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Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Supermen of Science! - Page 2 Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Mon Jun 03, 2024 1:28 am
Hebiishi was grateful to Ciel and Shiru for taking the lead. He didn't do well with overly hostile people it reminded him too much of the bullies in his youth. Even now, after all of his training that hadn't changed. He still froze when confronted with anger.

But he didn't have long to dwell on that as a boy rushed into the room.

"Grandpa, you have to come quick! I messed up real bad! I'm so sorry! I stole some of your serum. I wanted to be the first real life SuperHero. I believed I could help people. I’ve been talking to that guy that keeps trying to help everyone and he said if I got my hands on your work then we could be a crime fighting ninja. He is a fraud! He had no desire to ever help anybody. He was just playing hero to trick me into trusting him. He told me so himself.

All he wanted was for me to steal your serum. He deceived me into believing that your anger meant you didn't want me. I thought I wasn't good enough for you so I stole it when you weren't looking. As soon as I showed it to him in the center of the village he snatched it up and drank it all. He started shaking immediately and got really angry and scary looking. He was like an enraged wild animal so I ran away as fast as I could. He is no hero grandpa, he is a villian! You have to stop him before he hurts someone!"

Hebiishi was already moving before Shiru finished his own words. His hands flashed into different handseals Monkey, Boar, Ox! With that Hebiishi faded into his surroundings, turning invisible. He'd survey the field first and then hopefully launch a surprise attack. He just hoped his allies didn't hit him with their own techniques while he was imperceptible.

As he ran he wondered how he would be able to track the man, considering the center of the village wasn't too much to go on, but as he exited the building a large explosion shook him from a nearby building. Rubble was everywhere and as the dust cleared Hebiishi saw a figure within it. A man, if you could call it a man any longer was standing there, large and imposing easily eight feet tall and with giant bulging muscles and frame. He let out a bellow of rage and then leaped towards another building.

Hebiishi was about to follow when he noticed a survivor caught in the rubble, her leg trapped. He quickly ran to her and hoisted the debris away from her leg as best he could. Still invisible, the woman let out a cry of alarm as the rubble seemingly lifted of its own accord and she limped away as fast as she could. Seeing a few others caught in the aftermath of the 'hero's' wake Hebiishi focused on helping as many as he could before catching up with the other two and helping them take down this mad man.

WC: 513
TWC: 1,439
MTWC: 4,352/6,000
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Supermen of Science! - Page 2 Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:33 pm
As Ciel waited to see what his two fellow shinobi had to say about taking the serum , they would be interuptted by a kid.

"Grandpa, you have to come quick! I messed up real bad! I'm so sorry! I stole some of your serum. I wanted to be the first real life SuperHero. I believed I could help people. I’ve been talking to that guy that keeps trying to help everyone and he said if I got my hands on your work then we could be a crime fighting ninja. He is a fraud! He had no desire to ever help anybody. He was just playing hero to trick me into trusting him. He told me so himself.

All he wanted was for me to steal your serum. He deceived me into believing that your anger meant you didn't want me. I thought I wasn't good enough for you so I stole it when you weren't looking. As soon as I showed it to him in the center of the village he snatched it up and drank it all. He started shaking immediately and got really angry and scary looking. He was like an enraged wild animal so I ran away as fast as I could. He is no hero grandpa, he is a villian! You have to stop him before he hurts someone!" the boy explained.

With a light sigh, Ciel knew he should of put a stop to that man before it got this far, but who could of guessed this turn of events. "Whats done is done", he said to himself as he observed heb go invisible. "Well thats pretty cool, wish i had something similar to that", he would yell out not knowing where heb was but hope he was close enough to hear. It didnt take the trio long to arrive at the site of choas, buildings where falling people who being trapping underneath. In Ciel mind this all was a complete shit show, but easily the best part of the day.

Seeing the now evolved man runing to another building Ciel would give chase, hoping the man would just turn and fight. "Aye you big dope turn around and show me what you did to that building, im sure ill give you a wayy better fight", Ciel would say trying his best to get his attention. Not one to take kind to insults the once superhero turned in rage at the harsh comments being thrown at him."You were the ones trying to stop me earlier , now its my turn to stop you guys", he would say as he broke off a man size piece of the roof and launched it at Ciel and his team if they chose to follow.

Ciel smiled as he weaved a couple handsigns and yelled Chidori , as his hand whos now covered in lighting shattered the rock into now leathal pieces. "Ill give you guys one chance to end this with him keeping his life, he throws another big ass boulder at me its over for him", Ciel would say to his teammates.

Shiru Iyasu
Shiru Iyasu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Sealing
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Supermen of Science! - Page 2 Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:35 pm
Things went into motion around Shiru very quickly. Hebiishi used a cool jutsu that caused him to literally turn invisible. Shiru could still feel him using his innate sensory skills though the further away his teammate got, the harder it was to pinpoint his exact location. Shiru raced after his teammates to handle this new situation. The other two were naturally faster than him so he found himself lagging behind when the nearby building exploded. The force of it nearly knocked him over but he was just far away to be able to be able to maintain standing.The rubble from the explosion caused lots of damage and blanketed the area in thick dust and smoke. Through the smoke Shiru could make out a hulking figure that dwarfed even the biggest of men.

Shiru wanted to help all those injured by the explosion but until they subdued their target, more and more people would get hurt! So after a second of scanning with his eyes and sensory skills, he determined nobody was in a fatal condition and he could come back and heal them as needed. He decided to follow Ciel to chase the mutated freak. He yelled out at Hebiishi as he took to the rooftops.

Leave the big guy to me and Ciel please Hebiishi! Please stay here and help people get to safety and out of all this rubble. I will be back as soon as I can to provide medical aid to anybody who is injured. Just don't let any of them die until I get back! I won't be long!

Shiru continued his pursuit of Ciel and the mutant. Ciel was trying to taunt him into turning around and fighting and it seemed to work after a minute. The guy stopped and hurled a piece of boulder in their direction. Ciel was quick to break the boulder apartwith one of the coolest lightning ninjutsu that Shiru had ever seen. Shiru wasn't overly fond of Ciel threatening to kill the guy, but he understood emotions were starting to run high and tried to not to form a judgement about his teammates character. Shiru attempted to place his hand on Ciel's shoulder to try and instill a sense of peace and calm throughout him

I will handle it Ciel! No need to go overboard. He wont be throwing anything anytime soon!

Shiru made a few quick seals and then a seal formed on the outside of his sternum. Five chains of chakra burst out of the seal and coiled around the man at blinding speeds. The chains pinned his arms to his sides and prevented him from moving completely. Shiru was surprised when the guy started struggling against the chains. His clans kekkei genkai was not easily overpowered. The giant must have been absurdly strong to even attempt to resist capture. Shiru doubted he would be able to escape but to be on the safe side he made a couple more seals without releasing the chains. Those with chakra vision would see a ruby coat of chakra travel the length of one specific chain until it reached the guy. The guy would let out a grimaced groan and his resistance grew significantly weaker every second until he lost the energy to stand completely. Shiru let his chakra Absorption keep draining the beast until he completely fell unconcious.

He should sleep for a while. I drained him of all his chakra. We should get him back to the scientist and see if there is anything he can do to reverse this condition he is in. Can you drag him back Ciel? I want to return to where the explosion happened and heal everybody who was hurt. They need my help!

WC: 621 TWC: 2743
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Supermen of Science! - Page 2 Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Tue Jun 11, 2024 7:56 pm
Hebiishi lost track of his allies as he helped the remaining civilian casualties that were nearby get to safety, but as he saved the last few he heard Shiru shout at him. "Leave the big guy to me and Ciel please Hebiishi! Please stay here and help people get to safety and out of all this rubble. I will be back as soon as I can to provide medical aid to anybody who is injured. Just don't let any of them die until I get back! I won't be long!"

Nodding Hebiishi advanced to the outskirts of the fight where more civilians lay in harm's way. Using his stretchable body he helped a few civilians get down from a dangerous ledge of a partially destroyed building. Where there was still dust and debris he used his dojutsu to help locate any further civilians in need of evacuation. As he seemed finished with his task he turned back to the fight just in time to watch Ciel and Shiru finish the fight. Between Ciel using lightning to destroy a boulder flung at them and Shiru creating chains to drain the mad man of his chakra the battle seemed to be over.

A little in awe of his ally's abilities Hebiishi went over and began to guide Shiru to the wounded civilians as he finished instructing Ciel to return the renegade villain to the scientist. He felta little bad that he hadn't been able to contribute to the fight but knew his task had been just as important. The less loss of civilian life was always for the better which is why fighting in towns like this one was always a struggle. It was enough trouble trying to figure out how and when to hit an opponent without worrying about not hitting bystanders as well.

As they arrived Hebiishi helped Shiru with healing by utilizing his own healing hands technique. While he was no trained battle medic his meager skill sufficed here for those with lesser injuries. As they wrapped up Hebiishi said to Shiru, "Well done! I've not seen a technique like the one you used on our opponent. You're very talented being able to end the fight as you did as well as be able to heal the injured with me. You'll have to teach me how you do it sometime!"

Once he received a reply they would head over to meet back up with Ciel.

WC: 406
TWC: 1,845
MTWC: 5,896/6,000
Shiru Iyasu
Shiru Iyasu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Sealing
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Supermen of Science! - Page 2 Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:15 pm
Doing a mid thread claim

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Supermen of Science! - Page 2 Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:58 pm
Shiru Iyasu wrote:Doing a mid thread claim


Supermen of Science! - Page 2 JPYXIpT
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Supermen of Science! - Page 2 Empty Re: Supermen of Science!

Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:09 pm
Feeling his teammate teammates hand on his shoulder was enough for Ciel to end his Chidori and allow Shiru to handle the situation from there. He was a tad bit disappointed that the battle wouldnt go on much longer but was happy that no one was seriously hurt. He made sue to take note of Heb healing abilities because you never know when having a very skilled medic would come in handy, Ciel himself planned on learning some Medical ninjutsu eventually but rn he already had his hands full with his other training. He would also be in slight awe at the chakra chains that were used to subdue the enemy , he had never seen something like that up close and would love to see them used in a real battle one day.

Listening to his teammate, Ciel would summon two clones and use them to carry the man back to the lab. On the way you could hear the clones complaining about how heavy the ma is but Ciel ignores them, knowing that nothing they say mean anything since their just doing what he would do if in the same situation. It didn't take long to arrive back at the lab but the journey was full of complaining, he never realized he could be so annoying at times. Not wasting a moment Ciel could see the scientist running out towards them, stopping him before he could even get to the entrance.

"Here let me give him this", the doctor would say as he jammed a needle into the man's arm. Slowly but surely the man would start to revert back to his normal form. "Ill take him from here and handle his recovery, I also am happy to have a good test subject", the doctor would say as he waved over a couple of his assistants take the man inside the lab. Ciel decided it be best to wait for the rest of his team to catch up before going inside.

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