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Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

New Acquaintances  Empty New Acquaintances

Sat May 11, 2024 7:58 pm
All he could hear was his alarm that had blasted him awake. It was around 8pm when the alarm went off, He had a late night and a very early morning and wasent able to sleep much until the sun almost came up. He knew by the time he would wake up it would be somewhere in the afternoon, but that was acceptable for today only. Ciel had some training he wanted to accomplish today and he wasent going to let not getting enough sleep hold him back. He had immediately got up, shutting his alarm off in the process. He quickly got dressed and was ready to head out the door. From the rush that Ciel was in you would of thought something was wrong, he couldn’t help but have a slightly frantic look on his face.

Once outside the beautiful sight of the sun starting to set caught his attention. He loved the views of everything that could be found by being in the right spots of the village from the night sky to the beautiful forest that was nearby. Even though he was in a hurry he made sure not to be rude and bump into anyone, the last thing he needed was to be listing to some villager cry about being knocked over when all Ciel wants to do is make it to the training grounds and get his workout in before its to packed.

The type of training he would be doing was going to take him all day and most of the night to accomplish so he still thought being late was unacceptable. He wouldnt want to have to sit in the middle of the training grounds until the morning, even though it is slightly better since there is no one else to get in your way or watch you as you train. He wasent a big fan of having an audience while he trained, to him it kinda seemed like they were doing more judging him on his performance than actually just enjoying watching him train.

As he arrived at the training grounds it was surprising to see so many shinobi at the grounds at this time and not home with their families. “ shit , well I guess I’ll have to call off the training today and pick another day to pick it back up", he would say to himself as he started to leave the training grounds. Instead of training the body, Ciell thought it be a great idea to just relax and enjoy some time at the water gardens. It had been a while since he last went there so he expected to it be a good amount of new things there. Upon arriving at the garden he was in awe of its beauty, "coming here never cese to amaze me", he would say outloud as he wandered around the place.

Tori Jintaro
Tori Jintaro
Stat Page : 統計
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

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Mon May 13, 2024 6:33 pm

Tori Jintaro

Never falter, forever fighter

After three consecutive days of training, finally was over he didn't wink an eye to sleep even once, so he was really tired, after days of training in his house, which was also his uncle's house Jintaro noticed that no matter how much he meditated or practice chakra control his way of learn was very slow. But that didn't matter what was the most important thing was the fact that he achieved at least the feat to learn his first and most basic fuinjutsu, since he just knew how to perform physical techniques he would likely continue to get better in that area.

-Well is the same even if I don't learn how to do ninjutsu I couldn't care less.-

Having that thought he also noticed that he didn't eat or drink almost anything in three days. It was better to grab something before going to sleep, putting a baggy black shirt on, bermudas and sandals, there were lots of scars in his legs and fore arms exposed but he didn't mind to show them as he also couldn't care less if was cold or hot outside, he would go with the same clothes. Walking out of his house, but not before yelling to his uncle and aunt in law that he was going out, Jintaro headed to a good store that was just near the water garden boundaries.

Arriving to store he ate and drank something, and then returned through the water garden thinking that was a good idea to take some fresh air before going to sleep at the house. Sitting in bench Jintaro took a deep breath and then watched the sky along with the beautiful structure of the water garden. Then someone passed by saying a phrase that he said many times. As an extrovert he couldn't ignore a person talking outloud, so he talked to him.

"Sure it would never let you down when you come here, right? You have been here when there is a  festival a season? the fireworks are crazy" Jintaro asked to "Ciel", if the person who he asked to were to see him, that person would notice a lot of burns and scars in the legs and fore arms of Jintaro, having into count that he was white haired and had sharp features he would give you scare at the night if it not were for his age and short stature, but right now he was in civilian clothes he could be mistaken for any crazy child with lots of muscle and scars.

WC: 423

always calm like nature but fierce like vulture
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

New Acquaintances  Empty Re: New Acquaintances

Thu May 16, 2024 7:58 am
As he slowly crept through the grounds he made sure to observe everything around him , trying to see if there way anything new that was added to the place since last he been here. Since he couldnt exaclty remember some of the minutre details of the place he hoped that if he did run across something new it would be more obvious to him. It wasent long before he was in front of one of the many Koi ponds that were in the gardens and upon looking at the fish he couldnt help but wander what one of them would tatse like. They were beautiful creatures no doubt but with his stomach somewhat empty he wandered if the beauty of the fish make it taste better once it comes off a grill. A slight drool would slide down his mouth as he realized he looked a fool just staring hungrly at the fish below.

Upon hearing a voice not to far from him speak on the beauty of the place when their fireworks in the sky, not wanting to be rude he would turn to face him with a friendly smile." Hmmmm now that i think about it i cant seem to remember any fireworks above this place. That must of been one hell of a sight". He would say in response to the boy sitting on the bench. "Im Ciel by the way , pleasure to meet you im normally at the training grounds but since it was so full i had settle for coming here, but i can honestly say im happy i did.". He would say extending his hand towards the boy. He looked to be close to Ciel age but the scars that he had on his body were crazy for someone that young. It almost made him appriciate the easy life hes had so far because he couldnt imagine fighting so much to have scars like those. He had almost asked about them but chose against it because it could of been from a tramatic past event.

Tori Jintaro
Tori Jintaro
Stat Page : 統計
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

New Acquaintances  Empty Re: New Acquaintances

Thu May 16, 2024 10:56 pm

Tori Jintaro

Never falter, forever fighter

Seeing the person more closely he met all the requirement to be a ninja, at least in body shape he was well built, it wasn't that much feat in this world but having in account that he was about his age. It wasn't that crazy to think he was a ninja or that he works out time to time. However it wasn't that important at least for Jintaro, if he was a ninja it was good if not it was good as well, he is not that crazy for fights how to judge people based on the body frame

"It's my pleasure, I am Jintaro" he would say in a kind tone with a sharp smile "Training grounds? so, are you a ninja? I am one too, recently graduated by the way" Jintaro told him pointing his thumb towards himself with a confident smile and relaxed posture.

Then the white haired guy noticed how Ciel was tacking peeks to his scars. Well it wasn't a surprise since they were all exposed and Jintaro himself wasn't trying to hide them."Are you curious? Kekeke" he said pointing to  his fore arm while laughing in a weird way "I obtained them defending what was precious to me, however I did fail without giving too much fight, all in the past though" he said reclining back in his seat,  he didn't seemed any but happy to tell those words.

However it was it was so many years ago that he couldn't be more than prideful for what he did back then, obviously it wasn't like if he didn't have any shame or regrets about it, but, what good would make to worry about it?

Whatever, this guy seemed hungry before, so hungry that he had drools seeing the koi fishes, who was Jintaro to not help in this time of need? reaching the pocket in his bermudas JIntaro drew a energetic bar, and threw it to Ciel, it wasn't like a kunai throw but more like an arch throw to the hungry guy. -well there it goes, the last energetic bar, well at least I will do fasting without nothing to tempting these next days- Jintaro thought for himself.

"Take this, you seemed hungry before"

WC: 371

always calm like nature but fierce like vulture
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

New Acquaintances  Empty Re: New Acquaintances

Fri May 24, 2024 7:29 pm
As Ciel would listen he couldnt help but realize how at peace he felt in the gardens, it didnt seem like he was on the spot light or having to push himself harder in a training session but just be able to relax and enjoy a nice conversation with someone new wasent what he thought he be missing out on. As they talked though he made a mental not to get out more and try to interact with new people in new places even though the gardens wasent excalty new to him. The young boy with the scars introduced himself as "Jintaro", a name that would seem easy enough to remember but Ciel wasent the best at always remembering people names as he would their face.

When Jintaro informed him about his recent graduation, Ciel face would lit up with joy."Awe damn Congrats bro, the path your just started is going to be a fun and dangerous one but from the looks of it your no real stranger to danger huh?", he would say with a smile. It would make Ciel think back to his first day out the academy and being placed in his squad. The reminiscing would be cut short as Jintaro would explain to Ciel how he gain the scar that was ever so present. Ciel felt a tad bit of sorrow that the scar was a result of not being able to protect something dear to Jintaro but knew that even in defeat there was a lesson to be learned. "Thats unforunate it was the result of losing but im sure you learned something from the fight and even if you didnt atleast your still alive today", he would say kindly. He wasent the best at comforting anyone but always gave it a shot because some people might need the kind words.

As the conversation continued Jintaro tossed him an energy bar, which most likely wouldnt have been Ciel first choice but with a growling stomach and a grateful heart he accepted the snack without hesitation. "Thanks bro i def needed something to snack on, what have you learned so far since you graduated ? any cool jutsu or anything ?", he would say curiously. The night was young and Ciel didnt have anything else to do so why not continue the conversation with his fellow shinobi.

Tori Jintaro
Tori Jintaro
Stat Page : 統計
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

New Acquaintances  Empty Re: New Acquaintances

Mon May 27, 2024 6:49 pm

Tori Jintaro

Never falter, forever fighter

As Jintaro heard the kind words regarding to his graduation in the academy, he made a bright smile at least until he heard that he was used to danger, actually he was more in the side of being beaten up than being the one beating people. However he didn't want to it be the norm for him, so he gave a kind smile as thanks.

Then some kind words came, they where about his scars and how he obtained them, even if it wasn't his intention, Jintaro doesn't wanted to put an ill mood. Lucky for him that Ciel decided to change the direction of the conversation.

-Recently I learned how to store something in a scroll, aside from that I only know basic taijutsu, actually I am a bit clumsy in ninjutsu it is a kinda difficult for me to use it- He would say without a trace of shame... which good would make to worry about it any further? None. That's why he would say it shamelessly.

-Actually my clan is good at sword techniques, however I am still far from obtaining enough ryos for a sword, I am penniless kekeke- He laughed while showing his empty pockets. -What about you? I mean any dangerous missions or stories to tell, I am kin to hear anything that could help me to gasp a bit what to expect from the ninja world-

Actually even if he has seeing the ninja world cruelness at first hand, Jintaro is that familiarized with every aspect of it, any help in that matter could be a huge experience to be prepared to that kind of environment, even if he started in the ninja world to escape from the sadness through battles and hardships, he was not that naive how to think that he could achieve anything there without information or resolution. Due to it he was always kin to hear stories from experienced ninjas and even genins-

always calm like nature but fierce like vulture
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