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Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Fri May 24, 2024 9:46 pm
Isamu had been in the village of Tsukigakure for a while now, enjoying the peace that was found within its walls. It seemed that Kurogane knew better than to test the combined strength of all of the shinobi that had been gathered, from what Isamu knew of the man and his minions it was likely the wise move. He wasn't entirely sure how powerful his creator was but he knew Thee Masked man had briefly confronted Kurogane and a group of his minions on his own, and that the leader of Tsukigakure and her inner circle had managed to take him on without casualty as well.

The wannabe samurai walked upon the fields of the Shinoda Springs as he continued to ponder the capabilities of Tsukigakure and the foe that inhabited the country with them. While most of the shinobi Isamu had fought alongside had yet to join the village officially, much like himself, they were quite obviously allied with Junko and her goals. Even before he'd owned a sword Isamu had managed to keep up with many of Kurogane's minions in a one on one confrontation while others had been able to practically slaughter the minions of the scientist that had made himself lord of the ruins of Tengakure.

Taking a deep breath, the tall middle aged man looked down at the two swords resting at his hip. He wondered how he'd fare against a horde of Kurogane's minions now, or how long he'd manage against the scientist if he confronted the man by himself. Isamu had been progressing in leaps and bounds since his creation, moving closer to proficiency with the blade with each day. But one could only get but so far on their own, or at least, Isamu was beginning to feel that he needed a teacher if he wanted to ensure that he was properly progressing toward the title of swordsman.

Isamu wore a simple blue robe to the training grounds, opting not to wear his armor on this day. His long black hair was tied back and out of his face, his piercing blue eyes scanning the area for others who might be training. He'd thought to ask his sister, Hasu, if she cared to join him but it seemed that she had become rather spooked by this place. Apparently she had snuck into the training grounds one night and came across a group of ronin sparring. While none of them had actually been threatening toward her it seemed the girl had become unsettled when they had discovered her peeping on them.

As Isamu wandered through the training grounds he found himself dawn toward the river's edge. Standing on the shoreline Isamu found what seemed to be a nice spot for practicing. The ground was rather uneven but Isamu thought it wise to practice his footwork in such space. He figured he wouldn't likely always fight foes on level ground and wanted to be prepared for such an event.

The tall middle aged man drew his katana with care and began practicing basic strikes, adapting his footing to the sloped and uneven ground of the shoreline as he repeated each strike. The blue eyed man made sure to stay aware of his surroundings, not wanting anyone to get to close as he swung his sharp blade. He also remained on the lookout for anyone with their own sword at their hip, hoping to find someone who could assist him in learning more Bukijutsu.  

Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Death's Whisper
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 110000

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty Re: The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Tue May 28, 2024 10:36 am
Azuki had been working on his ninjutsu as of late for support; as such, he had become one with the water. He waited and waited before seeing a stranger come into the training grounds. He watched and analyzed his movements, seeing him suffer from what most did. When people like shinobi had superhuman strength, many lacked basic form and technique, which would amplify them greatly. Bursting from the water, Azuki summoned his spear into his hand and appeared before him. "Too many bad habits and too stiff," he said bluntly, looking at the older man.

"Relax but be firm. If you're too tense your body slow down. Your weapon does all the work your arms and legs are levers." Azuki spun his spear around effortlessly. "Momentum does the work even with giant weapons." He would suddenly freeze standing upright as the ground at his feet would suddenly split into a perfectly slice square with him in the center. " Keep your core engaged and firm but don't tense up when using taijutsu and the likes you always tense on impact because force is speed not just muscle mass. If a boulder does not move it has no force but a rolling one crushes all in it's path." He would say resting his spear. He still had a noticeable eye patch over his left eye.

He was fitted  in simple all black attire with pants and a form fitting long sleeve for maneuverability.  A small tanto strapped to his chest. "The second rule to combat is don't attacked the weapon attack the body. If someone feints they can easily counter strike versus if you attack the body and not the weapon they will more likely to dodge or retreat momentarily allowing the fight to be reset." His long winded speech was over as many of the shinobi still in the area would saulte and he would return one as well. "Carry on and train !" Azuki had surprised himself with how more vocal he had become. The time here in the village and Junko had truly opened him up to others. So much so he had developed a deep bond with many of his troops.

Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty Re: The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Sun Jun 02, 2024 5:08 pm
Isamu was in the middle of his practice when he heard the sound of someone bursting forth from the nearby river. The middle aged man turned toward the sound in confusion, suprised to see a young man had apparently been within the body of water since before Isamu's arrival. The wannabe samurai stopped his training as he turned to look at the young man dressed in black robes, taking a moment to try and decide what he should say to him.

Before Isamu could figure out what to utter the young man spoke first, informing the wannabe samurai as to just how sloppy his form was. Isamu's first thoughts went toward defensive anger, but he quickly pushed them aside as he knew the man as right. Isamu was still struggling with some of the basics of swordplay, without a proper teacher he'd developed a number of bad habits while training himself. He watched as the young man spun his own spear about with flowing movements. Isamu was proficient with the Whirling Defense Technique but he likely would look a fool if he tried to spin his sword about normally in a similar fashion to the man in black robes.

When the ground split Isamu reflexively took a step back, though the destroyed ground was a couple of feet away from him. Isamu's piercing blue eyes moved from the man to the ground he had just dismantled, wondering what sort of technique the man had employed or if his normal movements were just that powerful. Perhaps it was the latter, as the young man kept giving Isamu basic instructions on how to move his body while wielding a weapon.

As the man's lecture continued Isamu realized he was being join by others in the training grounds. It seemed this man had the respect of the other shinobi training within the village, sparking even more curiosity from Isamu. As the man finished his speech Isamu resolved himself to ask the man for another lesson, though he didn't join the other shinobi of the village in the salute. He wasn't yet a member of Tsukigakure, if he was even intended to be one, and thus felt odd joining in.

As the other shinobi dispersed Isamu lingered, stepping back toward Azuki but keeping a decent breadth of distance as to respect personal space.

"You seem to be quite knowledgeable on how to wield weapons, could I get your name? I'm Isamu, and I came to this village to seek training so that I could help fend of the chimerafolk and bandits that are plaguing this island." Isamu's words were true enough, though he had other reasons for being in the village he did express to this young man his personal reasons for joining The Masked Man's endeavor. He decided not to mention the Curse Mark's however, unsure how much this man would know about that arrangement or if he would be happy with it.  

Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Death's Whisper
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 110000

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty Re: The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:23 pm
Placing his spear on the ground and standing tall he would swipe his arm. Giving the command almost everyone in Shinoda springs would begin sparring and preforming combat drills. It was a new initiative for time leading up to the festival. He would give random commands to make sure they had well balanced training. Everything else was left up to individuals. "General Azuki Shinoda Forgemaster." Having recently taken up the ability to smith he was now tasked with aiding the village. Soon the arsenal of the village would expand giving them significant military prowess. "I'm the strongest weapon user in the village currently. Sorry to say the path to power is boring and simple." Pacing around he examined all of the battles currently going on around them.

"Combat is nothing more then complicated rock paper scissors as far as weapons go. Knowing the basic mechanics of the body. If you grip your sword the bottom arm should control the lever. Raise your elbow towards the direction of a horizontal slash. A diagonal slash would be met with an upward slash. Efficiency, power , speed.technique." Turning around he would face the older samurai. "Repetition till you die 1000 slashes a day focus one technique a day.And really focus on your elbows and grips."

Azuki had said he would for a moment going back to watching his soldiers. The sounds of battle had died down and everyone had seemed to be done fighting. He felt a great deal of pride over their advancements. Having divulged a great deal of info into the samurai, he would allow it to sink in. "Good job make sure to eat and rest 8 hours!" The soldiers would all respond in unison he watched as everyone began to make their way out. Few staying behind to train themselves further. Turning back towards the samurai Azuki would wait for some type of reply or respond. Unless one was made beforehand. He stll felt a disdain towards these customs and courtesy's. He wasn't some highborn lord asshole after all.
Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty Re: The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:00 pm
Forgemaster? Isamu grew more interested in the young man as he spoke his titles. So he was the strongest weaponry user and a smith, it seemed Isamu would do well to try and study under the young man if possible., Though not yet a blacksmith Isamu had gained skill with augmentation and aspired to walk the path of creating weapons as well. Not for the first time he regretted being born in such an old body, wishing he could have begun learning these things as a young man like Azuki had. Isamu followed Azuki as he walked about the training area and gave his commands to some of the other shinobi as they began sparring. He listened as Azuki gave him more knowledge on the basics of wielding weapons, making sure to pay attention and not get to distracted by the sparring shinobi around them.

The middle aged man took what Azuki said to heart, realizing he had a long way to go before he'd become a skilled swordsman. Latching on to one of Azuki's final statements, Isamu hoped to leverage it for even more knowledge from the man. Waiting until the General had dismissed his soldiers and turned back to him Isamu responded, "I'll make sure to train every day with my slashes until I lose the bad habits. As for learning a technique a day, I was wondering if I could implore you for that. As you noticed already I'm not the most skilled swordsman but I do know a couple of techniques I'd be willing to trade. I can perform a slash that sends out a shockwave, or show you a more defensive form of that twirling technique you showed me earlier. I'll admit I'm not too skilled with those techniques however, my best ones are a breathing method that elevates my speed and my ability to weaken techniques before they make contact with me."

Isamu thought it fine to tell the man most of his techniques, as far as he knew Takehiko was an ally of the village and it would be best for him to trade knowledge with its members. He did hold off on informing the man about his bloodline ability as well as Death Thrust. He didn't think there much pointing in trying to offer a Senju technique unless he found out the two were related, and Isamu wasn't sure if it'd be wise to give out a secret technique like Death Thrust.

WC: 410
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Death's Whisper
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 110000

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty Re: The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:40 pm
Halting into a large open space Azuki warmed up his body with flowing spear forms. "Technique training !!" He bellowed as 7 other shinobi appeared in the surrounding area.  He gave a nod to Isamu before heading into the center. "Today we will work on solid defense as such overwhelming offense is the only choice." Azuki activated his chakra releasing a flooding expanse of ominous blood red aura. "I was once cursed by Jashin as such I am a tainted soul. Under his madness I became a warrior of great skill. I have much to learn. Watch closely." Flooding his chakra into his spear Azuki brazingly enhanced himself with space time energies. His body covered in a glimmer and sheem power radiated from his form.

"Sky Shredding Dragon." He imbued his chakra with the carnal ferocity of howling winds. An expanding dome of shredding wind expanded from around him into a 5m dome.Spinning his spear and maintaining the momentum. Crouching low within this dome he would exclaim through the winds. "Sulking Dragon Weeps!" He burst into the air flipping upside down. Seeing him within the orb he was spinning rapidly through the air. Those were quick to catch on or see the jutsu  before hand would learn as to why.Reaching his apex of 45m Azuki's rapid rotations allowed him to create 6 dragons made of wind all within a single arcing rotation. He aimed it so the dragons rained down upon over the training field. The 15m sized dragons drowning those in shadows. Anyone who flinched and attacked or who had not been fast enough to respond would have been safe regardless. The dragons would disperse on their own at 15m away from the ground. The wind dome still around him holding fast.

Landing with a soft thud as if slowed by the winds themselves. "Imbue your chakra into the wind not so much a change in chakra nature. You focus and maintain the technique around as such as I have currently." Azuki stood up slamming his spear butt on to the ground. "Afterwards you will learn to release the dragon technique. Don't be upset if you can't bring it to my current level. Even I have not fully mastered this jutsu." He would say learning to always give positive reinforcement. Being strict and also being kind kept the troops motivated. His eyes wandered to the missing ninja wondering how he would fare. For once in awhile his heart felt aflame with curiosity.

Jutsu teaching
Jutsu Teaching:
Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty Re: The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:37 pm
Isamu followed Azuki into a more open area, noticing that a number of the trainees had taken notice and were approaching as well. Once The Forgemaster had declared that they'd be doing technique training Isamu noticed that the shinobi picked up their pace, excited to see what Azuki was going to demonstrate. The middle aged man made sure to stay far enough away from Azuki as to not get in the way of his technique, he didn't want to get into an accident due to his curiosity. Isamu listened as the spear wielding shinobi of Tsukigakure explained that he believed a powerful offense was a good defense. The wannabe samurai was a bit taken aback when Azuki explained that he had a tainted soul that had allowed him to become a skilled warrior, but something about the statement resonated with scattered memories he occasionally inherited from his creator.

Piercing blue eyes watched as Azuki declared he was preforming a  technique called Sky Shredding Dragon. Not close enough to detect the sudden enhancement of Azuki's chakra, Isamu looked in shock as The Forgemaster's technique suddenly expanded around him at great speed and strength. Thankful that he wasn't within range of the sphere of whirling wind, Isamu continued to watch Azuki as he called out a second name.

Just how fast is this guy? Isamu watched as The Forgemaster suddenly leapt upwards at a speed Isamu could only match by enhancing himself, leading the wannabe samurai to wonder if perhaps the younger man was using one. Isamu's attention remained on the display as Azuki brandished his technique in the air. Giant wind currents resembling dragons suddenly shot out from around Azuki and arced towards the ground. While none of them seemed to be aimed at anyone Isamu found himself panicking for a brief moment. A sudden visual popped into his head, a vivid thought of the other shinobi's witnessing the technique getting crushed by the wind current as Isamu froze in horror. The thought left Isamu's mind as soon as it entered, the wannabe samurai unsure why he had gone to such a dark place. He watched as the wind currents dispersed 15 meters above the ground and gave a sigh of relief.

As The Forgemaster of Tsukigakure landed back on the ground Isamu made close attention to him. The wannabe samurai listened as Azuki explained that the technique was in fact not a wind natured one, surprised by this fact but thankful to hear it. He hadn't thought about elemental affinities as Azuki had showcased the technique but he would have likely struggled to learn it if he had to also figure out the entire Wind Element as well.

Isamu tried to recall the movements Azuki had made when first forming the technique, likening it somewhat to his Whirling Defense Tech in movement but with a focus on picking up wind currents around the user instead of blocking attacks. He pondered that perhaps it had some similarity to his Shattered Blade Strike as well, as that technique also utilized the air in order to create a shock wave.

Isamu lifted up the hand wielding his sword, gazing at the blade of the weapon as he held it horizontally in front of himself. But how do I keep the currents around myself? That's a might fine trick.

Taking a deep breath, Isamu transitioned his body into a prepared stance and swung his blade into an empty space within the training field. The grass before him bowed away as a sudden gust of wind blasted forth in a semicircle in front of Isamu. As the air current traveled out 10 meters around Isamu he continued to try and figure out the necessary movement. He did his best to try and apply what he saw of Azuki's spear movements and adapt them to swordplay, deciding to in fact also take inspiration from Whirling Defense as he began to elegantly spin his blade around himself.

Azuki would likely notice as Isamu performed these motions that his swordplay suddenly seemed more advanced, as if he suddenly had access to muscle memory that hadn't been there before when he'd been practicing basic strikes. The artificial man wasn't able to immediately transition from his defensive swings into Sky Shredding Dragon as he spun his sword around his body, but the grass around him did begin to whip about as weak wind currents began to push out from Isamu'as position and quickly dissipate.  

It took Isamu a few tries to start to alter his swings and begin to form the sphere of air around himself in a similar manner as Azuki. The sphere wasn't perfect nor unblemished, its shape faltering and struggling to stay together as Isamu did his best to imitate the technique. Occasionally it would falter on one side, a gap appearing or pushing outward without Isamu meaning it to. Isamu practiced until he was able to decently sustain the sphere but he thought it would take some ime before he would be able to do something like the dragon constructs Azuki had produced.

Feeling he had a decent enough grasp of the technique to practice it on his own going forward, Isamu stopped his swinging motions and sheathed his katana. The wannabe samurai walked back over to Azuki and the others within the spring, making sure to stay out of the way of any weapons or techniques as they trained. Once he got close enough to speak to Azuki without having to yell the artificial man gave him a bow, "Thank you for showing me this wonderful technique, I will do my best to master it properly. Is there anything I can do for you in return, did you wish to see any of those techniques I mentioned earlier?"

Isamu refrained from asking for another technique, not wanting to be overburdensome or seem ungrateful for the technique he'd just been taught.

Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Death's Whisper
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 110000

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty Re: The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:59 am
Azuki watched as the group began to learn to wield their chakra. For their own benefit every few minutes or so he would slowly demonstrate different key parts of the technique. No real words or guidance but he took notice of each struggle. Is as if he were saying no watch this. Those who pay attention to what looked like random slashes would find truth. It was acceleration at the key points of the swing. Once you swung the weapon there was a noticeable point of impact in the air. Almost if it  to snatch or drag the wind with the tip of his weapon. The sound was different too, it wasn't just simply hacking at the air for a whistle.

Azuki figured that was enough for now and let them struggle some more. That was until the missing ninja approached him again. He noticed out of the group he had been the first to grasp the technique. He showed promised but he figured experience allowed him quick response.Returning his bow he listened to the offer to learn a technique. But he promptly threw up a respective palm. "No thank you." He said bluntly eyeing another trainee coming up to him. "If you need any more help feel free to ask." He stated to Isamu before turning on the heel of his foot.

Azuki would answer any and all questions to everyone there. His analytical abilities made him a good teacher. In the sense of he could figure out people's weaknesses. A relaxed shoulder here, tighter grip there, a subtle shift in stance. It was like lock picking a door and constantly finding new potential. It became somewhat of a hobby even. He took much joy in figuring out the things around him. He thought of how it felt like he could never work a day in his life.
Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty Re: The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:07 am
Isamu was saddened to see that the young man had no interest in a trade of techniques, but speculated that perhaps The Forgemaster had amassed a number of techniques already and didn't feel the need to learn any others for the time being. The wannabe samurai smirked as the younger man turned away and went to address another trainee, feeling as if he had been dismissed. The artificial man contemplated if he should continue testing the technique or if he should move on to some other form of training. He felt he had a decent enough grasp of it at this point that he need only train muscle memory of the correct movements at this point, he could continue practicing with it at anytime now without need of the shinobi's assistance.

It didn't take long for Isamu to find another spot to continue training the technique, turning away from the trainer and drawing his sword as he made his way to the open area. He made sure to avoid the several other trainees and began to swing his sword about as he attempted to imitate the motions that Azuki had made. As time went on he began to get into a rhythm, trying to impact the wind with the same force as Azuki and build a swirling torrent of air around himself. The wannabe samurai practiced until he was satisfied he'd learned all he could in a single day, and told himself that he'd include the practice of the technique in his daily sword drills until he completely mastered it.

Sheathing his blade once more the wannabe bid farewell to Azuki and the other trainees and began to make his way toward an inn to try and secure a room for the night. He'd yet to secure any sort of permanent lodging as of yet. It was perhaps something he'd have to decide on soon, if he was going to be building any sort of home in this village or if he was going to wander to another country.


WC: 339

WC Claims

Applying 75% WC Discount via Advanced Training Facility:
625/625 to obtain Sky Shredding Dragon at A-Rank

Applying 25% WC Discount via Max Stats:
1,875/1,875 toward Mastering Sky Shredding Dragon for Power
127 to complete Cutting Board Style, Previous Training here
178/375 toward Adjustment
Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman  Empty Re: The Blade of Moon and The Aspiring Swordsman

Mon Jul 01, 2024 1:31 pm
Isamu Hayato wrote:

WC: 339

WC Claims

Applying 75% WC Discount via Advanced Training Facility:
625/625 to obtain Sky Shredding Dragon at A-Rank

Applying 25% WC Discount via Max Stats:
1,875/1,875 toward Mastering Sky Shredding Dragon for Power
127 to complete Cutting Board Style, Previous Training here
178/375 toward Adjustment
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