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Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Daiki meeting someone special! - Page 2 Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:07 am
Jun had been spending most of her nights at Daiki’s bar since its opening. She often invited people to drink with her and had begun to make a small group of friends. After the bar was open, Jun would follow Daiki from Junko’s home and sometimes would assist him in bartending if he needed assistance. This night however she was seemingly spending it with a group of other women around her age. Out of the others with her, Jun always seemed to have an eccentric aura around her that attracted others to her like a moth to a flame. Her carefree and excitable demeanor could be seen rather plainly as she became heavily inebriated.

Throughout the night she and her friends had danced, laughed, and consumed more alcohol than they probably should. Jun attempted to make those around her enjoy life as much as she did so she often found herself becoming the “group leader” if one even existed. While talking with others she’d be engaged, but often would take the lead in directing the flow of the conversation. Like her creator Jun was a social butterfly however unlike Junko, she craved attention and adoration from others. She yearned to have her existence validated by nearly anyone who interacted with her.

Since she often became overheated while drinking excessively, Jun had convinced the other girls to wear bathing suits of some sort underneath their clothes with her. After all the ocean was just a couple of meters away, and this way she didn’t have to worry about her clothes becoming soaked. She and the others wore various styles of bathing suits, though most wore some sort of dress over it. Jun however decided to wear a rather plain-looking two-piece, black, string bikini that left her rather exposed. Overtop of it was a sheer white dress that looked to be made from thin but meticulously crafted lace. One could clearly see most of her body through it, making the outfit quite revealing. Her bright green hair was held together loosely in a black clip on the back of her head.

The bar had been rather busy lately, and tonight was no different. There were some people Jun knew there, most invited by her at some point, but there was a handful of people she didn't know. As the night went on Jun became increasingly inebriated, but didn’t slow down on her consumption of whatever alcohol Daiki would pass her way. She had just put a shot glass to her pink lips when she noticed both Daiki and another patron staring at her. Jun nervously took the shot with her girls, but a bit of it escaped the corner of her mouth, trailed down her neck then disappeared into her cleavage. This immediately made her flustered as she turned her back towards the men and began using a nearby napkin to clean herself off.

Her friends would notice her flustered state and quietly pester her to go speak to both of them. Also, they just finished the last bottle that they had purchased and it was now her turn to go buy one. She’d let out a sigh before standing and excusing herself from her dear friends. Nervously she’d stumble over to the two of them, nearly tripping over a barstool leg in the process. Her face was a bit flushed from the drinks she had consumed, but once she approached them she’d flash them both a loving and warm smile before offering an off-balanced bow.

Before he began to speak she would lean over the bar and sweetly say to Daiki.

”Daiki! Darling this place is wonderful, I still can’t believe you built this all on your own!”

She would however stop speaking as she noticed he looked like he wanted to say something to her. Her crimson-red eyes were clearly dilated but attempted to focus on him as he began to confess his affection for her. Unfortunately she only really understood half of what he had said to her as the alcohol in her system began to take hold of her mind. Something about loving her or her having a good soul. She honestly was having a hard time keeping track of his words, but knew they were seemingly a sign of affection for her and that’s all she desired. He would then reach out a hand towards hers and she’d allow him to take hers. Her body was hot as he grasped her hand in his, and a blush would cross her porcelain face.

As he finished speaking she would decide that she should respond by showing him some affection back. A bit clumsily she’d attempt to climb over the bar causing her dress to lift up slightly, exposing the back of her bikini, but thankfully she didn’t fall or hurt herself. Once on the other side, Jun would beckon for him to lean down toward her, if he did as she asked she’d place a gentle hand on his right cheek. She then began to kiss his left cheek multiple times as she smiled happily. For a few moments, she’d snower him with affection as she figured out what exactly to say to him. Soon she’d pull back from him and take a step back before bowing once more, still swaying slightly, and then beginning to speak if able. Her voice was melodic as she spoke in a sweet and tender voice to him.

”You truly are too kind to me, please forgive me for not saying such things back as I’m pretty intoxicated and wouldn’t want to say something that I’d forget in the morning. I’d love to talk about this again though, let's do it when I’m coherent enough to show you my appreciation for your words.”

Jun would look to be a bit embarrassed as she spoke, not because of Daiki’s proclamation, but because of her inability to reciprocate. Looking over towards the man who was staring at her previously Jun would admire him slightly as she leaned on the bar once more however now in his direction. Before speaking to him she’d turn her head to Daiki and flash him a reassuring smile then turn her head back to the stranger before her. Though she wasn’t intentionally sounding alluring, her siren-like voice would begin to escape her soft lips.

”I see you’ve met Daiki, the best bartender on the whole island. My name is Jun, it’s lovely to meet you. Do you plan on sticking around long? My uhh.. sister.. said that I should be trying to help newcomers with settling in, so if you need absolutely anything, please let me know and I’d be more than happy to help you”

She’d end off her statement with a cute giggle as she stood up once again and swayed slightly.

Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Daiki meeting someone special! - Page 2 Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:31 pm
Kut would be far too wasted by this time to truly understand just what was going on. He had said something about a woman that he thought had the fattest rear end in history, or at least damn close. Nothing harmful, nothing horrid. Just that he could bounce a quarter off of it. Which he thought was a compliment. But then suddenly the small-headed bartender began speaking about his deep feelings and all. He got super serious for a moment, and he honestly could not think as to why he did such things. When he became super serious, and he turned to the woman, he saw this as the perfect opportunity.

He would lean over the counter, and while the man was distracted, he would grab the bottle of whiskey that he was just pouring, and he poured himself three more doubles. Placing the bottle back on the counter exactly where he had put it. He pounded two of the drinks while he was confessing his love to the woman, and when he was done, he would stand up on the bar and address everyone. "Everyone!" He started as he almost fell off of the bar itself. He slurred his words as he continued, "I propose a toast! To the handsome man, with an even more handsome heart!  May he live a long and happy life with the girl of his dreams! Everyone come around and give this beautiful man a piece of your appreciation!" He would stagger slightly before finally landing back in his chair.

The well-endowed woman would walk over to him after kissing the small-headed barkeep on the cheek a handful of times. She would speak to him with a sweet and alluring voice that made him quiver, the sound bouncing around in his inebriated mind. She was also a little off from straight and narrow, with her gentle sway that he she had within her stride. She would introduce herself as Jun. To which Kut would widen his rather squinted eyes at this point. She continued asking if he was staying for a while and also said that if he needed anything to let her know. He knew all to well what he was going to say, even in his drunken state, it didn't slow his mind nor did it dull his wit. He would consume his last double. Making it a total of 10 shots of whiskey. He would simply look into her eyes for a moment.

He would look her up and down, blown away by her sheer beauty. "Sweetheart you know what? There is something that I need, but it needs to come directly from you." He would beckon her and motion for her to lean in towards himself, as if to whisper something into her ear. Should she go along with the request, he would whisper words that would aim to excite in the most primal of ways. "I need you to come with me to a special place where we can fuck, drink, and get high all at the same time. Just you and me. Lost in the woods, no clue where we are. But just alone for a few hours, days, who knows?" He then slides her a small note right in front of her. "My name is Kutari. This note has my name in it, so even when you don't remember anything tomorrow. You'll remember me. I am going to blow your mind and cause you more pleasure than you have ever experienced before." He would kiss her on the cheek if she'd let him while no one was looking. "Meet me back here, tomorrow night. That is," He would lean in a bit more so he was right next to her ear, "If you truly want to know what pleasure truly means."

He would slide his ring finger across her cheek, wiping a small drip of alcohol from her lips. He would lick the alcohol from his finger and turn back to the crowd that was still speaking to Daiki and hyping him up. He would sneak out of the bar, completely forgetting to pay his tab, and he was gone into the night. He would think of the woman, he would think of her fondly. But he was sure his words would hold true. He would be back the next day, and he would have her.

WC: 732
TWC unclaimed: 732

Claims: WIP
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Daiki meeting someone special! - Page 2 Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:12 pm
Kutari Uchiha wrote:Mid thread Claim:

+2063 towards Sharingan (Tomoe 3) (3075/4500) (Previous Progress) Max stat discount applied.

Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : (1) Daiki
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Daiki meeting someone special! - Page 2 Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:44 am
Daiki's heart filled with warmth from Jun's words of admiration for his bar. Her vibrant energy always brought a sense of joy and liveliness to the place. As she leaned over the bar, he smiled fondly at her, his eyes reflecting his affection. "Thank you, Jun," he replied sincerely, "It means a lot hearing that from you. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

Daiki's heart swelled with warmth as Jun reciprocated his affection, although clumsily in her intoxicated state, it still meant the world to him. He couldn't help himself from smiling as she came over the bar. His concern for her safety quickly disappeared when she successfully made it to the other side without any problems. As she beckoned for him to lean down, he slowly made his way down to her. Feeling her gentle hand on his cheek, she showered him with kisses and affection on his other cheek. He felt the warmth of her breath as she kissed him on the cheek. It was infectious and had him yearning for more.

When she pulled back, Daiki's heart filled with overwhelming feelings for her. Her words though slightly slurred from the alcohol, carried sincerity and vulnerability that touched him deeply. He couldn't help himself but admire her honesty and humility. He truly appreciated her endearing response.

With a soft smile, Daiki reached out to gently cup Jun's cheek, his thumb brushing against her skin affectionately. "Jun, there's no need to apologize," he reassured her, his voice filled with warmth. "Let's definitely talk about this again when you're feeling more yourself. Just know that I'll always be here for you." Daiki's heart swelled with affection for Jun, grateful for the connection they shared, even amidst the chaos of the bar.

Daiki had turned to remember that Kut was sitting right next to them during all of this. As Kut grabbed the whiskey bottle and poured himself three more doubles, Daiki sighed, realizing that his new friend was in no state to make rational decisions. He didn't intervene though, he wanted to see what type of man Kut really was, allowing him to indulge in his drunken self for the time being. Daiki couldn't hold himself back from a slight chuckle.

Raising his own glass, Daiki joined in the toast, albeit with a hint of amusement in his voice. "To the handsome man with an even more handsome heart," he echoed, a fond smile tugging at his lips. Despite Kut's drunken antics, there was no denying the warmth and camaraderie shared among the patrons of the bar. As the evening continued, Daiki made a mental note to keep an eye on Kut and ensure that he made it home safely.

With that he would close up shop and head up the secret staircase behind the counter too his bachelor pad above the bar. Hopefully it would be a home soon though, with Jun waiting for him up the stairs. But we shall have to wait and see.

TWC: 2,889

Last edited by Daiki on Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:47 am; edited 2 times in total
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Daiki meeting someone special! - Page 2 Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Sat Mar 16, 2024 2:25 am
Jun let out a bit of a chuckle as Kut stood on the bar and toasted to Daiki, she thought this was a rather cute gesture. After releasing Daiki she’d walk over to Kut as the other patrons sought his attention. She’d greet him and offer assistance if he needed it, and she hoped he’d take her up on the offer. Jun would blush as he looked her up and down, clearly examining her body. He then would inform her that he did in fact need help and that she was the only one who could help him. She would lean in as he beckoned her closer and began whispering excitedly in her ear.

She could hardly hear or comprehend what he was saying due to the loud cheering bar. All she could really understand was that he wanted to meet up with her some night, then he slid a note over to her. He’d then introduce himself and explain that his name was in the letter so she could remember it later. She’d laugh at this and slide the note into her bikini cup. Before pulling away she’d allow him to give her a kiss on the cheek as he suggested that she meet him back here the next night. That would be easy enough as she planned on assisting Daiki with the bar the next day, so she would have been here regardless.

A bright pink blush began to develop on her face as she heard him speak about a truly pleasurable experience. Before she could speak he’d brush a gentle finger across her cheek and over he lips. A small amount of alcohol would pool at his finger, and upon removing it from her lips he’d lick it from his finger. She’d pull away from him, a bit stunned at the encounter and unsure of how to respond. He would begin to stand and make his way out of the bar, before he left however she would simply say.

”I’ll meet you here tomorrow, I think I’m working but I don’t quite remember.”

She’d give him a quick wave before turning her attention back to Daiki who was now swarmed with patrons begging for his attention. Jun quickly grabbed two shot glasses and poured both herself and Daiki a drink. She then would make her way over to him with the drinks in hand, she’d offer one of them to him with an intoxicated but loving look. Jun then would give him a deep bow as s sign of respect, then once standing she’d raised her glass to cheers with him. She’d look a bit sheepish as she spoke, still reeling from the words Kut said to her just moments ago.

”To us and the wonderful times to come!”

If he accepted and clanked his glass against hers, she’d down her drink and pucker her face slightly as the alcohol entered her body. She’d shake her head slightly before putting the glass on the bar, if able to she then would wrap her arm around Daiki’s as she watched him interact with the other guests.

WC: 524
Total WC: 1668
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : (1) Daiki
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Daiki meeting someone special! - Page 2 Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Thu Mar 21, 2024 5:16 am
As Daiki shared in the comradery with the people in the Moonlight Lounge. He felt Jun at his side, her warm comforting touch. So delicate, so gentle. All he wanted was to wrap his arms around her and fall for each other forever. He settled for wrapping both arms around her waist as they celebrated together. Daiki felt as if he could stay in this moment together. His heart was full of joy, and his arms holding his joy.

"Jun, thank you for everything. I can't wait to talk tomorrow when you're feeling better. Why don't you head up to bed? I'll be up soon, I just have to clean a couple of things up," he told her holding her tight, and kissing her gently on the forehead.

If she would let him, he would switch his hands under her thighs as she held onto his neck as he walked behind the bar. Up the hidden staircase, up to his glorious bachelor pad. Comfortable, Luxurious, Couches, and chairs adorned the living room. The kitchen is one of elegance with marble counters, ivory handles, and a hickory pantry.

Image of Bachelor Pad:

Making his way out to the patio, he enjoyed being out here. He set Jun down on the bed on the patio. He had moved it out here, with the wonderful weather they were having. As he set her down gently, he noticed how peaceful she looked lying there. Her eyes may say more, with their fiery color and the alcohol running through her system. He made sure to grab a blanket for her, so she was cozy and homey. This was the first time she was staying over, Daiki wanted everything to be wonderful, just like her. As he went to leave, he moved her hair from her face, as he kissed her on the cheek.

He talked to her in a charming and comforting tone, "I'll be back my darling, sleep well, and dream the sweetest dreams."

Daiki made his way down to the bar, feeling content and fulfilled as he cleaned up the last of the glasses and wiped down the counters. His thoughts kept drifting back to Jun, and how lucky he was to have her in his life. He knocked off the lights, and put everything away for the next morning. As he finished up, he made his way back up the hidden staircase, eager to see her again.

As he stepped out onto the patio, he saw Jun sleeping soundly under the blanket he had left for her. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he carefully slid in beside her on the bed, wrapping an arm around her waist. He loved the way she fit against him, her warmth seeping into his skin.

He closed his eyes, letting himself drift off to the sound of her soft breathing. In that moment, he knew that he had found something truly special with Jun. And as he fell asleep, his heart full of love and contentment, he knew that he would cherish every moment they shared together.

+34 Chakra
+3,400 to 3 Tomoe Sharingan 4,185/6,000 previous progress here.

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Daiki meeting someone special! - Page 2 Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:56 pm
Daiki wrote:
+34 Chakra
+3,400 to 3 Tomoe Sharingan 4,185/6,000 previous progress here.

Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Daiki meeting someone special! - Page 2 Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Fri Mar 22, 2024 6:39 am
With that last shot, Jun was starting to feel at her limit as her stomach began to turn and her eyelids became heavy. Though in her drunken stupor she found herself wanting to continue as she just old herself that it was fine. Before she could pour another glass she would feel Daiki’s arms around her waist. His embrace was so comforting and relaxing, she felt almost like she could fall asleep just standing there. Soon the crowd surrounding them began to return back to what they were doing before the toast. Apparently he had noticed her tiredness and he suggested that she head up to bed.

She’d look at him with a bit of a confused expression as she believed that he had only used the space for storage. Without speaking on the topic further, he released her from his embrace and moved to pick her up. She’d allow him to carry her in his arms, as she didn’t believe she would be able to walk that far at all. He’d walk to the back, then up a hidden staircas, which opened up to a rather luxurious living space. If she was more coherent, she’d be consumed by how beautiful it all was. However, for now she could hardly keep her eyes open as he began walking towards what looked to be a patio.

At first she was a bit confused, but soon realized that there was a bed out there. He’d lay her down gently before gazing at her lovingly, taking in her cute appearance. She was trying to keep her eyes open as she helt the warm embrace of his bed. After covering her up, he would reach down, move some hairs from her face, and then gently kissed her on the cheek. She’d place her hand gently on the top of his head and rustle his hair gently before letting out a loud yawn. He’d tell her that he’d be back soon to join her. She would pick her head up slightly as he began to leave, in a soft sleepy voice she’d respond to him.

”Thank you Daiki, for everything. I can’t wait to wake up with you tomorrow morning.”

She’d lay her head back down as he began walking back downstairs. Jun felt her head begin to swirl as he alcohol in her stomach was begging to come out. Quickly she’d stumble out of bed, nearly tripping as she stumbled to the side of the balcony. Thankfully she was able to keep it down as she steadied herself on the railing looking out towards the beautiful waterfall nearby. After deciding that she was alright, she’d look down at her attire and realize she was still in her bathing suit.

Drunkenly she’d search the surrounding area for anything she could possible change into. Thankfully on a small table near the doorway, Jun found a a pair of pants and long sleeved white button up shirt. While still out on the patio she would strip down to nothing, then slide into the shirt. Thankfully Daiki was significantly larger than her, so once she buttoned it up a bit, it almost looked like a short dress on her. She’d only button it up halfway, allowing the space inbetween her breasts and midriff to be seen slightly through the opening.

Leaving her clothes in the door way, Jun would then slowly crawl back into his bed. As she got cozy she could smell his scent lingering on the sheets and his shirt. She’d rub her face into the pillows as she felt comforted just simply by his scent. Soon she’d drift off into unconsciousness as she eagerly waited for him to join her.


Total WC: 2286

WC Claims:
+22 Vigor
2000/2000 Beloved Presence Previous training here
2330/2500 Mystical Palm Previous training here
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 124370

Daiki meeting someone special! - Page 2 Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Fri Mar 22, 2024 10:18 am
Jun Tsukiko wrote:

Total WC: 2286

WC Claims:
+22 Vigor
2000/2000 Beloved Presence Previous training here
2330/2500 Mystical Palm Previous training here

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