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Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Page
Familiar : Relationships with other Characters can be found at the bottom of my stat page.
Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

From the jungle out into the world. - NK Empty From the jungle out into the world. - NK

Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:27 am
From the jungle out into the world. - NK 33

Music for flavor

The warmth of the morning sun had turned last night's rainfall into a thin veil of mist which was hovering above the jungles of the moon land. It clouded the path laying ahead of Toshihiro in mistery and promise. The young ninja felt confident and relaxed and a slight sense of excitement. He was on the last stretch to finally reach the gates of Tsukigakure. Iroh, his father had told him about the recently established village and that it would be a good place to start his journey into this world. He could find work there as a ninja and begin his own path. Perhaps even find friends.

From the jungle out into the world. - NK Downlo10

The further he continued on the busier the paths around him became. And after a short while the dirt path turned into a cobble stone rode. People from all walks of life, traders, craftsmen and farmers were walking beside the young man. He paied close attention to each and everyone of them. He mostly did so out of curiosity and relaxed his guard slightly. Toshihiro felt safer the closer he got to civilisation. After a short while he arrived at the gates. A very imposing sight. The young man had never seen buildings this big before, only in books. The towers flanking the moon gates were enormous and beautiful. The young ninja would have liked to climb up there and see the surrounding landscape.

Toshihiro approached one of the shinobi guarding the gates and gave him a slight bow. "Good morning. My name is Toshihiro Kawa, I am from the hinterlands of the moon country. I am a hunter and tracker by trait but my father has also trained me in the ninja arts. He told me that I could find work here as a shinobi." the young man introduced himself, ready to hand over the papers of identification that were issued by the local autority. It was obvious, both by Toshi's slight moon country hinterlands dialect and the young ninja's clothing and appearence that he spoke the truth.

WC: 350
TWC: 350
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

From the jungle out into the world. - NK Empty Re: From the jungle out into the world. - NK

Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:38 am
Posting as: Anya Hyuuga

It was a beautiful sunny morning in the village of Tsukigakure, and Anya found herself attending to her duties as a gate guard. She had only recently joined the village but was growing accustomed to her busy schedule. As usual, it was rather busy as people began flooding into the ornate-looking gates. Anya would have her Byakugan activated as she checked people into the gates, ensuring that nobody could sneak by unnoticed. Her attention would shift to a young man who looked to be some sort of traveler as he approached her.

She’d offer him a smile as she listened to his words, and nodded along reassuringly. Anya recognized the last name Kawa and was sure she had checked in a man recently with it. While he spoke, she examined his chakra closely in hopes of gauging his potential risk to the village. However, after a brief look over, she noticed he was roughly on par with a new academy student. After he finished speaking, she’d take the opportunity to do so herself.

”Welcome to Tsukigakure Toshihiro! Has your father recently visited the village? I believe I may have met him a few times, I recognize your last name. May I see your paperwork please, I just need to make sure everything is in order if that’s alright with you.”

Anya would hold out her hand for him to give him the documentation he had brought with him. Should he agree and give them to her, she’d take a few minutes to ensure he had all the correct kinds of documentation. Thankfully everything seemed to be correct, so soon she’d hand him back his papers with a welcoming expression.

”You said you’re here for work yes? I’d recommend you look at the mission board posted at the Kage Tower, new ones get put up there regularly. Also if you wish to meet with the village leader, you can schedule an appointment with her at the bottom of the tower. Do please stay out of trouble, and with you the best of luck in our lovely village.”

After stepping to the side and offering the young man a bow, Anya would motion for him to enter into the village. She’d watch him until he disappeared into the bustling crowd, then turn her attention to the next person in line.


WC: 394

WC Claims:
771/2750 Seal of Absorption 1x Mastery for Power previous training here

Allowing Toshihiro Kawa into Tsukigakure.

Last edited by Junko Tsukiko on Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added WC claims)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Page
Familiar : Relationships with other Characters can be found at the bottom of my stat page.
Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

From the jungle out into the world. - NK Empty Re: From the jungle out into the world. - NK

Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:50 am
Toshihiro took a closer look at Anya as she greeted him at the gates of Tsukigakure. He was immediatly struck by her greyish-blue eyes. He had seen this before in an old man in his home village. "Is she blind, guarding the gate?" the young man wondered in his mind before Anya mentioned Toshi's father. "Yes, he comes here ever once in a while to trade. Furs, meat and foragables and many other treasures of the jungle." the young man replied, still dwelling on her condition. He was even more suprised when the apparently blind woman checked his documents. The aspiring shinobi knew that he was going to see wonderous and unusual things. But for the first person he spoke to to have such an odd feature was something that caught him completely by suprise. He guessed that it may be some sort of jutsu but was entirely clueless as to what it really was.

"The Kage tower, I see. Thank you." Toshihiro replied as he was permitted entry into the village. He almost forgot to move on, still fascinated by the blind woman who could apparently see. But not wanting to make a bad impression the young ninja forced his feet to move along the cobble stone road leading into Tsukigakure. A couple deep breaths helped him regain his focus as he took in his surroundings.

From the jungle out into the world. - NK 123

Never before in the 17 years Toshi was on this earth he had seen so many people in one place. The village near his home counted 100 souls at most. Everywhere around him were people talking to each other, selling goods, eating or just hanging out. Their clothing was also very unusual for what the country boy was used to. His mind raced as Toshi made his way towards the Kage tower which loomed over the village in a distance.


WC: 311
TWC: 661

Entry into Tsukigakure
600 WC to 6 stat points, 4 towards speed (33 to 37), 2 towards vigor(30 to 32)
500 WC towards learning Body flicker
161 remaining WC towards learning Genjutsu release
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

From the jungle out into the world. - NK Empty Re: From the jungle out into the world. - NK

Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:45 pm
Toshihiro wrote:


WC: 311
TWC: 661

Entry into Tsukigakure
600 WC to 6 stat points, 4 towards speed (33 to 37), 2 towards vigor(30 to 32)
500 WC towards learning Body flicker
161 remaining WC towards learning Genjutsu release

Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

From the jungle out into the world. - NK Empty Re: From the jungle out into the world. - NK

Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:07 am
Junko Tsukiko wrote:

WC: 394

WC Claims:
771/2750 Seal of Absorption 1x Mastery for Power previous training here

Allowing Toshihiro Kawa into Tsukigakure.

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