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Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

Crafting Crimson Empty Crafting Crimson

Today at 4:19 pm
It had been a few days since Junko had requested that she make some armor for some of the inner circle. Since Jun was traveling to Kiri instead of her, Kiko knew it’d be best to make her sisters first. Thankfully, when she was learning how to be a blacksmith she had befriended a few of the other smiths in the area and was allowed to use their equipment when needed. Though she wasn’t as charming as her “sisters” she still looked identical to Junko, so most people treated her decently.

Making her way to the smith, Kiko would compile the required items and spend the remainder of her day tailoring them to suit her sister's needs. Even though the two of them didn’t see eye to eye when they had first sprung into existence, both of them had relaxed a bit and began forming a bond. With this in mind, she crafted the armor to perfection and even tried it on to ensure the proper fit. Once she was happy with her work she’d make her way over to Darkside, where she hoped to find her sister.

Thankfully she found her, and after a bit of an awkward start, the two of them began chatting. A few drinks were shared and old wounds began to mend. They momentarily shared a slight disdain for Junko’s “parenting style” as it was pretty hands-off, though they knew she only wished for them to be independent. Their creator hardly took care of herself after all so how could they expect her to care for them? This went on for a few hours until Kiko was nearly too buzzed to walk home. She had quite the bag to unpack and admittedly it felt good to have somebody to share the burden with.

Jun assisted her back to the Kage Tower and up to her room, though before she left Kiko remembered her reason for visiting. Pulling out the armor from a bag she had with her, she handed it to Jun with an intoxicated grin.

”This... This should be perfect for you. I know you’re leaving soon, and this is my goodbye gift to you. Please stay safe while visiting and I promise to look after things… here.”

As she spoke, her words slurred slightly and she slowly climbed into bed. With a wave, she’d pull the blankets over her before quickly falling asleep.


WC: 403
403/2000 Heavenly Body

Spending 20,00 Ryo to create Crimson Ivory and depositing it into Jun Tsukiko's inventory.

Note: Character receiving the item will not be able to equip it due to rank, but she is going to be ranking up while outside of the village and I want her to be able to use it once available to her. Also, once approved, I'll link the claim on her stat page as well.
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