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Sakuran Hatake
Sakuran Hatake
Stat Page : Sakuran Hatake
Mission Record : Mission Records
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : Kumajanai Hatake
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Specialty : White Fang
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Missions for an ambitious Genin Empty Missions for an ambitious Genin

Tue Aug 06, 2024 3:57 pm
Mission Central:
Ryunata had a great nights sleep, the past few days were filled with E-rank missions and she enjoyed helping her fellow villagers. She put on her clothing and headband and had breakfast with her family. She told them about the past few days and how she wanted to do more for her village, hoping for a big mission where she could help a bunch of people. Her parents and siblings were supportive and impressed at her devotion to her new occupation.

Hopeful and spirited she left home and headed to the mission central, once there she went and waited in line to receive her mission from the elders. She was called inside and as she stood before the council she asked, "I would love to help more people, making our village a better place "The council took a moment too confer and the man on the outer left stood up.

"Ryunata, we have a mission in mind for you, but it might be a bit too much for you too handle. A small village nearby is surrounded by a forest and we suspect that soon a natural disaster in form of a forest fire will envelop it and destroy it." The man looked very seriously at Ryunata "Part of being a shinobi is gauging your capability, failure is not an option."

She returned his serious demeanor with equal determination.
"I realize that sir and i know myself, I will succeed, their lives and my own depend on that."
The man nodded and handed her the mission scroll with all relevant information. Solemnly she accepted the scroll and when she had left the room she read all of the information available.

"You've been tasked to assist civilians evacuate, relocate, or hunker down to endure the threat. People fleeing from nearby villages have reported being attacked by bandits while trying to escape so please proceed cautiously if you plan on evacuating yourself. Some people have completely refused to leave their homes in the face of danger, so it's advised to try to help them secure their homes as much as possible or even better convince them to leave."

She read every line very carefully and started off going to the village. Trying to come up with a plan in the meantime, "Getting the villagers out is the main priority, i can escort them in groups to protect them from the bandits." With a firm course of action in her mind she started running, the sooner she got there the better.

As she was travveling down the road she heard a scream, senses heightened she rushed over. An old lady was being harrased by 2 shady looking guys. She was pleading them to let her keep her bag.
"Stop that, NOW!" She roared. The men taken aback looked at her and laughed "What is this litt..." Ryunata was on a mission and had no patience for this, Flexing her muscles she jumped at the speaker and performed a konoha whirlwind kick straight to his throat, the man was coughing and heaving, gasping for air.

The next man lunged her, knife in hand with her White fang style she dodged the knife grabbing the man's arm as he overextended, she grabbed his arm and twisted it, driving his face into the ground. taking the knife from him she told him "I am in a rush and disposing of you would take time i do not have, leave and take your buddy with you." the man slowly rose to his feet and collected his friend. When they were a good distance away Ryunata heard them yell "JUST YOU WAIT YOU BRAT"

She turned to help the woman collect her things "Thank you sweetie." The old lady smiled weakly. Ryunata looked at her to find any injuries but the only thing the old lady had was a gash on the forehead, she calmly put her hand on the gash and performed a basic healing ninjutsu. The woman exclaimed "Oh my that is wonderfull!" Ryunata beamed at her "First time i ever used it besides on myself." she laughed, "Well i would love to walk you home but i am on a mission, i dont think they will be back anytime soon, are you going to be ok?" The old lqdy strqightened herself "I have been walking this path for 30 years, i will be fine getting home, darling." Ryunata waved goodbye and resumed her sprint to the village.

As she got closer she heard a river in the distance, she must be close now, the map of the village location showed a river nearby. She decided to investigate, she saw some giant trees at a riverbank. The river was pretty wide, this could serve as a natural barrier against the wildfire.  She surveyed some more to find a good crossing area, finding it she marked it with some sticks. and crossed the river to see if she could locate some shelter, finding a nearby abandoned cave she noted it on the map so if they got in a pinch she could use this.

She resumed her run towards the village, hoping that they would get everyone out in time. When she got to the village she ran to the middle, climbing on top of a cart she yelled "Hi everyone, my name is Ryunata Hatake. I was send by the village of Hoshigakure to help you evacuate, a wildfire is raging nearby and is coming closer. This village is in grave danger and you have to come with me immediatley." People were gathering around her murmering amongst themselves.

A large bodied man came forward and spoke up "I am sorry Miss but why in the hell should we trust you ?" Ryunata proudly pointed at her headband and the man chuckled "Any grifter could have stolen this and proclaim to be a Hoshi Ninja." Slightly deflated she responded "Mister, a shinobis headband is their commitment to their village and would never have been stolen by a grifter." The man squared up refusing to let this go "If a grifter would look like a grifter they would be very bad at grifting no ?" Ryunata was taken aback by this statement ... it made sense somehow.

How could she prove that she was no grifter ? In a stroke of genius she figured grifters could not do jutsus ! Gathering her chakra she formed the seals to the bunshin jutsu and cloned herself 5 times. She then transformed herself into 5 different people in the crowd. Slight gasps escaped them and the man looked flummuxed. In perfect unison they said "Please believe me, I am only here to help. A village can be rebuild but if you die then it is over."

Dispelling her jutsu she looked pleadingly at the man, she understood why they were suspicious, this place was their life like her families farm was to them. She imagined how stubborn her father would be in leaving it and the only thing that would do it was danger to his family. "Look i get it, i grew up in a place like this but as long as you have eachother, your community, friends and family rebuilding this would be nothing compared to losing even one member of this village and I dare you to oppose me on that." The people around her went quiet, mulling over what she just said.

People started to talk amongst themselves and a few approached the man who had stepped up.  "Rato, listen to this girl. We have all been smelling smoke for days, something is coming and we do believe she is here to help." The man sighed "Lets say we believe you, where do we go ? We are surrounded by forest, we have old people and children, moving fast is out of the question." Ryunata was relieved "I spotted a wide river, a few miles back and on the other side of it was a cave" the man looked suprised and talked to the villagers.

"We will need some time collecting our things and after that we could go together." Ryunata jumped down from the cart. "I will help, we meet here in an hour. Move fast my friends, fire waits for no one." the people dispersed eaach going to their houses to collect things. Ryunata went from house to house, helping to strap things on carts or fill bags. Children were crying because of the uphieval they did not understand but the community helped eachother out. Seeing this reminded her of home and how her own family always pulls together, she had to get these people safe.

As she got to the houses on the outskirts she noticed five people standing there with their arms crossed. When they saw her coming they scowled "Pretty speech, but some jutsus and some words are not going to convince us." Ryunata sighed, there was no time for this. "The rest of the villagers said you all have been smelling smoke for days, please come with me." A burly man responded "You might be part of the bandit gang roaming around, setting little fires downwind to set up this entire thing"

Ryunata could not believe this, did they not see the headband ? "Look, i am no bandit, do not know how many times i have to tell you." The burly man started to argue but was interruppted by an old woman "Nari, why is everyone packing up?" an old woman came out of the woods and she saw Ryunata she said happily. "Well if it isnt my saviour ! Why are you here young lady ?" Ryunata turned to her and said "My mission was to evacuate this town and help the villagers get to safety. Most of the people are packing up but these five think im a bandit here to steal their things."

The old woman glared at the burly man who instantly changed his demeanor from defiant to apolegetic "I did not know you knew my mother." The old woman came closer to the man "This young lady saved me from those blasted bandits and IF YOU had joined me like i asked they would have never bothered us you big good for nothing." The man looked extremely uneasy and Rynata decided to help him out "Lets get packing alright ? I will help, just tell me where to start." The man looked gratefull for a change of subject and gestured at some bags "Grab those and come inside"

All five of them collected their things under the watchfull eye of the old woman and soon they moved out to join the rest of the village.

She continued rounding up people and after an hour they were all collected and ready to go. "Ok i see everybody is here, lets move out" The big man gestured at the crowd and they all started to move out of the village. Ryunata was walking along the train of people making sure everyone was moving along and help out where ever she could.

Slowly they cleared the village and as night was falling, they could see an eerie red shine on the horizon, the fire was still far away but a sudden shift in the wind could change all that.
Ryunata took some time to talk to the villagers making sure everyone was calm and collected, saying that the fire might not even reach the village but just in case they had to be safe.

Once on the main road she could hear some men yelling "LOOK AT THAT BOYS, they brought us so many things." Ryunata looked at the men and in the back, she recognized the two scoundrels from before. She should have taken the time to finish them off. The men threw a spear in front of the group. Ryunata stepped forward and picked it off the ground. She turned to the villagers, "Keep moving, I will deal with this."

Giving them the map and explaining where the cave was and the shallow end of the river that they could move through she asked if they could wait at the river, she will be right behind them. The villagers kept moving and Ryunata moved forward to make sure the bandits focused on her. She was toying with the spear, rotating it with one hand.

"A shinobi, a tiny one at that" the men laughed. "I stopped two of your men before and showed mercy and if you try to go after these people i will not show any mercy." The laughing continued and two of the men moved forward. Ryunata was counting around ten of them. A bit much but they were not trained, just troublemakers with weapons, if she was smart about this she should be fine.

One of the men who stepped forward eyed her carefully "You know if you help us kill them all we can divide the loot and the fire will take care of the bodies, no one will ever know and you would have more money than you have now." Her blood boiling at this point she forcibly clamed herself down. If she fought angrily, she would make mistakes, rage can be fuel for fighting but only if it is tamed into energy.

"I think you are confusing shinobi with garbage mercenaries, we do not harm civilians, we protect our lands." More laughter, Ryunata stopped spinning the spear and held on tight, any minute now. She readied herself, taking a pose from her White Fang fighting style. "Leave now, if you continue i will be forced to see you as a threat for my mission and threats get dealt with." The laughing died down and now they looked annoyed.

One of the men threw a knife at her but she deflected it with the spear and it thudded on the ground beside her. She used the spear to draw a line in the sand as she picked up the knife she said "Are you gonna keep sending me gifts ? Cross this line and i will return them." and she took two steps back. She was armed and ready, the two men up in front started moving close with purpose, pulling clubs that were strapped on their back behind them.

As they neared the line Ryunata pointed at the sky with the spear, the men looked up and she expertly threw the knife into the left ones throat. "Idiot" She grabbed the spear tightly and as the other man rushed her in a rage she simply swept the spear down low, hitting his tendons on the back of the left knee. The man was clutching his leg and swung wildly with the club, she moved siftly behind him and stuck the spear in his back twisting him around to face the rest of the men.

He was howling and cursing and the other men ran over to her as they got closer she drove the spear through the mans chest and he fell over on his face with the spear sticking out of his back. Eight man were rushing her, she quickly formed the seals for a clone technique and made each of them grab a kunai. She had practiced this before weaving inside all of the clones and doing feint attacks, the first three arrived and swung at the clones, she made them dodge and as they did she moved in stabbing them in the legs and quickly moving back.

With the men screaming the other five moved became more wary and moved in a group, She made the clones surround them but they did not last very long but long enough for her to grab the spear of the first man she killed and throwing it full force through one of the attackers, four more to go.  They surrounded her and started hitting her with their clubs.

One of em tried to stab her with a spear but she was waiting on him, with a grin on her bloody face she grabbed the spear and guided it to another bandit. It got him straight in the heart and as he fell down the man who held the spear looked at it in horror. She dropped down and did a Leaf gale sweeping low kick. effectively knocking down the other three men. She grabbed her kunai and jumped on top of one of em plunging her kunai into his heart, blood squirted on her. and she quickly rolled out of the way.

The other two men had gotten up and the one with the spear had regained his composure, behind her the other three were still howling in pain but slowly trying to stand again. She readied her kunai and used the body flicker technique to appear behind the man holding the spear. Her adreniline was pumping so hard the man appeared to move in slow motion, she stabbed him in the side of the head while looking into his eyes.

Not wasting a single second she grabbed the spear from the man before he even fell down. She ran full tilt at the remaning man standing and he flinched, she ignored him and rushed for the other three men who were just getting up on their feet limping, using the long reach of the spear she stabbed them all in the heart, making sure noone of them would survive, the last one panicked and started running but she noticed.

"Your life for their peace." and threw the spear as hard as she could into the back of the man that was running away.

She went to the villagers that were waiting at the river, as she got closer they all became quiet, she was covered head to toe in blood. But calmly she guided them across the river in the same friendly manner as before in the village but they were disconcerted. As they took shelter in the cave the fire had reached the village, and she waited with them for two days but the atmosphere had changed, she washed off the blood but the villagers would never forget that sight.

After the fire had raged itself to a cinder she advised them to stay on this side of the river for now and preferbly build their new village here so they would be safe for the next wildfire.

Back in the village she made her report on the council they were impressed with the result but a bit unsettled that this genin had killed 10 grown men and treated it like their lives meant nothing,

[3087 WC]

6000 Ryo
30 AP

Last edited by Ryunata Hatake on Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:05 am; edited 1 time in total
Sakuran Hatake
Sakuran Hatake
Stat Page : Sakuran Hatake
Mission Record : Mission Records
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : Kumajanai Hatake
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : White Fang
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Missions for an ambitious Genin Empty Re: Missions for an ambitious Genin

Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:04 am
Mission Central:
Ryunata had taken a few days off, helping those villagers and fighting those bandits had taken its toll physically and mentally. She had killed ten people ... yet she felt fine ... even when they ran from the battlefield she murdered them regardless, was she just being a good shinobi, following her mission ... did she have to do that ... could she have done something different? She shook her head and got out of bed, no time to sit idle. The village needed help.

She got breakfast with her parents and siblings and even though they knew something was wrong with her they still gave her space to process it and made sure she knew they could be relied on when needed. She gathered her things and made her way to mission central. Still pondering if what she did was wrong.

When she arrived the village elders were talking amongst themselves, as they saw her approach the motioned her nearby. "Good morning Elders, I am here for more missions to help our village." They smiled at her and one of the elders spoke, he looked tough and was for sure not of noble birth, his face and hands were scarred, and the eyes were calculating.
"Goodmorning Ryunata, I require your assistance to collect rare and exotic herbal ingredients from the depths of the village forest. This mission holds sentimental value to me since it is in honor of my late mentor, he was renowned for organizing an annual feast using unique forest ingredients with his students. And since I am the last surviving member of his entourage, I would like to invite those closest to time to commemorate the occasion.''

He showed her on a map where to collect the herbs and provided a sketch of what to look for, however he also cautioned her. "You best be on your guard. Outside of the typical dangers one may expect from the dense forestry, rumors have circulated lately of the presence of bandits and rogue shinobi prowling there. Stay vigilant, acquire the herbs, and return them to them to me. The last of the Good hunters." She nodded and took the map and sketch from the man. "In honor of your mentor I will not fail." The man chuckled " Just be safe out there and don't be so serious all the time" Ryunata blushed, she did not know how else to behave, she bowed awkwardly and headed out.

When she got on the road she walked slowly, still thinking about the last mission ... she had no choice, those bandits wouldve come back for the villagers as soon as she had left ... They had to go. Her thoughts were interrupted by a crow cawing loudly. This was not the time to get lost in thought she needed to focus, frowning she started running, best to warmup now before something happened. She glanced at the map to make sure she was heading the right way

A path branched off the main road that she had to take. She ran along it for a while letting the tranquility of the forest seep into her. She grew calmer then she had been in days her focus grew and she increased her pace. She had to improve herself more, that mission wouldve not been that hard if she was only stronger.

"Halt, this is a toll road." a sketchy man yelled out to her from the side of the road. he was accompanied by several man, four she counted. She stopped in the middle of the road and turned to them. "I highly doubt that, The land of Haven has no toll roads." They laughed a bit and said "Well this one does, give me 50 ryo or we will take it from you." Ryunata smirked "First off I doubt you can and secondly if you try to break the law of this land by pretending to be on official business and knowing your own deceit still attack a citizen then i will be forced to take measures." She looked at the weapons the men had, "If you raise your weapons against me I will fight and kill you."

The men looked her up and down, disbelief in their faces. "Big words from a brat, you cannot be older then eighteen, you've been a ninja now for what ? A year ?" She replied "Only a few weeks, but i wouldn't hold that against me, I have killed ten men in those short weeks and they looked tougher then all of you." The man snorted "If you are going to bluff your way out of a robbery at least pick a more believable lie." The men moved closer and the one speaking raised his weapon at her, a long spear.

She looked at the rest of them, armed with swords and knives. "Here is the choice again ... They were warned multiple times, given opportunities to back off and live, even if i kill one i cannot let them live either, in a few weeks they might gather their courage again and attack a villager incapable of defending themselves, might even get killed and that would be on her, her weak resolve ... It had to happen."

She assumed a stance of her White Fang Style "This was your choice." the man scowled and tried to stab her by lunging the spear at her, without much effort she took the spear from the man and turned it on him and with a fluid motion stabbed him in the mouth, he gurgled on his own blood and as he fell down she dislodged the spear. The rest of the men looked at her in shock, the men on her left and right took their knives and attempted to stab her.

The one on the left was faster than the right and with a simple tap from the wood of the spear guided it to stab the other man in the chest. He never got to complete his manoever. She took his knife and used it to stab the other one in the forehead. both ment crumpled. And the other two decided to reconsider and were backing off. "The moment you came at me you had sealed your fate, why not go down fighting?" she asked curiously.

They regained their compusre and looked at eachother, assuming proper stances with their swords. This was better, this was fair. As they launched at her she dropped down and performed a whirlwind kick, knocking both of them on the ground. Quickly she rose and proceeded to the first man laying flat on his back. With a swift stab of her spear she ended his life, the other man looked at her frightened for his life.

She walked over and the last man tried to slash her with the sword. She kicked it out of his hands with a precise strike. And picked up the other mans sword holding it in the air. The light refracted on the blade and she said "May the gods forgive you because I will not." and swiftly brought it down, cleaving the mans head in half. She cleaned herself off and gathered the bodies to the side of the road.

Then drenching her finger in blood wrote on them 'Robbers who recieved justice.' She collected their weapons, strapping the swords to her sides and knives in her belt, while holding the spear she started running down the road again. Soon she got to the point where she had to enter the forest. She was jumping tree to tree to train a bit while doing this mission. the sun was still quite low and she was making good time.

She caught a glint of something from the side and instinct took over, she rolled out of the wat as two kunai thudded in the tree. She spotted the ninja that threw the blades at her. "Identify yourself, I am Ryunata Hatake of Hoshigakure no Sato." The shinobi jumped out of the bushes where he was hiding. "I am not interested in your name or sharing mine, all you need to know is that i have abandonded my village and hunt genin like you to sell their bodies to who need the parts."

The wood of the spear creaked as she gripped it tighter. "Then come and collect." readying the spear she took from the bandits. The shinobi launched himself at her, hurling shurikens at Ryunata. Expertly she dodged a few and deflected another, but one still connected and left a gash on her ribcage. Reaching a state of dead calm she raised the spear and prepared to throw, her body relaxed, she waited for the right moment and with all her might launched the spear. She struck the man in the left shoulder but the force was so great he was thrown backwords. The man landed and rolled a few times but quickly got up to his feet and pulled the spear out. "You will pay for that."

The shinobi performed a few seals and yelled "KATON, GOUKAKYU NO JUTSU" and spewed fire from his mouth which turned into a big fireball heading towards Ryunata, She dropped down and focused her leg mmuscles making a jump with all of her strength and speed. She managed to get away from most of the jutsu but still it had burned her. her clothes smouldering she got up from her landing and drew both the swords she had taken from the bandits before.

The man seemed unbothered with this and performed more handseals but Ryunata was not going to let this happen, the sprinted towards him "LEAF GALE" She delivered the sweep kick so hard she heard the mans bones break, wincing slightly from her own impact she reversed the swords to face downwards and with a roar plunged both of them into his chest.

The man face was stuck in disbelief as he had his last breath. exhausted she fell to the floor, wincing at the burns and cuts made earlier. She took a moment to catch her breath and started using her healing ninjutsus to heal some of the damage, enought to at least move to finish the mission. She collected the swords and spear and tied the body up, she knew that this corpse was valuable to the village if the man, especially to the medical team.

She slowly moved to the place on the map, Ryunata was unsure how much more she could take. A bit shaken by the intensity of that fight she reguraly stopped and did some breathing excercises to calm her heartrate down. Resuming to walk she carefully scanned her surroundings, no more suprise attacks for her. She should be close to where the herbs were growing.

She looked at the map, this was the place. She had to look around for a while before she spotted some of the herbs the old man needed, carefully she collected as much as she could. But not to much so the herb could not grow again, after all she was a farmers daughter and knew how to preserve nature. She wrapped the herbs in a cloth and headed back to the village. Making sure to collect he missing nins body when she got there.

Getting back was slow going, carrying the dead body combined with her injuries slowed her down quite a bit. But as always she carried on, viewing this as just another part of her training to become a great kunoichi to her village.

She got back to the village, herbs in hand plus carrying the corpse of the missing nin and headed back to the mission central, dropping off the body at the medical center first, she explained everything that had happened as she made her report and gave the herbs to the old man named The last Good Hunter. "Are you ok ?" the man asked with worry across his face. She looked at him and smiled "I am fine, I did what needed to be done and did not hesitate." and with that statement she left for home.

[2010 WC]
20 AP
4000 Ryo

Last edited by Ryunata Hatake on Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sakuran Hatake
Sakuran Hatake
Stat Page : Sakuran Hatake
Mission Record : Mission Records
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : Kumajanai Hatake
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : White Fang
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Missions for an ambitious Genin Empty Re: Missions for an ambitious Genin

Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:18 pm
Mission Central:

After taking a day to recover Ryunata felt like doing another mission, in fact she had received an invitation to go to the mission central for one tailored to her. She got super excited at breakfast and recounted the stories of her last few missions again to her family. After annoying them for a bit she went off to mission central. The day started off great and she had a good feeling about it, as she walked along the houses she waved at everyone she met, she really started to feel connected to the village.

Ryunata Hatake stood at attention before the council of elders, her white hair in a tight bun, today was another mission day ! The air was filled with the scent of incense and cooked food, a familiar and comforting atmosphere that marked the importance of the moment. "The elder told me he had a special mission just for me !"He had not told her much except it was something that was both a test of her skills and an honor to undertake.

The elder that gave her the mission to hunt for herbs in the depths of the forest addressed her. "Ryunata, we have a task of great importance that requires your skillset. My old mentor the village hunter, Master Haruto, has been pursuing a legendary beast for many years. This beast, known as the 'Crimson Tusk,' has eluded capture for generations. Neither of us have ever managed to capture it and it is one of my biggest regrets. I am too old and frail to attempt it again but you on the other hand."

Ryunata listened with great care, her mind racing with the possibilities. The Crimson Tusk was known to her family as well as a matter of folktales, a legendary beast that would test even the most experienced hunters. She felt a surge of pride and exhiliration; this was a unique chance to bring honor and joy to the village and maybe even cement her name next of that of the Crimson Tusk.

"My old master and myself have provided information about the Crimson Tusk's habits and its territory within the nearby forest," continued the elder. "Your mission, should you chose to accept it,  is to locate, hunt, and capture this beast. Please be carfull, Its is far more intelligent then other beasts you might have hunted and has outwitted many hunters. When you succeed, you will receive a personal invitation to the feast, a high honor."

Ryunata bowed to the elder. "I am honored by this mission and will give it my everything."

With the elders blessings and their detailed map in hand, She set out to the forest, her heart pounding with anticipation and determination.

The forest was as calm and noone would have guessed what it held, a maze of green where the Crimson Tusk was strolling around like he owned the place. Ryunata moved through the forest with the grace and silence of a shadow, her eyes scanning the terrain for any signs of the legendary beast. She had studied  the map with great care, noting the locations where the boar fed, drank and was spotted moving around.

She paused at a clearing, dropping to a crouch to look at the dirt. She saw some massive hoof prints, she ran her fingers across it. There wa a pungent smell in the air. The earth was fresh around the print and the it was deep so it was no bigfooted boar, this was our guy. "He is close" she said under her breath, her senses heightened.

She continued her search, following the tracks slowly. Getting caught off guard would be the worst. There were signs we were in its territory, the occasional tusk marks on trees, patches of overturned earth where it had smelled food and a foul smell hang in the air. She was keeping constant vigil, when it happnend it would be fast. All of her senses were tkaing in as much as they could, she remembered this feeling from hunting with her father.

Though there were a lot of good signs, hours had passed but hunting was a waiting game. She walked around a bit noting possible places where she could corner the boar. The forest looked amazing but she knew what treachery could be behind every bush. She had been there for so long the sun started to set casting long shadows everywhere. She knew to keep her patience and the moment to strike would present itself.

Ryunata saw the beginning of a plan and as she scouted some more she decided to start working on it. She made a few traps along the way, a hidden net with an extra rope designed to snare the target even harder. Two swinging logs that were connected to each other. She looked at her work and was quite convinced this would be enough if it was not it truly would deserve to roam free forever.

Night fell and as it did she found a vantage point on top of a large rock formation, Ryunata picked this location because it was overseeing a well trodden path. From here, she could observe without being seen, surveilling would be excellent there. And there she sat, waiting, her senses attuned to her surroundings. She kept on replaying all the situations that could arise and what to do if the plans did not work.

The night was quiet a few times she heard a rustle only to realize it was the wind, her breath was stead, her focus primed. Time seemed to meld all together in one big moment, Suddenly she heard it, a low grunt followed by heavy footsteps and breathing. Her heart was racing, she was straining her eyes to catch a glimpse of the beast.

And there it was the Crimson Tusk, a magnificent and imposing creature. The massive ivory tusks with a  red hue glowing faintly in the moonlight, it made it look surreal, an awe inspiring sight. The boar moved a lot of grace for its size, its eyes scanning the surrounding for any threats. Ryunata knew she had to act quickly and decisively.

Taking a deep breath, she silently moved from her vantage point, positioning herself downwind from the boar to avoid detection. It was close to her net trap, using her knowledge of hunting with her father she had a pretty good idea on how the boar moved  and using that knowledge had tried to predict and set traps along its way. The boar moved even closer and she readied herself, her muscles coiled to pounce like a spring.

The boar stepped into the trap, triggering a hidden net that sprang up and ensnared it. The big boar thrashed with the fury of a storm, that net would not hold long. She jumped from her hiding place moving with agility and speed that she had trained so hard for. She was right above the boar when she made a front flip and brought her right leg down as hard as she could, her eyes meeting its enraged gaze. "KONOHA GALE" She yelled in fury and connected the kick with its skull. The boars face slammed into the ground but it was still moving.

Quickly she grabbed a knife and cut a nearby rope that tightened the net even further. The boar's movements became more frantic as it struggled against its bindings. Ryunata knew she had to subdue the beast without killing it. She moved in while it was fighting the net and delivered a series of powerful blows. The boar was positively brimming with rage and with a deafening roar broke free.
"Right, phase two." She said to herself.

With the boar behind her running full tilt she led it to an area that she had trapped with 2 swinging logs, as she passed the rope she cut one and the boar leapt to the side, but the other log was rigged to hit on the side and the boar jumped straight into hit, a perfect hit, the boar was swaying on its legs but still not down.

Ryunata jumped on a tree and ran down to the ground along its trunk. her feet cracking the bark with the force and speed she was using.  When she nearly hit the ground running she jumped towards the boar and midair spinnend around, their eyes locked. "KONOHA SENPU" she performed a great whirlwind kick delivered right on to its jaw. With a loud groan the boar fell on its side.

Her heart punding she smiled from ear to ear. She had performed something noone had done in two generations. She had captured a beast of legend, the village feast was secured and the elder will have fulfilled his and his mentors greatest wish. She was breathing heavy but the mission was not done yet, she had to transport it to the village.

She started to collect small saplings, the rope from the traps and net. She looked around for a while to find some sturdy straight logs she could split and form for what she needed. Ryunata also collected a bunch of vines and started sweeping the place around the boar to start building her construction soon, the boar was still very knocked out. With the amount of blows it received Ryunata would not be surprised if it did not wake up for days.

She started splitting logs and rounding off the top with her knife. it did not have to be perfect just not snag on any rocks and it would be fine. Next she rigged all the half log together to make a platform and stacked shorter beams perpendicular to  add strength. She tied it all down with a mixture of ropes and vines. Now she had to move the beast. Luckily she was no slacker in school and knew the power of leverage. by carefully and strategically placing some rocks around it and sticking logs underneath she was able to gently roll it on top of the platform.

To secure it she tied its arms and legs behind its back, hog tied ! Again using a mixture of ropes and vines. she double and triple checked if it was secured, in the unlikely event it would awaken she wanted it to have no chance in moving at all or even worse to break free. Happy with securing the beast she threw the net over it and fastened it real tight around it. Again if this broke free in the village she would not recover from the shame.

She tied the vines and ropes around her waist and attached them to the sled, making sure they were secured. Then she started hauling it away, getting it going was the tough part but once it was moving it was just a matter of keeping up the pace. It was a long trek back home but the rush at capturing the boar fueled her legs to work hard, she couldn't wait to show the elder and the people at the village. Oh and off course tell the story to her family back home, her siblings would be so jealous!

Ryunata approached the village pulling the boar on its sled, it was still unconscious, thank goodness. As she approached the gate the guards came closer to have a look. "That is a seriously big boar you have there." Ryunata chuckled "It took me all day and all night to find it and hunt it." The other guard whistled "I believe that, what are you going to do with it ?" Ryunata paused for a second "An elder requested it for the Feast of Remembrance, its a long story but both him and his mentor have tried to hunt this boar." The man laughed "And they got bested by a little girl." Ryunata scowled at him "Little Kunoichi you mean." The man looked apologetic, he probably did not mean anything by it but Ryunata was getting tired, she continued pulling the beast into the village all the way to mission central.

She was followed by a crowd and even though they wanted to help she said that she preferred to finish the mission by herself, most people understood and some thought she was showing off but regardless she moved on, more people joined and by the time she was halfway there she had gathered quite q crowd, slowly she moved forward savoring every step as a victory lap. When she got there the elder had already heard she was on the way, the crowd also kind gave it away.

"I cannot believe you did this ! Amazing, you must tell us all about at the feast, you will be my guest of honor. I cannot express how much this means to me" The elder summoned a couple of ninja to haul the beast to a steel enclosure. Ryunata let out a big sight of relief and promised to come to the feast. Another mission done well.

[2163 WC]
included 25% for arc mission
6250 Ryo
31 AP

Total count
First Mission B-rank [3087 WC]
6000 Ryo
30 AP
+30 speed
2750 Buzzing Hornet

[337 WC left]

Second Mission B-rank [2010 WC]
20 AP
4000 Ryo
+20 Speed
2000 Chakra infusion

Third Mission [2163 WC]

5000 Ryo
25 AP
+21 speed
2,500  Taijutsu Cloak  [Using the 2163 from this mission and the 337 from the first]

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Missions for an ambitious Genin Empty Re: Missions for an ambitious Genin

Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:16 pm
Ryunata Hatake wrote:
[2163 WC]
included 25% for arc mission
6250 Ryo
31 AP

Total count
First Mission B-rank [3087 WC]
6000 Ryo
30 AP
+30 speed
2750 Buzzing Hornet

[337 WC left]

Second Mission B-rank [2010 WC]
20 AP
4000 Ryo
+20 Speed
2000 Chakra infusion

Third Mission [2163 WC]

5000 Ryo
25 AP
+21 speed
2,500  Taijutsu Cloak  [Using the 2163 from this mission and the 337 from the first]

Note-The player gets 5000 Ryo and 25 AP on the first mission. As it was changed in the bottom but no the top of the claims.
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