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Yukan Yuki
Yukan Yuki
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

A Touch Of Tainted Snow Empty A Touch Of Tainted Snow

Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:11 pm
From far away lands Yukan had traveled as he faced the gates.His silver and blue robes  flowing every so freely with each step. Dreadful it allowed him to breathe but more heat to burn his beautiful skin. It disgusted him to his core being in such a tropical environment.The physiology of his biology making him able to sense heat was unbearable. His face riddled with a gentle sadness fixed to his face. Sunken eyes and the chilling aura of his presence. A blessing of his blood while some would deem a curse. It's too damn hot you bafoon. the remnants of a second voice screamed from the echoes of his mind.

Within his mind Yukan stared at himself  two versions of his fractured mind. They floated in a empty space within the recesses of his mind. "Law you have to listen...."  Yukan said facing himself. "Don't patronize me Yukan. I'm aware we need this. We can't even use our other releases anymore. Our split personalities have fractured our access to our skills. Get your shit together." Law would suddenly kick Yukan who was slow to react. His feeble attempt at maintaining a guard was broken. "Tough love doesn't solve everything between us..if you gave me liberty to understand one another then maybe.." Yukan said  grasping  his stinging cheek. The pain was all within his mind, dulled yet still very real.The duality of two was simply one as they were both Yukan as much Yukan was Law. It hurt his heart more; than the dull mental pain lingering in his mind.

"If you weren't such a sniveling coward I wouldn't exist. Always remember I am nothing more than your piss poor attempt at survival.I am the personification of what you know you need to survive.  But look how weak we are? Tenacity alone won't kill our Father and his walking corpses." Law snatched Yukan's hair as the two looked and refocused backed into reality. "Always remember that as long we are separate that is due to your own inability. Fuck around and find out already, because I swear.. " The two snapped realizing they were on autopilot. Both could see out the mind's space as if watching a large screen. Coincidentally due to his isolation his fractured mental state reinforced itself. Yukan became an expert of dissociation allowing him to surf the inner world of his mind.  Yukan was unable to meet Law''s eyes. What point was there deciding the truth. It was the only reason they unanimously decided to arrive here.

"Wise up because I will consume you, teether on the edge of insanity knowing that Yukan will disappear." Law pressed his index and ring finger against the Yuki tattoo of their forehead. He jabbed hard sending  Yukan with his full force. Yukan would refocus back in reality feeling was if he was sent flying. He was next in line already as beads of cold sweat broke on his head from the heat. With a gentle swipe he tossed the perspiration onto the ground.Walking before whoever would be manning the gates he'd calmly step before them. "My village was destroyed and I am seeking refuge here as a shinobi.I wish to join you ranks." His voice was gentle and elegant with a smooth base. How very weary he looked with his cold sunken eyes. How dull and the eery lack of life spoke to the horrors prevailed within the recesses of his mind. Flashbacks of horror and blood shed filled his mind constantly.It was if being held down and screamed at in hell by the souls of the damned. But this was the beginning of his revenge and the downfall of evil. He was Justice, Damnation, and most of all he was Judgement incarnate. These principles and ideologies were shared between his fractured self. It was the one thing that would bring them to unity.

[Enter] WC:644
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Touch Of Tainted Snow Empty Re: A Touch Of Tainted Snow

Sun Jul 21, 2024 1:08 pm
Hasumi had taken another job serving as a greeter for the village, spending her time at the front gate with a few of the guards. Hasumi didn’t mind the job to much, though she was a bit nervous after having heard of the recent incident that had occurred.

The raven haired kunoichi was dressed in a black kimono that Lady Tsukiko had helped her pick out, the young girl having taken to wearing it on any formal occasion. Her hair was up in a ponytail and the village headband was on full display, the symbol of Tsukigakure visible over her forehead.

The young teenagers bright blue eyes scanned the area outside the village as she waited for new visitors, the kunoichi standing 5 meters outside the gate. It had been a fairly uneventful day, with Hasu only really having to greet and get out of the way of a few carts. Near the end of her shift Hasumi noticed a a few travelers approaching, one of them a man in silver and blue robes. Something about him unsettled the young girl as he approached, her anxiety rising despite his demeanor not seeming aggressive. She tried to pay attention to the other travelers as well, but she found herself drawn to his style of clothes and the sad look upon his face.

When it was finally his turn Hasumi understand perhaps why he was so saddened, as he explained that his village had been destroyed and that he wished to join Tsukigakure.

Looking up at the man Hasu answered him, “I’m so sorry to hear about your village, I hope that you find Tsukigakure to be a suitable refuge for you. Was your village one of the settlements within this country or are you from one of the other nations? Oh, and I’m sorry but before you answer I need any identification you have, or at least your name.”

Hasu could only imagine what it must be like to lose your entire village. The thought terrified her, as she tried to briefly picture how it would feel if Tsukigakure were to be suddenly destroyed. As she attempted this she felt suddenly cold and wet, as if she had just plunged into the ocean with no sign of land in any direction. She felt fear and desperation grip her suddenly as the image overwhelmed her a moment, the feeling of the ocean and confusion feeling so real that she wondered how she could have imagined it so vividly.

Yukan Yuki
Yukan Yuki
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

A Touch Of Tainted Snow Empty Re: A Touch Of Tainted Snow

Sun Jul 21, 2024 1:44 pm
Yukan looked down at the young woman keeping a rather blank and dull face."Yukan Yuki." He proclaimed unmoving and almost unatural. "From the Land Of Frost."  A rarity was gentle or fond memories as the horrors of his life flashed before his eyes once more. Notably his pupils would dilate and waver before he refocused once more. "I have no other forms of identification. My village was made entirely of the Yuki clan and destroyed by my Father who is still alive and well. The concept of a pure clan village not seen for centuries or so i've heard.  If possible I would allow my mind to be peered into if necessary. I have nothing to hide and would hopefully depict my story."

The image of Hanema Yamanaka entered his mind the person responsible for his mental torture. Yukan's anger was not a roaring champer of flames. No he was cold as ice and for better or worse. His hatred was the very thing that kept him calm and collected. While others rampaged and lost themselves. He honed in and went silent. Focusing on nothing other than the task at hand. Such was the way of the Yuki and such was the path of the avenger. Once he had access to this place's resources he would train. He would see for himself the so called kindness and pursuit of the arts this village had. Were they truly of the righteous and genuine? He would judge them for himself.

Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Touch Of Tainted Snow Empty Re: A Touch Of Tainted Snow

Mon Jul 22, 2024 1:06 am
"I see, well Yukan I'll have to record some of the information you gave me down and if you would like your mind to be peered into we have a sensor nin in the Kage's office that is capable of that. For the time being you may be put on a watch list, simply due to your lack of identification, but you won't be barred from anything. I hope that you are able to rest here in this village, be well traveler." Hasu was saddened by the man's tale and his demeanor, continuing to feel as though she was drowning in an ocean as she stood in the presence of the grief stricken man before her.

Hasu got out of the man's path and gave him a bow as she allowed him entrance into the village. As the man passed she gave him a bow. Once he had made his way through Hasumi informed the other gate guards of the information she had given and then recorded it in a scroll within the gatehouse. She made sure to mark that Yukan had to be watched dude to lack of identifcation, but also added a note for village nin to try and get him in touch with the village sensor to gain intel about his destroyed home.




Village Entrance
Yukan Yuki allowed into village, on watch due to lack of identification

WC Claims
Using Max Stat Discount:
632/3,000 Pureblooded Shinobi
Yukan Yuki
Yukan Yuki
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

A Touch Of Tainted Snow Empty Re: A Touch Of Tainted Snow

Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:41 am
Yukan gently nodded his head as he made his way inside. However soon again he was face to face with his inner self. "Don't be foolish either." Law lectured snatching Yukan's head with ferocity. He threw him within the depths of his mind as Yukan weakly reached out. "Why must you be so difficult." Law scoffed forming the inner world of Yukan. It was a glassy sky over a frozen wasteland as the two stared each other down. "If you weren't such a pitiful excuse of a host we wouldn't be dealing with this." A swipe of his hand released an onslaught of ice roared to life against Yukan who was struck colliding with the snowy grind. "I'm taking over the body for now. Sit your happy ass down and be grateful I don't destroy you for good."

Within the real world Yukan would have taken a noticeable pause. The physcial shift of his mind when switching personalities. His now flowing movements seemed more proudful and stiff. Albeit still more graceful than the average person. "Damn this heat." He muttered with a guttural disgust. The scowl plastered on his face only grew as the sun continued to beam down entering Tsukigakure. The Law had arrived and was here to stay. "Stop doing a monologue it's weird." "Shut up Yukan."

WC:219 TWC: 1111


Claiming 1111 WC 11 Points to Vigor

Mist Servant Wc:500
Mouth ShotWc:500
Water Trumpet 111/1500

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Touch Of Tainted Snow Empty Re: A Touch Of Tainted Snow

Mon Jul 22, 2024 1:08 pm
Yukan Yuki wrote:

WC:219 TWC: 1111


Claiming 1111 WC         11 Points to Vigor

Mist Servant Wc:500
Mouth ShotWc:500
Water Trumpet  111/1500

A Touch Of Tainted Snow JPYXIpT
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Touch Of Tainted Snow Empty Re: A Touch Of Tainted Snow

Mon Jul 22, 2024 1:08 pm
Hasumi Hayato wrote:




Village Entrance
Yukan Yuki allowed into village, on watch due to lack of identification

WC Claims
Using Max Stat Discount:
632/3,000 Pureblooded Shinobi

A Touch Of Tainted Snow JPYXIpT
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