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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:27 pm
As Natuski spoke, the melody shifted, to echo the kunoichi's dreams of protection for kin and home. A knowing smirk would spread on the musician's face, dejavu rose its familiar head as Monsoon had heard the Hyuuga speak similar words before. It warmed Monsoon's heart to know that the strife and struggle that came soon after their graduating of the academy did not mar her determination and spirt. As she continued, the servers refilled the beverages, and took Zraix's order. Monsoon was struck, as was the melody, at the utterance of hope in Natsuki's voice. To bridge the divide that past clan's heads have created would be impressive and challenging, yet Monsoon knew that the kunoichi would, with the skill and precision that came with her clan, navigate this arduous path.

When Natsuki finished, the tune changed, to a monotonous strum, as Ciel thought of his response. As the dark cloaked shinobi spoke, the melody shifted, rising in tandem with Ciel's words of power and strength. There was a sharp note when Monsoon heard his clan's dojutsu, uttered by a stranger who also felt familiar. Monsoon, while continuing the deep melody, scanned Ciel's features closely. Indeed, there was an uncanny resemblance in his eyes, one that would require a conversation at a later date.

Upon giving the floor to Zraix, the melody washed into a swashbuckling tune that called on adventure, with hints of mystery, wonder and danger. Monsoon was aware of El Primo's foremost desire, a team to discover a power to bring balance to a world on a constant precipice of war. As Zraix commented on Monsoon's and Ciel's shared heritage, the musician would nod to the dark cloaked shinobi: the first gesture of shared kinship. The melody calmed as the Hoshimura spoke of his wanting to master his clan's specialty, to stand as a pillar in the annals of his lineage's history. Monsoon would wait for the ronin to conclude before speaking.

"It would seem we lot of our a similar make, we all wish to grow in strength to see what comes next. Natsuki, I believe you are already on your way to accomplishing your goal, considering the make of our current party. Though it is just a group enjoying the shade in a hot day, it is a wonderous sign! Ciel, or Uchiha if I may say, I understand your goal of mastering our clan's keepsake. I too share that ideal, as I feel that is the path I must take to reach mine. Perhaps that is why the sun has brought our paths together? Though, by your look, I see you have progressed to a level that I am not at, for now. And Hoshimura, Zraix you know our ideals are one! Yet Space/Time arts, the concept truly goes over my head, if I may say. But this land you speak of, if the powers you speak of exist, truly the journey there would be ultimate! Still, at the moment, we've a strange opportunity in front of us...

Monsoon would turn to Natsuki

"By my count, there are two genin and one chuunin here, excluding yourself, Miss Hyuuga. Though unorthodox, I am sure the Hogokage would be interested in knowing their are like minded shinobi of our ability. Perhaps he could commission a sort of auxiliary squad?" Monsoon would indicate to Ciel and Zraix, "I believe a way toward all of our goals lies within us three, no?


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Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Fri Jul 14, 2023 4:46 pm
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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:56 pm
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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Mon Jul 17, 2023 6:55 pm

As Zraix finished sharing his goals, Natsuki listened intently, absorbing the weight and significance of his words. Forming a team dedicated to ridding the world of tyranny and seeking out a fabled place tied to Space/Time and weaponry, arts held a sense of adventure and purpose that resonated deeply with her. She couldn't help but feel excitement at the prospect of embarking on such a journey alongside these like-minded shinobi.

"Your goals are truly moving," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "A team of powerful shinobi with pure intentions, driven to end tyranny... it's something out of a song, almost. People with the same unity and shared purpose achieved remarkable during the cataclysm a century and a half ago. "

Ciel's admission of his desire for power was met with understanding from Natsuki. She recognized that pursuing strength and mastery was a common goal among shinobi, respected Ciel's straightforwardness, and understood that different individuals had different motivations and paths. 

"I appreciate your honesty, Ciel; the pursuit of power is not inherently negative as long as it is tempered with responsibility and purpose. We all have different paths to walk, and I respect yours."

Natsuki listened attentively to Monsoon's words, her gaze shifting between each member of their impromptu gathering. She couldn't deny the intrigue of Monsoon's suggestion, the idea of forming an auxiliary squad composed of like-minded shinobi who shared similar goals and aspirations. It was an opportunity for growth, collaboration, and the potential to make a meaningful impact.

"Our goals may be different, but our paths have converged here at this moment,"  She paused, her eyes glinting with determination.

"Maybe this is where we forge our destiny and bring hope and peace to the world."

The melody that accompanied their conversation rose, its tempo building with anticipation and unity. The notes danced in the air, intertwining and harmonizing, symbolizing their potential team's unity and shared purpose.

Natsuki glanced at each gathering member, a sense of anticipation and hope filling her heart.

"What say you, Monsoon, Ciel, Zraix? Are you ready to embark on a mission together and form an auxiliary squad dedicated to our goals and the betterment of our village and her people?"

WC: 366

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Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:01 am
Once he was done talking Zraix would start talking and to Ciel surprised it was to him. Ciel didn't realize that what he said made the others around him think that he didn't value or was ashamed of his goals but in all reality, he was just a simple man who didn't have the extreme ambition that the others around him carried. He didn't care enough to try and make everyone see why his simple ideals were just that and not something he was ashamed of, so when Zraix was done trying to make him feel better about his goals he would just give a smile to show thanks for the kind words he said but when he brought up Moon being an Uchiha as well it would cause him to look over at Moon returning the nod, wondering how far along his Sharingan had progress and to make sure to converse with him later about it. He would sit there and finish the rest of his drink as Zraix would finish his goals and ambition, he spoke about ridding the world of true tyranny and locating a place his grandfather had told him that might not even exist.

Ciel didn't care much for the problems in the world nor did he care for ridding it of its evil but none less it was a highly respectable idea and goal but he was more interested in the place his grandfather told him about, he had never heard of someplace like that but if it held the secrets of Spacetime then Ciel was highly interested. As Zraix finished speaking Ciel would stay quiet and wait to see what the other would say or who would speak up first, he didn't mind the idea of a team and thought being on one would give him a better chance to reach his goal further. He wasn't at all surprised when Moon started to speak next, it seemed like that had some sort of talking rotation.

Once Moon was done talking Ciel had finished his drink and decided it was his turn to speak up " While i do believe all of our goals are in in the same in some sense I do have my concerns but none of them would stop me from joining you guys and help everyone achieve their goals", shifting his gaze to Zraix "I do want to listen to more on what your idea of tyranny is because one's perspective can differ from others, I'm sure some of the minor villages would look at us as tyrants, im also a spacetime user so maybe we can help each other there".

Finally he would turn his gaze toward moon" Right now im at the final stage of our clans Dojutsu and its something i must warn you shouldn't be used lightly, the light from your eyes will slowly fade the more you use it. This is why i myself have only used it once but even then I could tell the extremely minor difference, but as far as forming this group goes im all in and down to help any way I can", he would say before turning to the stand to grab another drink and then returning to his seat.


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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Thu Aug 03, 2023 1:52 am
The Hoshimura was almost beside himself as he heard the wishes of all those around him- it seemed as though everyone was in agreeance that they should join forces at the very least in the short term to help accomplish each others goals and he couldnt have been happier to hear as much. He would look at each individual at the table before speaking, "I think it would be a wonderful idea for us all to join forces and complete missions together. No harm can come from it and in truth it would serve us all well in the long run." he said with a smile as he looked towards Ciel, his expression now serious and focused.

"From your previous answer on what you wanted for your future and it being only power, I didn't think you were one for caring about the perspectives of those affected by our village and other entities larger than them. Perhaps you care about the state of the world more than you let on Ciel Uchiha. Of course i'd find this to be a good thing" His face would bare a slight smirk as he continued "Tyranny in practice and in definition is the use of power to control or rule others in a cruel or oppressive fashion. Now, while cruel may be subjective. Power is not. Those that hold power and I mean true power are cemented throughout history and in our world as leaders, conquers, villains and sometimes all of the above simultaneously. I want to give choices back to those who lack the power to make them without someone intervening" His hands clasped together underneath his chin he would continue "I want everyone to have the ability to pave their own way so long as it doesnt harm another." He would take a pause as he realized the weight of the conversation was trending upwards and becoming quite political. "But enough on that. Ill be the first to admit that im not very well versed at the moment in space time arts but im making an active attempt to improve and thats a big reason as to why im searching for the place I mentioned. Perhaps you'll find strength there as well. Given we can find it or that it exists" He would say with a laugh leaving the conversation open to whomever would choose to interject.

WC- 396

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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:42 pm
As Natsuki concluded her speech, the music rose with its intention. As she finished, the song would dull, and Monsoon would clap, indicating the end of his melody, and adding a triumphant beat to the conclusion of her speech, and her proposal. With the ambient music gone, the sounds of the bustling crowd pervaded the small stand, adding an aura of secrecy to the quartet. Monsoon placed his improvised instrument to rest near his chair.

His Uchiha cousin would speak, offering a surprising point of view on tyranny and power. His notion of the minor villages seeing Hoshigakure as tyrannical was interesting. Monsoon would chime in, "Your words carry merit, but if I may point out our present company. Her relation to her Kage, and her closeness to her brother, could offer insight into our leader's intentions. Perhaps, Natsuki's kindness flows, like a river, to the surrounding land?"

His point would be underlined by Zraix's response, his eloquence highlighting his and Ciel's similar philosophy. As Zraix explained his view on tyranny and power, his well read nature shined. Monsoon would rest his hands on his chin, leaning in to the trio that sat in front of him. He would add,

"As shinobi, blessed with abilities others do not, we must have intention behind our power, we must strive to make a world where the weakest can survive. We've all seen the consequences when some stray from such ideals..." Monsoon would perk up, quickly moving on from the dreariness of the past.

"Space/Time as a concept, is something I will never grasp. I've seen examples of it myself, and yet it completely escapes me."

Monsoon would chuckle. Yet, a comment and thought made earlier, could not allow his intentions to be hidden. The Uchiha would turn to his kin, Ciel, and Monsoon's voice would lower: so only the four at the table could hear.

"I'll be honest, Ciel. I feel that I too have reached the pinnacle of my doujutsu. Though this blindness you speak of... I haven't the foggiest idea. I've heard tell of a book that details, extensively, the abilities of venerated kekai genkai. Though, I myself have not read it, and its name escapes me: so I do not know if our Clan's history is detailed in there."

Monsoon would lean back in his chair, to lift his head past the parasol that offered them shade in this hot day, to stare at the picturesque, blue sky, while bringing his hands to rest on the back of his head. A shadow would dart between the clouds, its shape, avian, and its feathers, dark.

"As you are my blood, I will take you at your word. Though, the idea seems quite bizarre." He would return his gaze to Ciel, locking eyes with his kin. "To think, an ability that would render our focus unusable...a cruel twist of fate, no? Unusable to a point of making us feeble! Bah, must we still make penance for our forefathers sin, even in a Land that has welcomed us anew? Truly, bizarre!"

[509/1436 WC]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:19 pm

As the melody concluded and Monsoon's clapping marked the end of the musical interlude, a sense of purpose and unity lingered. The quartet had shared their ambitions, hopes, and viewpoints, and it was clear that they were ready to embark on this journey together. The bustling crowd around them faded into the background, leaving only their focused conversation and shared goals in the forefront.

As Monsoon spoke, Natsuki nodded, agreeing with his sentiment about her brother's intentions and the importance of kindness and compassion. Their conversation's concept of power, responsibility, and intention was a central theme. Natsuki was heartened to see that the others shared her belief in using their abilities for the greater good.

Natsuki's thoughts went to Isaribi Uchiha and her treasonous acts alongside another disgruntled deserter.  Spitting on the pardon, Hoshigakure had given her at Natsuki's behest, despite her troublesome past. Instead, she pushed for her anti-Hoshi agenda in avenues she thought she would get away with.

When Monsoon mentioned his confusion about Space-time abilities, Natsuki's curiosity was piqued. It was a complex concept that often held secrets and mysteries even to those with such powers. She listened intently, absorbing the details of their discussion about their clan abilities. As the conversation shifted to a more private exchange between Monsoon and Ciel, Natsuki respected their need for confidentiality. She understood there were matters they might need to discuss before sharing with the broader group.

When Monsoon's gaze turned to the sky, Natsuki momentarily followed his line of sight before returning her attention to the group.

""Our journey ahead will be filled with challenges, surprises, and perhaps even revelations,," she said, her voice determined. "But with our shared goals and unity, we can overcome anything that comes our way.   "

Natsuki's eyes moved from Monsoon to Ciel, then to Zraix, encompassing the entire group in her gaze. The atmosphere around the table seemed to hold its breath as the weight of their decision lingered in the air. 

"I also want to share something with you all," she continued, her voice taking on a slightly more serious tone. "A way to potentially bypass the drawbacks of the Mangekyo Sharingan and achieve its next stage."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing and ensuring the group was out of earshot.

"My brother, the Hogokage, has uncovered ancient scrolls that detail a technique to achieve the eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. It involves a deep connection with a close relative who possesses the Mangekyo Sharingan. The process is not without challenges but offers a way to maintain power without succumbing to blindness. If we are dedicated to our goals and work together, this stage could be within our reach."

Natsuki's words hung in the air, the weight of the potential solution to a long-standing Uchiha challenge lingering among the group. The decision to pursue this technique would undoubtedly require careful consideration and planning, but the possibility was there, offering a glimmer of hope for their future endeavors.

[WC: 500]

Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:21 pm
Ciel would listen closely as Zraix would answer his question while also implying that Ciel cared more for the state of the world than he let on and to be fair it was true. Ciel did care for the state of the world but only if it affected him or the ones he holds dear, he genuinely couldn't care less about any one else or any other village. He had a slightly different view than what Zraix had only due to him believing that those normal civilians at the bottom will normally always remain there even shin obi have a hard time climbing the ladder. Looking at Zarix "Very commendable idea , well I won't act like I don't care completely I can say that most things that don't affect me or those close to me docent concern me unless I'm asked to help which is something I will always say yes to. This conversation on different ideology is one id love to have again, maybe down the road we can finish this." he would say with a smile.

Shifting his gaze to Moon he would pause for a quick second thinking of the best way to vocalize his thoughts without sounding like an asshole." Not to say I don't trust our Kage or the closeness and relationship with Natsu because I do and I have tremendous faith in this village and for the people who run it but were all shinobi here so we can't ignore that when politics and power are involved things can get muddy and even family members can lie to each other but for now I'm happy with the state of the village and the directions its going in but atlas I don't believe that the lives for the weak would get any better unless they do more for them , we can't always be there to help but we can do a better job at giving them the tools to protect themselves", he would say as he would resume drinking from his drink so he could give his final opinion.

Looking over at Natsu he would smile with eagerness to know more about the process " I agree , the hardships and challenges ahead will be troublesome but I'm looking forward to getting through them with you all as a team but what is this about a bypass , please explain more I've been trying my hardest to find a way to bypass that problem , I'm sure whatever it takes me and moon are up to the challenge". It seemed like the day just kept getting better and better.

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Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharing Tea in the Shade with Strawberry Cake

Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:05 pm

Monsoon would be stunned by Ceil's apt observation on the nature of shinobi, he spoke a truth understood by all who frequented the beverage stand.  Yesterday's foes are today's allies; what changes are the leaders, not the soldiers. A heavy sigh escaped the robed genin, his current status and power meant that he had no true say in the way the world could be run. However, the melancholy brought on by the thought was dashed away as Natsuki commented on the Sharingan and her brother's delvings' into his clan history.

Sweat would bead off of Monsoon's brow as Ciel announced his own journey's into overcoming this immense obstacle. For the martial artist, he hung his head in shame for being part of a conversation whose existence was entirely unknown to him up to this point. Yet, with his cousin's Ceil's pronouncement, Monsoon's pride raised its hackles. He was ready to tackle on this challenge with one already versed in its paths.

"I am willing to tread this path with Ceil, I feel comforted knowing that one of my own is already versed in this predicament. Come what may, my will is steeled toward our shared path. Has your brother mentioned any details of this technique?," Monsoon would ask, almost in tandem with Ciel Natsuki.

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