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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:59 pm
It's been a long time, huh?

For some reason, the Seraph felt as though it's been years since he'd seen Hoshigakure — well it would certainly feel that way for some people he knew in the village. Being assigned many missions out in the borders including a hunter mission that required defeating the Craven Apostate that viciously reigned the Land of Haven, it's been months since he's been out of Hoshigakure. Thankfully though, his last mission had finished so he was allowed to return to serve domestically in the Nova Corps. For almost a year, he functioned as a "cleaner" in the borders, managing crime, insurrections, and relations between towns to ensure that the will of Hoshigakure could be spread as efficiently and properly as possible. As much as Enishi initially wanted to have a job like this, he had to admit...staying in the village had its perks. He was reduced to a civil servant who had to roam around and solve the problems of others, and missions felt more like contracts when you're out and about constantly hopping between towns to directly solve conflict and obey the whims of clients, but thankfully, it ended.

Traveling among the borders one last time, the terrain soon shifted from rocks and dust to sand and proper infrastructure before Enishi's sight, and soon, he arrived at the nostalgic gates. To prevent as much initial suspicion as possible, he had previously swapped his Walkure armor to his typical attire before heading out to travel today, merely equipping Nise just in case he came across bandits so that he wouldn't remain defenseless. All of his equipment would be in their normal positions as well, as his Basic Scroll on his right hip would carry Hiramekarei within, and Arondight would be sheathed and tethered to his left hip as well. All of his other equipment would be stored in the Sealing Bands on his right and left arm. Facing the entrance of the gate, a wide smile would grace his expression as he waited for the signal for a gate guard to inspect him before entering the village.

Finally, he was back home.
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
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Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Re: Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 2:22 pm
It was almost a month ago that he had requested to be transferred away from his normal duties to more relaxed, low-stakes work. His days had become consumed by mundane tasks such as paperwork, officework, mission assigning, and more paperwork. Now, starting today, Amikiri was back to one of his old jobs that he preferred, gate guarding. It kept him busy and he loved the social aspect of it. The Hyuuga expected his first day back on the job to be exciting as he learned the ropes again and got back into the swing of it. However, it was exciting for a very different reason.

The dark haired Hyuuga sat at his desk within the gate guard post. He was scrawling at some sort of form, doing a bit of paperwork. While to the average observer he may look completely disengaged with the traffic flow in and out of the village, Amikiri was actually keeping a very close eye on all of it. Using his Byakugan, he could project his eyesight to cover the entirety of the village gates and more. A handful of other guards managed people’s entries and exits, checking IDs and occasionally stamping passports for the few international travelers. The Hyuuga carefully scanned everyone, checking for weapons, illegal substances, or any other sorts of danger.

As his Byakugan surveyed the crowd, a lone figure moved into the edge of his sight range. The first thing Amikiri noted was the meter-ish long sword he carried upon his left hip, as well as the scroll on his right. Amikiri could see some sort of Fuinjutsu writings, but he was untrained in those arts, so it was not enough to understand their meanings. However what would be most recognizable of the man was his face. While Amikiri had never met the man before, the face was quite familiar. Aha! He recognized it from a magazine or something like that. It was Enishi, a member of the esteemed Nova Corps.

The Hyuuga hastily stood up from his chair and informed another one of the guards they would be in charge. Amikiri pressed his hands against his chest and smoothed out his shirt, attempting to look a little more professional. The dark haired man was dressed in a light, but not bright, red long sleeve shirt, black pants with a brown belt, and a pair of brown leather boots. While not necessary for this exchange, his weapon of choice, Great Spear, was concealed within the sealing band on his right forearm. His armor, Kavacha, was sealed away and, if necessary, could be accessed at a moment’s notice using his Armory Seal. Lastly, just like Enishi, Amikiri wore Nise perfectly wrapped around his skin and invisible to those without chakra vision.

The dark haired man exited the guard post and would walk through the crowd, not too quickly, but with a sense of purpose. As the crowd near the gates thinned, Amikiri grew nearer to Enishi. Eventually when the Hyuuga was no more than a few meters from the Nova Corps member, he would gracefully bow as a sign of respect, rise, and then say, “Welcome back to the village Mr Enishi. How may I help you today?”

Amikiri was not making these gestures in an attempt at brown-nosing, but simply a respect for the chain of command and Enishi’s capabilities. From what Amikiri had heard of this Nova member, he had taken down a high ranking criminal in the borders and spent the last year-ish thoroughly cleaning up crime in the area. It was something that the Hyuuga greatly appreciated, as his family would enjoy the greater peace on their farm.

WC: 609
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Re: Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:13 pm
As the crowd thinned, the gate guard headed towards the ginger; Enishi's ice-blue eyes slightly squinted in unfamiliarity at the guard for a brief but discernable moment. Enishi was a guy who prided himself on his idiosyncracies, especially his memory — his memory was almost perfect as he could remember the words of speeches he had to memorize years ago to all the elements of the period table from heart to even what he ate for dinner five months ago. So naturally, he knew the names and appearances of all of the gate guards in Hoshigakure...well, he thought he knew but the existence of a man he simply for the life of him could not remember put a wrench in his self-proclaimed "perfect memory." But then, he realized something super obvious.

Oh right, he was gone for months. They probably hired new gate guards.

The Sage of Pleiades almost facepalmed at how stupid he was for automatically doubting himself like this and making irrational theories when there was an easy reason to explain the existence of a new gate guard. Yeah, he FOR SURE had never met this guy before. The young man possessed dark hair, a decently mature disposition, and long-sleeved clothing, but the nature of his boots gave reason to infer that the man likely had some level of combat experience...which of course a guard needed to have. However, he did remember one time when he had to leave early in the morning to deliver a parcel to a nearby town and the guard that allowed him to exit was wearing pajamas. Enishi always wondered how that guy would have dealt with an actual enemy shinobi pulling up to the gates, but alas, he would never know. Amidst his thoughts, the man moved closer to the ginger before stopping and immediately bowing towards him as a sign of respect, and not only that, he started talking to him with honor and deference.

And then, it came to Enishi.

I'm popular? The hell?!

"Ah, please don't do all of that! I'm still a shinobi, just like you. Though, I greatly appreciate the respect you've given me." Enishi immediately composed himself and spoke, sheepishly smiling. "Just call me Enishi from now on, Mr...?" The ginger egged on, implicitly asking the man before him for his name and any potential response he may have before continuing. 

"I've been transferred back to the village to continue my duties domestically. It appears that Hoshigakure wants to centralize its manpower for the foreseeable future." He explained smoothly, pulling out the mail detailing his circumstances while simultaneously pulling out his ID for the gate guard to see to make the process more efficient.
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Re: Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:13 pm
The ginger’s squinted eyes were not lost on Amikiri. The Hyuuga was a bit nervous as this was his first time dealing with someone of such rank and status, and he hoped that the former squint wasn’t a sign of something bad to come. Amikiri had no idea what to expect. This could be a man who took his position to heart and then some, treating it as a podium for him to be superior from. Fortunately for the dark haired man, this was not such a man. It seemed that the famous Nova Corps member was caught off guard by Amikiri’s formality, even going so far as to equalize their positions. As someone who came from a farm in the rural regions of Haven Country, Amikiri greatly appreciated a person who didn’t hold his position over others.

“Well Enishi, you can call me Amikiri. And there is no need for the ‘Mr’ because as you said, we’re both shinobi.” Amikiri nodded in response to Enishi’s explanation and reached out to take Enishi’s ID and paperwork. Asking for Enishi to briefly hand them over, the Hyuuga would ask a simple, “May I?”

Assuming the Nova Corps member was to cooperate, Amikiri would walk on over to the guard post and also made a signal for Enishi to follow. He knew forms for high ranking shinobi like this always contained a lot of ‘legalese’ and the Hyuuga wanted to double check it to make sure everything was in order. While the dark haired man was walking, he would deactivate his Byakugan, as he realized there was no need for it at the current moment. Amikiri would quickly enter the guard post, grab a document from a filing cabinet, and move over to one of the desks. A window with a hole in it was right in front of him, providing him and Enishi a great opportunity to talk.

In regards to Enishi’s final comments, Amikiri would say, “Now, I hope you don’t mind me asking this and if you do know, you don’t have to tell me. Has your recall back to the village have anything to do with the upcoming Nova Exams? I’ve heard rumors that one is coming up soon, but I’ve not yet heard anything official about it.”

Amikri would do this while simultaneously comparing Enishi’s paperwork to a sample form. He just wanted to check every detail. While his eyes scanned the page he would run an index finger up the page while mirroring it with his other hand on the other form, not wanting to get lost in the details.

WC: 434
TWC: 1043
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Re: Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:22 am
"Nice to meet you, Amikiri," Enishi said as he replied to the young guard asking for his conditionals to which he simply handed over the information he had already taken out of his pocket. Amikiri would then proceed to motion him over to the guard post as he started to cross reference Enishi's information on his side of it. The ginger simply looked off as he had already seen this process a million times, so the millionth-and-one time he'd see guards cross-referencing his information wasn't going to be any more entertaining to watch. That being said, Amikiri used this as a time to talk which immediately focused the Sage's attention back towards him. Amikiri Guhin was quite the shrewd man, utilizing the opportunity to talk with a Nova Corps member effectively for his future endeavors. He asked the ginger whether there was a projected date for the Nova Exams and whether his reappearance to the village had anything to do with it. 

"You're quite the clever one, aren't you, Amikiri? Well, I respect your sharpness, though I think your hypothesis is mistaken in this instance. While it should be around the time for the Nova Exams to begin registration, my return to Hoshigakure wasn't because of that...well, as far as I know at the very least. I assume you'll be participating?" Enishi inquisitively expressed, and if Amikiri had an affirmative response, he'd continue to speak afterward. "Ah, well, best of luck. I haven't been around to scope the competition, but if the lower ranks I know of register for the exams, it's bound to be a rather intense tournament. Surely anyone who manages to make it out of this victorious deserves to be Nova." He put his curled hand to his chin, thinking about all the other people he's talked to who may be joining the exams. 

"Well, are you confident in your abilities? What do you specialize in as a shinobi? If you are particularly interested, I'll be sure to watch your matches." A shrewd smile graced his features; now it was his time to inquire about Amikiri.

WC: 349
TWC: 1152
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Re: Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:55 pm
As the Hyuuga continued scanning the papers laid out in front of him, Enishi would remark on Amikiri’s question. Unfortunately Amikiri’s theory was incorrect, as the Wraith was not returning for Amikiri’s presumed purpose. It seems that the Nova Corps member was simply recalled to the village, no more, no less. In response to Enishi’s question, Amikiri stated, “Yes, I’m hoping to participate in the Nova Exams.” The Hyuuga would give a nod of gratitude in response to Enishi’s well wishes. Hopefully the well wishes of Enishi would carry over into the battlefield.

“Well, I’m decently confident. However I haven’t worked as hard as I could’ve recently and I know I certainly could be more confident. I don’t think I’ve met everyone who is bound to participate in the exams, but for those I have met, I think it will certainly be a good fight.” Amikiri did feel as if he had been a bit lax as of recent and was hoping to resolve that as of recent. “Currently I specialize in various weaponry techniques, but I’m mainly focusing on weaponry attacks bolstered by Dust Release and Gentle Blade. I also have a handful of ninjutsu techniques. However what I’m really looking to work on are my Fuinjutsu abilities. I think the ability to be able to use pre-placed seal techniques with no more than a thought could be very handy, especially against people with teleportation abilities. And I know at least one person with such a skill set.”

The Hyuuga nodded in response to Enishi’s last comment and said, “That would be much appreciated.”

Amikiri glanced down at his papers and said, “Well Enishi, I think you’re good to go. While this is basically a formality, you are cleared to enter the village.” The Hyuuga pressed down with a stamp on Enishi’s papers and would slide his papers and ID across the counter to him.

“One last thing before you go. Do you know anyone who might be able to teach me any fuinjutsu techniques? I don’t have a whole lot of time before the exams and I was hoping your rank would give you some connections.” Amikiri hoped he was not too bold in this. He and Enishi seemed to have reached a more casual stance with each other than one would’ve expected of a Genin and a Nova, but asking a favor such as this might be a little too far.

WC: 404
TWC: 1447

[Permitting entry into Hoshigakure]
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Re: Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:14 pm
Apparently, Enishi was talking to a potential champion of the Nova Exams. That was quite the lucky encounter if he did say so himself, but the world was full of coincidences. The man appeared to be rather confident in his abilities, which signaled to the Sage that he probably did have some level of power that surpassed most lower ranks. Typically, most Genin were rather self-deprecating with their abilities, or if they were more ambitious — rather unsatisfied. While Enishi could empathize with those sentiments, true enlightenment lay in the acceptance and confidence in one's abilities. But realistically, that could only be achieved if they reached a level of strength that could destroy most challenges that previously plagued them, so it was more of a self-fulfilling prophecy in that case. Regardless, Enishi couldn't help but nod inscrutably at Amikiri's flame of confidence. 

He would then explain his specializations upon Enishi's request; evidently, he seemed quite the talented shinobi. Not only was he a Bukijutsu specialist, but he was also a practitioner of the Gentle Blade technique? Wait... it was just an educated guess... Still, he heard that the Hyuuga Clan were famous for the Gentle Fist style that utilized their Byakugan and precise control of their chakra to puncture the tenketsu of their opposition. So, if Gentle Blade utilized weapons instead of their fingers as tenketsu puncturing pinpoints, that could most likely be a very lethal fighting style.

Hmm...a member of the Hyuuga Clan? Enishi pondered. It was rather uncommon for the Hyuuga to marry outside of their clan but it wasn't impossible, so he assumed that Amikiri's father married a Hyuuga woman and Amikiri ended up inheriting most of his mother's bloodline traits. What caught Enishi's ear was that Amikiri also expressed proficiency in Dust Release; if it wasn't for Enishi's extensive knowledge in chakra and shinobi studies, he wouldn't have known about the nature transformation since it was rather esoteric. It was a nature transformation that combined Fire, Wind, and Earth Release to create a mixture of chakra that could atomically disintegrate things it came in contact with. That was logical and all, but what was absolutely insane was the fact that Amikiri was already dabbling in an element that most Jounin would find difficult to wield.

Jeez...what are these lower ranks doing nowadays?  Enishi almost wanted to rub his temples because this was laughable to think about, but he suppressed that emotion immediately, so he merely just nodded in wonder to show that he was impressed with Amikiri's achievements.

Before Enishi was going to leave to enter the village after getting all of his information back from the Hyuuga, Amikiri stopped him and asked whether he knew anyone who could teach him Fuuinjutsu techniques before the exam; the Sage of Pleiades merely chuckled at his question, confidently smirking.

"I'm surprised that you know who I am, yet you ask such a question in front of my face. I'm the Fuuinjutsu Specialist of the Nova Corps." He turned around, staring Amikiri in the eye with pride. Enishi was a rather humble dude, but THIS was something he held absolute confidence and satisfaction in, knowing that he was probably the greatest Fuuinjutsu user in the village. "Come to the Training Grounds Section of the Water Gardens tomorrow at noon, I'll make you the greatest Fuuinjutsu user of your rank." The Seraph simply said as he walked off.

This was going to be fun.


WC: 573
TWC: 1725

Claims (Applying 25% Max Stats Discount):
1500 WC towards Sharingan 1st Tomoe in Left Eye (1500/1500)
225 WC towards Sharingan 2nd Tomoe in Left Eye (225/3000)
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Re: Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:18 pm
When Amikiri heard Enishi’s words, a smile would spread across his face. “I would be extremely grateful for the lesson. I’ll make sure to be there.” As Enishi walked away, Amikiri sat down at his desk. He immediately started writing a letter to his boss, stating that upon orders of a Nova member, he would be unable to attend work the next day.

WC: 63
TWC: 1510


Will make claims later
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Re: Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:24 pm
Enishi wrote:


WC: 573
TWC: 1725

Claims (Applying 25% Max Stats Discount):
1500 WC towards Sharingan 1st Tomoe in Left Eye (1500/1500)
225 WC towards Sharingan 2nd Tomoe in Left Eye (225/3000)

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] JPYXIpT
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Return of the Wraith [Village Entry] Empty Re: Return of the Wraith [Village Entry]

Mon Aug 05, 2024 11:05 am
Removing 15 speed (150 > 135) and adding 15 chakra (25 > 40)
1422 WC towards Swift Wind Wall (2062/2062, started training using max stats discount, past progress here)
Discarding the remaining 88 WC
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