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Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep.10 A Wounded Pup. Damned If You Do & You Don't Empty Ep.10 A Wounded Pup. Damned If You Do & You Don't

Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:59 pm

Part of him had wanted to cease his existence, dramatic yet still an undeniable truth.His body still trembled peering out the window but his displacement.. overtook his vision. The glaring sunlight catching streaks of  now silver hair. Eyes sunken and tired with his muscle mass noticeably decreased.It was something he bore witness too many of time. As a vagabond previously the road traversed riddled with brutality. Mainly in torture victims, the burden of stress forced the body to lose it's color. His trembling hands reached for the reflection. Somehow, with the aide of jutsu his hands recovered. Completely shattered with multiple internal bone fractures. His mind flashed back to when he succumbed to rage. Like fractured fragments replaying bringing him back to the mental state.

He winced, his hands attempting to form fist. The pain was too much and the scarlet essence that came with it only stung more. His curse was back but he kept his emotions. His mind was a myriad of dysphoria as everything was out in the open. Junko must've heard the news, received his mental message. The ever growing divide between furthermore growing into a great expanse.

How feeble and timid. Quiet,quaint, and undeveloped. He had ravaged his home and his body. Allowed his guard to drop against his foe. The aching in his body was like the thundering drums of thunder and lightning. Medications given to him dulled him to the brim which was the horrifying part. No where to scamper and evade if she came. Even with his mind and heart unified he still was compelled to love. He bore no ill will towards the Mizukage that much was true. Junko was more than capable of handling herself but it was just..."I can't just erase my heart only deny it. But i've embraced it and i'm over it. I'm over you.. I don't love you, I care for you." He lied to himself with gentle streams flowing."I've never loved you in that way.. I could never be in love with anyone, I never have felt such desires. They don't exist. Sister that's all you've ever been.That's all you ever will be. What mad genjutsu and delusions I seem to find myself in to think otherwise. I never was the brightest." Instability was the only word to describe his tattered voice.The more he spoke the more he unraveled.

This would be the last time he discussed this within himself. Closure or not he would never make her worry for him. Not anymore, not with everything going on. Besides even if another opportunity came about who was to say he wouldn't be the next failure. Yesterday everyone cheered for him. Azuki had been cheered and celebrated. Junko didn't do that for him that was himself. His own efforts, his own capability which also inspired others. He could do things on his own , be his own identity.

He felt weak and laid back into his bed. Propping himself up for too long was too much too soon. His damaged organs were repaired but sore. He covered his face with his forearm taking deep breaths to calm himself. He mustered what he could to sing himself albeit his guitar sitting in the  room propped against his bed. His last remaining object.  "You're the piece of the me... that I don't ever need... tired of chasing relentlessly. I fight for nothing and I never know why." Azuki's voice was soft and gentle. Contrasted to the regular bass and tone of his speaking voice. It's as if a innocence from within came out when he sang. To those who would grasp a glimpse of his voice it was as if being coated in feather's of warm light. Dazzling, brilliant , yet ever so gentle and calming.

"If our love is tragedy why are you... my remedy...if our love insanity... then how are you my clarity. So sunshine there is nothing that we could do to change my mind. So maybe one day I can freely stretch my wings. Break away from this hold and surely fly. Because for now life feels like a constant cruel lie..."  With a heavy sigh he wiped his tears into his gown. As much as he wanted to call for a nurse to stop his bleeding hands. Part of him needed the pain to distract his mind. Not even the dull whispers of death from his curse were enough. "What  terrible day for rain." He laid there until eventually his tears dried he couldn't fight anymore.

The white room blended into his vision as he calmed his mind for now. It was fair to acknowledge this all as a journey. Of course the more he tried to quit cold turkey his heart would fight back. Such was why he needed mental fortitude and mental discipline. Besides as of now he would live for himself too. "I won't rely on you to keep my peace such was never your duty dear friend." A solemn vow of sorts without a direct implication of what was to come.

He did in fact wait for his visitors to arrive soon. He had put out the word within the Combat Division ;for certain individuals who stuck out as of late. New village members and even potential recruits who had worked with or seen for recommendation. A village needed strength as such he needed a Squire of sorts. A right and left hand to serve under him or at least manage things for him. The Right Hand would be his aide in battle. The  Left more akin to  an advisor and sub captain for handling orders and chain of command. A sensor would be great but there were slim pickings as of late. Not to mention the elite training and unit in development.

WC: 963
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep.10 A Wounded Pup. Damned If You Do & You Don't Empty Re: Ep.10 A Wounded Pup. Damned If You Do & You Don't

Fri Aug 02, 2024 3:10 pm
Azuki rotted alone for days his gaze fixed to the window outside.  What was left of his emotions had once again became suppressed. All of the warmth bled dry in the span of a few days. Eyes caved in from restless nights and a weary soul. Everything he had worked for, fought for, it was all for nothing. Was the real issue his endless service to others? Maybe it was all a mistake, not a single soul came to see him. "The wolf he sleeps amongst some trees. The demons lurk  ,dancing in the breeze. Summoned by ghouls, hags, and cravens. Ohhh rend their souls, oh fall asleep, rest weary traveler for death is peace. You are alone, left to wither and rot. They parade you a flower in their hair. Pluck your petals like limbs you tear. Stretched so thin weary traveler who gives his heart for thee. No home is yours to call your own. You're merely a decoration until you wither and rot. A flower with no roots was doomed to death from the start." He sang with a ghastly rasp to his voice.

The voices and nightmares were back and now they sing. Most of them were of Junko, now that he knew affection. It made him sick but the irony was too much. In a twisted way he became numb to even her. He had no choice facing the horrors all alone. No one was able to save him not even himself. All he could was survive. They would never understand unless they saw for themselves.

Sorrow, he mulled over quietly. Pity? Was it wrong to want some semblance of attention. Junko must've been busy was all but to be completely ignored was something else. No matter he was as he was once before. His loyalty was all he needed and defending others would circumvent his curse. As far as developing weapons and jutsu  for everyone that was dead now. If he focused on himself it would benefit others by extension. His arm shot for the glass of water near his bed. He hesitated looking at his bandaged hand.It wavered and trembled before he clasped the glass. Using what strength he had wasn't enough, it eventually slipped and shattered along the ground.  

He quipped with a small smirk. At least he retained a dark sense of humor out of the ordeal. Azuki had been able to use all forms of jutsu. He was trained as such. But like with all things within life you could only focus on so much. Looking closer at his hospital room it had the appearance of a wild jungle. The walls and floor made of trees flourishing with plant life. However with a single wave of his hand the illusion dispersed. He had been developing his genjutsu. What was the perfection illusion he had wondered. One that wasn't considered an illusion. Texture, shape , form, shadows, depth, timing. A proper genjutsu was one indistinguishable from reality. Those who suddenly warp reality were not illusionist. To blend fiction and reality, to become formless and project the mind. He may have lost the ability to wield a weapon and taijutsu. But he had now regained the powers of Jashin.

Darkness covered his window making him snap his head."There were no clouds today-" He glared spotting portals in the sky. Portals littered in the sky with monstrosities pouring out before a large explosion. "Kurogane!" He growled  flooding with all of his pent up blood lust a new sinister chakra would spur to life. Blood red and blackish aura as he noticed a feedback with his sensory capabilities. There were others similar 4 powerful chakra signatures. A devilish grin plastered on his face. He cackled with a blood curdling laugh. A fit of pure hysteria as he released it all at once. "Hahahha ah!! Oh Dear sister. They don't even hold a candle to us."  

Azuki flickered out of existence leaving behind his bed coverings standing on the roof of the hospital keeping his chakra amped up. "General Azuki reporting Kurogane is invading through teleportation from outside the interdiction seal . Kill on sight." He conveyed through the communication seals. Already he witnessed the shinobi of Tsukigakure mobilize around the hospital. Suddenly 3m he was surrounded by 4 grotesque individuals.A tall spider woman, A humanoid koi man, a beast woman , and moth knight.

"You must be him, such a warrior of your stature surely can't be so pitiful." Her voice was like velvet and venom. The spider woman and her 4 arms crossed as the others were silent and on guard. "We were given explicit instructions to kill your and your disgusting cow of a leader."

Azuki greeted them with a smile as he watched more of the soldiers flood into the village. But to the surprise of the 4, the spider woman would clutch her throat. She found herself envisioning her throat split and would succumb to her knees. "Forgive the lack of expression you arachnid  four armed man eating fuck head." With a wave of his hand flowers bloomed trapping them all for the moment. Feeble they were succumbing to his power.

He crouched and cupped her cheek."Junko is like the moon. Gracious, dazzling, and awe inspiring. She does not blind those with her beauty and warmth. She is just simply mesmerizing . Honestly you say such such silly things." His eyes were dead inside, there was nothing but a hunger for blood.The once proud creatures were riddled and shaking with fear frozen by his jutsu. Like all fearsome animals they ran with desperation. Freeing themselves from his jutsu multiple portals appeared underneath as three of four escaped. Azuki had business with the spider woman and planted a kick square into her jaw. She spiraled through the air crashing into the rooftop. His fist were broken but not his feet.

She reacted firing off some web jutsu but Azuki who had been slowly walking  behind  her dispersed. The attack phased through as his body faded into ethereal mist. His foot crushed her shoulder rendering it useless before teleporting both of them through the air. "Why!...What are you-" Azuki flooded his body with chakra increasing his abilities able to clench her throat. He appeared multiple times slamming her through trees and destroyed buildings over and over again. Eventually he teleported lastly to Shinoda springs throwing her into the water below. With her injuries and the constant torture she would take a minute. With a sigh he appeared above in the sky at the top of the interdiction seals.He took in all the damage and the would be locations of the other monstrosities. The gate, Darkside, and the academy.  "Academy needs reinforcement." He would convey flickering once more to quell this attack. Ah the smell of blood stirred too much within him.


WC: 1.137 TWC: 2,100

Last edited by Azuki Shinoda on Fri Aug 02, 2024 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : color coding)

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Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep.10 A Wounded Pup. Damned If You Do & You Don't Empty Re: Ep.10 A Wounded Pup. Damned If You Do & You Don't

Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:59 am
Claiming 2,100 WC

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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
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Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Village : Tsukigakure
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Ep.10 A Wounded Pup. Damned If You Do & You Don't Empty Re: Ep.10 A Wounded Pup. Damned If You Do & You Don't

Mon Aug 12, 2024 7:59 pm
Azuki Shinoda wrote:Claiming 2,100 WC

4ap per 100 =  84ap

Ep.10 A Wounded Pup. Damned If You Do & You Don't JPYXIpT
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