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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : "Life is as empty without terror as without love"
Mission Record : Kuiaratames Marvelous Misdeeds
Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7800

So It Begins Empty So It Begins

Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:29 pm
Mission 1:
Mission 2:
Mission 3:
Mission 4:

Mission 1:

The daily struggle was real. It was fundamental for not only the Shinobi, but for citizens moreso, and even the animals that simply meandered around their own diverse habitats. For Kuiaratame, the ache of life was reverberating from his growling stomach. It felt like it had been forever since he'd enjoyed a complete meal as he was always in service of his sister and ensuring her dietary needs were met before his. After all, she liked to work up a sweat more and so, despite her size that seemed to have never increased since her birth, she needed the calories to ensure she could keep up her exhaustive activities in the strive for perfection and glory that they had both been encouraged to follow.
Pursuing greatness did not always necessitate your actions being above board. Sometimes, when the gods willed it, you would have to be a little less honourable than your heart would prefer, as your brain came first and it knew that small bumps in the road, unavoidable as they are, must be overcame through any means necessary. While Kuiaratame did not like what he was needing to do, he knew it had to be done. The loss of a merchant would likely damage them, and so he had to ensure they were not going to be irreversibly damaged to the point of needing to close up their entire business, or even worse, not be able to provide for their own families.
If they knew why Kuiaratame was doing what he was doing, perhaps they would understand and even provide him with a bounty just for his good nature. The risk of them not understanding however, and then depriving his family of him was too great of a risk to ever facilitate, and so for now, they would have to accept there was a wolf amongst the sheep, and sooner or later, they would be unknowingly providing a great charity upon him and his family.
He'd been walking now through an impromptu market that had been set up along the cross roads. From the hustle and bustle, he could only assume that an event had finished at one of the villages in the area and thus there was a great deal of opportunity for the merchants to peddle their wares just outside of jurisdictions; after all, people could get thirsty on the long walk back to their homes cross-country.
Slinking in and out of the people, Kuiaratame moved with the crowd like water so that he was both advancing towards the different stalls, and avoiding any eyes lingering upon him. It was pivotal he was not seen long enough for a memory to be formed, that could be dangerous if things were to go poorly. After scouting the merchants, one seemed larger and more privileged than the rest. Fortunately, his wares also seemed varied; perfect for taking.
Once in front of the stall where a crowd had formed, people waving the wares they wished to purchase in front of the vendor, it was clear he nor the group would recognise a little nimble hand. Dashing his hand between the legs of a taller gentleman, Kuiaratame grasped a bundle of wrapped fish and merged once more with the crowd, making a clean exit back towards the forest on the side. The theft had gone smoothly, but the pain in his stomach would soon subside for the throbbing in his heart of his less than legal means.

[577 words]

Mission 2:

Kuiaratame had not wandered within this village for long, but already he could sense the innate distrust they had towards outsiders. He understood the apprehension, and in this case it was aptly earned so he could not fault them for their keen senses towards him. Whilst he walked over the dirt path, he wondered what had unfolded in this village during its history that had caused all of the villagers to be distrusting of those that came from outside. It could not have been great for their population growth, and likely even worse when travelling merchants arrived attempting to peddle their wares. It was important to accept those that came from different backgrounds, Kuiaratame reckoned, which was quite ironic given his fathers disdain of certain villages and clans. While he walked in this world of his own creation, an older gentleman waved him down with a letter in one hand and a pouch in the other.
Switching his attention to the man, assuming he had done something wrong such as gazed in his direction for longer than comfortable during his zoning out, he offered a light smile to his senior to show that he had not meant any ill intent. Unexpectedly, the older man had desired for the boy to take a gift on his behalf, across the village to somewhere not too far away but long enough that it would cause the man some hip troubles. It was saddening that his body was no longer what it used to be, but that was the nature of time and its remorseless ways. Nodding his head in agreement, Kuiaratame took both the letter and the pouch, reassuring the gentleman they'd be delivered to the lucky couple along with his blessings. The smile he received in return warmed his heart, although he could recognise still that the man had taken a gamble on him from the waryness in his eyes. How could he betray someone that had taken a bet on a stranger, and that stranger being him none the less? He must be a model ninja, and not only that, a model human!
Picking up his pace once he put the letter and pouch somewhere safe on his person, the looks of others seemed to fade into the background for him as now he was a man on a mission, and that mission was love. Not his love, but you get the picture. He was a man of blessings, about to give another mans blessing to a couple that WAS in love, but we don't need to get wrapped up in the details quite now.
The anticipation excited Kuiaratame, knowing that he was about to make the older mans day once word got back of the successful delivery. So much so, he graduated from a light walk into a hasty jog. The loving couple would want their dowry soon to know they had the blessing, right? He couldn't be lazy when the case was love! Holding onto his backpack to ensure nothing was flying of, he likely looked quite silly, or maybe even crazy as he made his way outside of the village and across the road to the adjoining town. Fortunately for him, the couple appeared to have been waiting especially for this mans blessing, he must have meant a lot to him! Giving them both the letter and the pouch, he proudly walked back to the village to inform the man of his successful delivery. The verdict is love, your honour!

[582 wc]

Mission 3:

Upon his journeys to gather much needed supplies for his family, Kuiaratame had been fortunate enough to be flagged down by an elderly lady. Partaking in a light tea at her cushy little home, she informed the boy of her own family once he had mentioned his, and furthermore, her desire to go to one of their functions. She had been unable to as of late because of how detached her property was from the meeting location, and rumours of some bad actors had been enough to keep her locked firmly within her walls. It was saddening what stories of others could do, making people prisoners within their own homes. At least... Kuiaratame hoped they would only be rumours, as he had no desire to actually fight people at this point in his life; what if things went wrong and the lady was hurt under his watch?
Shaking the troublesome thought from his head, he gladly agreed to escort her to the nearest town to ease her mind of the worries. Even if he could not fully protect her, he would be there to ease her tension and hopefully be able to negotiate a deal with any bad actors that would wish to gain from them. Ensuring she had all of her belongings she would need for the journey, such as a gourd of water,a light snack and a walking stick, Kuiaratame opened the door and closed it behind her, ensuring it was locked before starting off on the rocky path.
Along the way, the woman regaled the young boy of stories from her youth; the adventures she had undertaken with her friends, how she had ended up meeting her belated husband, what the people in her family were now up to as according to the letters they had sent her. It was nice to know she had stayed in constant contact with them and had not became fully removed because of the distance. In many ways, Kuiaratame envied her position in life. He wished he could send some letters to his family and receive responses, but most had been scattered so far that he was unsure on where they might even be. His sister remained close though, and for now, that was enough for him. Certainly with how many supplies she needed, there was no way he could support a full family!
In exchange for her stories, Kuiaratame shared some of his own, obfuscating most identifying details as he detailed of his fathers dedication to his work, which sometimes was prioritised over his homelife, as well as his sisters and his bickering throughout the ages. He even mentioned that they had once had a pet that was shark-like in nature, and an eight tailed friend! The woman had taken most of these for the musings of a child, which he was grateful for, and soon enough they happened to be in front of the village gates; the hard part now behind them. Waving her off with some final farewells, Kuiaratame remained watching from the gates until he saw that she had found her way to a group that would continue the escorting to the function.

[527 wc]

Mission 4:

Meandering through an older town with some certainly unique ideals, Kuiaratame was enjoying the calm atmosphere it provided. Usually, there was a hustle and bustle throughout the areas that would distract from the natural beauty that eminated from a homestead, but here... everyone seemed much more relaxed. Granted, the day was winding down and most people had started to sleep in order to wake early for their manual labour, but that didn't detract from the tranquility that the young boy was now starting to experience as life quietened down.
While he silently kicked rocks across the dirt path, his eyes caught sight of a man that seemed quite fidgety; not only his thin fingers clutching onto a brown package, but his head that bounced around like a meerkat in search of something. It didn't add up at this point, and the package certainly did not add up to something reassuring. There was an itch at the top of his mouth that he couldn't scratch with just his tongue, but maybe if he talked to this man, he could soothe some of the concerns he had about what his purpose may be in this small village that preferred to keep to itself?
As soon as Kuiaratame stepped towards the man, their eyes locked onto one another courtesy of the lighting on the road. His clutch tightened on the brown package and his body shifted backwards a little. The body language, once again, did not instill the boy with great hope in what the man was attempting to do here. All of it reeked of something shady that should not be encouraged, but it was also a little weird that a boy would be the first line of defense for the village. Perhaps their actual peacekeepers were busy elsewhere? Hopefully not getting drunk, otherwise that could become quite the predicament to sort out.
Continuing to walk towards the man, Kuiaratame lifted his hand in greeting before the man spurted out that he would give the boy 1000 ryo to keep moving and his head down. That startled the boy, who did drop his hand and keep moving, although he kept a mental note of where the man then started walking towards with his hurried pace.
Making his way towards the local authorities building, Kuiaratame knocked on the door three times before entering, noticing a middle aged fellow with an impressively grey mustache sat behind a desk. Kuaritame mentioned to the man the suspicious package, and then the features of the one he had seen under the light. This had been enough for the man of authority to jump up from his desk and pursue the lead where Kuiaratame had mentioned his last sighting; apparently the man had been sending strange letters, mostly incoherent, but enough to take seriously.
Deciding to leave the rest in the hands of the authority, he was assured that they would deal with the man appropriately and he could leave the village without any further concerns. That was cool, although he'd have a little nap here first as a job well done. His sister could wait a little longer.

[521 wc]
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : "Life is as empty without terror as without love"
Mission Record : Kuiaratames Marvelous Misdeeds
Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7800

So It Begins Empty Re: So It Begins

Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:42 pm
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

So It Begins Empty Re: So It Begins

Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:46 pm
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