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Shiru Iyasu
Shiru Iyasu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Sealing
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Supermen of Science! Empty Supermen of Science!

Sun May 19, 2024 7:23 pm

Shiru made his way to the gates at first light with his hands in his pocket. The orange golden rays coming from the sky highlighted the tips of his red hair and made him look like a walking ball of fire. The glint coming off his headband only amplified that effect. He wore a bright white jacket with a red and black whirlpool symbol on the back. The bright eye-catching colors definitely didn't scream ninja or stealth by any means. Apart from his outfit Shiru didn't have any supplies with him. He was traveling unusually light for a ninja about to set out on a mission.

I wonder who i'll be working with today? I hope they are cool. I dont have the patience to babysit or deal with annoying people today.

Shiru was usually very optimistic but he had a lot on his mind lately. He had not slept well the last couple nights and it was finally catching up with him. Even his never ending energy had its limits. He probably felt more sluggish today than any other in his life. He made an uncharacteristic yawn and stretched his arms out to the side as far as they would go. When he was satisfied he placed his hands back in his jacket pocket as he covered the last remaining distance to the entrance of the gate. He looked around when he got there but didn't immediately see anybody.

Alright so we just have to go to this nearby village, help out some scientist with his experiment, and then check in on the crazy guy who thinks he is a superhero! Piece of cake! This should be pretty cut and dry as far as missions go. If only they ever went that easy!

Shiru ran over the mission synopsis as he stopped in front of the Hoshigakure gates. He removed his hands from his pockets and closed his ruby colored eyes. He made the seal of confrontation and let his chakra extend out around him while he silenced his mine. He was actively sensing the area around him and trying to locate the ninja who were supposed to be accompanying him on this mission. As long as they were not suppressing their chakra he should have no trouble sensing them. He hated surprises and did not like it when people snuck up on him.

Jutsu/Skills used:

Life stacks:2
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Supermen of Science! Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Sun May 19, 2024 7:53 pm
Hebiishi approached the village gate unsure of what to expect. He had his guard up, as usual, always unsure of who in the village took issue with his Orochi heritage. He didn't think anyone he'd met had been assigned to the mission. While he'd been lucky in his assignments so far he didn't want the day that luck ended to be a day he found a kunai buried in his back. The stakes were so much higher now that he was no longer an academy student. The shinobi he dealt with now were skilled and armed well enough to make the 'pranks' he'd endured growing up to seem like trifles.

As he approached he noticed a guy with red hair lounging about, clearly not on guard duty. Thinking he was a safe bet as one of his teammates Hebiishi waved at him as he neared.

"Hi, I'm Hebiishi, are you here for the mission assignment?" He asked while casually leaving out his last name from the introduction. He scanned his surroundings with his serpentine eyes as he awaited a reply, seeking out their third partner.

WC: 185
TWC: 185
MTWC: 581/6,000
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Supermen of Science! Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Mon May 20, 2024 2:22 pm
It was mission day , a day that Ciel always looked forward to but today was a tad bit more important than the others . He hadnt gone on a mission in a while and was slightly nervous about going on so many in one day. Not wanting to waste to much time debating mentally about the pro and cons of the day he left to meet the team he’d been assigned for to at the gates. As he pass by the villagers he couldn’t help but wander what his life would be like if he was an ordinary civilian.

The hardest part about imagining life as a civilian would be what to do with all his time. He couldn’t see himself working hard on some farm or anything like that due to his laziness and working in a company would involve dealing with to many assholes. Shrugging off the ideas of a normal life , he could see the gates coming up and two shinobi standing near them socializing . Realizing he’s the last one once again to a mission made him come to the realization that he’ll always just be the last to every meeting with the track record he has.

“Hey you guys , sorry I’m late . The name Ciel”, he would say as he walked towards the pair. Looking at the pair he had high hopes that the day was going to go by smoothly and quickly as long as they worked together.

Shiru Iyasu
Shiru Iyasu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Sealing
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Supermen of Science! Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Mon May 20, 2024 5:16 pm
After picking up on two chakra signatures converging towards him, Shiru released the seal of confrontation and opened his eyes. He spotted a boy around his age first. With a subtle wave Shiru knew that he was assigned to help on this mission. Something about his appearance sent shivers down Shiru’s spine and caused his muscles to tense up. It was like a hidden fear response inside his dna activated without permission . It was probably the reptilian-like eyes that really made him uneasy.

Shiru was determined not to be rude and knew better than to judge a book by its cover. He steadied himself and listened to the introduction with respect and forced his naturally big smile to come out. He genuinely extended his hand out to formally shake while he started his own introduction.

Its a real pleasure to meet you Hebiishi! My name is Shiru Iyasu. I look forward to working with you!

If Hebiishi shook Shiru’s hand a brief exchange of memories would occur between the two as Shiru’s natural affinity for Ninshu took effect. Hebishi would see the image of a dirty red haired child clothed in rags and covered in grime. He couldn't have been any older than five. The child would be reading  a human anatomy textbook by candlelight in a musty old room. A line of beds and sleeping children filled the background of what was clearly an orphanage. What Hebiishi chose to share would be entirely up to him.

At this point the third and final member had arrived. He looked to be about a year two older then Shiru and roughly an inch or so taller. His silky black hair and laid back demeanor definitely gave Shiru cool guy vibes. That wasn't a bad thing as long as it didn't interfere with what they were trying to accomplish. Just by looking at his teammates Shiru could tell they were both very capable Shinobi. His itch to compete and prove himself started getting him all fired up.

Hey Ceil! This is Hebiishii and I'm Shiru. It's a pleasure to work with you. Were running a little late so we can go over the mission and come up with a strategy as we travel.

With that Shiru began making his way to the nearby village. It wasn't far. If they hustled it shouldnt take very long. Once they arrived at the village then they could check in with the scientist to see what is going on with that whole situation. The local superhero who keeps fucking everything up may be a bigger priority but they wouldnt know until they got there.

Life Stacks: 4
Jutsu/Skill used:

WC 440
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Supermen of Science! Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Mon May 20, 2024 7:22 pm
"Its a real pleasure to meet you Hebiishi! My name is Shiru Iyasu. I look forward to working with you!"

Taken aback by Shiru's exuberance Hebiishi nonetheless took the boy's hand. He was suddenly overcome with a vision from the other boy.

A dirty red haired child clothed in rags and covered in grime. He couldn't have been any older than five. The child was reading a human anatomy textbook by candlelight in a musty old room. A line of beds and sleeping children filled the background of what was clearly an orphanage.

He shook his head to clear the image and let go of the other boy's hand. Unbeknownst to him a vision of his own was shared with Shiru.

A cramped bedroom, dirtied and destroyed. Bed sheets were torn and strewn about the room, mud and dirt smeared about in a way that had to have been on purpose. Clothes and books with pages torn out littered the floor and on the wall in dripping, red paint a word stood out clearly, 'TRAITOR.'

This being his first experience with Ninshu Hebiishi looked at Shiru with bewilderment. "Wh-what was that?"

Before he got his answer another boy arrived. Still a bit taken aback by what he had experienced he just gave Ciel a nod of greeting as Shiru introduced them.

Before long they began moving and Hebiishi used the time to get his head on straight. He enjoyed the cool breeze and being out in nature this trip afforded. He always felt more comfortable outdoors, his extensive time avoiding his bullies in the Wildlife Reserve being the source of this. It wasn't long before they arrived at the other village, it being one of the closest to Hoshigakure. As they arrived they noticed a commotion nearby, a large group of people gathered and seemed to be trying to see something.

WC: 313
TWC: 498
MTWC: 1,572/6,000
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Supermen of Science! Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Sat May 25, 2024 2:19 pm
Upon meeting up with his team for the day one of the boys introduced them both and seemed pretty excited to get the day started, a feeling Ciel himself had. He loved doing mission with people and helping out around the village or one of the smaller ones that surround hoshi but sometimes felt as though they require to much out of a shinobi sometimes. It would be nice to just get a mission that was as simple as its made to be sound but theres always something that comes up to make it more of a hassel. Ciel would simple agree with them about moving out and would follow behind them as they all made their way to the first mission locationg. As the three of them made their way to the first mission on the list , he wandered what man would want to run around playing superhero like some child and even had the nerve to continue this game even after seeing he was being more harmful than helpful.

Ciel was sure though that after a few words or an ass kicking, the man would give up the gig and find something more useful to do with his time than to cause more problems for people. He couldnt help but think the villagers were either stupid or just in a really messed up situation to continue to seek help from someone like that. After a short travel they arrived at the town to see a crowd surround the man who fit the description of the so called superhero. Ciel would stop just outside of the crown of people and look to his team, "Alright guys how do you want to handle this guy, he dosent take feedback well so he might get aggresive or just be an asshole. Either way im down to listen to any plan if you guys have one", he would say while looking around the village trying to see if there was anything worth living in this area for.

Shiru Iyasu
Shiru Iyasu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Sealing
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Supermen of Science! Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Sun May 26, 2024 2:43 am
Shiru was caught off guard when a brief vision of Hebiishi’s memory flowed through him. It passed so fast he could barely make sense of what he saw. One minute he was staring at a younger version of Hebiishi in a rundown room, and then he blinked and was back to reality. Hebiishi seemed to have grown up in a similar manner to himself. The cramped bedroom, the dirty appearance, and all the books felt familiar. The state of disarray and the painting of the word traitor suggested it wasn't the most peaceful upbringing. He couldn't help but wonder what happened in that memory to make it so powerful. It didn't look like anything good. In a way it almost made Shiru feel bad for him. Since his father was a deserter he heard the word traitor a lot in the two years since he joined the village. It was tough to be hated for crimes you didn't commit

Shiru tried to shake it out of his head and focus on what they were supposed to be doing. He had a million questions he wanted to ask Hebiishi but found it easier to just be quiet and pretend like he didn't see anything. The trip to the village went pretty smooth. They were there within no time. Upon arrival they found a large commotion with the guy playing superhero. Ciel was the first to address the situation. Hopefully they would be able to solve this without violence. Shiru felt some type of way about bullying someone into submission when their heart is in the right place and they have good intentions. Ideally he would listen to reason. Shiru stepped forward and broke through the commotion to address the man with a polite but stern voice.

Hey man we need to have a talk. I know you don't know me but I'm here to help you!  I love what you have been doing, but let's be real the results have not been ideal. Some of your village mates have been starting to complain about you causing some additional damage. Your heart is in the right place but sometimes you're making things worse by helping when you're not needed. Sometimes being a superhero isn't about big flashy stuff, sometimes it's just doing the little things because they are the right things to do. Nothing extra needed. I can tell you are a good person. Could you please ease up a bit and try finding a different way to help people? Leave the hero work up to the professionals!  

The man stared at Shiru with an expression that shifted between hurt and angry. He stumbled on his words and really had trouble formulating a response. His pride was clearly wounded. Judging by his face he was already aware of the problem. Shiru must not have been the first to ask him to stop.

Mind your business outsider. I am the great hero Shanku. I admit I have had a couple mishaps but everyone is overreacting. I will help whoever and whenever I want.

The man turned sharply on his heel and stormed away. Shiru had clearly pissed him off. The young genin rubbed his fingers through his fiery red hair anxiously. A dumbstruct look rested on his face as that whole plan totally backfired. Shiru slank back to his companions and tried to play it all off like it was no big deal.

My bad guys i really screwed up on that one. I was really hoping we could talk some sense into him. Its not a problem though! We will be here for a little longer. Lets give him some time to cool off and then maybe we can try again. I will bet we run into him again later. We should get over the scientist. I know he is waiting for us to help him with his experiments.

WC 648 TWC 1,444
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Supermen of Science! Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Sun May 26, 2024 4:34 pm
Hebiishi let the other two take control when they hit the crowd. In truth, he felt bad for the vigilante. If things had turned out differently for him and he had failed at becoming a shinobi he may have made a similar choice. The burden of trying to prove the Orochi name was not synonymous with being a traitor here in Hoshigakure was an overwhelming pressure placed upon him. Perhaps this man had a similar circumstance. He knew he would need to take care of him regardless, even if it came to blows, and that made him sad. Sometimes duty was heavier than a mountain.

At Shiru's words, he responded, "Don't worry about it. I think it may take more than words to settle this with him. Something is clearly driving him to this. Without addressing that we may never convince him to stop." He paused for a moment, "I agree though, it looks like the scientist is our next best bet."

As long as no one voiced a concern with that course of action they would be off once again. As they traveled Hebiishi noticed a few parts of town that were in disarray or in the middle of being rebuilt. He wondered if this was due to the vigilante or if it was due to something entirely separate. This village seemed to have some problems, he just hoped they could help resolve some while they were here.

As they arrived at the scientist's lab he noticed a variety of strange experiments as they entered. Animals were caged but at various sizes that didn't seem normal. A monkey the size of a mouse, a pigeon the size of a bear, these were just two out of a menagerie of animals that they passed. The beasts were oddly quiet and watched them with an almost humanlike intelligence. The entire experience was almost spooky and made Hebiishi wonder as to who this scientist would turn out to be. As they knocked and then entered a final room they came upon a man in an absolute rage. His anger blinding him to their presence as he smashed a variety of nearby objects. Beakers and vials went flying which now made sense to Hebiishi that the ground was littered with broken glass. Caught off guard by his anger Hebiishi stood frozen in a state of shock. His experience with bullies always taught him to assess the situation before reacting. In the mean time he looked to his two companions almost pleadingly, hoping one of them would address the situation at hand.

WC: 428
TWC: 926
MTWC: 2,555/6,000
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Supermen of Science! Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Fri May 31, 2024 6:54 am
Ciel would sit back and watch as Shiro would be the first to attempt to get the man to change his ways. He had some faith that Shiro would be able to , also some doubt. Ciel knew it wouldn’t be an easy task to get the man to see reason immediately due to the report stating that he doesn’t take feedback well, so someone had to of tried multiple times before. As shiro was speaking to the man Ciel would be looking around and noticing a good amount of messed up projects , which he couldn’t help but wander that if this was the so called superhero work or something else, but if it was his how could he be satisfied with such a shit job .

It didn’t take long for the man to basically tell Shiro to fuck off , even tho Ciel did like that the man owned up to his mistakes. It gave Cole hope that maybe he could be reasoned without having to hurt or scare him. Fighting a man like this wouldn’t earn you any bragging points , so hopefully they would be able to get the man to stop his ways or at least learn how to do things the right way without causing things to become worse.

As Shrio returned to the group he would start apologizing for not being able to convince the man to stop. Hebiishi would be the first to respond , pretty much telling Shiro everything was okay. Without seeing much to add on to Hebiishii comment Ciel would fold his arms across his chest “Hebiishi right , it’ll take a little bit more effort to get him to understand, I’ll follow you guys lead to the scientist”, he would say before following them toward their next mission.

As they arrived at the scientists home it was a mess, glass everywhere and the animals were not the right size. “Guess these were some of his recent experiments” Ciel would think to himself as they made their way through the lab. As they arrived at the room where the scientist was , they wouldn’t see a normal reserved scientist but instead walked in on a very frustrated one. Throwing beaks and other glass objects around the place ,”What a waste of good material” he would say to himself before watching Hebiishi freeze up. “Aye Scientists, relax with throwing shit, where here to help”, he would yell out.

He felt kinda bad that Hebiishi froze like that which in turn made him a little pissed at the scientist for not being more in control of his anger. Realizing his mistakes the man personality immediately weren’t from an crazed one to a friendly one “I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean for you guys to see that side of me , it’s just I’ve been working day in and day out to perfect this new serum of mine and I’m just one step away from completing it. I would just need you guys to be my first test subjects along with some help cleaning up the place” the man would say eagerly only taking a second to breathe or but not let anyone respond he would continue.

“Now it’s perfectly safe and it should increase your reflexes and stamina, any questions” he would say ended his slight rant. Ciel himself wasent one on just taking random things from strangers so he would wait to see what his team wanted to do. If the others agreed on taking it he would do so as well even though his gut tells him this might be a bad idea.

Wc 606
Shiru Iyasu
Shiru Iyasu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Sealing
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Supermen of Science! Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Fri May 31, 2024 5:05 pm
Shiru didn't like the vibe he got when he walked into the scientist's house. The bizarrely shaped animals made him uncomfortable. The way at which they looked at him sent shivers down his spine. A sense of pity welled up inside of him. This was unnatural. Shiru was all for science, as a medical practitioner he knew it was necessary to advance. This was unnatural. The pity he was feeling was quickly replaced with anger

What kind of monster would do this?

Shiru could barely finish his thought before the sound of breaking glass stole his attention. They walked up on a scientist in the middle of a rager. Ciel seemed to get him to snap out of it relatively easy. Which was good because Shiru stood frozen with his fists gripped. The energy in the room and the thought of those animals being mutated really made him want to punch the scientist right in the face. It took everything he had to eat his feeling and stay on mission

When the scientist explained about his new serum Shiru immediately had his doubts. Judging by the animals and broken glass, that serum could do a million different harmful things to his body. He knew the others were probably thinking the exact same thing. This was why they were sent here though somebody had to do it otherwise they would fail the mission. It was a shitty position to be in. Shiru reached out for the serum indicating he would be the one to take it.

Well my body is naturally resilient so i guess if anybody has to do it then it should be me. If it goes south and I can't be saved or mutate into some monster, I'm trusting you two to put me out of my misery. If that happens then as a last wish i want you guys to kick this guys ass for me!

Shiru was about to down the serum when a loud bang from the front door stopped him in his tracks. He looked over to see a young kid come bursting into the backroom. He looked out of breath and had a terrified look on his face. The quiet animals suddenly got real loud and panicked as if to match the boy's energy.

Grandpa, you have to come quick! I messed up real bad! I'm so sorry! I stole some of your serum. I wanted to be the first real life SuperHero. I believed I could help people.  I’ve been talking to that guy that keeps trying to help everyone and he said if I got my hands on your work then  we could be a crime fighting ninja. He is a fraud! He had no desire to ever help anybody. He was just playing hero to trick me into trusting him. He told me so himself.

All he wanted was for me to steal your serum. He deceived me into believing that your anger meant you didn't want me. I thought I wasn't good enough for you so I stole it when you weren't looking. As soon as I showed it to him in the center of the village he snatched it up and drank it all. He started shaking immediately and got really angry and scary looking. He was like an enraged wild animal so I ran away as fast as I could. He is no hero grandpa, he is a villian! You have to stop him before he hurts someone!

Shiru thrust the vial he was holding back into the scientist's hands. He was glad he didn't drink that. Now they had a much bigger problem on their hands. This guy needed to be stopped right now. Who knows how big of an effect that may have on him. He thought of the pigeon from earlier being the size of a bear and a sense of urgency and seriousness washed over him.

It looks like you will get your test subject one way or the other you bastard! C’mon guys. We have messes to clean up now!

WC 678 TWC 2122

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