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Stat Page : The Masqued Marionettist
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Death in Iron Empty Death in Iron

Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:00 pm
Shijin didn't much mind the Land of Iron. The people were nice enough, he thought. The honorable sort, far removed from the culture of shinobi and all the trappings that followed. The samurai that patrolled the lands were more amiable than the ninja in other lands he passed through, talking with him and even offering help despite quite obviously being a foreigner. Even the little coastal town he’d found and decided to rest in for a bit was welcoming, the people smiling at him kindly and offering tidbits and tips on living in their land. He turned a bit of a profit as a hunter, turning in the pelts and some of the meat from harder to hunt animals for a tidy profit within the village. If he hunted with inky black threads that reached out from beneath his flesh, none of the people he sold to needed to know.

What he didn’t like was the snow.

It was cold, clingy and all around uncomfortable. He swore the winds battered at the edges of his small abode just to haunt him, trying to worm frigid fingers in through the insulated walls to grip his flesh tight. He wasn’t exactly affected adversely by the natural cold of the Land of Iron, however his body didn’t pump blood or warm itself normally, so when it sunk into him it was all the harder to get out. It was a constant fight to bundle up enough to stay warm, but to also access enough skin if the time called for him to use his bloodline.

It was very unfortunate that he liked sitting outside to work, gently chiding his mother’s memory for instilling such a habit in him after living in the woods for years. He was sitting in view of the sea, a ways away from the town’s docks. He alternated between skinning some overly large wolves of their flesh and making sketches and annotations in a book (proofed against the cold of the snow and moisture, in case of any blood drops clinging to his hands). The sketch itself was of a puppet design. Several actually, ones he’d been crafting in theory but not in practice. He wanted to get to work on them soon, but the Land of Iron wasn’t very rife with the necessary materials.

"Well, girl" Shijin said softly, petting the lifeless form of a half-skinned wolf Looks like Ill need to start traveling again soon. Innovation wont lead itself, after all.

WC: 414
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Death in Iron Empty Re: Death in Iron

Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:04 pm
Auron, the captain of a notorious pirate crew, strode through the bustling market of the coastal town, his black and red samurai-like armor gleaming under the midday sun. The clinking sound of ryo filled his pockets as he cashed in on his recent exploits, assisting villagers in dealing with a group of bandits. His reputation preceded him, and the locals regarded him with a mix of fear and awe as he passed by. They were well aware of Kaizoku's presence in this country, even to the point where they relied on their assistance. And to some extent, the unorganized samurai of the country found themselves recruiting the pirates to assist when...unorthodox matters presented themselves.

But as Auron made his way through the market, his sharp gaze caught sight of a lone figure sitting near the sea, diligently working amidst the snow. He didn't recognize the person at all, though they seemed above the work of a commoner. Still from attire alone, they didn't blend in with the likes of a samurai either. The Yamaguchi assumed that they had been new to the area, considering that he himself had begun to familiarize himself with all notable characters in Iron Country. Intrigued, Auron decided to approach him, the weight of Masamune resting heavily on his hip and a second katana strapped to his back.

With a confident stride, Auron approached the person, his boots crunching on the snow and his large kasa protecting him from the heat of the sun's rays. The tails of his yukata softly blew in the direction of the wind as he walked over, trailing slightly behind him. Kaizoku's captain leaned against a nearby post and looked down at the half-skinned wolf, a sly smile tugging at the corner of his lips which were shrouded by the cloak which was tied around his neck. "Innovation won't lead itself, indeed," Auron spoke in a deep, gravelly voice, adding a touch of roughness to his words. "But if it's travel you seek, I may know of an opportunity."

The Yamaguchi had been very forthcoming with his approach, although he intruded on the stranger's solitude, he figured no one in their right mind would speak aloud if they secretly hoped not to be heard. Auron had learned a lot over the years, especially on how to speak to people. Since he had been voted in as captain of the pirate crew, he had learned to carry a certain swagger within his demeanor and words. But before then, he was nothing more than a follower who rarely offered more than a few words here and there. But now, with a bit of leadership under his belt, he had come into his own. And so, he had been on a mission of recruiting people for his crew. So far there had been Cole and the other deserted person he found, but to the Yamaguchi...the more the merrier. Folding his arms, he'd wait in anticipation of the stranger's response to his own vague proposal.

WC = 500
+2 NE Stacks
Stat Page : The Masqued Marionettist
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Death in Iron Empty Re: Death in Iron

Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:30 pm
Shijin heard the approach of footsteps, but thought nothing of it. There had been a few people who had passed by him on their own business, one nice old lady who’d bundled herself up and brought him some steamed dumplings, too, but rarely anyone he had to trade pleasantries with. So he kept focus on his work, knife quickly and skillfully removing fur from muscle. That was, until the man started to speak to him in a deep, steady timbre. Shijin didn’t respond for a moment, instead focusing on fully removing the pelt from the body of the wolf and spreading the thing out on a nearby log he’d designated as a temporary “rack”.

He still needed to gut the beast and package the organs. Some of them would be his dinner (he had a fondness for hearts, and it’s not like many people took to eating that particular piece of meat anyway), but most would go to the butcher along with the rest of the carcass. But that was work that was best done in peace, true solitude, and he wasn’t alone anymore. He cleaned the bit of viscera from his hands and picked up his writing utensil and notebook once more, now turning to look at his visitor in full.

Short, was the first thing that flitted through Shijin’s head upon taking the man in. It wasn’t an entirely accurate descriptor, as the man was probably only an inch or two shorter than Shijin himself, but the way he had been walking spoke of the gait of a larger individual. But it was easy to see why, as Shijin thought the next word: Confident. Whoever this was carried himself like he was capable and sure, which was impressive. People had the tendency to curl into themselves, Shijin found. It was an unflattering posture. He spared only a fleeting glance at the sword’s on the man’s body before raising a brow, fingers flipping through the pages of his notebook before finding another sketch and beginning to make additions.

Most people tend to view eavesdropping as something extremely rude. I was told the tale of how, in Land of Fangs, it was an offense punishable by having ones ears lopped off. An obvious lie, the slightest hint of playfulness making its way into Shijin’s almost monotone drawl as he said it And while I just adore opportunity, my mother always did warn me off talking to strangers. So if you want me to listen any further, you should introduce yourself.

Shijin was still writing as he talked, never once taking his eyes off the man as he was sketching. It was an approximation of the other’s form, though the joints were wrong. Mechanical. A design based on his form, rather than a rendering of him exactly Im Shijin, by the by. Imnot from here, though I dont suppose you are either.

WC: 481; Total WC: 905
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Death in Iron Empty Re: Death in Iron

Fri Jun 02, 2023 9:12 am
The gore associated with the stranger removing the pelt from the wolf didn't bother Auron one bit. Throughout his time as a missing ninja, and as a shinobi, he had seen many things that would unsettle the unhardened folk of the world. But something of this nature, was more fascinating than anything. And realistically, it was a valuable skill to have. He internally commended the stranger for this feat seeing as he himself wasn't well versed in it. Though he understood its importance, especially as a disciple in the arts of armor fabrication. The captain was more accustomed to armor composed of metal, but fur offered its merits as well.

But this observation aside, his arms remained crossed and his body language was stoic, despite the immediate offense that this stranger seemed to display. Passersby familiar with the Captain's notoriety in the Land of Iron sort of shuddered at the tonality of the stranger's voice. Combined with the context, it could come across as mocking or potentially even a threat; neither of which the Saboteur was fond of. But instead of appearing bothered, Auron laughed at the naivety of this person's words. He cared not at the age discrepancy between himself and this stranger, as the Captain's experience likely trumped the artist's own.

"You know," Auron began with a stern tone. He'd raise his arm to the brim of his kasa and lift it slightly, allowing for better eye contact to be made between himself and the stranger. "They say ignorance is bliss, but never did I think it would present itself so clearly." The Captain would laugh, restoring his right arm back towards his chest and nestling it within the wells of his other arm. "Eavesdropping implies I was intruding in a conversation. But if you wanted privacy, you'd keep your thoughts in your head. I'd argue that you invited me into your thoughts." A mischievous half grin would spread across the Yamaguchi's face as he worked the conversation. "And funny you mention the policies of the Land of Fangs and chopping ears off...when I am the law here. If you value your tongue, you'd choose your words wisely."

Although Auron was only slightly taken back by the stranger's tone, he sought to mirror the energy which he received. Should it develop into actual actions, well then the two would just have to see who actually walked the walk. But in any case, Auron's expression would relax from its devilish grin to something a bit more friendly. "Auron, captain of a band of pirates which has jurisdiction over this country and the waters of the world." With a bit of a laugh, he'd let out "Nice to meet you Shinji. You seem to talk the talk, but if presented with an opportunity to walk it...would you? My group is called Kaizoku, and we are well known here. We sail the seas aboard our Dreadnought in search of whatever it is we seek...and when we pursue something, we get it. From your kind invitation, it seems like what we offer may suit you."

WC = 513. TWC = 1013
+2 NE Stacks; 4 Total
Stat Page : The Masqued Marionettist
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Death in Iron Empty Re: Death in Iron

Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:48 pm
The swordsman was good at schooling his emotions, though the tone he took and his words radiated the threat he meant them as. Shijin met his eyes, face impassive for a long beat, before his lips curled upwards into a bright Cheshire cat smile. The gap in their abilities was obvious to Shijin, he had no intention of seriously challenging the man, but it helped to test the temperament of those who were bold enough to proposition strangers. It just wouldn’t do to follow someone who couldn’t keep their head in shouting matches some people liked to participate in before combat. Hes got a bit of wit as well, might make conversations fun Shijin mused to himself softly.

Outwardly, he inclined his head towards Auron, bearing his neck very slightly in a distinctly lupine show of deference while radiating a placating aura I meant absolutely no offense, Captain, I assure you. His smile was still firmly in place, as he turned his head down, looking at his sketch fully now that he’d obtained a full measure of Auron’s person. He began making changes here and there, fixing measurements and sketching out additions. The man was a good base but there needed to be…more. He brought to mind the samurai of the Land of Iron and hummed in consideration, beginning to add pieces inspired by them here and there. Its coming together beautifully.

I wouldnt advise taking my tongue, though, the results may be disappointing to you. Shijin took a moment to examine the finalized sketch, despite how long he’d been silent while working on it previously. There were definitely bits that would have to be smoothed out when he mocked up the final schematics, but that was the territory he’d be in anyway. This was good enough. He wrote its name across the top of the page and carefully closed the book Im capable of reattaching or replacing most of myless important bits. And even some of the important ones. Shijin raised his hand and wiggled his fingers a bit, black threads peeking out from beneath his sleeve in a mock wave before they retreated back into his person.

Ill let you know now, Captain Shijin started as he pulled back over the wolf carcass. He pulled out a few sheafs of wax paper and laid them out before picking up the knife again. With a single smooth motion, he’d opened the underbelly to expose the insides to his sight My talents are more of a mechanical nature. While Im able to break down a beast like no ones business, As he spoke, he was reaching inside the creature, making a few cuts and removing key organs. Each was wrapped snugly in the paper and set to the side. The beast had been bled before Shijin had started skinning it, so there was minimal bloodshed now Im a mediocre cook. Definitely more in line with the talents of a mechanic or shipwright, if thats amenable.

It was posed as a statement, not a question, as Shijin continued his work. It would seem that he’d accepted the other’s offer, just not verbally I dont require much medical attention, so if you have a doctor onboard already you can tell them not to worry about me. I also dont eat much, so rationing wont be much of an issue either. Could you carry the rest of the wolf for me? He indicated the fully cleaned carcass. Even the intestines had been placed in a leak-proof satchel and situated beside the other organs in a large bag Shijin was now lifting onto his shoulder We can take my haul to the butcher, and the pelt to the tailor, and then I can go gather my things. It shouldnt take too long.

WC: 628; Total WC: 1533
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Death in Iron Empty Re: Death in Iron

Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:17 pm
Auron observed Shijin's response with a keen eye, recognizing the subtle display of respect in the lupine gesture. As Shijin spoke, Auron maintained his stoic demeanor, listening attentively to the man's words. He couldn't help but acknowledge the glimmer of wit that danced in Shijin's eyes, appreciating the potential for engaging conversations ahead. Momentarily Auron would glance down at the sketchbook Shijin had been doodling in, but not for long enough to distract him from the conversation at hand. Though sketching and artistry in general was something that the Captain could admire. Never had he had the time to partake in such a hobby, as his life had been quick paced. Still, he could imagine the type of stress relief and stimulus that it might generate within him. Perhaps the Yamaguchi needed a hobby...

But in any case with a calm and measured tone, Auron responded, his voice carrying an air of authority yet laced with a hint of curiosity. "Forget it, Shijin. Your craftsmanship in sketching is impressive, and I am intrigued by your mechanical talents. A steady hand and a keen eye are valuable assets in any endeavor, and would always be welcomed within my crew..." A smirk then appeared across his face. "And as for your tongue, I have no real interest in it. Just wanted to give you an idea of the way of our crew. We speak with respect towards another, and should that respect be compromised then disputes are handled amongst those parties. Of course though, I take no disrespect in simple banter like we're having." This was Auron's attempt at further neutralizing any potential hostilities between the two. Though not before he'd come out on top with his riposte.

Auron's gaze followed Shijin's hand as it manipulated the black threads beneath his sleeve, a subtle display of his unique abilities. He nodded approvingly, acknowledging the resourcefulness Shijin possessed. Ironically enough, everyone aboard the Dreadnought had some type of unique abilities which were difficult for the Captain to explain. Being a Yamaguchi, Auron could barely describe his own talents and how they related to the dead. But in any case, he kept his response both simple and welcoming. "Resourcefulness is a valuable trait on any voyage, and your ability to reattach or replace certain parts of yourself may prove useful in challenging situations. Could prove as quite the vex for any looking to face you."

As Shijin continued his work on the carcass, Auron observed the precision and efficiency with which he operated. He admired the man's skill set and potential contribution to the crew. "Your mechanical skills and understanding of creatures will be of great value. We can certainly meet with the local butcher and tailor to handle your haul. And your self-sufficiency regarding medical attention and rationing is noted." Recognizing that Shijin offering an indication of his capabilities was more or less an agreement to join Kaizoku, a coy expression presented itself upon Auron's face. "As a member of Kaizoku, our pirate crew, you'll receive comforting lodging and plenty of hospitality. We push each other to grow stronger, and work together to grow richer. And of course, we have a code amongst ourselves. Upon reaching the Dreadnought, I encourage you to familiar yourself with it. And as for your responsibilities, we could certainly use a shipwright."

Should Shijin have any questions on the information the Captain presented to him, Auron would oblige. But otherwise Auron extended a hand towards the cleaned carcass, ready to lend a hand with whatever Shijin would request he carry. "I'll gladly assist you with carrying the rest of the wolf." He motioned towards a series of shops across from the market place, no more than 20 meters away. "Once we're done, we'll make our way towards where you need to gather your belongings, then we can get you acquainted with our ship. But for now, lead the way."

WC = 651. TWC = 1664
+2 NE Stacks; 6 Total
Stat Page : The Masqued Marionettist
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Death in Iron Empty Re: Death in Iron

Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:31 pm
With a grateful nod of the head, Shijin handed off the wolf carcass to the other. With a quiet hum, Shijin kicked a bit of snow onto his small fire to extinguish it and then turned to start walking back into the town. He mused absentmindedly on the other’s words, rather than fill the silence as they walked. I havent experienced outright praise for my capabilities before, Shijin thought to himself as they moved along, shifting his bag and moving through the trees. A small smile stretched across his lips Wait until he sees my creations made manifest. The Samurai, as Shijin decided to call it, would take more time to create but there were a few simpler ideas that would work just fine until he was capable of forging his more masterful pieces.

He hummed slightly as he made his way to the tailor first, offering the only slightly bloodied pelt. They made small talk and she waxed poetic about the quality of the fur. He liked her, she had kind eyes and a warm smile, and reminded him a bit of his mother in temperament. She also didn’t seem to mind the blood that often littered what Shijin brought her, which also brought a smile to his face. Once he’d finished there, he left the establishment and motioned towards the butcher’s place. He hummed a bit more before speaking to Auron again Are you familiar with the tales of people who can eat the hearts of others to gain their power?

Shijin continued speaking as they walked Ive heard the term ragdolls used to refer to us. Which seems fitting, as the threads in our bodies can stitch us back together and give us the appearance of dolls that were stitched together with thread and needle. The statement was made simply, Shijin affecting a falsely light tone as he spoke of his bloodline. They entered the butcher’s shop and he made considerably less small talk here than with the tailor. The butcher was a brusk, burly man who didn’t have patience for pleasantries, so Shijin didn’t bother with them. He simply took most of the organs out of the satchel, leaving a few choice ones for Shijin. He put them away before taking the carcass from Auron, heaving it over his shoulder and walking to the back as Shijin exited the shop.

Once outside, he turned to Auron to look at him as he spoke They also call us demons in some places. Theyve called us out of our name for so long that the true name of the bloodline was lost to the annals of time. A laugh, mirthless and stilted, fell from Shijin’s lips I am a Tau, as it were. I can obtain the elements of those I or others have killed by assimilating their hearts into my body. I am also, functionally, immortal because of the fact, as youd need to destroy every heart I have in order to kill me. And I do believe we stop aging after a point, and we dont really bleed either. Most of my body is black thread.

He paused, his mouth opening and closing a few times in quick succession Apologies, Im not used to describing this. Usually I say as little as possible in the spirit of self preservation. Shinobi dont really take kindly to my bloodline, attributed to the fact that my mother ran from the village of her birth for fear of what theyd do after they found out. He huffed a bit, painting another smile on his face So, what do you say, Captain? Still fancy having such stigma haunting you and yours?

WC: 610; Total WC: 2143
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Death in Iron Empty Re: Death in Iron

Fri Jun 09, 2023 12:56 pm
Auron received the wolf carcass, and easily slung it over his shoulder. As a man from a rich background of gore, violence, and carnage, this task did not bother him at all. The only concern he had was minor, and it was more so focused on how easily any residual blood would get out of the silk and cloth aspects of his clothing. But he had access to the finest cleaners and tailors in the Country, so this wouldn't be much of an issue. Besides, perhaps the blood stains suited him more? In any case, he'd follow the lead of Shijin who set pace towards the tailor. There had been an air of silence throughout the course, as neither of the two seemed too keen on prodding the other on any other subjects. Auron himself, had been deep in thought. The Captain was pondering the idea of how some of the other crew members would react to a new comer. With Kiri and Hoori, there was a bit of tension, as Grey and Cid had rightfully became a bit territorial over the Dreadnought. But after a brief discussion, the animosity had fallen. The Yamaguchi expected a similar encounter to take place, although this Shijin fellow seemed to be more of a unique case. From how he described his abilities, he could provide some coverage in niche applications where the others aboard the boat could not. And to Auron, that was indispensable.

But when the pair arrived at the tailor, Shijin engaged her in some small talk. There seemed to be some familiarity between the two, suggesting that the man had worked with her often. When her attention fell upon Auron, she'd offer a nod and a slight bow, recognizing his status within Iron Country. The Captain responded in turn with silence and a nod. She had always treated his garments with respect, never complaining and always delivering. But the time spent in this place was brief, as the duo set out towards the butcher. Shijin's nearly incessant humming resumed, which only vexed the Captain for very short period before the stranger spoke again. This time, he begun with a query on Auron's familiarity on what he could only describe as cannibals. 

"Hm?" Auron let out, with a twang of curiosity in his tone.

He continued walking alongside Shijin as the man briefly clarified these "cannibals" as being "ragdolls"; a term which meant no more to Auron. Curiosity was blanketed across his face as he keenly listened to Shijin's tale. He related it to his own genetic ability of detaching, reattaching, and stitching his own body parts as if he was some type of toy. The timing of his introduction on the subject slotted the two right outside of the butcher's shop. And so Auron, would only respond shortly. 

"I have not heard of such an ability. But let's continue after we conclude our work here."

With that, he'd offer the butcher the wolf carcass after Shijin handed over his bag of entrails to the clerk. The business here was short and straightforward, exactly how the Yamaguchi preferred. And upon departure from the store, Auron would look upon Shijin and nod. "Go on."

And Shijin did. He'd elaborate on the ragdolls' notoriety as demons, a term that he himself had been called as well. Such a thought brought a quick chuckle from Auron, which came alongside Shijin's own laughter. Though it was short lived, as the pelter continued on about his true ancestry and what his clan's abilities were. He described himself as immortal, again a term that Auron could relate to given his own affinity with the undead. Though again, Shijin was unique. His body was mainly made up of black threads, unlike the one that Auron witnessed Kira dissect. And with that thought, he reflected on the fact that he was in possession of a heart. The heart of the Oni. 

With that realization came a look of slight astonishment, which arrived simultaneously with Shijin's apologies and resolve. Auron, laughed it off and waved his left hand up and into the air. 

"My crew is a home for demons. You will fit right in. Me myself...I suppose I could be described as a necromancer." Auron put bluntly, while weaving two hand seals with his off hand. He'd summon a jar from his storage dimension technique, containing a single heart within. The heart of the Oni. "Though I suppose you might have more use for this, than I would. Consider it a signing bonus." The Captain said as he haphazardly tossed the jar containing one of Yurei's hearts towards Shijin, though gentle enough for the man to easily catch it.

"In Kaizoku, we value strength. If something like this is vital to your own development and a staple of your people's story, then you should have. Further your path to immortality, my friend."

With a light smile upon his face, he'd lift his head slightly so that Shijin could see the look of severity in Auron's expression. He was friendly, but he was also actively investing in the stranger. And to the Captain, his generosity should not be taken lightly. But in any case, he'd wait to see Shijin's reactions and any comments he made before pushing for the two to set off towards the Dreadnought.

WC = 886. TWC = 2550
+2 NE Stacks; 8 Total

- Giving 1 Uchiha Heart (Fire) to Shijin
Stat Page : The Masqued Marionettist
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Death in Iron Empty Re: Death in Iron

Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:55 pm
Auron’s reaction, or lack thereof, was a pleasant surprise to Shijin. He was used to looks of surprise closer to horror and dread more than anything, though that was usually because when he revealed his bloodline to others it was with intent to end their lives. Auron’s was more neutral, not one of judgment but of genuine awe at what Shijin had to say about himself.  It was odd and unsettling, truth be told, new terrain that Shijin didn’t know how to navigate whatsoever. But he was an improviser, so with a quick breath he pulled together his best approximation of a carefree smile.

His interest was piqued at the mention of necromancy of all things, wondering just what the man before him could do, beyond what the swords at his back told Shijin of his skillset. He was also curious about the other “demons” of the crew. It was curious how such frightful folk obtained the respect of the civilians of this country. Sure, the Samurai weren’t easily cowed and would look upon anyone with a speck of honor favorably, but those without the ability to fight like they did often viewed anyone with that kind of power that they didn’t know as a threat. It could be that the crew has more than a speck of honor. Heh, honorable pirates? Interesting indeed.

Shijin caught the jar as the other man tossed it, leveling Auron with a softer smile, the lines between his brow telling of confusion. He looked through the glass at the heart within appreciatively, examining its color and apparent freshness. His smile smoothed out and he turned a questioning brow to the other before opening the jar. He drew the organ out carefully, turning it gently in his fingers before giving it a sniff Ive never actually done this before, I have to say. He was enraptured with the heart now, his own picking up slightly with anticipation Bon appetit, mon capitan.

Partially in a bid to truly test the limit of Auron’s comfortability with his nature and partially because he didn’t know how else to do this, Shijin opened his mouth. His mouth didn’t stop opening however, the slight lines across his cheeks spreading wide and allowing his mouth to split open into a wide maw, like a snake unhinging its jaws. Pitch-black thread snaked forward from his throat and around his tongue in order to move across and caress the organ, almost scenting the thing, before a few pierced the soft flesh. The veins blackened as the threads attached to arteries, veins and aorta.

For a moment there was nothing, and then the heart began to beat, slow and lethargic. There was a shiver from Shijin, wracking even the threads that were now retreating into his body with the heart. The threads pulled the heart down his throat, his flesh distending noticeably with its passage, as his face knit itself back together. He pressed a hand softly over his mouth for a moment before speaking, letting the heart settle at its new place in his chest That was an experience. I dont think I have the words to describe it. It tasteda bit like chili flakes? It was odd. Thank you, Auron

With another nod, Shijin turned and began walking towards his small abode. He considered himself lucky that the street was blessedly empty, or he may have needed to explain the little display he just put on Time to go and collect my things, its not much so you wont have to carry anything Shijin motioned to Auron in a vague direction, indicating where he had been staying while in the village Then well head to the ship and what do pirates do anyway? Sing shanties and pillage? Eh, I can get a briefing later, a tour should be first on the agenda.

WC: 618; Total WC: 2761

- 1 Heart (Fire) Assimilated; Current Heart Count: 2 (Earth, Fire)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Death in Iron Empty Re: Death in Iron

Sun Jun 11, 2023 11:09 am
Although Auron had been hardened over the years, nothing could prepare him for the spectacle he was about to witness.

After tossing the heart over to Shijin, the Tau seemed almost instinctively to know exactly what to do. Whether he had downplayed it, or was honest in his naivety regarding the process, the Captain could not tell. As Shijin opened his mouth, Auron could get a glance at the inner workings of the man. True, there was an abundance of black threads, but what had been more unique was the man's unique ability to unhinge his jaw in sort of a monstrous way. It was incredible to say the least, and seemed to be a feat straight out of nightmares. Though Auron himself was not afraid nor taken back by the display, he could sort of understand why people looked at this clan as demons. But who was anyone to judge a group of people for the necessary actions they needed to survive and thrive? Certainly not Auron, as his spiel was killing, collecting, and manipulating the dead. 

Within a few seconds though, the heart was entirely devoured, and Shijin closed his mouth and returned to his more human like appearance. Auron, admittedly confused and entertained, simply crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "An experience indeed. Never had I thought I'd serve a heart to someone...." he paused as a rather odd thought came to mind. With a peculiar expression, he'd ask what came to mind. "Do you...feel any different? I know you mentioned that the accumulation of hearts is sort of a path to immortality for our clan, but is that something that takes effect immediately? Or are there other steps you need to follow in order to actually benefit from that heart?"

The Yamaguchi didn't want to pry, but he did want to have a base understanding of his crew's abilities. And now that he knew that hearts were the core requirement for Shijin's powers, he'd be on the prowl for them. If he could kill a foe, remove the heart, and keep the body then now two birds would be killed with a single stone. And as that conversation progressed before ultimately concluding, Shijin and Auron would make their way towards the former's resting place. He'd comment on collecting his possessions and how brief that process would be, indicating that maybe he didn't have much. It was an unfortunate reality of being a missing ninja. Typically you only had what you could carry, and Auron was no stranger to that. But the home offered by the Dreadnought had changed everything for him.

"Understood. I will wait out here, and when you've fetched your stuff then we can go. Funny enough, shanties are something our crew does with the more rum drank. Cid could tell you about some of them, I'm sure. I more so focus on the pillaging and adventuring aspect. We train, sail, and claim our keep. We've been here in the Land of Iron for some time, though perhaps it is time we venture elsewhere. Any place in mind?"

WC = 515. TWC = 3065
+2 NE Stacks; 10 Total
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