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Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

Training in Solitude? Empty Training in Solitude?

Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:44 pm
As Xena entered the training grounds, a bag held over her shoulder, a pain was dwelling deep within her heart. Her bout in the chuunin exams ended less then a hour ago, and her own doubt in her abilities caused the worst, she lost in the very first round, a Uchiha, one who's done her very best, and she lost in less then 10 minutes, how could she be so weak, she asked herself that constantly. It hurt too think about, it hurt too think at all, she didn't want too go home, she didn't want too see the look of disappointment on her families face, she didn't want too here the other's in the district mock her, she didn't want any of it. All these months and she was still so weak, how could she let this happen, that thought would berate her as she set down her bag, took her sword in its scabberd from behind her tossing it aside before walking towards a training dummy, she needed too relax but her muscles were too tense, sitting down wouldn't help, it would just give her more time for self doubt, she needed to get her mind off things and training was her best chance. As soon as she reached the dummy she would kick it, the kick not doing much, she'd then proceed too chop towards its neck region with her hand, hitting the metal pole that was its neck she could almost feel her pinky finger break from the force she exerted, and even then the pole didn't even dent, she'd then wind up a kick before sending it into the dummies chest, the dummy was pushed back maybe a foot before stopping, there being little too no visible damage, just what was she doing wrong, how could she not even do the most simple taijutsu. Walking back she began thinking, why didn't she use her Sharingan in her fight, sure she just unlocked it, sure she hasn't trained with it, sure she didn't even know what it did, but none of that matters, she should of at least tried, winning was everything and yet she didn't even use her best chance too do so. She'd eventually come too a stop maybe 20 meters away from the dummy, placing her hands together she'd sigh. Closing her eye's then opening them, revealing her Sharingan too the dummy, the eyes spinning too three tomoe, she could feel the rush, the power it gave her, she'd weave 5 signs, as if freely attempting signs she didn't believe would do anything, you can't learn anything new if you don't try after all. It would begin with Tiger, then Ram, then the horse, and the rat, then finally dog. Her hands clasping together, as her left eye began too strain, the pain was there, something she'd never felt before in her ocular nerve, she could see the air begin too distort in front of her, spinning in a cone, as it did however the strain became far too much, her legs buckling as he fell too her knees a hand clasping over her eye as the wind funnel would vanish merely as fast as it came. "Fuck! I was so close!" The girl would scream clasping her eye harder as it began deactivating, she'd pant cautiously, it shouldn't of hurt like that, or so she believed, was she already at her limit? How could she already have reached her limit, she barely even started learning what her eyes could do. Placing her other palm on the ground she'd slowly begin standing up wobbling as she put her other hand down from her eye. This made no sense too her, wobbling back too her bag she decided maybe she was just hungry, taking from the bag she'd grab a small bar of chocolate, just a small snack too enjoy. While she thought about what too do too improve.

Hiroma Senju
Hiroma Senju
Stat Page : Hiroma Senju
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Training in Solitude? Empty Re: Training in Solitude?

Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:47 pm
After training solo for a bit, Hiroma wanted to go back home and rest, but after getting to the Senju headquarters, he realized the old people were having a meeting. Naturally, he lost all interest in remaining there for a few more moments, even if all he was doing was sleeping. After groaning to himself he ran back to the training facility while dragging his steps. When he was training he was cautious with his chakra expenditure to prevent physical exhaustion. As a medical ninja, he was well aware that the human body can not tell the difference between chakra expenditure, mental exhaustion, and physical exertion. When one state is reached then all of them might as well be reached as well. He had done a lot of self-reflection while learning this jutsu, he must've subconsciously though that tying his feelings to his progress would allow him to progress faster, despite not considering himself at that level of cheese.

A burning passion for greater fireball technique, a desire to live for bodily restoration, and a repressed desire to help those around him with healing hands. Maybe he really was cheesy, as much as he didn't want to admit it. As he was lost in his own thoughts and feelings about the days, he was closing in on the advanced training facility. Becoming a genin really helped him in more ways than one, especially if he got to train in such a fantastic place. He was already making fantastic progress, even if some of the reasons could be chalked up to the subconscious. The name 'advanced training facility' was enough to really get his blood pumping.

A quick hop over the fence and he was treated by something he hadn't seen all day, another ninja in the facility, maybe he was just training in an entirely different area. She looked to be a girl that was older than him, but not by much. She was eating...chocolate? "Whatever it takes to get your energy up", Hiroma theorized, personally he didn't like relying on sugar to get his pumps in but maybe it was different for her. She seemed to be of the Uchiha clan, a rival to his naturally, though he doubted he could spark one with her, due to simply being older than him and most likely more experienced. As Hiroma jogged over to her he started to feel an atmosphere of pure unfiltered gloominess, was the girl upset? Why sulk at the training facility? Did she not know that motivation was important here? And her presence and gloominess would completely demotivate anyone and destroy the atmosphere. He got even closer to her but after catching even more melancholy he gave up his tight expression and crouched down.

"What's wrong?"

[WC- 459]
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

Training in Solitude? Empty Re: Training in Solitude?

Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:35 pm
As the girl would slowly just bite off squares from the chocolate bar, it wasn't very sweet, it was Dark Chocolate after all, who doesn't like Dark Chocolate, the girl kept her mind in check, slowly reactivating her Sharingan only too once again hold her hand over her eye, it was strange, she's never had her eyes hurt like this before, it might just be the strain of using it for the first few times, the perception it gave her, it was so strange, it was almost like she could see the very atoms of the world, but also couldn't, thinking on that she'd take another bite from her chocolate bar before wrapping it back up with what was left of the wrapper, she began thinking back too the Chuunin Exams, where specifically did she go wrong, perhap's simply not using her Sharingan in the first place was it, snapping her fingers a spark generated from her lightning chakra, perhaps more practice is in order, she could do with a Technique or Two more, especially too keep people away, that was her main issue, getting rushed down was just, so extreme, she could almost feel herself freeze up when it happened, but she pushed through just too fall. It was around this point that she had heard footsteps, she didn't react to them though, figuring it was just someone walking outside the facility, though as they came too a stop she was bound too turn, though she didn't in time, finding someone practically breathing down her neck, they asked if she was alright, looking them dead in the eyes her three tomoe still active the eyes seemed to spiral from a crimson hue too a black, the Sharingan Deactivating in less then a second of eye contact, she didn't exactly know how too respond, she wasn't OK, but she'd never admit that, though her aura might say otherwise, tilting her head she simply muttered.

"Uh... yeah... sure..."

As she looked upon the male, it was clear his clan heritage, a Senju, she wasn't sure how she could tell she just could. What was he doing here, much less trying to sneak up on her, was he a academy student? A genin? Perhaps they were higher ranked then she thought, it wouldn't be that surprising.

WC:384 TWC:1039
Hiroma Senju
Hiroma Senju
Stat Page : Hiroma Senju
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Training in Solitude? Empty Re: Training in Solitude?

Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:58 pm
Hiroma blinked a few times at her response. He was confused himself as he was sure he did not ask a yes or no question, but she was so confident in her answer though, as confident as one could be when asked by a stranger at least. Speaking off, what compelled him to ask her in the first place? He had always wanted the best for the people around and below him but he would not consider himself an 'empath'. Besides she looked older than him too, even if only by a little bit. If he were older he would not be against someone asking if he was down, but he would not exactly have a heart-to-heart with someone he considered a kid either. In this particular situation, the best possible thing he could do was play the part of the brat. He didn't know why she was so down but he had already forced her into human interaction, so the least he could do was distract her from whatever issues she was dealing with.

"Are all Uchiha this gloomy?" He said in a purposefully condescending tone.

The easiest way to rile up a shinobi is to mention their lineage in a bad light, he would know, he had blown up at many people for the exact same thing. People would call him a disappointment due to how he was born, or those who would do the opposite and say he was only talented because of the family he was born in. Getting mad at someone for mentioning your family is something any ninja can relate to but for clans like Uchiha, Senju, and Hyuga. You might as well be insulting them directly if you would insult clans that proud. Though this girl seemed a bit like a black sheep, maybe she wouldn't be offended as much as he thought she would.

[WC: 312]
[TWC: 771
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