; soon the new genin of the village would be able to find a new place to live within the ninja headquarters, hopefully a place that was far more comfortable and a more permanent residence. For now, however, Roy was happy that he found a place that he could live without having to pay, and it gave him a chance to learn more about the people of this village.

Today is going to be another day of missions for the young swordsman. Right now, the first and most important thing to do is make money. He had been able to finally purchase a sword from his last round of missions, but he still needed money for better clothing, armor, weapons, and the necessity's of what makes a ninja a ninja. The goal was a modest one, but the scorch swordsman was determined to make this goal a reality. 

Leaving the shelter that he was in, Roy made his way through the village and to the ninja center to figure out what missions he needed to do today. He knew that his superiors within the village were at least satisfied with his performance in his previous mission since they asked him back to do more. When Roy finally got to the center and learned from his superiors what type of missions he was doing, the young genin definately smiled when he saw the reward amounts. 

Roy had never seen 13000 ryo in his life before, and the fact that he can earn it with just one days of work made it clear that this was the right profession to be in. Roy made it was towards the talent office, hurridly reading the mission details while on the way. While arriving at the talent office, Roy would know instantly who he was supposed to be with when he saw Hiroshi near the building. Roy would put his mission details scroll in his pockets, run up towards Hiroshi, and put his hand out for a fist bump

"What's up?! Looks like the village wants to keep us together, huh?"

Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

A little of this, a little of that Empty Re: A little of this, a little of that

Thu May 11, 2023 10:20 am
All he could hear was the Alarm that had blasted him awake. It was around 6pm when the alarm went off, He had a late night and a very early morning and wasent able to sleep much until the sun almost came up. He knew by the time he would wake up it would be somewhere in the afternoon, but that was acceptable for today only. Ciel had a some training he wanted to accomplish today and he wasent going to let not getting enough sleep hold him back. He immediately got up, shutting his alarm off in the process. He quickly got dress and was ready to head out the door. From the rush that Ciel was in you would of thought something was wrong, he couldn’t help but have a slightly frantic look on his face. He realized that he had overslept and now was probably going to be the last one to arrive at the mission spot and seeing as though being late could also mean being left behind motivated him to go as fast as he could to the meeting spot. Luckily for him there wasent to many people out blocking his way so it allowed him to get there just a tab bit faster.

As he got close to the spot he could see Hiroshi and Roy, two genin he had completed missions with before were already there. There was also a third shinobi there as well, someone he hadnt got the chance to meet before but that was going to change soon. Ciel would call out to everyone as he approached, "Yo Guys, Mybad for being late. I had a heavy training session last night and dint think I was going to be that exhausted from it", he would say with a grin as he walked and stood next to Roy and Hiroshi. He would look over at the third Shinobi, "What your name bro ? Im Ciel", he would say kindly. Once all the introductions were done Ciel would start to make his way inside the tournament and find a good place to watch it from. He knew he wasent going to be the member from the team that would be fighting on their behalf, which he kinda disliked but was going to be supportive of regardless. As he awaited to see which member of the team was going to fight first he would grab some snacks from one of the guys walking around.

Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

A little of this, a little of that Empty Re: A little of this, a little of that

Thu Jun 22, 2023 1:04 pm
The Hyuuga patiently waited and, as the papers said would happen, a group started to form. First he saw a man that was almost a head taller than Amikiri but looked to be a few years his junior. The red headed man instantly approached Hiroshi. The black haired Hyuuga, even with his great natural perception, hadn’t noticed the other man before. Hiroshi wasn’t that much taller than Amikiri, but was quite filled out, looking significantly stronger than the lean Hyuuga. Roy and Hiroshi exchanged an energetic greeting, with Amikiri trying not to look too awkward off to the side. Another man approached the group, once again going to greet the others. This new face was the slightest bit taller than Amikiri but seemed to be quite a few pounds smaller than Amikiri.

This new figure introduced himself as Ciel and Amikiri would respond with, “Well Ciel, it’s certainly nice to meet you.” Turning to face the rest of the gathered group, Amikiri would say, “Unlike you all, I clearly don’t know all of you. My name is Amikiri and it’s great to meet you. It seems like this should be all of us so there is no better time than now to get started.” Amikiri would wait for a few seconds to see if anyone had any suggestions then would go ahead and say, “I think this next section is best left to me. I may not be the best at Taijutsu but my abilities are a bit different than that of a normal user.”

The Hyuuga would then point at his blank eyes, indicating his Hyuuga clan lineage. Even if one wasn’t knowledgeable on the Hyuuga’s taijutsu prowess, Amikiri put down enough hints for someone to deduce that the dark haired Hyuuga would have some sort of advantage in taijutsu abilities. With another short pause for any objections, the Hyuuga would head inside the talent office. It was quite simplistic looking, clearly set up in a rapid fashion. There was a short queue of people, but fortunately it was only about ten or so people long. In front of the Hyuuga stood a collection of people. There were a couple massive, hulking brutes, a few people who were wearing martial art uniforms, and someone who Amikiri noticed had a dagger up his sleeve. Not very well hidden but the Hyuuga’s natural perception was enough to see it. Amikiri requested to fight against the man instead of what his normal opponent would be. Partially to skip the wait and partially to stop anyone else from getting hurt. After a confirmation from the man in charge, Amikiri and the man were sent forward in a hallway, before being split off in opposite directions. The Hyuuga went left while the armed man would head to the right. The Hyuuga predicted that both of these paths would lead to different sides of the arena and shortly enough he would be proven right. But before he could enter the arena, he would have to store all his weapons and armor here. The Hyuuga emptied his pockets, leaving his vast collection of weapons on the table. He would also take off his Nise. The person making sure Amikiri followed the rules was quite surprised, as Amikiri removed the skin tight layer of armor from himself in a manner which looked like pulling a sheet off himself. Of course, this sheet was strangely reflective and rainbow colored, but the sheet would rapidly form itself into a small, black cube, which Amikiri would set down on the table. The person supervising Amikiri looked him over and, after not seeing any obvious weapons, let the Hyuuga into the arena.

The arena was quite small so, even standing at the edge, Amikiri was only fifteen meters away from his opponent. An announcer declared they could start and the two opponents would not at each other, a mutual sign that they were both ready. The man charged at the dark haired Hyuuga. Fortunately for Amikiri, this charge wasn’t much of a charge and more so a jog. His opponent, upon being closer to the Hyuuga, would launch a volley of punches at Amikiri, who simply crouched down and circled around his opponent. The two would continue like this for a few more minutes, with Amikri cleanly dodging the other man’s blows and the Hyuuga choosing to make an occasional hit, all of which connected with his opponent. Eventually, Amikiri launched an undercut aimed at the man’s wrist. This threw the man’s arm into the air and the dagger came clattering out of his sleeve. The Hyuuga followed this up with a kick square to the man’s chest, sending him flying back a few meters and securing the victory for Amikiri. The Hyuuga exited the arena and the man who arranged the contest assured him that they would all get their money soon.

Amikiri received his supplies and exited the building, saying to the group, “Well that wasn’t too bad. So, who’s ready to solve some restaurant issues and taste some great food?” From there, the Hyuuga would follow along with the rest of the group and then when things were done, he would go home. Amikiri really enjoyed working with all these new people he was meeting. While the Hyuuga had initially been intimidated by moving to the big city, all the friendly faces here had been a very nice and pleasant surprise.

WC: 903
TWC: 1463/1400


Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

A little of this, a little of that Empty Re: A little of this, a little of that

Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:57 pm
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