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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 100190

Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:15 pm
When Kechi accurately called out Nemui on being fairly new to the whole "ninja" business, the boy stopped panicking over the taste in his mouth as though frozen for a moment before slowly dropping both hands to his sides. "Oh.. I guess I shoulda known." He would answer to the wolf's explanation as it approached. Suddenly as the wolf got closer Nemui began to feel smaller and smaller. Having never encountered a wolf he didn't know if they all reached the same size as Kechi here, so while its height was truly astounding it was now what the boy assumed to be normal for a wolf. Nemui's eyes widened and his mouth formed a nervous smile as he felt the wolf's silent gaze focus upon him from above, a hint of fear making itself home in his heart, he felt incapable of breathing. This feeling soon passed when Kechi began speaking again.

Exhaling after what felt like forever spent holding his breath, Nemui followed along with what Kechi said attentively. This knowledge concerning weakness of body and mind was crucial to the survival of many ninja. In this instance, Nemui considered what an enemy that desired to harm him would do if he executed a technique improperly. Such a thing would probably get him killed before he had a chance to defend himself. This topic began driving home that he wasn't prepared to face many of the threats one could encounter during missions. As the wolf went on to speak of things people depend on or lack creating openings it gave Nemui pause for thought. The modification of his muscle structure would improve his odds in a fight but could that too be exploited? He wasn't experienced enough to know the possibilities of such a thing just yet.

Then hearing Dracoso's voice, the boy turned to face him. What he said concerning speed being used to overwhelm opponents made sense to Nemui and furthermore it was some cause for concern to the boy. Before he had time to think more deeply about this however, Dracoso spoke of his clan's ability to use ice. "Ice?" Nemui asked, while the man began demonstrating exactly what he meant. Seeing the ice begin to cover Dracoso's body it was a very odd sight. Just thinking about being covered in ice like that made Nemui shiver. Following this demonstration up was the man's explanation on how his ice could be used to ruin someone's day that relied on speed. Observing the shockwave of ice in awe, the boy audibly gasped. Imagining himself in a situation where he had to overcome such a technique was somewhat terrifying.

The wolf went on to start talking about how his jumpy skill from earlier could help deal with the icy surface. There were indeed many aspects to Taijutsu, as Kechi said. The longer this day went on the more out of his depth Nemui began to feel, although he was fascinated at the same time. A topic even scarier than any before it came up suddenly, Genjutsu. This wasn't something Nemui understood very well at all since he'd never encountered it nor had he learned the Genjutsu Release technique yet. Illusions of sight and sound would be quite difficult for him to overcome in his current state. Ninjutsu being the next subject though wasn't nearly as scary. Sure it could hurt him physically but he had some idea of how to deal with it. Then onto his favourite subject again of Taijutsu, this time about resistance it could offer in some capacity?

When Kechi mentioned it would only offer that resistance if Nemui understood the threats he was dealing with, things became clearer. He obviously wasn't dedicating enough time to studying subjects outside of Taijutsu if he planned to live a long life. While Kechi questioned Dracoso on what Nemui had learned thus far the boy waited anxiously for what might come next, fiddling with his hair in his right hand and scratching his chin with his left. At the wolf's mention of combining elements with the Taijutsu he'd learned so far it was a bit of a confusing subject for Nemui. Seeing Dracoso move away, he would do the same to give the wolf adequate space. Despite watching Kechi attack the dummy with what he'd come to eventually explain was a Lighting Jab, Nemui understood from the demonstration and his explanation that elemental Taijutsu absolutely slapped.

What came next was even more impressive though. Nemui's eyes lit up as Kechi surrounded himself with lightning before really just beating the ever-loving crap out of the dummy. Despite all the awe he felt observing the demonstration, the boy still paid due respect to listening and understanding the explanations Kechi gave. Nemui noticed after the wolf finished his lecture that he appeared to look for a response, so the boy gave him one in an excited tone. "That all looked really cool.. I see that by combining techniques with elements it can offer me some flexibility, though unfortunately my element is water and I don't know any techniques that combine well with Taijutsu. I've always found more interest in learning what can be done with my bloodline than with elements although I see now that I may be mistaken to feel this way."

Dracoso's addition to the subject of benefits and negatives involved with each element was a valid point to keep in mind as well. As Nemui began to get overloaded with information he was brought back to focus by the idea of learning another technique. The boy observantly watched while Dracoso performed it, paying attention to every handseal and his actions thereafter. It looked pretty gross to perform but there was no reason to deny himself the learning of this technique. Going along with Dracoso's explanation of what the Jutsu did and how it could be used outside of close combat, Nemui would nod "I'll give it a shot." He'd say with a smile although he was becoming visibly tired now as the day dragged on. He began performing the handseals shown to him, with a rush of his water Chakra while following the same bodily motion made by Dracoso.

The boy would spit out a puddle of liquid, at the lowest rank of the Starch Syrup Capturing Field. Now panting with his eyelids starting to droop, Nemui was clearly exhausted. Turning to face Dracoso while attempting to pant quietly he'd ask "Can I continue training with you.. Tomorrow?"

(WC: 1080)
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:29 am
"Fresh blood. Easy to spoil if you are not careful," Kechi would say softly as he noticed how tired the boy was. The wolf would give Nemui a knowing nod before saying, "since this is one of your first lessons in the specialty, you will want to get plenty of rest tonight. It will help you reinforce what you have learned before working on it in the future." The wolf would then pause for a moment and turn away before saying over his shoulder, "and..... good work. You just may grow up to be an impressive fighter," before disappearing in another cloud of smoke.

Dracoso would scratch his chin softly, always feeling odd when his summons unsummoned themselves. He had signed the contract understanding that they would be equals and that they were working together to achieve their goals. He had always been taught that summons were usually sent back on the summoner's decision or command. With a soft shrug to himself, he knew his wolves were always a handful, which made them all the better allies in the field. He turned back to Nemui with a soft smile and replied, "of course. I may only have so many things I can teach you, but I am more than happy to continue assisting with your growth."

He would stretch himself out and give a soft yawn before continuing, "There is a lot to learn, as you have seen some of it today. You do not need to know it all right now. There are plenty of people, both in our village and in others, who have a strong sense of who they are who want to see others succeed. While we may not always see eye-to-eye, you will find greater value in the things you do as you grow. As long as you give yourself that time to see it." He would give another smile and pat the boy on the back softly.

"Talk with your family, spend time with your friends, and see how it all fits together. That is how you truly find value in what you do," Dracoso would say softly, thinking back on his own adventure thus far.

WC = 362
{TWC so far = 5034}
Stat Page : Link
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Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 100190

Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 4:29 am
Nemui would continue to stand up straight, showing as much respect as he could for Kechi and Dracoso despite feeling exhausted. With more words of wisdom offered by the wolf on training effectively, to rest so he could retain knowledge. At the wolf's compliment on his efforts the boy bowed his head responding "Thank you for taking the time to train me." Seeing Kechi disappear, Nemui was too tired to question it and turned to face Dracoso. The man seemed slightly perturbed with what just happened. Or was he thinking something negative about the boy? Nemui felt slightly anxious waiting for what he'd say but Dracoso's smile washed away that anxiety and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The desire to continue training with him in future would be evident on the boy's face as he would look slightly concerned hearing the words "I may only have so many things I can teach you." Although he didn't make a fuss over it. When the man followed up with continuing to help Nemui grow he grinned happily. Dracoso offered more sage advice for the boy to follow and like a sponge he absorbed what the man said. Suddenly receiving a pat on the back, his body became rigid from being touched unexpectedly although it didn't bother him. While being told to spend time with family and friends made Nemui realize he didn't have anybody he could rely on, he suddenly felt an urge to reach out to Dracoso.

Placing both hands at his side and leaning forward into a deep bow. "Please continue to mentor me from now on!" He'd shout into the ground, echoing throughout the facility. Whatever came next would be Dracoso's decision and in any case, Nemui would respectfully accept his decision and eventually leave the facility to go home and rest, thinking back on everything he'd experienced and the knowledge he'd been given.


(WC: 316)
(WC Total: 5626)
Thread Claims:

Last edited by Nemui on Sat Sep 02, 2023 2:22 am; edited 7 times in total
Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
Remove Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso]

Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:46 am
Dracoso would give a soft yawn behind the back of his hand as he would watch Nemui head out. he had noticed an odd reaction from the boy when Dracoso had mentioned family. Taking a mental note of it, Dracoso made sure to place the first dummy back into its holding spot. The second dummy was rather broken apart, so he gave himself a soft shrug and summoned up a pair of shadow clones to assist him. As each one picked up a part of the dummy, Dracoso applied a sticky paper adhesive technique in the center and allowed it to spread out to coat the inner sectioning where the hard wood had been split. Between the three, they were able to carefully reconnect the two parts back together and allowed the adhesive to dry. They moved the dummy back over to its slot and latched it back into place. Once connected, he had the two clones sit on the dummy, applying a firm downward force, to help reinforce the hold.

He was unsure if it would be enough to repair the dummy fully, but he was not an earth or wood user, so it would have to do. He propped the last dummy into its slot before latching it and gave one last stretch. The day had flown by rather quickly and his own teaching gave him the opportunity to observe another practicing his own techniques. While it was not the first time, each time he had a student, it always felt invigorating to see just how far they could go with his lessons.

He planned to return again tomorrow to discuss further with the boy and began to make a mental list on all the things he would need to cover. All the tools he might suggest or possibly different professions he might pick up. Since the boy planned to take on taijutsu, he may want to consider teaching handy skills or specific abilities the boy might take on. With his ability to grow and change the size of his body, perhaps he could even make techniques that would allow him to transfer himself across a spectrum of areas.

As Dracoso's mind began to wander and he started to imagine Nemui quietly shifting between a giant and a mouse, he shook his head to get back to the current moment. He had a bit of work ahead of him, but he could at least guide the boy in the right direction. He left the grounds with a confident, and slightly tired, stride and began to plan for the future.

(WC = 431)
(TWC = 5465)

Stats Maxed, AP Claiming - Strength of a Hundred + 100 ap (maxed at 600)
(Due to getting a 25% discount from training at the facilities, the remaining 465 for stat use falls off)

S Rank: Chakra Scalpel: Senbon - Mastery - Speed (+25 speed) - 3750
B Rank: Cherry Blossom Impact 1313 (total so far: 5063)
C Rank: Genjutsu Denrai - remaining 300 out of the 450/750 from happy holidays~ (total so far 5363)
C Rank: Fall distortion 100/750 (final count: 5463, losing 2 wc)
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 2:09 am
Dracoso wrote:{Exit}
(WC = 431)
(TWC = 5465)

Stats Maxed, AP Claiming - Strength of a Hundred + 100 ap (maxed at 600)
(Due to getting a 25% discount from training at the facilities, the remaining 465 for stat use falls off)

S Rank: Chakra Scalpel: Senbon - Mastery - Speed (+25 speed) - 3750
B Rank: Cherry Blossom Impact 1313 (total so far: 5063)
C Rank: Genjutsu Denrai - remaining 300 out of the 450/750 from happy holidays~ (total so far 5363)
C Rank: Fall distortion 100/750 (final count: 5463, losing 2 wc)

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso] - Page 2 Empty Re: Buried in Hair, Drowning in Sweat [P/Dracoso]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 2:23 am
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