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Nishitake Uzumaki
Nishitake Uzumaki
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:14 pm
The sun was set high as Drake was sitting on top of a chair in his home. He sighed a bit he had his stuff packed as he grabbed his bag and put it on. He started wandering out of his house towards the village gates and exit it saying he went on a mission, though he knew the guards would find it fishy and possibly alert other chuunin-jounin or even anbu's. Drake smiled a bit knowing this. He was following a big road towards Kirigakure.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Re: Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:03 pm
At the gates of Konohagakure no Sato stationed in a standing alert position is the ANBU Captain 'Kitsune' He waves off two Chuunin who's mission scrolls all check-out and he turns his head towards the Genin who is walking towards the village gates quirking an eyebrow under his mask his cloak hiding his body from view the image of the snarling Kitsune staring at the approaching Genin, he notes the baggage he's carrying and as acting Kage while his brother his out he does not remember a mission being assigned to a Genin to leave the village.

Echo doesn't wish to waste valuable guard duty time in such a high threat level situation dealing with a Genin who wants to go rogue and thus he reacts immediately his deduction coming from his experience and evidence along with his slight instability at the moment caused by stress and anger at several atrocious acts going on in this pitiful village, Kitsune suddenly vanishes in a swirl the Genin losing track of the ANBU Captain before he appears five feet to his left flank his Sharingan activated the boys vision would suddenly clouded by swirls before he appeared in a rolling field of green with clear blue skies...Green grass as far as the eye can see....and Nothing else but the green grass and the clear blue sky, Echo chuckles slightly in the outside world welcoming this boy to his Eden...his Paradise before simply turning and walking back to his post to ensure the safety of the Village.

Nishitake Uzumaki
Nishitake Uzumaki
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Re: Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:18 pm
(I believe you need to state the jutsus you used in a spoiler. But M'kay, you do vague, I'll do the same ^...^)

Drake was softly biting his lip as moments of action would happen between a rather older and a known genin to him. He continued his adventure as he would be walking trough the trees. In the Nara forest mostly, since this had a passage to the outside of the country. Unknown to everyone except the nara clan members. He crossed his arms as he ate a lunch. He knew his friend was leaving town today too. His friend was a genin. He got permission from the kage to leave the village to visit a family member, Drake wouldn't hope that he would get in trouble. Though the story differs as his friend was being attacked by the head of the anbu in Konoha. If he remembers quite well he would carry a bag because he would stay at his family's place for a weekend or so.

Meanwhile, the grass had a decent amount of oozy sand beneath it. The grass the young friend of Drake was standing on and the anbu captain. The pathway was a sabotaged road, not really sabotaged in a literal sense, rather it became weak over the years as it was used by travelers. Though with this being known the location the anbu captain used to battle on was simply lethal for them both. As it would slowly drag the both to the bottom. The sabotaged road would have to disrupt any other hand movements involving jutsus. Not as if the area around them had something useful to help them being on the sabotaged road. Though the soft ground wasn't the only thing that was not only bad luck, but rather odd. A light amount of miasma was spread trough the air, coming from the opening in the sabotaged road as it contained diseases. Though the air was transparent and it didn't smell, it was slightly heavy.

If only someone around was oughta helping them. But that wouldn't be the case as a festival was going off in town and the guards were off duty, seeing as it was 1 pm, lunch break for the guards.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Re: Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:24 pm
[Voided. "He started wandering out of his house towards the village gates" you already stated where you were and I reacted accordingly with my TSM ability unfortunately since your not a Mod you cannot NPC a character thus that was voided as well plus Spoiler rule is on request you put no request so I reacted accordingly, My move goes through and yours is Invalidated.]
Nishitake Uzumaki
Nishitake Uzumaki
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Re: Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:27 pm
(Yeah, I stated where I were and I continued from there. I'm not npc'ing a character, simply notifying the status of my friend.)
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Re: Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:31 pm
[And again I stated that No Genin was out for a trip and you made up a character out of nowhere that had no player thus your were npcing making that Invalid, You stated you were in line with the village gates but never stated how far you were from them just that you were attempting to exit through the gates Echo was stationed there Drake Nara attempted to defect and due to these facts the move would be invalidated.]
Nishitake Uzumaki
Nishitake Uzumaki
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Re: Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:33 pm
(does not remember a mission being assigned to a Genin to leave the village., not mission trip. I think I mentioned my friend in my training topics once. I stated his status as you stated the status of your brother. And my escape hasn't been invalided as I don't see a reason why it would be. I passed the gates and went into the nara forest. Then possibly now or a few hours later my friend went out on a trip whilst you attacked him.)
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Re: Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:14 pm
[ok ok guys, stop - before we continue on, PLEASE use full stops and proper punctuation, the posts above were SO hard for me to read and understand! Drake, if you wanted your Genin to be there at all, you should have stated him from the FIRST post, not AFTER the attack. Also, why would Eco attack some random bystander? This could be seen as trying to loophole the rules as you could practically avoid anything like this by saying 'some random guy was hit'. It defies common sense. Rewind back to post 3, and redo post 3.]
Nishitake Uzumaki
Nishitake Uzumaki
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Re: Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:26 pm
(I can let my guy be where he is. Simply enough, I don't see why you had a tough time reading posts me and Echo read each others posts completely fine, problem lays with you there. Well according to Echo's visual powers he attacked him because he thought he had no permission to leave the village simply. Not my problem if he attacks a innocent person, for all he knows I could be one. Ergo he would have no reason to attack me if I was the person we would attack.
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Wandering off! (Open) Empty Re: Wandering off! (Open)

Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:51 pm
[It does not lie with me, thank you. The lack of punctuation is the error in the posts. Why, through common sense, would he attack an NPC when you are clearly the one posting and being targeted?]
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