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Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Shinoda's Clan Legacy Empty Shinoda's Clan Legacy

Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:37 am
It was midnight as the moon washed over the trio. Azuki had summoned into existence alternate versions of himself. As such he deemed them house Shinoda. As the living three members of Clan Shinoda they would develop a placement. Or so to say the specialties of their clan.Rinmei and Enko his new sisters and the family he had always wanted. "As my right and left hand you must be powerful. I am expecting the two of you lead in our military. No one wished to step up so I took it upon myself."

Azuki felt some semblance of pride. The Shinoda clan allowed anyone who was pureblooded. Emphasizing the prowess of hard work and knowledge. Leading to the development and master of multiple specialties. One such was the art of weaponry itself. "I will be teaching you multiple techniques and skills so pay attention.      First is the Lightness Skill !" He exclaimed jumping high into the air. After rapidly accelerating he suddenly slowed his momentum. "Learning to control your descent is critical. Especially if you ever plan to learn my wind step method.  However I gave you both different elements." A gentle drop touching the surface of the water. Already they were comfortable with maintaining chakra control.

"I've taught you the basics now it's time for trial by combat.Let the Shinoda spirit empower us." Azuki created a clone of himself as both would square up against Rinme and Enko. Being his clones they were exceptional on picking up his techniques.  The original Azuki would approach Rinme before placing his palm on her forehead. "Sister focus for you have a strong affinity to the curse which once plagued me. Jashin will give you power and we will curve your hunger for battle." With that an influx of chakra would invoke the two of them. Consuming them in a evil malice for Rinmei to then absorb. The Shinoda would master even the cursed arts.   During the spars Azuki would teach Damage reduction shield, Block, OHS, Chakra Infusion, and Chakra Sensory.

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