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Powder Iburi
Powder Iburi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Pow-Pow's Diary
Mission Record : meow<3
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 21000

Seabass Empty Seabass

Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:02 pm
Mission Dets:

The scent of saltwater was inviting, complemented by the delightful weather that the day provided. The clouds above were few in number, and the sun's rays were gently tempered.

Along the seabay, numerous food carts were aligned for the market, showcasing a variety of culinary offerings, including both marine and freshwater fish available for purchase by the local populace. From saltwater fish to freshwater varieties sourced from the rivers that meander through the island, the vibrant atmosphere of such a splendid day saw many local residents eagerly engaging with the food vendors.

Stationed behind one of the food carts was the young woman known as Powder. Her azure braids were elegantly arranged in a bun secured with a ribbon, and her cheeks exhibited a subtle flush from the warmth of the sun. The food cart at which she was stationed showcased live oysters alongside a variety of sea bass. The scales of the sea bass shone magnificently as sunlight reflected off them, a sight that captivated the attention of the locals, who believed that the vibrant colors signified the quality of the fish's flesh.

The oysters presented were freshly harvested the previous night, their shells gleaming due to the careful cleaning and maintenance they had received. All necessary measures had been undertaken to ensure that the local community was provided with goods of the highest quality.

Powder's strong relationships with the local indigenous community significantly enhanced sales. 

An elder from a nearby settlement requested Powder's assistance in the management of the cart sales. Having been raised by the natives during her childhood, Powder was always eager to help in any way possible, motivated by a desire to express her gratitude for the kindness they had shown her. Without their support, she might not be alive today.

One of the local residents approached the food cart, their gaze meticulously scanning the seabass. Their demeanor was gentle as they carefully examined the offerings presented. "We are currently offering a promotion!" Powder remarked, exchanging a smile with the interested customer. "You can acquire a second seabass for half the price. Such an opportunity is rare." She continued to gently encourage the purchase of the seabass.

The local customer rewarded her with a smile in return, before picking out the two seabass they wished to purchase. They even added a few oysters to their items as a show of gratitude. 

Powder's face radiated with triumph as she successfully completed her sale. She felt a sense of self-commendation for the contributions she was making to the market.

As the day progressed, the young woman dedicated herself to enhancing sales while simultaneously savoring the fresh, salty air that caressed her face. The panoramic view of the expansive sea further enhanced the value of the day. There came a moment when the cart sales paused to enjoy some grilled skewers, allowing their legs to rest as they seated themselves upon the sandy shoreline, before resuming their duties for the day. 

The cart sales were intended to persist until dusk, a prospect that Powder found to be quite agreeable. The only factor that might instill a sense of impatience in her regarding the day's conclusion was her desire to showcase her successful sales figures. However, even that anticipation was not pressing.

Powder engaged in conversation with several of her fellow sales associates and admired their respective display carts. She observed that some of the carts featured fish resembling various types of eel, while others showcased a plethora of splendid options in an array of colors and shapes. The possibilities were truly limitless.

As dusk gradually enveloped the horizon, the vendors began to pack away their goods and organize them for storage. Powder took meticulous care in packaging the remaining seabass and ensuring the oysters were placed in an adequately supplied water fixture. She felt a sense of fulfillment upon realizing that only a minimal amount of product needed to be stored, as her sales had proven to be exceedingly successful. After the completion of packing away the goods and closing down the food cart for the night, Powder gathered her belongings and the ryo she’s been able to obtain from the sales. Giving the other workers a quick farewell before departing to find the elder that she was providing the work for. 

It didn’t take long for Powder to find the elder. She quickly escorted herself back to the settlement, where all the locals sheltered for the night. Many others were returning as well so the outside was a bit busy despite the growing late hour. Powder approached one of the shelters, a nice hut much like the one that Gramps and the Miss lived in, before lightly announcing her presence. 

Surely enough, the elder appeared at the doorway, an expression full of kindness harboring her ancient complexion.  Powder happily handed over the bag of ryo from the sales, before diving into how the day went. Explaining to the elder that the day was very successful, and reassuring her that the rest of the produce, including the stall, were well taken care of. Allowing it to be easily set up and tended to for the following next day. When the young lass was finished talking about the day, the elder thanked her for the help and sent her off with a reward. Powder also thanked the elder and reassured her once more. That providing help for the settlement is the least that she could do. 

With the exchange being complete and the end of the day approaching more gradually, Powder took the ryo she earned and used a small sum of it to purchase some sweet cane from one of the locals she knew. Luckily they didn’t mind her stopping by at such a late hour. She gladly pocketed the sweet cane, now ready to head back to where Aizen should be. She already knew that he didn’t appreciate when Powder went off without him, but she planned ahead to use the sweet cane as a bribe for forgiveness. 
Mission Rewards:
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Seabass Empty Re: Seabass

Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:09 pm
Powder Iburi wrote:
Mission Rewards:
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