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Fiiiiine, I Guess I'll Help Out (Missions) Empty Fiiiiine, I Guess I'll Help Out (Missions)

Sat Jul 13, 2024 8:57 pm


It was a calm, tranquil morning accompanied by the singing of birds outside the window in the inn that a blue haired woman was currently residing in. She was mumbling incoherently under her breath as she re-read the note from her twin brother for the fifth time already. He had left before dawn to partake in some missions on the outskirts of the village, where the borders between the two neighboring lands met, and he had given her a list of missions within town that he had secretly signed her up for. Sakura knew they needed money, and Kuiaratame knew she wasn’t particularly inclined to help others of her own free will, which is why he had gone behind her back to sign her up anyways. 

She sighed heavily as she crumpled up the paper and shoved it into her pocket, before rising from her feet, ready to get these missions out of the way and earn some ryo. Despite her lack of enthusiasm for helping the villagers, taking their hard earned ryo, legally of course, was well worth whatever tedious and mundane tasks they would throw her way. If everything went well, she hoped to be done with the villagers by lunchtime and get to spend the rest of the day catching up on her artwork and learning some new techniques she had read about while at the village library the day prior.

The doors behind her closed quietly as she headed towards her first destination of the day: a noble’s mansion. The person hiring her was in need of finding their cat within the large estate in order to get their cat to his or her annual checkup. Sakura didn’t entirely hate this mission, as it dealt with an animal rather than other people, and at least she would get to pet a cute kitty this early in the morning. 

With her spirits lifted at the thought of playing with the cat before turning them in to their owner for their checkup, the other villagers were saved from the curt look in her eyes they would’ve normally received had she been in her previously foul mood. It was also thanks to the thoughts of playing with the cat’s toe beans that she arrived much quicker than expected at the gates of the mansion, where two guards stood out front.

“I’m here for the mission of safely capturing Mrs. Takayama’s cat for their annual check up.” Her eyes held a small spark in them as she spoke about the cat, but the rest of her visage was flat, her lips resting in a straight line as she was bored of speaking with the two men already. She flashed them the paper for this mission that her brother had filled out, to include the seal from the appropriate people in charge of giving out missions as well as her name on it.

The guards looked over the rest of the mission acceptance form to ensure she was the same person that the application described before nodding their heads and opening the gate. “You may come in, Ms. Kaguya. Please try to be quiet in your search for Sir. Meowington as Mr. and Mrs. Takayama are still sleeping. We have already thoroughly checked their living quarters and determined Sir. Meowington was not there.” One of the guards cautioned as he walked her to the front steps of the mansion. “Oh! One last piece of information that you may find helpful is that Sir. Meowington’s fur is almost completely black, aside from his paws that are fully white. Makes it very easy for him to hide in dark places, he blends in too well for us to see and we’ve even almost tripped on him a few times when the candles would go out.”

Sakura aptly nodded her head at his advice, appreciative of the description for the feline she was to find as the parchment had said nothing of his fur color nor was there a drawing of the majestic beast. The guard continued his ramblings as they made their way to the porch, opening the main entrance door, the petite woman made her way through the towering archway. She was greeted by an exquisite display of craftsmanship; marble floors spanning the entire entry room, a long and winding staircase on either side of the room to take visitors to the next floor, a chandelier with hundreds if not thousands of crystals dangling from it to the point where Sakura had to squint her eyes to look up, and dozens of paintings decorated the walls, some appeared to be portraits of the family members while a majority of them depicted a black cat in various poses. Some of the portraits of the cat were realistic while others portrayed him in human-like ways; a large, curly white wig sitting atop his head, a headshot of the cat in a tuxedo, and him sitting with the rest of the family in his own chair, as if he were the Takayama’s third son.

It took everything in her to stifle the chuckle threatening to release itself from her chest as her peach colored eyes wandered from one painting to the next, the excitement and anticipation growing as each one grew more and more comical than the last. Eventually she tore her eyes away from the walls, trying to focus herself back to the task at hand. She was to find the cat from those portraits, and being able to play with the real thing was a million times better than staring at unrealistic pictures of him all day. With a newfound determination in her pace, she passed by the servants that were waiting around to assist her in any way they could on her way to begin scouring the rooms one by one.

The first floor of the mansion was far larger than it looked from the outside. Sakura had lost count of the number of rooms she had searched after she got to room twenty. She couldn’t believe she had only searched the first floor, and still had three more to go. It was preposterous to think a cat, with such small legs, could’ve evaded being found by the numerous guards and maids that had attempted before her. Sir Meowington didn’t even have opposable thumbs to open doors, so how could not a single person have seen this cat?!

The second and third floors were just as empty as the first, with not even a strand of hair from the cat anywhere in sight to give her a clue to his whereabouts. Sakura thought this mission would be easy, especially since the servants had given her some of his favorite treats as a way to lure him out after her fruitless search of the first floor, but the little fluff ball was proving to be quite the master of hide and seek.

Of course the blunette could not, and would not, be outsmarted by a cat. Her dignity was on the line here so as she was traversing the fourth floor she decided to try a different tactic. She laid out some of the treats in the middle of the hallway, close to a window overlooking the estate’s vibrant and immense garden, and hid within a nearby room, keeping the door cracked slightly as she peaked out into the hallway. An unfamiliar scent within the home could’ve been what was scaring him away, so she hoped putting out the treats and keeping the container open with her would help mask her scent by how pungent the fish treats were.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. 

Seconds passed, then minutes, then almost an hour elapsed. She was about to abort the plan when she heard a faint patter of feet on the lush carpet and a quiet jingle began to echo throughout the hall, growing louder and louder. Just when the jingling was at its loudest, it came to a sudden halt before being replaced by soft crunches as tiny teeth chewed into the fish treats. A low rumble could be heard amidst the bites, and Sakura’s heart nearly leaped from her chest. Not only was she able to see the cat nomming on the food, but he blessed her ears with his angelic purring. 

After a few moments of soaking in the magnificent scene before her, Sakura took the opportunity to catch the kitty while she had him within her grasp. Her lithe body easily slipped through the opening she had been using for her surveillance and before Sir. Meowington could blink his adorable blue eyes Sakura already had her arms wrapped around his floofy belly to ensure he couldn’t escape. While he was still trapped in her embrace, she took the time to give him a few pets atop his little head. Then she put him into the carrier that the servants had provided, dropping in a few extra treats to keep him happy while they walked down to the first floor. 

The butler and several maids greeted her as she walked down the steps into the main foyer, cat carrier in hand with a slightly grumpy Sir. Meowington, and she entrusted the precious cargo to them, as Sir. Meowington had a very important appointment to attend. She gave the kitty a small farewell wave and smile as he was ushered out of the house towards the village veterinary office, while she stayed behind in order to collect the seal of approval for the mission. Once the signature on the mission application was obtained, Sakura made her way out of the house towards her next destination.

Despite her shorter than average legs, it didn’t take her long to reach the market district of the village where her next mission was to take place. Her purpose at the equipment shop was to lend a hand with testing out some of their merchandise and give any feedback she could as to whether shinobi would find the products useful as well as give her honest opinion on any items she would be interested in purchasing herself.

She was thankful it was a pretty simple task, especially after having spent the last few hours going in and out of rooms, searching high and low all over the place for Sir. Meowington. Having to just hold and test out weapons and armor would be a piece of cake and a nice breather before the missions she had to complete tomorrow, one of which involved taking an animal out on a walk. It sounded easy enough but the person requesting the mission did not specify what kind of animal she would be walking, so as far as she knew it could’ve been a horse or a large flying bird. 

With the idea she might be walking a giant animal tomorrow, Sakura quite welcomed the reprieve as she stepped foot inside of the equipment shop, the door jingling to signify her arrival. There were rows upon rows lining the inside of the shop, filled to the fill with items ranging from kunai to shields to armor to explosive tags. The quality of the items seemed to be sorted by row, so that the rows closest to the door housed wooden or bronze material while those crafted or smelted from more expensive material were further back. No doubt this was to deter thieves from running in, snagging items from the first row they see, and then dashing out with anything valuable.

“Welcome to Bloodbath and Beyond, home to anything and everything you may need out on the battlefield! Is there something I can help you find?” A higher pitched voice called out from across the room. Turning her gaze to the owner of the voice revealed they were an older looking kunoichi standing behind the counter, her purple hair reaching about shoulder length and warm vermillion orbs met her own. She had several small kunai and scrolls holstered around her waist, and twin weapons were strapped to her back that Sakura couldn’t quite tell what they were exactly.

“I am here to look at your wares as part of a mission.” Sakura explained while pulling out the mission application form, walking towards the woman so that she may look over it.

The woman graciously accepted the outreached paper, her eyes scanning over the words before she nodded in approval and gave it back. “Nice to meet you, Sakura! My name is Anko and it is a pleasure to have you looking over what my shop has to offer! If you go through these doors-” The woman, Anko, flashed her a bright smile as she gestured to a door on her left that had in big white letters the words Practice Room,“-you’ll be able to use any weapon marked with a red sticker on practice dummies and targets to get a feel for them. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help!”

Sakura nodded her head slightly as she responded, “Thank you, I will be sure to ask if I need anything.” Then she made her way past the first two rows as she had no desire to buy anything that would break upon contact, she needed something far more durable. Thus, she made her way to the third row that held kunai, senbon, explosive tags, and wire. She didn’t use those particular items in combat herself, but knew her brother, Kuiaratame, liked to dabble with them every now and again. Sakura figured while they were still in this town that he might want to stock up on supplies, and the least she could do as his favorite sister was inspect the ones here so he would know whether they would be worth the trip or not. 

Her fingers lightly traced over the handles of the kunai before moving to the blades to determine their sharpness carefully so as to not slice into the thin skin of her forefinger. They were sturdy and sharp, she figured they would be able to cut through paper with how well taken care of the blades were. Her hands placed the kunai down before moving on to the senbon and wire, moving the items around in front of her face as she eyed them on all sides. From what she could tell the senbon were thin and pointy enough to hit a person’s pressure points and the wire seemed thick enough that tripping over it wouldn’t snap the material in two. Sakura then looked over the explosive tags and determined they looked identical to ones she had seen in the past during training. There was nothing out of the ordinary to note about them.

With her inspection of items for her twin out of the way, her eyes darted across the rows to where some armor glinted against the light, as if calling out to her. The suit of armor inviting her over to it was full iron, covering head to toe and even included a filtered breathing apparatus on the helmet. Beside the iron armor were various body suits, uniforms, and robes, she even saw a pair similar to the robes she was currently wearing. She took note of the various armor that she would come back to purchase once she had saved up more ryo. For now she would stick to the armor she currently adorned, finding the robes to give her enough coverage for the common everyday kind of fights she expected to encounter.

The last area that Sakura wanted to check out were the weapons, more specifically, the swords and katanas. Out of all the wares the shop sold, their largest inventory came from their weapons, yet only a small portion of said weapons were swords and katanas. It was a little disappointing to see that the variety was slim, but she leveled that at least they had some in stock. The few bladed weapons they did have were quite interesting. There was a katana that one could bond to themselves and no one besides they could use the weapon, which Sakura thought was quite handy in the event that you were ever disarmed they couldn’t use your own blade to harm you. Another was a ninjato that had a specially crafted spine on the blade that made it nearly as tough as the blade itself, making it a perfect weapon for parrying and blocking. The other weapons were beautiful and spectacularly crafted, although they had no special abilities listed so she did put them below those that did have abilities on her list of items to buy.

Once she was finished placing the last sword back on the rack, the young kunoichi made her way back up to the front of the store where Anko greeted her with yet another warm smile, no doubt due to Sakura being a customer and Anko hoping she would make some purchases. “Thank you for letting me browse through your shop, it was very informative and I saw quite a few items that would definitely be appealing to shinobi. Overall, I thought the materials were all very high quality and could tell that you take great care of your weapons and armor.” After finishing her appraisal she laid the mission application form on the counter for Anko to give a seal of approval.

The older shinobi took a seal with the emblem of her shop and stamped it on the form while she said, “I am so happy my shop could help you learn and that you approve of my weapons and armor! Please feel free to come back anytime, my doors are always open to shinobi like yourself!” Her eyes lit up as she finished speaking and handed the form back to Sakura, who took it quietly and placed it back in her pocket. 

Sakura gave the woman a small wave before turning and making her exit, the door chiming again as it was closing. She was relieved to have finished the two missions on her agenda for today and could focus on training alone for the rest of the day, before having to go back tomorrow to complete more missions her twin signed her up for. As she was walking to turn in her missions and collect the ryo for them she thought to herself that the next time she saw Kuiaratame that she would be sure to give him an earful for making her go on so many missions.

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Ryo : 2500

Fiiiiine, I Guess I'll Help Out (Missions) Empty Re: Fiiiiine, I Guess I'll Help Out (Missions)

Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:40 pm
Sakura wrote:

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