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Stat Page : Roar of Dissent
Mission Record : Set List
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 67000

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:42 pm

Rokku had been shocked and not a little apprehensive when he was politely but sternly informed by his mother that he had been chosen to join and take part in and A-rank mission as well as an S-rank mission. As far as he was concerned he was a little under ranked and under experienced for the task but his mother had been very stubborn and refused to elaborate why it was so important he take part. Apparently other team members had already agreed to take part in the mission but Rokku could not imagine why he had been invited to take part. At first he wondered if the Sarutobi elders had pulled some strings but judging by his mothers reaction it seemed unlikely. Missions of that rank were deemed to be very important and he did not believe for a moment that they would trust him to represent them in such important tasks. He was sure his mother would not be happy with them volunteering him on potentially dangerous missions either but for some reason she was keen for him to go. He had tried questioning her extensively and earned a strong hammer strike to the top of his head for his trouble. Next he had tried persuading his father to let slip some nugget or kernel of information but alas he had already been warned Rokku’s mother.

He checked and tripled checked his gear and was given a hearty breakfast and a stern lecture from his mother before leaving. She was usually very hands off, learn from your mistakes kind of parent but she seemed strangely tense. A mixture of hopeful, excited and if Rokku was not mistaken a little worried for her son. Rokku shook it off with a shrug and though he wouldn’t admit it, he was more than a little nervous. A-rank and S-rank mission teams were likely to include some skilled ninja in the village and he just hoped he wouldn’t mess up too badly or do something embarrassing for his family. The Hisara family of course, he cared little for the plotting and planning of the official Sarutobi clan members. They could lock themselves in their rooms and bicker over how to gain influence all they liked but Rokku would never take on the name, regardless of its prestige and roots.

Rokku headed to the mission directory office and waited as they tried to locate the missions he had been slated to join. He sat down and simply listened to the village and people moving around him, his time in the silent chambers during his study of the sound element making him appreciate the ambient chaos around him even more than before, revelling it in and riding the soft waves of living cacophony. He strummed invisible guitar strings with his fingers as he waited and was finally called up to the desk. “So what have you got for me?” Rokku tried to sound casual as he asked but the clerk looked rather unimpressed as they gave him a quick and efficient glance up and down. Once they scanned the information on a scroll they looked slightly puzzled and then surprised followed by a small amount of concern. “Room down the hall, first on the right, your mission scrolls are inside and you will be supervised whilst reading. Should any details be leaked before mission completion you will be subjected to a thorough investigation.” Rokku shrugged again and shook his head an provided a simple but hesitant reply. “Okay then .. uh thanks.” The clerk smiled as Rokku walked away but it was not comforting. “Good luck.”

Rokku entered the room and quickly read through the mission details as provided. The first mission involved exploring the underside section of the floating city and checking for signs of large scale erosion as well as clearing out any nests or dens of creatures that have decided to reside there. Rokku was also able to pick up on the inference that they were also to ensure that no unwanted visitors had set up bases there. Rokku had never really dwelled on the possibility before but realised how effective the underside could be for a missing nin to hide out on. How many people would look for a criminal living underneath the floating village after all.

Next he began reading the S-rank scroll, pausing before breaking the seal and opening it, he had never thought he would be involved with such and important mission so soon into his career and knew that S-rank missions could shape the course of a country with failure having disastrous results and potentially affecting thousands of people should he fail. The burden of responsibility was not one he actively sought out but the die had been cast and he would be tempered by the crucible of these missions or would likely break in the process. Rokku paused once the thought had passed and he muttered to himself. “Tempered by the crucible? I must have spent more time with Quinn than I realised, next thing you now I will be hammering hot bits of metal for fun!” He shook his head and cleared his mind, opening the scroll.

The mission described a series of events whereby a large scale shortage of livestock had been monitored and investigations discovered that large numbers had been culled in an unusual manner, perpetrator unknown. Rokku noted that even people had begun disappearing and their bodies found with almost identical condition to the livestock with all evidence pointing to something having a specific method of culling. Rokku saw how the information had been suppressed and seemingly impressively so as he had not heard so much as a rumour of any issues with livestock, though he had noted the price of lamb had gone up a little but then many goods fluctuated with price fairly routinely. It was not easy keeping a flying village fully stocked, after all. The squad had been assembled but he still had no idea who he was supposed to be working with, but it was surely someone strong. If they were sending a genin along then the village was clearly supremely confident in the other squad members selected.

Rokku left eh scroll behind and gave an awkward nod to the anbu member in the room before leaving, feeling oddly nervous and self conscious though he knew he had done nothing wrong. Something about the masks just made him uncomfortable for some reason. He headed towards the designated meeting point, an innocuous bench located at a small park not too far from the village gates. Rokku sat and waited, entirely unaware of who he was expected to meet or how long he would be made to wait. By his reckoning he was very early, and he waited in silence as he fought off apprehension and curiosity in equal doses to see who might have chosen him or perhaps been forced to drag along a genin for such high profile and important missions.

WC: 1025 TWC: 1025 TMWC: 1025/9000
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 517000

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Re: Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Sat Jul 13, 2024 5:17 pm
Motivated, friendly, ambitious, works well with others. A social butterfly, if you will. Safe to say, with a resumé such as Sebastian it came as no surprise that the higher ups kept assigning him missions that were carried out in teams of two or more people. Blessing the village with his presence, one of Otogakure's Masters traveled the streets of the village, making his way to that day's meeting point. Doing so, the Tau went over the information once more, preparing himself to a certain extent before they would officially be carrying out the tasks that were given to the Sound delegation.

First, it appeared they would have to deal with a little bit of maintenance, not exactly his forte but he wouldn't complain too much, yet. However, being a floating village didn't only have its perks. Due to being such a unique phenomenon, every now and again some of their forces were sent out to investigate and make sure the underside of the village was properly taken care of. Most importantly, they had to review one of the quadrants of the village's floating exterior and make sure nothing too strange was ongoing. "Sounds technical". Not exactly something Sebastian was used dealing with, but nothing he wouldn't be able to handle.

Assuming they were able to take care of that, the second task required a good amount of investigation, having to find out what was going on with some of the Land of Sky's farmlands. Recently, they encountered a strange occurrence of their animals disappearing, only to return a week or so later as fully decomposed skeletons. To make things worse, a few people started to go missing as well and the damage to the farm animal population became staggering as a result. With everything going on, it was expected to encounter a multitude of unique beasts recently coming out of hibernation, or even a cult organization performing such tasks. All the more reason for them to be prepared.

Having reminded himself about the mission contents on his way to the meeting point, Sebastian eventually arrived at the village gates. Doing so, the Tau noticed someone on the bench a couple meters away from him. Assuming they would be one of the individuals who'd accompany him on the missions, the Berserker approached the Genin in order to confirm said thought. "So, you've been assigned to maintenance and a little bit of investigation?". Giving the boy time to answer would also allow the third and final member of the group to show up.

(WC: 422)
Quinn Foster
Quinn Foster
Stat Page : Quinn The Forgemaster
Business: Foster's Forge
Mission Record : Ledger
Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 121000

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Re: Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:01 pm
Getting Ready, Night Before:

Joining With Rokku and Sebastian:

Raising Expectations:

Silence Made by Quinn:

WC: 6,050, TWC: 6,050 | TMWC: 7,497 / 9,000
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 517000

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Re: Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:37 pm
Waiting for the unfamiliar Genin to reply, Sebastian noticed how Quinn had joined the two of them in the meantime. "I see you're getting used to the Heavenly Blight" the Tau referred to the mark that was no longer hidden underneath the kunoichi's eye patch. It hadn't been that long since having it applied and the new, mysterious power now coursed through her body, but even a talented shinobi such as the Forge Master would still need time to adjust. "I'm glad you'll be helping us out, from the look of things, the situation calls for it". This time they wouldn't simply be solving a relationship dispute between two lovers.

Doing a final checkup as Quinn suggested, Sebastian made sure to confirm his preparations were complete. He was dressed as usual, wearing his Iron Sand cloak firmly yet comfortably around his body. Not that it mattered that much, the former mercenary never really paid any mind to miscellaneous stuff like this. He simply showed up and got the job done, just like that. Nevertheless, he respected and understood those who required to get themselves ready through whatever means they deemed necessary. After all, in missions such as these even the smallest mistake could lead to grave consequences, a slight error causing great danger.

Assuming everyone was ready to depart, the Tau followed Quinn who by then took the lead as she walked up front. Walking close behind, Sebastian engaged in some small talk, aware the trip to their destination would otherwise be quite boring if done in complete and utter silence. "The ability to fly, quite useful considering we're in the Land of Sky". Boom, another rhyme. While hers was granted by the Heavenly Blight, his was through the mastery of Iron Sand. However, instead of spreading his wings, the Berserker continued to follow along. After all, no point in wasting energy this early on.

With everyone's pace being quite steady, the three of them made it to the edge of the floating village where an ANBU representative was standing waiting for them. Exchanging the most basic of greetings, the shinobi then handed each of them a flare tag as he so described it. Doing so, the man continued to explain how it should be used, informing the Otogakure delegation that if they found themselves in any sort of trouble, falling for example, they should activate the tag using their chakra, and upon doing so, an ANBU member would detect it and attempt to reach them before falling all the way down. "Where's the fun without a bit of risk, am I right?". Sebastian stuffed it into one of his pockets before activating his chakra in order to begin walking and scouting any possible events on the underside of a village.

Usually acting rather nonchalantly, the former mercenary paid much attention to his movements, keeping in mind that one wrong move could send at least one rock down, potentially hitting anyone on the ground below should they not be careful. Even though he found himself in the utmost concentration, Sebastian still had the time to listen to Quinn as the Forge Master made another suggestion. In doing so, the kunoichi thought it would be better to split up, making sure to yell if any of them were in danger. With a lot of underground to cover and the fact they remained in a close proximity, it would take ages to cover the entirety of what they were supposed to do on that day. Assuming all three of them were in agreement, they decided to keep a distance of fifty meters.

As the three of them continued with care, they were reminded to be mindful of gusts as one was likely to lose their footing. And even though he was willing to put in the work, he would rather not be part of a story where one of Otogakure's Masters fell down simply because they took a wrong step or were blown away by a gust of wind. With that in mind, the Tau proceeded carrying out their task, reviewing one of the quadrants of the village's floating exterior with a watchful eye to make sure nothing too strange was ongoing.

Through his inspection, Sebastian noticed that most of the bird nests had already been removed by someone else prior. As he looked up, he saw Quinn making a gesturing motion to ask how their progress was coming along. Returning a signal of his own, the Berserker gestured with a thumbs up, signaling his search for dens was going well. So far, most of the ones he found were barren and without any sign of so called beasts. Not that it was something he would mind, running into a creature of some sorts wasn't exactly something on the Tau's bucket list.

Assuming he wouldn't find anything after having searched for quite some time, the Berserker looked over to see if any of the others required help or if they were about to finish up as well. Noticing how Quinn started to pack up, an indication they finished their effort of searching for dens, Sebastian followed her example and prepared himself to call it a day, at least for the first mission out of the two. Once all three of them came back together, the Master of Sound returned the Forge Master's nod before heading out for the second task on the list of things to do.

On the way back, Sebastian listened as the blacksmith of Otogakure asked them about their thoughts on the missions so far, to which the Tau replied. "A man of my stature shouldn't have to deal with such things, but alas. At least it didn't take that long to finish up". Luck was on his side, had it been not, their group would probably still be cleaning and carrying out maintenance. Even if assessing the underside of the village was a necessary task, he still didn't enjoy it. Nevertheless, given the importance of the situation, the Berserker decided not to complain.

In case either of the two had something they wanted to add, Sebastian would listen attentively and pay close attention to anything Rokku or Quinn wished to say. In the meantime, their group of three were about to arrive at the farmland of the most recent sighting of a sudden skeleton taking on the appearance of a young child. "Halloween came a bit early this year" the Tau responded to the unique and weird situation they were presented with. Whatever the case, it was something that required further investigation and a matter of finding out just what was happening exactly.

Farm animals disappearing was one thing, but people going missing and showing back up as skeletons would be a whole other, causing the concerns of the village's safety and well being to increase. As they walked on the land, Quinn suggested splitting up once more which would allow them to cover more ground. "Very well, Forge Master" Sebastian replied in a slightly teasing manner, aware the kunoichi wouldn't be able to discern it as such. Jokes aside, the Tau started to look around the farm in order to inspect or confirm whether or not the bones were real or fabricated.

While doing so, he noticed how Quinn would investigate the land itself. "You too partner, be careful". Now having a moment to himself, Sebastian couldn't help but wonder how no one noticed farm animals or people disappearing, let alone skeletons reappearing instead. Did they simply exchange or replace the missing people with the bag of bones, or were they randomly placed down, adding more to the confusion? A lot of questions and no answers. With not a lot of information available to them, it was quite difficult to begin with. Either so, the only way is forward, as they say.

Scanning the surrounding area close to a nearby barn, Sebastian suddenly heard a thudding noise not that far from him. "What's she up to now?" the Tau questioned out loud, aware Quinn had to be involved somehow. Entering the barn, activating his Byakugan, the Berserker noticed a small corridor. Simultaneously a flare of chakra appeared up high, most likely meant to signal both the Tau and Rokku. Being closer than expected, he simply approached and entered the lion's den. Assuming the inexperienced Genin would follow behind later, the former rogue knew it was best to finish things up rather quickly.

Upon his arrival in the darkness, the Tau saw Quinn face to face with an opponent. Aware the Forge Master could handle her own, Sebastian decided to watch for now, only interfering should the situation require him to do so. Through the vision of his Byakugan, the Berserker followed each of their movements, the culprit unable to hide his presence from the lilac eye. With fire beginning to spread it was clear there would be quite the aftermath. The fight was going back and forth, a spectacle involving fire and burning passion. Whoever turned out to be the victor remained to be seen for now.

Slowly but surely the tides of the battle turned in Quinn's favor, her opponent trying to sneak away but to no avail. With the culprit now captured it was time for their group to gather once again. "Good job, Forge Master. I'll take it from here". Using his mastery over Water Release, Sebastian quickly put out the fire in order to save whatever was left from the barn. Even if it wasn't much, it at least meant the farm people wouldn't have to rebuild completely from scratch. That as well as stopping the risk of the fire spreading any further.

Now that the three of them were back together, the assailant got tossed in between their group as it was time to question them. "Let's find out if he has the answers we're looking for". Before starting the interrogation, Otogakure's blacksmith assumed the man could be hiding something. On that note, Quinn began to roughen him up a bit before a scroll caught their eye. Opening it up, it revealed a list of actions that the culprit needed to carry out. Things as causing chaos, making sure not to get caught et cetera. Safe to say, there was still a lot for them to uncover.

With at least one piece of the puzzle completed, Sebastian suggested reaching out to a couple of his underlings after taking over the gang he usurped not that long ago. If anything went on in the village, they would know. In the meantime Quinn knocked out the culprit after everyone agreed to deal with him later. For now they squeezed out every bit of information they could get out of him, making him rather useless to Otogakure. "You created a hole, might as well put it to use and bury them in there". Those who were not familiar with the Tau would be left wondering just how serious he was.

For now the three of them decided to uncover which organization was behind all of this, Quinn leading both Rokku and Sebastian to the barn, or at least what was left of it. Doing so, the kunoichi took them to the tunnel they had discovered earlier. Making their way underground, with Quinn taking the lead, they were able to find a cavern underneath the farmlands. Venturing further in the cave, they would witness suspicious robed up individuals, likely the main culprits. Just as before, the Forge Master made the first move, launching themselves in the direction of the strange group.

In her transformed state, Quinn caught two of them by surprise, taking care of the others without breaking a sweat. The female blacksmith would then rejoin with Rokku and Sebastian, the four robed individuals successfully captured. "Great job today, you more than deserved your rest". With quite the eventful day behind them, the Sound shinobi could finally head back home and recover. Whereas things started rather tame, they took quite the turn towards the end.


(TWC: 2422, MWC: 9497/9000)
Claims, using 25% max stat discount:
- 1875/1875 Hiding in Ash and Dust Technique
- discarding the remaining WC
- Rokku and Quinn's chakra signature
- Mission rewards (18.000 + 20.000 Master bonus + 4500 AP conversion ryo)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Re: Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:46 pm
Sebastian Mikaelson wrote:

(TWC: 2422, MWC: 9497/9000)
Claims, using 25% max stat discount:
- 1875/1875 Hiding in Ash and Dust Technique
- discarding the remaining WC
- Rokku and Quinn's chakra signature
- Mission rewards (18.000 + 20.000 Master bonus + 4500 AP conversion ryo)

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti JPYXIpT
Stat Page : Roar of Dissent
Mission Record : Set List
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 67000

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Re: Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:10 am
Rokku turned his head as an unfamiliar voice asked if we would be participating in the missions and he had been about to respond when he realised who it was that was addressing him. Roku’s mouth worked up and down slowly for a moment, at a loss for words before he leaped to his feet and gave a deep yet awkward bow before responding to one of the masters and original founders of the village. “Yes Sir! I am Rokku Hisara but my mother was born into the Sarutobi clan. Its an honour to be working with you Master Mikaelson. I knew they would be assigning someone capable to the missions but I didn’t think it would be one of the founders." Rokku eyes drifted to Sebs own, noting the telltale signs of a byakugan and a sharingan with the acute knowledge they had likely been trophies claimed. The stories of the masters were well known and there were many whispers about Sebastian.

Curiosity got the better of the genin and he could not help but ask. “Is it true you can use all 5 chakra natures like some of the Sarutobi? I heard it argued about before once so thought I would ask. If that’s allowed? Are there special rules when talking to someone of your rank?” Rokku was uncertain precisely what to say and was aware he was making a scene in front of the last active master in the village. Fortunately he spotted a familiar red haired friend approaching though for once they were not wearing their usual suit and trousers combo but dressed in full ninja gear, a strange sight Rokku had not seen before. Rokku also noted the missing eyepatch but tried not to look directly at them.

“Ah Quinn, perfectly timed! I was uh, just introducing myself to Master Mikaelson. I believe I am good to go as well.” Rokku noted Quinn did not seem surprised by the arrival of one fo the villages founders and masters but then Rokku was not certain he would even be able to tell if they had been shocked, or if Quinn was capable of being caught off guard as it were. More intriguing was the Master himself, seemingly very nonchalant as he wandered over and spoke to Rokku as any passerby might. Rokku would have expected…he wasn’t sure what he expected, he didn’t think the founders walked around on rose petals where ever they walked but he assumed there would be some kind of pomp and ceremony involved. He reflected that clearly not all the stories were true.

Rokku followed Quinn to the launching point, sneaking glances at the founder as he walked nearby, still a little starstruck and amazed he was actually on a mission alongside him, and the most important missions he had ever been assigned at that. He was uncertain his family would believe them but he would know the truth at least. Quinn offered advise in their usual encouraging manner, short and too the point. “Thanks, I have been working on the sound element since you helped me learn it, if you hear an ear splitting scream then I’m probably in danger. Not sure exactly how dangerous the creatures on the rock could be but just in case.” Rokku again glanced between Quinn and Seb, feeling slightly embarrassed and trying to recover some resolve. “I should be fine though I think.” I hope.

Rokku received the flare tag from the ANBU member and looked at it a little confused, he had been about to ask when Quinn began explaining their use and purpose. As Rokku glanced over the edge and looked down he nodded. “Thanks, that’s comforting to know. Just aim for the trees and ground not the water, got it.”  The Anbu member had disappeared mid sentence and Rokku shrugged and placed the chakra flare tag safely below his Gaia Gauntlet for ease of use if required. Rokku clicked his neck and stretched his back a little before following Quinn over the side of the floating island, for once his long hair did not cover his face as it hung downwards. Rokku fished several hairbands from his pocket and pulled his shoulder length hair back into a small and tight ponytail at the back of his head and out of the way. Again Quinn spoke up and Rokku replied loudly, annunciating clearly. “50 meters sounds good, I will be careful where I place my feet, I can also create a rock shelter or a temporary platform with earth moving core if you need it as well.”

With his team informed Rokku moved past Quinn heading 50 meters to their right as they walked and began scanning the are for little hidden nooks and crannies or unwanted fauna that might have stumbled across the floating village. Rokku focused on the task at hand, actively choosing not create or listen to music in his head as he was acutely aware of the sky/ ground above him or in reality below that oddly seemed to beckon him. It was a strange unnatural kind of feeling and he considered it must be like being a bird.

As he walked he found a few sections that appeared burrow or nest like but found little over than a several bats that scattered when Rokku investigated further. He glanced over at the other two making corresponding hand signals when he found something or if he hadn’t. Rokku was not familiar with the underside of the village and was beginning to wonder exactly how long it would take to finish coverage of the sector they had been dispatched to investigate when Quinn announced the search had been completed. Rokku made a thumbs up to show acknowledgment and rejoined them on the walk back. “Have to say this is one of the more interesting missions I have been on, doubt many get to see this view.”

With the inspection complete they returned to the upper side of the floating village and returned the chakra tags. Rokku stopped channelling the chakra to his feet and dusted off his hands before heading out to the farmlands below. Rokku kept quiet as they travelled not wanting to speak juts for the sake of it but also restless with the walking. Rokku defaulted to his usual tactic of playing music in his head and composing. It helped pass the time and kept his mind active at the very least. Quinn spoke up seemingly from out of nowhere and it shocked Rokku back to reality as he considered the question. Some kind of test maybe? I need to be careful how I answer.

“Well the inspection was interesting and its good to know there isn’t anything to insidious lurking beneath with designs upon the village. Other than that it seemed like a pretty routine patrol really, just with the risk of falling to your death or maybe horrific injury if you lucky and manage to aim for the trees.” Rokku smiled but reprimanded himself in his own mind. Careful idiot it might be a test, don’t be glib!

“As for this mission, I am not sure I can comment yet, I never thought I would be placed on an S-Rank mission so soon and I don’t really want to overthink it too much and mess up the mission. I don’t want to fail the village when its given me a chance to prove myself.” Especially in front of Quinn and a village master and founder! Rokku watched the farmers going about their lives and wondered what it must be like living in the shadow of the village, did many of them visit the village or perhaps dream of living up there? Suddenly the notion of the complaints and boredom of living in Otogakure seemed petty and childish. Rokku had the choice to live in the village or not but many might not even be given the chance. Perhaps only because he was luckily to be born of a good musician and a famous clan of ninja. Rokku clicked his tongue at the thought, he could not help who he was or the blood he carried in his veins yet he still didn’t like be associated with the elders of the clan in Oto. Yet despite his attempts to break free of them it felt as though their grip on him  were simply getting tighter and tighter. He couldn’t even now if he was chosen for the mission because of his ability or because they wanted it to happen and the knowledge it was likely the latter, ate at him secretly.

Rokku nodded when the suggestion was made to split up and search. During his wanderings he discovered a few more of the desiccated corpses but in less number than they had previously stumbled across. He continued to search the area but found little further of note. Rokku headed back to the rendezvous point and noted Seb was already there and Quinn joined shortly after before leading them to a barn with a tunnel hidden within.  Quinn offered to lead and Rokku spoke up. “I have a few earth style techniques if we run into trouble, should be enough to help if they try some kind of ambush but I don’t want to get in your way, I can serve as a rear guard if you like though.”

The tunnel lead down into a series of caves but Rokku hung back a little to guard the rear until he heard commotion up ahead but the fight was seemingly over before he arrived. “Wow that was quicker than I thought Quinn, not too surprising I suppose though.”

The small group journeyed back to the village  and Quinn offered to do the report. Rokku was tempted to simply head home but felt as though he had contributed very little to the missions so decided to accompany Quinn and assist with reporting in. “I will  join you and help with the report if you don’t mind. I know I wasn’t much use on the mission today so I can least help with that.”

WC: 1683 TWC: 2,708 TMWC: 11,180/9000

Mid thread claim

Claiming mission rewards: 18,000 ryo and 90 ap (554 -> 644)

Claiming 2708 wc (Max stats discount) :
- 650 to complete Legacy of Sarutobi Earth Path - 1500/1500 - 650/2708 -
Previous Claim:

Last edited by Rokku on Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:01 pm; edited 3 times in total
Quinn Foster
Quinn Foster
Stat Page : Quinn The Forgemaster
Business: Foster's Forge
Mission Record : Ledger
Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 121000

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Re: Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Fri Aug 16, 2024 12:18 pm
With the missions now completed fully, Rokku spoke up about adding to the report. A solid nod came from the Forgemaster as they gestured forward. "Time waits on no one." They simply said as they continued forward toward the administration tower. Two more missions down, however many more to go.


WC: 50, TWC: 6,100, TMWC: > 9,000 / 9,000

WC Claims to made later.

Mission Rewards wrote:Ryo: 18,000 + 4,500 Ryo (AP Bonus) + 6,000 Ryo (Rank Bonus 3,000 x 2) = 28,500 Ryo + 769,840 = 798,340 New Ryo Total
AP Bonus: 90 AP x 50 per AP = 4,500 Ryo
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Re: Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:03 pm
Rokku wrote:

WC: 1683 TWC: 2,708 TMWC: 11,180/9000

Mid thread claim

Claiming mission rewards: 18,000 ryo and 90 ap (554 -> 644)

Claiming 2708 wc (Max stats discount) :
- 650 to complete Legacy of Sarutobi Earth Path - 1500/1500 - 650/2708 -
Previous Claim:
Stat Page : Roar of Dissent
Mission Record : Set List
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 67000

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Re: Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:30 pm
Rokku was pleased that Quinn accepted his request to assist with the report and proceeded to the mission centre, allowing Quinn to take the lead and occasionally chiming in with comments on what he had seen or done whilst separated from the main group. Rokku was less than impressed with his personal contributions to the mission but was glad they had all come out of it unscathed an unharmed and the view from below the floating village had been a once in a lifetime experience for the genin. Not to mention meeting with one of the village founders and master. All in all it had been a good day and he was sure there would be many more good missions to come though he hoped he could focus on some lower stakes once for the near future.

WC: 137 TWC: 2,845


Claiming: 2,195 WC (650 previously spent in mid thread claim. Max stats discount)
- Ash Release - 2,000/2000 - 2650/2845
- 195 towards Ash Release: The  Last Minute - 195/2500 - 2845/2845
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti Empty Re: Skydiving and a rather nice Chianti

Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:37 pm
Rokku wrote:

WC: 137 TWC: 2,845


Claiming: 2,195 WC (650 previously spent in mid thread claim. Max stats discount)
- Ash Release - 2,000/2000 - 2650/2845
- 195 towards Ash Release: The  Last Minute - 195/2500 - 2845/2845

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