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Relic Hunting Empty Relic Hunting

Today at 1:27 pm

Another mission came down the pipeline for the Kiri swordsman. He found himself in pursuit of an ancient relic and the thief that stole it. The relic was unearthed near the konashi ocean. It was an emerald green sword supposedly created before some big cataclysmic eruption that caused the sword to go missing. That's at least how Tenizen understood it. His ten year old brain sucked at history and geography. All he really needed to take out of it was that there was some pretty green sword he needed to recover. A missing ninja called “Nightingale” had it and it was imperative that he recovered it. It had taken him nearly three days of gathering information and chasing down to leads to get the location he needed. He was both forced to bribe and intimidate in the hardest intelligence gathering assignment he was given yet!

So that's how Tenizen found himself traveling down a small river towards one of the ancient cities of the land of water. It was an abandoned city that was incredibly difficult to get to. There were no roads and the only way in was by boat. He wasn't sure what to expect when he got there but his river ride was peaceful at the moment. The water was clear blue and the thick trees that lined the river provided excellent shade. It was a nice day today, there was very little cloud cover and it wasn’t raining for once. The trip down his watery road had already taken him hours. Ten wasn’t used to sitting still for this long anymore. It reminded him of when he was much younger trying to train his breathing.

Eventually a bunch of stone pillars and a few small buildings came into view on the right side of the river. The buildings were clearly ancient. Green vines wrapped around them causing them to crack and crumble. Tenizen steered his little boat over to the river bank and began to dock on the sandy shore. He jumped out of the boat while it came to a sliding stop. Tenizen looked around trying to get a feel for his surroundings.

This place is definitely old. It looks like the perfect place for some ancient relic to be hiding. That means the missing ninja should be close by also. I should definitely keep my guard up and be ready for anything!

Tenizen strolled past a line of ancient pillars that marked entry into the ancient city. Disfigured interpretations of numerous animals were carved into the stone pillars creating unnerving monuments from a time long past. Tenizen grasped the handle of the katana on his left hip with unease. The feeling of uncertainty caused a small pit of dread to form in his stomach. He was prepared to draw the other six swords on his person if needed.

At the end of the line of pillars was a solid stone archway connected to a crumbling border wall. The arch leading into the village seemed newer in age than the pillars around it. It was definitely constructed after the surrounding constructionA series of images were carved from one side to the other in a tangled and nonsensical manner. Together the images formed a story. From the best he could tell, the story was about a warrior who found a sword of immense power. The sword corrupted the warrior and the entire city was destroyed. If he didn't know better he would suggest that it was almost set up as a warning to those trying to enter this ancient area.

Ten realized the importance of the pillar when crossing into the city itself. The small stone buildings were in shambles, blocks were smashed, entire buildings completely collapsed,fire marks scorched easily 2/3rds of all visible stone. Whatever fire had happened here in the past was so hot that it had completely superheated and liquefied vast majorities of stone. The evidence that the stone took a long time to cool suggested that nothing short of magma level heat could have done this.

What could have happened here? I wonder how many people could have survived such devastation? Was this from the power of the sword? Is that what that arch is trying to warn people about?

At that moment a slight whistle caught his attention. Thanks to his fast reactions he was just barely able to sidestep an incoming kunai. It went shooting directly past his left ear and a second and third followed directly behind it. Tenizen already had his katana drawn at this point and he easily deflected them. Three people dressed in typical ninja fashion stood no more than twenty meters from him. Two grungy looking older men stood on either side of a gorgeous looking mid twenties woman. She had a luscious black lock of hair and real soft violet colored eyes. Ten couldn't help but be caught off guard at her beauty.

I'm guessing you must be the infamous Nightingale and her traveling circus? Can we make this quick? I really need a shower and my actual bed, just hand over the relic and turn yourself in! Cooperation is your only chance at avoiding execution! You know as well as I do what they do to missing ninja. I can put in a good word for you. I have experienced enough death already, I don't want to contribute anymore if it is avoidable! If you dont give up now I promise you will die!

The three rouge ninjas simultaneously burst into laughter. Tenizen didn’t really blame them for their reaction, his would probably be similar. It’s not everyday you run into a child that is overburdened with seven different swords who stands at four foot nothing. The swords alone were practically as big as he was. It would be a comical and absurd site for any full grown warrior to stumble across.

[color=purple]You're a funny little shit aren’t you! Since you have a Kiri headband, I take it you are the one who was sent to stop me? What do they take me for, weak? Did they truly believe a child who barely qualifies as a genin could stop me? I was a Chuunin god dammit! Total disrespect is laughable! You stand no chance against me boy! I can’t even sense any chakra coming from you, you're weak, you aren’t even worth my time! My lackeys over here are also ex-genin! Sadly they must kill you now! Blame the village for ending your life before it even began.

The two bodyguards rushed forwards towards Tenizen each with a sharp katana drawn. Their long flowing white robes looked like sheets blowing in the wind from their high speed movement. Their female companion turned her back on him entirely and began walking back towards the heart of the ancient city. When she turned Ten spotted the jade relic sword strapped sheathless to her back for just a moment before her bodyguards blocked her from view. His mission objective was right in front of him, he just needed to beat these three and take her before she could escape.

The two body guards were fast, but nowhere near as fast as Tenizen! He was easily able to dodge or deflect their incoming attacks. Their combined assault was just relentless enough to keep him on the defensive. Strike after strike he narrowly evaded getting sliced while his main target grew further and further away. His katana looked like a blur as it moved with lightning to keep up with the combined assault. Tenizen grew more frustrated with each step the female ninja took away from him. When he had enough of the two knuckleheads attacking he decided to create some space. He put more strength into his parries then he normally would. The force of it caused his opponents to each go sliding a few meters away from him in opposite directions.

You know the rest of these swords aren't just for show! It's your guys time to be outnumbered!

In a series of quick motions Tenizen removed all seven swords from his body and sent them flying a meter or so into the air. When they came down he caught them in between the joints in his right leg, both elbows, both hands, and even his mouth. Both rouge ninja seemed unnerved at this latest fighting style. They both gritted their teeth and pushed the offensive even harder to hide their fear. With seven blades instead of one it was easy to deflect their combined assault now. With just a couple spinning maneuvers, Ten had both men unarmed and defenseless.

Ok kid you win! Lets not do anything hastily! We surren…der….

The man didn't have time to finish his sentence before Tenizen lobbed off his head. A tower of blood spurted at the stump where his head used to be. The other ninja went to run but Tenizen impaled him directly through the back. A fountain of blood was created when he removed the blade. The dying screams from the two caused the female ninja to stop working forward. She turned to stare at her dead comrades and a look of pure rage spread across her face. Ten stared her directly in the eyes.His face was dead serious and more intense then any child should ever be able to make. His eyes lacked any sort of remorse or emotion at all!

You are going to pray for that brat! Those were my teammates you just killed! They followed me through hell and back to get here today! They are irreplaceable! I thought you said you didn't want to add to the death toll and then you go and pull something like that! Just what the hell was that about?

Tenizen stood motionless with a deadpan stare while he debated if he wanted to answer or not. The truth was that Tenizen was over this whole ordeal! He had no desire to engage in banter or prolong what he knew to be the inevitable. There was only one way this was going to end, and that was with her death.

Let's make this quick!
Tenizen blitzed forward. He spun and twisted nimbly as he ferociously pushed the pace of the battle with all seven of his swords. His speed and overwhelming fury was too much for her to keep up with. Within a moment he had her disarmed of the legendary sword and stumbling backwards. Ten found himself quickly stabbing her in the foot to pin in her place. A quick spin kick to the stomach later and the wind came flying out of her lungs along with sparkletts of blood. Her foot separated along the blade from the force of his kick until it cut all the way past her toes and she fell backward onto her back! She tried to scurry away as Tenizen sheathed all but one blade and walked her down.

Please don't kill me! I surrender! You win, you win! Did you hear me…enough…please…don't…NOOOO!

Ten ignored her ramblings as he brought the blade in his right hand straight up into the air. The blade was pointed in down as he looked at her with dead eyes. For a moment he wondered if he should spare her. She was awfully beautiful afterall! It would be a shame. If Tenizen was a little older his hormones probably would have gotten the better of him. Now he knew that it was unwise to leave her alive. They were way too far for him to safely transport back to the village by himself. It may be cold but a dead enemy can also no longer be a threat to you. It was one of the first lessons his master had taught to him! Killing her was just the obvious choice!

So with no more than a moment's hesitation, he plunged his katana right into her throat! Her screams of resistance faded into a choking gurgle. The light slowly faded from her pretty eyes and when he removed his sword she fell lifeless on the ground. He flicked the blood clean off his blade with a blank expression and holstered that last sword. He went and retrieved the relic and turned back in the direction of his boat. He tried to block out all that occurred here just now. If he allowed himself to fester on it then he would lose his edge. He was a shinobi and his feelings on what just happened didnt matter!


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