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The Shore Line Training Empty The Shore Line Training

Sun May 27, 2012 6:26 pm
As I left my house this morning I sent out a messenger bird off to Nietzsche. It was a message to tell him to come out to the sea,border of the town. For a sparring session or us to get stronger. I came to our spot and sat down in wait for him. "We have to get stronger. The two of us didn't even scratch Sameonna." I thought to myself as I sat there and looked at the sky. As I waited I looked at each of my kunai,made sure they were in perfect shape,which they were. I put them back in my pouch and waited.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Shore Line Training Empty Re: The Shore Line Training

Sun May 27, 2012 6:33 pm
The sun had barley risen when Nietzsche heard a loud tapping on his window. Looking out he saw a bird. Nietzsche was about to dismiss it until he saw that there was letter attached to its leg. Getting up he opened the window and let the bird fly to his arm. He then unattached the letter and read it.

After reading the note Nietzsche was out the door in a flash. His mind was racing: “A sparring session. This was going to be fun. And hopefully not as bad as last time.” Arriving at the beach he saw Hikou examining his coolly shaped kunai. “Morning Taka! Are you ready for a spar? Same rules as last time right?”
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The Shore Line Training Empty Re: The Shore Line Training

Sun May 27, 2012 6:45 pm
As Nietzsche approached I stood up and smiled. "Morning Nietzsche. Well I would think so yea. Same rules,no killing or maiming." I said with a smile and put my hands behind my head. I stood about 15 feet away from him."The distance is fine." I thought to myself. I drew my kunai and got into a small stance,nothing to special. "I'm ready when ever you are." I said with a smile. I awaited for Nietzsche to begin the fight,I didn't want to act on the offensive. I was a defensive player.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Shore Line Training Empty Re: The Shore Line Training

Sun May 27, 2012 6:54 pm
“Ok then I won’t hold back” Nietzsche smiled as he noticed that Hikou was waiting for him to attack. This was going to be interesting. Though he did not like having to take the initiative Nietzsche began to think up a strategy. First he readied his chakra scalpels, because it seemed it was going to be a close quarters fight from the looks of Hikou’s drawn kunai. Next with a quick grin he made a hand sign and watched as around him mist clones started slowly materialize and attempt to encircle Hikou, not they could hurt him but they could distract him and leave him guessing, which one was real. Though Nietzsche hesitated it just didn’t feel quite right to just jump at him and attack so he just tried to encircle Hikou and wait for a chance to attack.
Jutsu used:
Chakra scalpel
Mist servant technique
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The Shore Line Training Empty Re: The Shore Line Training

Sun May 27, 2012 7:34 pm
I looked around at the clones and noticed each has scaples. "Interesting move he has there." I thought to myself as I stood ready. I was counting how close each of them were. "I could use my new ability but I don't now what else he has. I'll just have to save my chakra." I thought to myself as I awaited for Neitzsche to do something. I had to wait or I would lose my footing in the battle again.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Shore Line Training Empty Re: The Shore Line Training

Sun May 27, 2012 8:43 pm
“Lets make this interesting!” Nietzsche yelled. He activated his hidden mist technique and sent all his clones to “attack”. “Have fun trying to beat me now” Nietzsche taunted. His clones would not be destroyed they would merely divide upon defeat and come back making the “attack” seem endless. And finally as his finisher, while Hikou was busy worrying about Nietzsche’s mist clones Nietzsche would stride forward in the cover of mist and in the midst of his clones and attempt to slash out Hikou’s hamstrings with his chakra scalpel. It would be painful for him yes, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed, if everything went according to plan.

Jutsu used:
Chakra scalpel
Hidden mist technique
Mist servant technique
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The Shore Line Training Empty Re: The Shore Line Training

Sun May 27, 2012 9:03 pm
I grinned as the mist came into place. "He knows I'm a wind user. None of them yet know of one jutsu that I didn't use though." I thought to myself. I waited a few seconds watching the clones coming forth. I couldn't take my chances though,I had to assume that they were all real. I put my kunai in my mouth,holding it with my teeth by the handle. I began to punch softly at each ones stomach,enough force to push them back. I waited a second when I sensed the real version coming,the chakra fluctuated. I stopped attacking the clones and created the hand symbol of the ram. "Wind Release: Pressure Damage" I said quietly to myself. I imputed an average amount of chakra into the attack and the attack came in. The jutsu took affect and swolled the 10 foot radius from me with it. I stood for a moment an looked around,the mist would have been pushed away. I smiled as I stood there,taking the kunai out of my my teeth's grasp and faced Nietzsche.

Jutsu Used
Wind Release: Pressure Damage
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Shore Line Training Empty Re: The Shore Line Training

Mon May 28, 2012 12:09 am
Nietzsche was pushed back by a large shock wave of what felt like wind. He was pushed back and fell down about 20 feet away from Hikou. “Very nice…Ohh my mist is gone how sad” commented Nietzsche. He pushed himself up into a standing position and grinned he guessed this was just getting started, though he did feel a bruise start to form on his lower back. Igniting his chakra scalpel he charged at Hikou aiming for his legs again, except this time he planned to feint and use his superior speed to edge around the back of Hikou and slash up the back of his leg. It would take some luck, but it as worth a try.
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The Shore Line Training Empty Re: The Shore Line Training

Mon May 28, 2012 12:22 am
I saw Nietzsche start to come towards me again. He was a close ranged person and that jutsu did take a good chunk out of me,but I still had enough to keep going. I awaited for Nietzsche to get within my range. I had to act quickly or I knew he would get me. I could get a rough estimate of his distance by his chakra,he was fast,but not fast enough to completely blind side me. As he got within 2 feet of me I began my jutsu. I opened my mouth wide and the kunai in my mouth began to drop. I formed another quick hand sign. "Wind Style:Repel." I spoke quickly and quietly to myself. The air from around my body expelled,with the help of chakra of course. The wind traveled,condensly, away from my body at a sudden 20 mph. It made the kunai which was dropping from my mouth fly out from my grasp and made it go into a tree nto to far away. The wind expelled 3 feet away from me and I stood in place. I reached into my back pocket and got another kunai and got back into stance. "How to avoid conflict...hhmm" I said quietly to myself. I hated fighting. I wanted to find a way to disarm Nietzsche quickly.

Jutsu Used
Wind Style:Repel
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Shore Line Training Empty Re: The Shore Line Training

Mon May 28, 2012 12:34 am
Nietzsche was getting annoyed. All his attacks were repelled and he was getting tired of getting thrown back by these wind attacks; his back was becoming more bruised. There had to be a way to break through it he thought as he got back up from another one of Hikou’s wind attacks. It was then that Nietzsche noticed something: Hikou seemed to be waiting till the last second to attack with his wind. Was his range limited? Thinking fast he looked at Hikou and activated his mist servant technique. This time he would let his clones go first while he hung back about five feet so as to catch him unawares after his wind defense was down after having done in his clones he would attack. No need for the chakra scalpel this time he would grapple with Hikou directly.

Jutsu used:
Mist servant technique
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