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Shiru Iyasu
Shiru Iyasu
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Clan Focus : Sealing
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Legacy of the Queensman part 1 Empty Legacy of the Queensman part 1

Fri May 24, 2024 12:15 am

Shiru was excited for today's particular mission. He was given the privilege of shadowing a real Queensman. Queensman were elite individuals who are held in the highest regard in Hoshigakure. Their history dates all the way back to the monarchy and have been serving the village ever since. They are well respected authorities who demand a certain level of respect and courtesy throughout generations. They were about as close to royalty as one could find in this day of age. It was a great honor to be chosen to learn from them.

Shiru had heard of them when he first arrived but had never got to meet one. He was excited to learn and see one in action. He wondered what the day in the life of a Queensman looked like. They weren't ninjas nor were they basic peace officers. They were something unique entirely. He hoped they wouldn't disappoint and live up their reputation.

Shiru made his way to the designated meet location in the center of the village square. He was so worried about being late that he ended up arriving nearly an hour early. He stood with his hands in his pocket and gazed out at the villagers going about their daily tasks. The constant hustle and bustle made time seem to race along exceptionally fast. About five minutes before the designated meet time Shiru saw him enter the square.

He was an older gentleman garbed in the fanciest suit of eloquent black armor that Shiru had ever seen. It was very form fitting and looked very light weight considering it was made entirely of metal. A rose colored cloak flowed behind him and lightly touched the ground as he walked. On his left hip was a black sheathed sword that looked to be equivalent to a rapier in size. His hair was as white as snow and a thick scar cut diagonally across his face from jaw to scalp. He looked like a knight straight out of some fairytale.

He carried about a very intense aura with him. Just the gravity of his presence was enough to leave Shiru in awe. By the time the old legend made it across the square to Shiru it was the exact meet time down to the second. His timing was impeccable. Shiru dropped to one knee and bowed his head slightly in a sign of respect. He held the pose while he waited eagerly for the man to speak.

You must be Shiru Iyasu, you can refer to me as Sir Kurosaki. You will be under my tutelage from this moment on. You will assist me in my patrols and follow my every instruction down to the very letter. Pay close attention and follow my lead and stay silent unless spoken to. You are here to learn. As my subordinate your actions are a reflection of me. Do not bring dishonor to name!

The old man's voice was rugged and raspy. In his tone he made it clear that he expected total obedience. Shiru nodded in understanding from his bowed position before retaking his feet. He made sure to stand up as straight as possible to produce the most proper posture he could. As an orphan he lacked the proper education of etiquette and manners so he tried to stay as still as he could and keep his words to a minimum to avoid offending the gentleman.

Yes sir. It is an honor to be here with you today. I will do my best to not disappoint you.

Sir Kurosaki nodded with approval before doing an about face and walking off. Slightly confused Shiru followed a long a couple steps behind him like a lost puppy. He tried to walk with a noblesque stride but his orphan heritage made him look goofy and almost robotic. Their pace was brisk as they cut a path straight through the village. Occasionally when they would reach an intersection the Queensman would stop to study the different quadrants before continuing on his path throughout his route. After about thirty minutes Sir Kurosaki stopped and abruptly turned to Shiro.

How many individual  people have we crossed paths with since we started walking?

He was caught like a deer in the headlights. His mouth hung open and he stood dumbstruck and speechless. Was he supposed to have been counting this whole time? He wishes he would have none or been given a heads up. Shiru had always been bright and booksmart. It was a new feeling to be embarrassed for not knowing something.  He was about to answer  sheepishly when Sir Kurosaki cut him off.

Pay attention! That is your job right now. The answer is 47! 17 were adult males, 13 were adult females, 6 male children, 8 female children, and 3 babies. We also passed 4 dogs, 3 cats, a bunny and 3 squirrels. When you are patrolling it is your job to know everything that is happening in every inch of your assigned area.”

Shiru’s cheeks turned red and he nodded his head with shame. He was shocked that the old dog's observational skills are that sharp. It also made him come to the realization that the standard he was being held to was insanely high. It was time to get super serious or else he would run the risk of disappointing or offending the elderly knight.

From now on you must have better eyes for detail. Consider anything and everything a threat to you and that which you are charged with protecting. No piece of information is too little or insignificant. That is the most basic basic rule when patrolling.

Shiru maintained his silence. He knew excuses or promises would get him nowhere with this man. If he was going to prove himself it would have to be with actions and actions alone. He dialed in and became laser focused. He went to work pushing his brain to absorb every detail he could. He remembered street names, and building colors. He counted windows and doors and how many stories each building had. He started treating it like a murder investigation and somewhere hidden on their route was a clue. The more he watched the more stood out. He caught bits and pieces of conversations happening all around him. Most of it was small talk but some were more personal then he would have liked to hear. They were about it an hour in when one particular conversation happening between two individuals caused his ears to perk up.

Once you have it, escape through the residential district. Don't look back until you make it back to the boss.

The voice was high pitched and almost panicked. Shiru casually looked over at them with his ruby eyes while trying his best not to grab their attention. He kept their brisk pace as he did to avert suspicion. He was surprised to see two black haired teen boys. They had to be no more than a year or two older than Shiru. Their attire and emaciated figures suggested life was being very hard to them.  When Shiru and Sir Kurosaki were out of ear shot the young genin whispered to the Queensman with a calm yet very serious demeanor.

Sir Kurosaki, I have discovered a potential problem. I would request your permission to investigate!

WC 1233

Last edited by Shiru Iyasu on Fri May 24, 2024 1:45 am; edited 3 times in total
Shiru Iyasu
Shiru Iyasu
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Clan Focus : Sealing
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Legacy of the Queensman part 1 Empty Re: Legacy of the Queensman part 1

Fri May 24, 2024 12:18 am
The old Queensman looked him up and down for a minute. For a split second he actually seemed troubled. He was having some sort of debate inside his head that Shiru was not privy to. After a long moment he quickly regained his regal posture and came to a decision.

It can't be helped. This may be connected to something bigger I've been working on. I have some things i must attend to. I will fill you in more when and if the time is right. Follow the two boys discreetly and discover what they are up to. Only act if absolutely necessary! Act with honor and do not bring shame upon your name. You are representing a Queensman!

The two stopped walking at an intersection of streets and the old knight proudly turned to face Shiru. He extended his right forearm and the two shook before parting ways. Shiru walked for a few minutes until he made it out of sight. He made sure nobody would notice before taking to the rooftops. He quickly backtracked until he came up on the location where he saw the teenagers.

To his frustration they were gone. People were walking left and right but those two boys were gone. Shiru began scouring each section of the square piece by piece looking for them. It took all of his skill to stay hidden and move around unseen in broad daylight. If he alerted them before he got the information he needed then this would all be for nothing.

Shiru made the seal of concentration and began reaching out with his chakra to look for nearby people. Individual chakra signatures began popping up like little white flames all around him thanks to his unique chakra sensing skill . He noticed two signatures close together on the outskirts of the Village square. They were away from the main crowd moving down an alley.
Shiru stealthily pursued them from above until they suddenly stopped moving near an old antique store. He had to duck out of sight multiple times as the duo was very cautious about being observed. Shiru got the impression that they were casing the place for later. That was only confirmed when he overheard another brief exchange between the two.

We come back just after midnight. You know what to do once you have it. Stay out of trouble until then. If the ninjas find out we are going to have a real problem. HE is going to be pissed at both of us if we screw this up!

Whoever this HE was definitely seemed to strike fear in the two teens. He must be pretty ill natured to create such a sense of fear while not even being present. The two boys shared a few more uninteresting words before separating and going their own way. Shiru hightailed it back to look for Kurosaki. He needed to update him about what was happening right away.

It took almost thirty minutes to find him. The sun was already starting to get low at this point. Shiru was starting to get anxious when he finally ran into the Queensman in the village square. The knight looked tired and anxious yet maintained his noble aura.

What information were you able to gather about your wrong doers young shinobi?

Shiru wasted no time in filling in the old noble in on everything that had transpired. A moment of recognition crossed the man's face before disappearing suddenly. He listened to the rest of the story nodding politely ever so often. When Shiru came to an end of his tale the old knight quickly broke out into a story of his own.

I feared this was the case. This boss they are referring to is named Tobo. Not much is known about him other than he has ties to lots of powerful families all around the world. The few stories I have heard suggest he is not a very honorable man and is very prone to violence. He uses his money to hire mercenaries and force others to follow and obey him. Tobo is the worst kind of criminal.

His actions have drastically become more bold. His reputation continues to grow along with his wealth. He runs a very tight organization that is getting bigger by the day. The amount of information I have been able to gather about them has been very slim. Until now he has mainly operated in small villages outside of my immediate reach. They have grown very arrogant to try and conduct business inside Hoshigakure itself. Whatever they are after must be truly valuable to take such a risk.

We must not let them take root in our village. We will intercept them and find out what they are after. Once we learn all we can, then we will stop them from escaping. Our main goal right now is to find the location of Tobo. I expect there will be more enemies than just the two boys from earlier. I expect you to follow my lead and to conduct yourself with honor and excellent judgment.

If we are outmatched or the situation gets out of control I command you to retreat and to inform the village immediately! That is an order!

Shiru nodded in acknowledgement. He wasn't expecting the situation to be as big as it was. Petty criminals were common but an entire crime syndicate was more than he bargained for this morning when he set out on this mission. He was jacked up to finally get some real work as a shinobi. It gave him the opportunity to put all his hard training he has done recently to good use.

The Queensman and Shiru took up hiding on top of a nearby building overlooking the antique store. They surveyed the area and all seemed quiet and uneventful. Right around midnight a small rustling broke the silence. Shiru looked to identify the source of the noise. The two teen boys stealthily emerged from the surrounding shrubbery along with a heavily bearded gentleman so large he could have easily been mistaken for a bear.

There they are. That third guy looks pretty formidable. They outnumber us, should we proceed or go for backup?

Sir Kurosaki was uncomfortably silent for a long minute. He dug his fingers through his well groomed beard as if the answer was hidden in there somewhere. He muttered a couple choice words under his breath. The two of them watched the three criminals enter the antique store from the back of the building. Once they were out of sight Sir Kurosaki stood up and went over the plan one final time.

That big one is called Souzen. His reputation is well known in certain circles. I know him very well. I have crossed blades with him on 3 different occasions. He is ruthless and very strong. Don't underestimate him. Do not engage with him unless you want to die. I will quietly sneak in behind them. Once I have identified what it is they are trying to steal, I can move in to capture them. You stand guard out here in case any get past me. Do not let them escape if possible. If they are able to warn Tobo that we are on to him then we may never get another shot at him.

Shiru nodded hesitantly. He was not a fan of the plan at all. He didn't like that he had to sit and wait like a child instead of helping. He wasn't about to argue with his superior about it so he kept his mouth shut. Sir Kurosaki leapt off the roof and followed the criminals through the back door. When they were all out of sight Shiru started getting very nervous. Each second that passed felt like an hour while he was helplessly waiting.

After what felt like an eternity, loud crashes and bangs started to happen inside the building. People were yelling at each other but what was being said was drowned out by the sound of metal clashing together. It took all the discipline Shiru had not to rush into the antique store after them. When his resolve to stay put was at its lowest, a loud bang permeated the air followed by an explosion.

WC: 1386
Shiru Iyasu
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Legacy of the Queensman part 1 Empty Re: Legacy of the Queensman part 1

Fri May 24, 2024 12:23 am
Sir Kurosaki came crashing through the side wall of the building along with smoke and debris. The old man skillfully came to a stop by sliding backwards across the ground with his sword digging into the dirt in an attempt to slow his momentum. He looked worse for wear as blood poured down from his forehead and chin. He left a large exit hole in the antique store that the big bear-like bandit came strutting out of. The ogre had a heavy broadsword of his own that he was holding with just his right hand.The length of the blade had a crimson sheen to it and was wet with blood

You're getting frail Kurosaki! You should really consider retirement. Five years ago you would have flicked off an attack of that level without breaking a sweat. Look at you now, the great Queensman. What a joke. You don't deserve the title, not anymore! You bring dishonor to the name.

A look of pure fury sprung upon Sir Kurosaki’s face. It was a look of pure contempt and hatred. Shiru couldn't remember seeing anybody look at someone the way the old Queensman looked at the criminal. Kurosaki let out a battlecry and flung forward with his sword in an attempt to cut the man in half. The bandit parried the attack with his own sword and the two began dueling it out.

Do not talk to me about dishonor you traitor! You turned on your own comrades and killed your own brothers in arms. You are the worst kind of person. It was a failure on all of us to ever let you hold the title of Queensman! I will rectify that mistake right here and now by taking you down!

Shiru was in shock to hear that the criminal had been a Queensman. Clearly they had way more history then Sir Kurosaki led on. Shiru watched in awe as the two swordsmen began trading blows at a furious pace. The level of skill they displayed left Shiru in awe. It was clear who the superior fighter was. Kurosaki had been fighting hard but his movements were slowing and he was starting to lose ground. Souzen on the other hand barely looked like he was trying. Shiru was about to jump down and help when he saw the two teens exiting the antique shop.

Shit! What should I do? If I leave then Sir Kurosaki will get killed! If I stay then they are going to get away and we will have nothing. What's the right decision?

Shiru stood paralyzed by indecision. Sweat started to roll down his forehead again as he wasted time trying to decide what he should do. He was just about to help Sir Kurosaki when he heard the old veteran scream out while fending off the onslaught of attacks coming his way.

Go after them already. Do your duty. Leave me to mine. Do not let them escape no matter what. You can't let them have the scroll Shiru!

Shiru cursed under his breath and took off after the two teenagers.They were untrained so Shiru was able to make up time and catch up pretty fast. Luckily for him, capturing people was a special skill of his. As he got close to them he made a couple seals and six chains constructed of chakra burst forth from his palm. The chains spiraled equally around the bandits torsos and pinned their arms helplessly to their side. The criminals struggled helplessly but there was no escaping his clan's special jutsu.

These chains won’t be broken. Give back what you took right now. It’s all over for you guys!

The two boys wiggled around but quickly gave up when they realized escape was inevitable. They slumped over in defeat as Shiru constricted the chains. He walked over and retrieved the stolen scroll out of a pouch from the kid who was supposed to take it to meet up with the boss. Shiru placed the scroll securely in his own pocket.

He was about to begin interrogating them when he heard a loud buzz coming his way. He looked up just in time to see a barrage of shuriken flying his way. They were coming in so fast that Shiru was unable to dodge them all and took one in his shoulder and one in his knee. The interaction caused him to lose focus and his chains to unravel just long enough for the two boys to escape.

Dammit! Who the hell threw that?

Shiru scanned the environment but couldn't find anybody. He threw up the seal of confrontation to try and sense the chakra but he was picking up nothing. With an angry snarl Shiru pulled the two shuriken out of his body. Blood started pouring through the openings and seeped into his clothes. Shiru made a couple seals and a red aura appeared around his hand. He touched his wounds as they quickly began to close.

The two boys started running the moment they were free of the chains. Shiru went to take off after them when he noticed another volley coming at him out of the corner of his eye. He was able to dodge a little smoother this time. He flipped and rolled gracefully. Shiru tried pinpointing the attack down but it seemed to be coming from multiple angles at once. He had no time to waste. The kids were getting away and he had to catch up immediately.

Fuck. I'm going to have to risk it. I can't let them escape!

Shiru charged after the teenagers. As expected, another volley of Shuriken came flying his way. Shiru kept running. He ducked and weaved and tried to do his best to dodge them without losing speed. The onslaught continued and Shiru took multiple hits to the arms and legs. Most of them were just grazes but a couple managed to embed themselves in his skin. He was able to avoid serious injury by intentionally avoiding hits to vital spots.

While he was running he caught sight of a dark haired girl similar in age to himself. She had shoulder length black hair and was dressed like someone ready for combat. Shiru didn't see a headband so he couldn't tell her affiliation. He could tell that she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. His jaw fell slack while he performed the hand seals for his chakra chains. Beautiful or not he had to secure the situation. He sent two chains at each of his three opponents. The two teenagers were too unskilled to avoid getting wrapped up. The two boys fell into the ground coiled in chains from head to toe. The new girl on the other hand had the raw strength to parry it and the agility to get herself out of range. They stood for a minute having a stare down to see who would make the next move.

Who are you? Why is this scroll so important?

Shiru tried his best to speak with command and authority. He was trying to buy time by getting her to talk so he could come up with a plan. The girl found his tone funny and giggled and sneered right at him. The condescending sound of her laughter immediately wanted to punch her, yet somehow he couldn't help but be attracted to her. That would be his luck that his first ever crush would of course be an enemy.

Stay out of this Shinobi! Release my comrades and give me back that Scroll. Your interference is only going to cost innocent people their lives. You don't understand what you're doing!

Shiru stood frozen trying to make sense of what she was saying. Her tone sounded more pleading than threatening. She sounded scared like the boy from earlier. Was she being forced into this also? Before he could ask he heard footsteps approaching from behind him. Shiru turned expecting to see another enemy but was delightfully surprised to see Sir Kurosaki. Both his black armor and white hair were stained red with blood. He was walking slow and clearly injured. His rapier was gripped firmly in his hand.

Sir Kurosaki! I'm so glad you're ok! What happened to the big guy?

Sir Kurosaki approached but never looked at Shiru. His eyes were focused on the girl in front of him. When he started speaking in his grizzled voice Shiru was surprised when he answered his question by addressing the girl in front of him directly.

That is enough Maki! You have failed tonight! Souzen tried his best but he could not kill me. He ran away and left you all to be captured. My young helper here has retrieved the scroll and captured your comrades. You by yourself can't take on both of us before reinforcements arrive to salvage this situation. You lost Maki! So what will you do now?

So her name was Maki. Shiru let it swim through his head, determined to never forget it. A scared and terrified look came across her face. She began trembling as her breathing quickened. After a moment she used the body flicker technique and vanished from sight. Shiru was dying to know how they knew each other and what was going on. Something was telling him that this was just the beginning of a much bigger story.

WC 1568  TWC 4187
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Legacy of the Queensman part 1 Empty Re: Legacy of the Queensman part 1

Fri May 24, 2024 10:14 am
Shiru Iyasu wrote:[EXIT]
WC 1568  TWC 4187

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