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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:24 am
The sun rises over the tree tops, Viper waits within the third training ground, his Chuunin flack jacket overlaying his standard Uchiha uniform which consists of a black t-shirt with the Uchiha clan symbol upon the back that resembles a giant red and white paper fan, a pair of tan shorts, and black tabi.
His hair has a bit of length to it at this time, he allows it to reach his upper back spiking in a downwards angle similar to that of Madara Uchiha himself, his frontal bangs jutting downwards to slightly obscure vision of his Konohagakure no sato headband which he wears proudly upon his forehead, his bangs ending at his eye brows, upon each of his hips is twin tan leather weapon pouches attached to his shorts, he waits with his arms crossed leaning against the center log like pillar in the training ground, his newly acquired two tomoe Sharingan spinning slowly in his eyes, the world much clearer to him now, the small detailed veins upon a distant leaf, the scratching upon the bark of the woodland creatures, and various other details nigh invisible to the naked eye.
He looks towards the river separating the distant mountain and the training ground, he listens to the surrounding area for his brothers arrival, curious he wonders how he might appear this time, his brother being quite sore at him for leaving him behind to take care of personal affairs, leaving him to be on lookout for their missing brother, he sighs knowing he would truly not get a warm welcome home.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Re: Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:43 am
-Flash Baaaack~ ;D-

Echo returns to his shack early in the evening stepping around his traps a content smile on his face,He has become a Chunin and his brother Viper is safe within the Village now he has to just see if Koroshi made it out alright wherever he is A whimper causes him to pause glancing towards the source of the noise a wolf tied up by it's ankles whimpering which Echo chuckles at 'My traps are once again a success~' he thinks smugly 'And I've got dinner' he adds to himself stopping in front of his door noticing a small note,He reaches out with his left hand his fingers grasping the letter before his right index finger slips into the crevice between the closed letter sliding it to the opposite end ripping the letter open in a single clean cutting motion. He flips up the top of the letter sliding out the actual note with his fore fingers his eyes slowly scanning back and forth slowly widening his teeth being grit in annoyance as he crumples up the note and with an indignant shouts rips it clean in half shouting into the sky the name of the Brother that just ditched him and left him with the task of awaiting there other brother "VIIIPEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Several birds fly from there perch in the tree's as the Voice of the Young Chunin Echoes through out the area of the forest and into the ruins of Konoha,Returning to Echo's form his left eye twitches in annoyance spinning on his heel the wolf flinching comically at his captors anger. Echo stalks towards the wolf his left hands index finger sliding against the top part of his Kunai pouch placed at his right hip popping it open by curling his finger before sliding said finger into the Handles loop sliding it from it's pouch and spinning it in a counter clockwise motion on his ring finger before stopping it holding it in a backwards grip in his right hand the wolfs eyes widening at the sight of the now armed approaching Chunin it howls in protest as Echo raises his hand to ready a strike...before it blinks at the sudden thump as it's cut loose and freed. Echo grimaces and turns his back walking towards the Village and his favorite Training grounds the wolf blinking twice before grinning running in a quick circle and taking off to tell the tale of it's capture and then freedom to it's pack.

-Awh that's the end of the Flash back D:-

Echo crouches Forty Five Yards away from Vipers back making sure to not be in his line of vision his mouth forming an evil grin his eyes widened thoughts of revenge plaguing his mind,His garb consists of a long sleeved green shirt that blends in perfectly with the tree's surrounding Konoha pair of brown Cargo pants with pouches and pockets sewn in around his leg and waist area,his shoes are a pair of light weight greaves that stop halfway up his shin,A new edition is a black Short sleeved coat with a red flame adorning the coat tails the Kanji for "Invincible" written boldly on the center of his back,He wears a Headband displaying the symbol of the Leaf proudly his hair lining his face looking much like the Famous Minato Namikaze in shape. Sheathed on his left hip is his Ninjato Heavens Sorrow and on his Back tilted at a diagonal angle the Tsuka pointed over his right shoulder is his Wakizashi,On his right hip is his weapons pouch holding all his Kunai. He slowly moves forward preparing to give his 'Dear brother' a Very warm welcome,His right hand quickly goes to his weapons pouch silently and he slides from the pouch a Single Kunai he draws his arm back lining up his shot aiming for the center of the log his Brother his leaning against,His arm shoots forward and he lets it fly whizzing through the air audibly and impacting the log with a loud thunk the Challenge now made very clear to his brother,As the Kunai soars Echo stands and runs to Vipers right deeper into the forest forming both hands index and rings fingers into a cross shape activating the Shadow Clone Technique leaving that clone behind in Vipers view if he turns to face his attacker Echo running off into the forest. The Clone stands before Viper and bringing his right and left index fingers to both his eye lids pulling them down and with a mocking voice he exclaims "Ohhh look at me I'm Viper I gots myself a Sharingan~!!" And with a mocking laugh he turns on his heel making sure his eyes stay on his brother and he runs a straight path through the forest away from Vipers position "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN MASTERMIND!!!!!!" The clones taunting voice sounds through the field as He challenges his brother flashing a taunting grin his way as he runs.

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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Re: Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:23 am
Viper lazily rests against the log, his senses perk up, he hears the audible sounds of the kunai soaring through the air, his lips form in to his trademark smirk, he judges the distance by the volume of sound it creates, when it reaches twenty meters from his location he leans forward and kicks off with his right foot propelling himself forward five meters, he lands upon his right heel and spins counter clock wise in a one eighty circle, he does this in such speeds he views the kunai as it vanishes behind the log to impact it.
Viper looks in to the forest, he scans the foliage for his brother interested how he has grown in their time apart, his eyes narrow as his Sharingan detects the entities within the forest, Echo now running towards Viper's left, he views the mass of chakra appear which is the created Shadow Clone, knowing it is a bad idea to allow his brother to have prep time, he ignores it, this will add to the fun.
Viper preforms the tiger seal, his middle,ring, and pinky fingers laced over one another, his thumb and index finger extended firmly and pressed against one another, he keeps the seal for only a moment with his hands staying low, his chakra forms outwards from his core to layer his being, this occurs in only a split second as he breaks the seal, by this time the clone reaches Viper to deliver it's form of taunting, when it speaks with it's arms raised Viper's eyes narrow, with one swift motion Viper's right hand shoots forward with his right index finger extended, from it fires forth with the speed of a gun bullet a one inch fireball that blasts through the clones chest, Viper tauntingly raises his right finger to his lips and blows upon it,"Gotta try harder then just a Shadow Clone Echo, I've seen those more than enough on my travels!" He yells in to the forest for his brother to hear, the act of Katon mastery he has displayed to dispatch his brothers clone being sent straight to him, along with the last image of Vipers smirk.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Re: Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:17 am
The clones Eyes widen as it bursts into smoke stopping mid-speech,Upon receiving the clones memories Echo's turns on his right heel spinning and with a mighty push from his left leg leaping off from a branch away from Echo's position screaming in his head 'WHEN THE HELL DID HE LEARN THAT!!???' That in mind he once again swerves hiding behind a thick tree he crosses his fingers in the Shadow clone seal and creates another Shadow clone the clone nodding and saluting with his right hand a wide grin on it's face as it dives out from the left side of the tree rolling once on it's shoulder and stands dashing towards Viper's position he slides his right hand against the Ninjato's Tsuba his fingers curling around it tightly as he moves at a high speed towards his brothers position entering the clearing Twelve feet from his brother,His left foot is one foot in front of his right his body turned to his side his left hand holding the sheath his right hand tilting the blade up against the inside of the sheath standing in a Battojutsu stance challengingly towards his brother a confident grin on his face.

-Flash back Starting again~ ;D-

A young Echo Uchiha his age ranging from Five to Seven Stands in front of a similarly aged Viper Uchiha,Standing in the Living room of there childhood home,Echo wears a pair of white shorts that stop below his knee's and a black Short sleeved T-shirt that's sleeves stop just above his shoulders the Uchiha crest displayed on the center of the back,His fists are wrapped in white bandages his fingers left bare as he stands in a boxing stance his fists raises just in front of his face a determined look on his face,Standing four feet away is the Young Viper Uchiha his fists wrapped in a similar fashion his hands slid into the pockets of his Long loose Kung fu pants lazilly his short sleeved muscle shirt shifting slightly as he wiggles his elbows tauntingly as his smirk widens his eyes narrowing confidently on his brothers form,They both charge forward Echo's right arm shooting forward in a sloppy hook Which Viper ducks under his left hand shooting from his pockets sending a rough palm strike to his solar plexus sending his younger brother flying back coughing before rolling over stopping himself with his right hand and dashing forward again Viper raising his left hand over his right pectoral in a loose knife strike formation his right hand leveled at his waist his palm open in Vipers self made 'with tutoring from Koroshi of course' Interceptor style made to go with his Sharingan when he activates it,Echo pushes off with his right foot throwing his weight to the left as he spins in the air lashing out with his right foot aiming for the left side of Vipers face which Viper responds with catching his brother by the ankle with his right hand and spinning on his left heel turning and throwing Echo against the wall Smirking wide,Echo gasps as he makes contact a training Bokken being knocked loose from the wall landing in front of Echo's hunched over form,Echo lays eyes on the Wooden blade and reaches out regulating his breathing as he grasps the Tsuba in his right hand standing shakily getting into a Basic Kenjutsu stance eyes narrowing upon his Confident brothers form,Viper Smirks at this quirking an eyebrow in amusement "You think just a measly piece of wood will save you from a real Uchiha..?" Echo grimaces at this his eyes darkening narrowing even further showing his brother something he's never seen in his eyes before...Hatred Bitter raw hatred Vipers eyes widen at this momentarily Before he regains his focus as Echo flashes forward stabbing forward several times stabbing forward and drawing back at a fast pace,Viper leans away from the stabs attempting to grab the wooden blade his frustration growing as his brother draws back before he can get a grip Viper forced to leap back from a diagonal slash executed from his now angered Brother "Woah.." Vipers exclaims landing as he gets back into a stance his smirk widening not from his ego but in anticipation his brother is finally showing him a challenge He's found his niche Echo Uchiha...Is a Weapon Specialist,The Uchiha brothers are about to charge forward they hear a thump from the opening to the Kitchen there eyes widening as they turn towards the entrance a few feet from striking at each other,Standing in the entrance way to the Kitchen wielding a Refrigerator over his head gritting his teeth in exertion in a grin before yelling out "I WANNA PLAY TOO!!!" To which his 'Puny' brothers scream in horror turning and running Koroshi charging forward busting two holes in the hall as he charges forward the two Black haired Uchiha running and diving through a window to escape there Insane blonde Uchiha Brother who at this point throws the fridge.

-Flashback end-

The clone smirks at the memory ready to finish what they started all those years ago.

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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Re: Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:56 pm
Viper notes the clone dashing towards him through the forest, he watches it stop in front of him, he notes it's positioning as this seems strangely familiar, vague details of that time so long ago come to Viper's mind, he sighs as they pass due to the memories of Koroshi, he quickly shakes this from his mind as his smirk widens,"Well let's see how much you have grown then!" Still having access to hand sign free katon for another two posts after this one, he sweeps his right arm forwards sending a crescent wave of flames towards his brothers clone, the wave is roughly one meter in length, and three inches thick, the horizontal wave heads towards the clone aimed towards his midsection, Viper's right arm completes the sweeping motion only to lock positioning with a clenched fist in front of his left shoulder ready to deliver another Katon depending upon his brothers counter to this, his two tomoe Sharingan dances wildly in his eyes as if it is enjoying this already, his brothers actions clearly details to him in a slowed fashion to aid him against his dominate Kenjutsu.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Re: Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:56 pm
The clone watches as Viper sweeps his arm up noting the second tomoe in his Sharingan eyes,Noting the position of his arms and the angle his arm is at and comes to the conclusion another Katon technique will be unleashed from the Memories of the previous clone,With that knowledge along with knowledge of Vipers fighting Style the Clone puts all his weight on his right foot crouching as the flame nears his position and with a might push he jumps forward leaping two feet over waist level advancing forward to feet his Ninjato separating from his double handed grip to his left hand at his side his eyes widening as he see's Vipers same hand ready for a follow up.

In the Forest the flame impacts a tree a few feet from the real Echo causing him to jump back startled and glance backwards noting the burned brush before he dives into a bush and begins crawling away in as if in some trenches still preparing for when Viper inevitably destroys his clone and seeks him out inside the now trap and partially ambush filled Forest 'Vipers Ninjutsu is as impressive as Ever it's only a matter of time before he surpasses me completely' He thinks a small frown on his face upon this realization 'Well...Better give him a good smack while I still can' He thinks smiling to himself as he continues on his crawl south making sure to hide from Vipers Evil devil vision 'I have to get Viper on my terms or else this will end badly for me' He closes his eyes for a moment to compose himself

A young Echo Uchiha is crouched behind a tree with his brother Viper sitting to the left of him both there eyes wide as rocks playground equipment and a cow fly past them there brother Koroshi heard yelling out "COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!! THIS IS TAG NOT HIDE AND SEEK!!" Echo and Viper share a look of worry before each get's a look of realization before smirking at each other with a simultaneous yell of "GOOD LUCK BRO!!" They dash from cover at opposite sides of the tree,Unfortunately for Viper he steps over a loop and is suddenly strung upside down by his right ankle Echo laughing as Viper is trapped Viper screaming "OH YOU SONUVA!!!' Before Koroshi leaps cutting him off

Echo grins at the memory and continues soon making his way to the lake which he slowly enters being careful not to make anything splash around.

428 Words.
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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Re: Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:43 pm
Viper notes the clone leap, in this position it is done for, Viper seeps his Right arm in a downward diagonal motion with great force, condensed flames shoot outward and completely decimate the clone, the flames shooting deep within the forest obliterating a good fifty trees, and lighting the edges of them on fire,"If you wont come out of the woods Echo I'll just burn it down!" Viper says with a cocky smirk, although half kidding, he can not afford to step in to Echo's fun house.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Re: Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:28 pm
Echo from his position partially submerged under the water hears Vipers declaration and smirks before submerging himself completely letting the current take him as to not give away his position by splashing,As the flames destroy the tree's several snaps are heard Seven Kunai being flung towards the clearing four focused towards Viper while one is five feet to the right,another just behind him by three feet and one to is immediate left attempting to catch him these placements are random and of course were made under the fact that Viper knows not to go into a place Echo has been alone to work with for awhile,By sending the clone and keeping him in the clearing this gave Echo enough time to set up his Kunai traps unfortunately he didn't have enough time to set the traps if Viper were to actually step into the forest and upon the release of the fire technique that the clone jumped over he decided to leave that position by means of the water. Underneath the water the current takes Echo parallel to his position he begins making the hand signs slowly as to not disturb the water the hand signs are; Tiger, Ox, Dog, Rabbit and finally Snake, Twisting his hands back and then suddenly shooting them outwards in the same twisting motion his palms now open he unleashes his favorite Ninjutsu Wind Release Great Breakthrough the force of the wind technique sends a massive amount of water towards the field on top of the massive wind force Echo shooting deeper into the stream as a side effect his back hitting the river bed as he continues to hold his breath Viper and the field being drenched in a wave of water which would have the effect of either making Viper lose his balance or even knock him off of his feet and be carried away slightly by the current of the water depending on the amount.

A young Echo Uchiha stands in front of his Academy instructor who hands him a slip of Chakra Paper his brothers stand off to the side,Viper of course got the fire element and Koroshi's was Earth but he can make a decent sized fireball so that is of course fine,Echo however can't form the Katon needed for a fireball,The Young Uchiha sighs before reaching out with his left hand taking the slip of paper in between his index finger and thumb before mimicking the motion with his right hand and closing his eyes concentrating with a deep breath before channeling his Chakra into the paper which after a moment splits in half down the middle several eyes now trained on him the Academy instructor smiles down at Echo before stating "Wind Element that's rare in Konoha" Echo blinks twice before walking back in line,Later on Echo is sitting cross legged in the Uchiha Library a scroll with the Kanji for wind laid over his lap his eyes narrowed in concentration as he reads up on the theory for a Jutsu called 'Great Breakthrough' though he should start off with the Exercises first..He'll save that for later,Echo rolls up the scroll and stands sliding it back into it's place before walking away towards the forest.

Echo keeps up the pressure of the Great breakthrough sending out more water before he let's it go and lets the lake swallow him up again preparing for Vipers counter attack.

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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Re: Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:44 am
Viper hears the springing of the traps, the kunai being fired at him from all sides, he leaps to his right and lands upon the center of the three training posts, he spring boards off the log sending him high in to the sky, the tools left to impact themselves and lay upon the ground until the water comes which washes them away, Viper's eyes note Echo and his favored Fuuton, he draws both of his arm back as fire forms along them, he sweeps both of them forwards as twin fireballs blast through the air partially manipulated at this level, they fire straight on before cutting downwards to assault Echo from above, with this Echo is still preforming his great break through forcing him to end the technique, or possibly redirect it to evade properly.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry! Empty Re: Tales of the Sankou:Sibling Rivalry!

Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:23 am
Echo's eyes widen upon the sight of the fireball his mind racing as he attempts to think of a way out of this situation that won't end well for him,Viper knows his position he will be forced into fighting on Vipers terms,solutions to these must be found quickly or this fight won't last much longer.

A young Echo possibly ten from the look of him stands in front of a lone tree wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a pair of black pants,A wooden Bokken is sheathed on his right hip,His eyes narrow in concentration as he begins channeling chakra focusing it as he goes through the hand signs slowly the hand signs are; Tiger, Ox, Dog, Rabbit and Finally Snake that done Echo's hands twist back to his right side at waist level channeling the chakra to his hands balled into fists before they shoot outward towards the tree's in a twisting motion his palms opening roaring out the name of his Technique "WIND RELEASE GREAT BREAKTHRO-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" Unfortunately for the Young Uchiha he put too much chakra into his technique sending him flying backwards at an incredible velocity no stop in sight for almost a mile,He whizzes past a dog which yelps and begins running away leaping atop his owner who coughs out dropping a hammer which he was using to work on a broken wall,The hammer flies high in the air and lands on the lunch bell of a nearby restaurant ten minutes early from there break which causes several of the employee's to complain to the manager who raises his hands backing away nervously stepping on a cats tail which jumps startling the people and runs off knocking over several expensive looking objects,Echo meanwhile "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- whizzes past Koroshi who blinks and grins hopping to his feet to chase his brother who is 'obviously' challenging him to a race,Koroshi gets into a stance similar to what Olympic runners use before starting and kicks off mightily with his right foot picking up momentum before he blinks realizing his brother is going to fast for him to catch.. Koroshi of course comes to the conclusion he must take a short cut. And proceeds to bust through walls of houses giving chase to his brother...for a time...he forgets after awhile why he was doing this loosing himself in the fun of his actions laughing happilly as he punches and kicks and sometimes outright tackles his way through walls,Echo see's the destruction still screaming out his initial "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" before he realizes he can simply cut off the chakra of the Jutsu which he does grinning in triumph...before he realizes he's still flying through the air at a fast pace while losing altitude he lands on his back bouncing once skidding letting out a cry of "YACK!" he falls on his head spinning once in the air "UCH!" and flies far through the air "AAAAAAHHH!!" before he hits a wall face first"....Owww..."

Echo grins at this memory and with a mighty swing of his arms he aims his open palms to the left and skids side ways along the stream twenty feet from the fire balls point of impact and with another twisting motion he aims his arms downwards shooting high into the air shooting forty feet high his body forced downward from the momentum Grinning at Viper from this height his body facing him as he shoots higher and higher screaming "CAN YOU FLY YOU FIRE SPITTING FUCKER!!?" Letting out a gleeful cackle...pondering to himself how he will get down.

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