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Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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The Kazekage Empty The Kazekage

Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:36 am
Sitting there, on a bench looking at the last Kazekage's grave. Imizoga let out a sigh, as he put on his hat and stood up. It hadn't happened too long ago, the kazekage was sitting there, laying in her bed fast asleep while Imizoga was coming for a short visit, coming to talk about the usual business. He had came to talk about peace with Konoha, when he knocked on her door, he waited a minute with no one coming to answer. He knocked again, still no reply. Soon enough he had knocked mmore than thirty times and no reply, it had been nearly half an hour of waiting and knocking. Soon enough he charged in to find the Kazekage dead.

Suna needed a new kazekage, it was up to Imizoga to find a new one. He had few people in mind, Amane Uchiha. Amane was a young female, the a chuunin's age yet she was genin. The only reason was because she hasn't seemed to have taken the chuunin exams much, when she did she had failed. Though it doesn't really matter on her rank, just that she qualifies as the kazekage. Imizoga continued towards Amane's home. Imizoga had two huge puppets on his back, a white beard, and wore his glasses. He was wearing white robes. His skin was pale and white, his face had few wrinkles as he was near ninty years old, it would be expected to have wrinkles on one's face at this age.

Imizoga knocked on Amane's door, waiting for her to open up. Imizoga had already went through the list of all the others who may have been the kazekage, all not good enough to be the kage. There was no doubt in his old mind that Amane would be the one to become the next Kazekage, she had to be. Though if she wasn't there may be more who could become Kazekage. After waiting a few seconds, he would begin to knock once more "Hello, is anyone home?" Imizoga would say with a nice, calm voice.
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The Kazekage Empty Re: The Kazekage

Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:50 am
Amane was in her shorts and t-shirt when she heard it. A light knocking on her door, then a muffled voice. Odin sat on his hind legs and looked curiously over to the door. Amane's hair was tousled as they had just got back from their daily swim in the stream outside Suna. This sudden visitor was quite unexpected, Amane nearly never had visitors. She quickly fed her wolf his last treat before swiftly and silently running to the door.

She opened it to find an old man waiting there. This was not just any old man, he was the village elder. She had seen him a few times, mainly with or around the Kazekage. He had a serious yet gentle expression on his face, and Amane knew something must be important.
"Would you like to come in? Imizoga?" She said in a concerned tone before stepping back and opening the door wider. Odin cocked his head to the side and watched the man with great curiosity. Amane smiled to reassure him and he ran through to her room, seeking out more treats probably.
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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The Kazekage Empty Re: The Kazekage

Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:49 am
Imizoga continued to wait, with a smile on his face for Amane to answer the door. He was planning on what to say exactly. He had no idea, he was not one to talk to people, he mostly stayed where people wern't staying at. Soon, Amane would open up her door, she was wearing shorts, and a T shirt. Imizoga would smile and began to open his mouth, while viewing Amane "Hello there, I am Imizoga, one of the village elders." He said as he continued to look at Amane, with a nice, calm, friendly smile. Amane would soon ask if Imizoga would like to come in, his reply was; "Yes, yes please Amane" He said with a smile, then it would turn into a serious face as he remembered what he had meant to do "Amane, I am here for a certain reason. I am sure you know the previous Kazekage has died? It is no surprise to you is it?" He said, with a rather serious face standing there looking at Amane waiting for her reply (Short, sorry)
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The Kazekage Empty Re: The Kazekage

Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:18 am
Amane watched Imizoga as he accepted her invitation and walked in. She closed the door behind him and led him through to the lounge. He asked her if she had heard about the fallen Kazekage, and she nodded slowly. She had visited his grave a couple of times to pay her respects. Imizoga asked her if it was a surprise to her, but she simply didn't know what to say. It had been sudden, and Amane wasn't informed of the cause. She had been her idol, Amane had always looked up to and respected her. One day Amane had wanted to take over her title, and she used to believe she could, but quite recently had convinced herself that it would no longer be possible. If they were to elect a new Kazekage, he or she would most likely be in their twenties or so and would lead Suna through Amane's generation, meaning the need to elect a new one would be pointless. So Amane would carry on as a ninja and get stronger.

Odin licked sat behind her, still looking curiously at Imizoga. His search had been negative, and he hadn't found and more treats. Amane ignored him and looked back to the elder.
"May I ask, why are you coming to me about the Kazekage?" She said quietly, with a puzzled tone.
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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The Kazekage Empty Re: The Kazekage

Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:05 pm
Imizago would stand there, as Amane would nod her head as a reply to his question. It was likely that everyone in Sunagakure knew that the previous Kazekage's dead. Imizoga needed to find someone worthy of the title of Kazekage, Amane already seemed like the person he would choose. Amane would ask, why Imizoga was questioning her about the Kazekage, not in those exact words but something similar. "Well, I am the person who needs to pick out the new Kazekage. It would seem that you are the person who will become the next Kazekage, if you should accept the title of kage, then congratulations, on becoming the new Kazekage, Amane." He said, again putting a nice, friendly, calm smile on his face hoping she would accept the title of Kazekage.

[Short, sorry.]
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The Kazekage Empty Re: The Kazekage

Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:30 pm
Amane nodded understandingly as Imizago told her he was to be the one who chose the Kazekage. He was the wisest elder she knew, and had been in the village hidden in the sand longer than anyone alive today. He had been the previous Kazekage's teacher. Than he said something completely unexpected. Something that shocked Amane so much that she didn't breathe for quite some time.

"It would seem that you are the person who will become the next Kazekage, if you should accept the title of kage, then congratulations, on becoming the new Kazekage, Amane."
Amane didn't know what to say. "Isn't there someone...better...than....." She trailed off, thinking about what he had just said. "I mean....." she couldn't finish her sentences properly. Was this for real? Did he really mean it? Without knowing or fully controlling her actions, Amane nodded. "I....accept." She stood, staring into nothing for a minute, before smiling and shaking Imizago's hand. "Thank you so much...Imizago-sama!" Odin barked and ran in circles, he knew what was coming.

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