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Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Mission Arc Lessgoo - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Arc Lessgoo

Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:44 pm
Meika successfully captured the legendary Crimson Tusk, and with assistance, she managed to transport it back to the butcher’s hut.

The moment the butcher beheld the boar's body, his expression transformed into one of profound gratitude and astonishment. A part of Meika speculated that he may have doubted her ability to return with it. Nevertheless, the objective was achieved, and Meika was able to bring joy to both the butcher and the hunter. Without any hesitation, the two immediately set to work on the preparation of the ham.

As they cleaned and processed the boar, Meika sat at the corner of the counter, savoring her prized jerky. The meat was deliciously savory, and she relished every bite and moment. She observed patiently as they prepared for the annual feast, a celebration in which she had now rightfully earned a place.

After the boar had been thoroughly processed, and the esteemed crimson tusk was appropriately arranged for a special display during the feast, the hunter turned his attention toward the kunoichi. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude and remarked on how he could never have anticipated the events unfolding as they did. "And by the way," the hunter continued, "the feast should be ready in a few hours. If you would like to return around the time of its setup." Meika nodded in agreement before departing to run some errands to help make use of her time.

As the time for the feast to begin ticked by, Meika ventured back home to drop off the trout she had purchased the very first moment when she had entered the butcher’s hut. Now being home, she was able to process and prepare her own purchase, taking the time to have it prepped for when she needed to use it, as well as preparing a sliver of it for her beloved feline friend.

By the time she was done, and her feline friend was fed, Meika did some exercises before beginning her way back to attend the feast.

She even made sure to change into a more proper attire for such an important event.

As she was making her way back, Meika noted that she would arrive a bit early on time. Which she did not mind in the slightnest. It’s best to be early than it was to be late, especially for an event that consisted of such a splendid cuisine.

As the raven haired kunoichi drew closer to the location, she would notice something was off. The air outside seemed radiant with suspense, and soon Meika would know why.

As the place for the annual feast appeared within her line of sight, so did the small crowd of angry people outside it. Her eyebrow suddenly raised as she speculated the situation. From the scrowling expressions and the harsh shouts and hollers, Meika could tell that this wasn’t just some simple matter.

Like a cat, Meika slithered her way through the mob of angry people. Her slim form easily slipping through each person without much of a hassle, and for the moment they simply ignored her as the heat of their attention was directed to whatever was up front. It did not take long for the young lass to discover what the source of all the commotion was about, or at least the reasoning of it.

Standing in front of the angrys mob’s attention was both the hunter and the butcher from earlier that day. The hunter couldn’t hide the strain of worry that etched upon his face, as the butcher kept a more collective and calm composure as they evaluated the situation before them.The butcher even had his body positioned between the crowd and the hunter, as the crowd of people spat out remarks about some form of cheating, or something of not being fair.

As soon as the hunter caught sight of the approaching kunoichi, his expression softened as if the very sight of her gave him some form of reassurance.  

“What’s going on?” Meika quickly asked, as the crowd finally seemed to realize her presence.

The butcher waved his hand at the crowd as he set forth to explain the situation. “They're all mad about the Crimson Boar being caught. Thinkin that they deserve some sort of credit themselves or a form of retribution.” The butcher spat on the ground, making his distaste in the situation obviously known. The crowd only seemed to grow louder.

If this continued much longer, the feast would surely be affected by this buzz kill. “Leave it to me, I’ll find a way to quickly handle the sitation. You don’t have to worry about an blood being spilled at your doorstep either.” Meika spoke to reassure them, before helping them inside.

As the butcher and the hunter disappeared within the building, all the rageful attention suddenly was directed towards the kunoichi.

But she refused to coward under the pressure.

“Now listen up!" Her voice rose above the crowd as she asserted herself, "In case you were not aware, I am one of the Chunin responsible for maintaining order within the streets." She narrowed her gaze at each individual as she proceeded with her introduction. "I apprehended the boar, so if you have any concerns, you may address them with me. I am certain the barracks can accommodate all of you if you wish to continue this disturbance, or we can resolve the matter through more direct means." The threat in her tone was sharp, reminiscent of the venom of an adder, as it left her lips. Despite the severity of her words, the kunoichi remained confident that such extreme measures would not be necessary.

The crowd began to mutter amongst themselves, as if considering whether or not they should push on. Meika waited, her expression cold as she crossed her arms over her chest. Maintaining a confidence stance in front of the razzled people.

After a few moments ticked by, Meika began to grow impatient waiting for results, “If that’s how you want to be-” Her sentence was suddenly interrupted by one of the individuals. A man in the crowd stepped back, waving his hand out in agitation. “Whatever. Whatever, I don’t care anymore. Its just a stupid boar anyway.” He remarked bitterly, while backing away from the crowd. Meika, once again arching her bow up at the others, waited to see if anyone else would follow suit or jester up a complaint.

Luckily, it seemed that they’s rather go home than possibly deal with the consequences. -exit-

{1,083/4,412} w/Zansu’s 1,625 equalling 6,037

Mission Rewards:

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Mission Arc Lessgoo - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Arc Lessgoo

Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:09 pm
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa wrote:  -exit-

{1,083/4,412} w/Zansu’s 1,625 equalling 6,037

Mission Rewards:


Mission Arc Lessgoo - Page 2 JPYXIpT
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