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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Sanji Sanada
Koroshi Uchiha
Arashi Uzumaki
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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:32 am
Viper blinks twice, " is me Viper!" he says confused, did he truly look that different after aging himself?
His attention for a moment switches to that of the young clan head currently being treated for his wounds, "Koroshi, what did we say about playing nice with others? If you hospitalize all your friends they can't play with you as much."
Viper says with a chuckle truly happy to have his brother back.

The nurses full finish mending the Uzumaki's wounds, Viper with but a thought causes a new man to appear, the man known as Raven to all others but himself, he on ANBU orders retrieves both of the bodies the one clinging to life having just recently passed, a casual gaze is all it takes to hide this from public eyes erasing the medics memories with his eternal vision, all traces of the bodies removed as the ANBU along with the corpses vanishes in a crimson light.

"Now that that is taken care of, how did you manage to do that to two children so soon after returning?"
Viper asks with a sigh, he could care less about doing what is right and turning him in for murder, Koroshi takes importance over the entirety of the village, his gaze does shift to the Uzumaki as he contemplates erasing the memories of the events but debates against it, should he speka up about the events to try and cause a riot within Konohagakure no Sato he would easily be silenced.
Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:44 am
Uzumaki Arashi blinks twice and glances between the nurses who pop in arm back into place quite painfully the only reaction they get from the clan head is a a slight twitch, the nurses also begin mending his bones and muscles that were strained and injured slightly along with his back and ribs.

He sighs as the soothing chakra repairs his body and as an added bonus most likely a plus from him being the heir to a prominent clan of Konoha one of the Doctors walk over with a smile and hand him a bowl of ice cream rather conveniently, Arashi offers a nod in thanks and hands the bowl and spoon of Ice cream over to Koroshi before he bows to the Hokage and walks towards the door.

He pauses in his stride and turns back "Koroshi Uchiha" He states his tone reflecting his regal blood "Though you are violent you have an Uzumaki's spirit along with the fire that the Uchiha are so known for, you are welcome at my compound anytime for a Spar" He says with a nod his expression never shifting as he finally exits "Now where is my book..?" he's heard muttering as he vanishes down the street.

[WC; 2,701 = 13 Stats and 27 JP waiting for approval, With stat gains I gain Level 4 of my Chakra Chains with 2,701/2,000, EXIT.]
Haru Glory
Haru Glory
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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:45 am
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:34 pm
"No shit really?!" Koroshi says as he makes his way toward Viper happy to see his brother after so long.
"Damn you got taller shorty, and you know I always play nice! What's a few broken bones between friends?" Koroshi says with a slight laugh as he reaches his right arm toward Viper taking the Hokage hat off of his head and putting it on himself.

"Also it all started with that guy over there!" Koroshi says with a smile while he points at Arashi. "I took his book and he tried to punch me, then one thing led to another and the book hit that kid in the face "Koroshi explains while pointing at Hono's former location "I don't really know how his arm got cut off but I think it might have something to do with the other kid" Koroshi says while pointing at Yukimaru's former location.

"I guess that chair I threw might have hit the poor kid in the face ..... so yeah long story short chair face and armless are dead!" Koroshi says still wearing his childish smile.

"Oh but I gotta ask whats with the get up? It's a little early for Halloween and you are waaaaaay too old for trick or treating" Koroshi says while laughing. his attention is then drawn to his new friend Arashi when he begins to speak.

"Gee thanks man! I like the cut of your jib too, and how about we spar right now!? You look like your better!" Koroshi says with a smile.
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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:43 pm
Viper watches his brother advance, when he speaks about his height Viper smirks realizing the fact that he is now taller than his giant of a brother, he allows the removal of his hat with a playful chuckle.
He hears about the events that transpired and with what can only be described as a dumb founded expression Viper looks at his brother only blinking softly every few minutes, "All that...was caused from you throwing a"
Viper just about questions it but he knows the answer, the only one the brothers have ever used when they could not explain it, "It's Koroshi".
Viper hears him question his garb, he looks down at the uniform he rushed over in, Viper looks at him confused and with a soft tilt of his head slightly to the right responds.
"Koroshi, I am the Hokage now."
With this Viper reaches toward his "little" brother and grasps the hat within his left hand before returning it to his head, "Alot happened when you left, old man Nashua died and so did his successor in war, I took over after that."
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:57 am
Arashi sighs, spinning on his left heel and turning around he shakes his head in a negative manner "Afraid I can't give you quite the challenge you'd like, your strength is too far out of my league to overcome....for now" He states stepping back next to his new friend "..And eat your ice cream" He says his hands sliding in his pockets as he stands just out of reach of Koroshi..for obvious reasons.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:15 am
Koroshi lets out a slight sigh at his brothers words "No it's not the chairs fault, it was the books!! It all started when I took his book, the chair was just an innocent bystander that got mixed up in all this!!!" Koroshi says sounding a little bit sad as if he had feelings for the chair.

"And why would you became Hokage? that doesn't seem like you at all" Koroshi questions "Hell if anything I thought you would try to kill off all the kage and try to be ruler of everything!" Koroshi says in a deep dictatorish voice followed by some laughter.

Koroshi's really short attention span draws him back to his friend Arashi "Ok but we have to real soon ok!! and thanks for the ice cream" Koroshi says with a rather big smile on his face, with one last wave he says good bye to his friend so he can focus on his brother Viper.

"Oh yeah like i was saying ..... BOOKS ARE EVIL!!!" Koroshi continues ranting on how Books are evil and shouldn't exist.
Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:20 am
Arashi nods in Koroshi's direction at the wave and begins his trek back home, he has more training to do that much is obvious by the sound defeat he's recieved at the hands of best friend..?

...Huh...Maybe there was something to that whole 'Defeat equals friendship' thing his Grandfather was telling him about.

He ponders this with his same slightly bored facial expression glancing back and forth as he exits the Hospital...

"This is on the other side of town.." He notes with an aggravated sigh before he moves forward ready for the long thirty minute walk and the rather annoyed chakra control session he is going to undertake for this.

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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:05 pm
Viper simply stands confused at his brothers explanation over the book, "O....k?"
He has learned at this point not to question Koroshi, he simply....does things..
Next he hears him question the reason for him being the Hokage, and why he did not option for world domination, his eyes glance around the room the medics still in a daze from the genjutsu and the Uzumaki having already departed, the two alone so he can speak freely.
"I contemplated that many times but I have my own way of ruling everything, care to see Koroshi?" Viper questions curious if Koroshi would like the see the world he created, also wanting the original to see his brother once more.
Should Koroshi accept the offer the Hokage places his right hand upon Koroshi's left shoulder causing him to vanish in a crimson flash, the blond behemoth now within viper's throne room, the original garbed in full war attire whilst the Hokage returns to his office.

"Sup broski?" the real Viper says with a smirk leaning back in his throne, "Welcome to my little piece of hell~"
He is curious to see his brothers reaction to the truly hellish and satanic landscape and themed throne room, his reaction is impossible to predict due to the main rule he follows, "It's Koroshi" so alas he waits to see some form of violent response.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.] - Page 6 Empty Re: Noodle time.[Open to Leaf shinobi.]

Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:26 am
Koroshi does not move and allows such a teleportation, out of crimson he appears only to view his brother upon the satanic throne, an ironic place Viper's ego no doubt has sky rocketed since when he was little, but questions still both him like how did he in fact get older?
"Nothing much, simply chillin'" Koroshi says casually as if nothing is amiss, this no doubt throwing off his brother, though not as much as the next words to come.
"I see your Sharingan has advanced itself even further according to the distinct designs in your eyes, though with what looks to be two designs I would say you obtained the eternal am I correct? If so, this entire world must be a manifestation of this power through your ocular supremacy."
A rare occurrence suddenly takes place, Koroshi while at most of the time is what others deem, "dumb" it is mostly because Koroshi is so focused on fighting and training that for some reason that is the only thing on his mind, on rare cases the other portions of his brain that actually think about other stuff begin working when Koroshi is out of combat to long, his true intellect that surpasses both Echo and Viper's shining forth, something that has always scared the brothers in their youth.
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