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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:27 pm
Vretyel had gone to the noodle bar to meet with Navi Yamaki, his mentor and sensei with the fire nation team. A few months back he and another leaf genin Habee Uchiha were part of a team with two other sand ninja, Ayama and Damballa as a joint team consisting of promising genin under the guidance of Navi. Since then a lot has changed and Vretyel thought it would be nice to talk with Navi one on one, something that he rarely has the chance to do now that Ayama is around the village as a new leaf ninja. He needed to ask some questions about the team and its future, about the book of the Inazumahi's which Navi is the only one that could read it, and about the village in general.

As this was bound to be an important meeting Vretyel decided not to bring Konma along with him because Vretyel felt that he would cause too much of a distraction. So he waited in the bar at one of the stools until Navi arrived.

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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:35 pm
Navi blurred into view, seemingly materializing next to Vretyel in a chair next to the boy. Navi had almost become the fastest person in the world, and had a habit of going places by seemingly teleporting wherever he wanted to be. With a bored look on his face he would order a bowl of chicken ramen, then look over at Vretyel with a sideways glance.

Thank God he didn't bring that stupid monkey.

With a sigh Navi would stretch his arms for a few moments and yawn, humming to himself gently as he sank deeply into his seat.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Navi asked, his cold eyes observing the chef as he waited for his meal to be served.

[WC: 125]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:04 pm
Vretyel watched as the seat next to him seemed to be filled by somebody almost instantly, as if somebody animated on it from thin air, and Vretyel knew then that the only person in the village who could move that fast was his Sensei, Navi Yamaki. It was apparent to Vretyel now that Navi was faster than any other person alive, at least any person that Vretyel knew, nobody could beat his speed, and he even thought that Navi could be so fast that he could seemingly be in two places at once. This was without the use of jutsu, abilities, anything he was still just that fast, and it scared Vretyel sometimes because Navi could slit Vretyel's (or anyone's for that matter) throat in the night and be gone before a single blood droplet fell on the floor.

At this point Vretyel was accustomed to Navi showing up like that all the time in missions, training, and other things. Vretyel just continued to look down at the counter as Navi appeared, skipping the pleasantries that Navi always seems to pass over. Right Before Vretyel was about to speak he sensed something different in Navi, something that was not right about him. On the outside Navi looked the same, but through sensing his chakra inside him he realized that there was another prominent chakra signature inside of Navi, something that had a chakra signature far greater than Navi's own. That meant that only one thing, that he was now a jinjuriki.

Vretyel's demeanor then changed, although he respected and admired all the tailed beasts, he realized that this thing could be the reason why Navi was away, that there was something else inside arguing with him, torturing him, or even worse. He was angry at himself for sometimes doubting him and his commitment to the team because he wasn't there. Vreytel knew that he had to tell Navi that he knew the truth about him and decided that was more important that anything else right now. Vretyel had so many questions to ask him about it but for now he wanted to see just how much information Navi would give out. Navi was never one to be talkative but Vretyel hoped that he would at least talk about this big change inside of him.

When Navi first spoke, Vretyel replied with his question:

"So, which beast did they put inside you?"
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:26 pm
"So, which beast did they put inside you?"

Navi's heart skipped a beat, but his eyes didn't flicker and his face betrayed no emotion. His cold stare remained fixated on the chef, staring through the man with cold eyes. Despite the kid's young age, he was most certainly a Jounin class ninja, and Navi had a hard time realizing that his student had matured so quickly. He stopped humming, but kept his dull stare aimed forward, taking a small breath before speaking.

"The Nanabi."

Navi had hoped to keep the demon a secret from as many people as possible, but it seemed that there was no hiding it from Vretyel. With a smooth shift he folded his hands in front of him, watching as the chef placed the bowl of fresh and steaming noodles in front of him. He stared at the bubbling broth for a few moments, a feeling of pain briefly touching his face before fading away immediately. With another breath Navi's features would soften, attempting to push the whole ordeal from his troubled mind.

"Was there a reason you invited me here?"

While Navi didn't show it, Vretyel was one of the students he actually had a small level of respect for. The boy had become a Jounin at an incredibly young age and had developed a notable level of skill as a ninja. Whatever the reason Vretyel had invited him, Navi was admittedly interested in what the boy had to say. Nothing in his demeanor would betray this however, and Navi began slowly eating his meal while he waited for the boy to speak.

[WC: 395]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:46 pm
When Vretyel realized that Navi had admitted to having a tailed beast inside of him, it was huge, it meant that he had that much faith in him to divulge such sensitive information like that, so when Navi uttered those two words Vretyel needed some time to think.

Ok calm down, this is huge...Vretyel's inner self proclaimed, your sensei now has a tailed beast inside of him that could destroy the village if it wanted to, and now all of that power is inside of him. You need to know more but it could be bad, what if he gets angry, what if he doesn't have a control on the beast's power yet, you could be putting the lives of yourself, Navi, and everybody in the village if you piss him off. You better just lay off the subject until Navi is ready to talk about. However you should just ask one more question which you know is probably the most important.

"Geez, the seven tails." Vretyel replied to Navi in response. Before Navi could as his reason for being here, Vretyel interrupted him. "Who did you kill to get it?"
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:16 pm
"Geez, the seven tails." Vretyel replied to Navi in response. Before Navi could as his reason for being here, Vretyel interrupted him. "Who did you kill to get it?"

A throbbing headache set in upon Vretyel uttering the words, Navi dropped his chop sticks and clutched his forehead, moaning softly for a moment. From the merciless pounding a deep voice filled with hatred would speak into his mind.

"That's right boy, tell him who you killed to claim me."

Murder. Hatred. Disgust. Loathing. Chaos.

Navi's brain pulsed as emotions began flooding through him beyond his control. With the awakening of the demon came an extremely faint outline of crimson chakra that outlined his body as he shivered in his seat. He clutched his head with both hands and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth from the immense pain.

"A friend," Navi whispered in response, wanting nothing more then a subject change as his brain throbbed violently.

[WC: 500]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:15 pm
A friend, Vretyel's inner self thought as Navi answered his previous question, a friend of Navi's was the holder of the 7 tails, and he killed this friend, why did he do it, how did he do it, I mean really he is just a jounin but still he was given a tailed beast to be placed inside of him. You best be careful around him, becuase for him to kill his own friend and then take down the seven tails means that he must be very powerful. Look at him, his eyes, his personality, hes cold, fast, and deadly, there is no way that this man is just an ordinary jounin. No, there is something that he is not telling me about him, about his life, but right now looks like its not the best time for that. By the way that he answered this question, Navi probably doesn't have a hold on the 7 tails chakra yet.

With that Vretyel finally began to eat the bowl of ramen placed in front of himself long before Navi got to the noodle bar , allowing for 5 minutes of silence between the two Jounin to laspe. Vretyel was trying to get off the topic of the 7 tails now because it was clear from Navi's expression and the way that he answered the last question that he did not want to continue that conversation.

When Vretyel was almost done with his Ramen, he wanted to ask Navi about Ayama, and he wanted to know how she got into the village so easily. He knew that she was staying with Navi for the time being so he assumed that he would know how she got into the village, or maybe he had something to do with her getting into the village.

"So, Ayama is now a leaf ninja. Very odd being that the village is on lock down and all, do you know how she got in here?" Vretyel asked Navi, realizing that perhaps just one bowl of ramen was not going to be enough for this conversation.
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:34 pm
Eventually the headache began to subside and the red chakra began to fade. Navi lifted his hands from his head and picked up his utensils, continuing to eat his meal in silence with squinted eyes that still held a look of pain within them.

"So, Ayama is now a leaf ninja. Very odd being that the village is on lock down and all, do you know how she got in here?"

Navi was not enjoying his conversation with Vretyel, and looked over at the boy with feelings of irritation.

"The Fire Nation does not discriminate against its own people, and the village's high security state does not prevent others from joining us."

The answer was dismissive with a clear tone of annoyance, and as Navi had already ask why Vretyel had invited him twice, he did not feel like repeating the question a third time. Instead he began to consume his meal at a faster pace, hoping to leave Vretyel upon its completion. There were other things he could trouble himself with right now, and in Navi's current volatile state, he could be dangerous to everyone if the right buttons were pressed.

[WC: 700]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:59 pm
"I see, I was just asking, me and Ayama have gone through a lot, and I deeply care about her." Vretyel said in a personal and friendly tone. After all that he had gone through with her, often referring to the incident with the missing Hyuga ninja a few months back, and since then Vretyel has harbored immense feelings for her. As he heard the response from Navi he realized that Navi was getting bored with the conversation as he began to eat his ramen faster and more aggressively, a sign of boredom and a desire to get out this place. Vretyel thought that he would only have a few minutes before he would lose Navi for good.

"Listen, I asked if I could see you today firstly because I want to know some things about the fire nation team that you established. I haven't heard from the other two members recently, Damballa or Habee, I assume that Habee was killed a long time ago or he went missing ninja because he hasn't been around the village the months. Do you know anything about what happened to him? Is there ever going to be a Fire Nation Team ever again?"

As Vretyel was listening to the response from Navi, he took out his sacred book of the Inazumahi's, the one that Navi was helping him decode, and which only Navi could read the symbols written in it. Right after he was finished with his small bowl of Ramen he gave the bowl back to the chef, cleaned the counter with intense care, and placed his prized book in front of him. At this point Vretyel had already translated most of the book, only needing a few more pages to be given to him from Navi, and then he would finally know the secret to his clans history and disappearance. As he took out the book Vretyel thought about his mother and took out the piece of paper that translated the other half of the language in the book, forcibly taken from her when he died. It was a huge piece of puzzle solved for it accelerated Vretyel's translation of the book 10 fold, but a a great cost. Upon taking out the paper Vretyel begun to look at the floor in a bit of sorrow, although she had gone missing ninja and threatened to destroy the city, it was still a big deal to know that his mom was dead, and at the hands of Navi's own clan member.

Vretyel waited for Navi's reply and the previous conversation about the fire nation team to be over before drawing any more attention to the book because there was a lot to talk about in regards to it.
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:10 pm
"Listen, I asked if I could see you today firstly because I want to know some things about the fire nation team that you established. I haven't heard from the other two members recently, Damballa or Habee, I assume that Habee was killed a long time ago or he went missing ninja because he hasn't been around the village the months. Do you know anything about what happened to him? Is there ever going to be a Fire Nation Team ever again?"

Navi placed his chopsticks into his finished bowl of ramen, leaning back and beginning to stand up.

"Listen kid, the life of a ninja doesn't last very long. I heard Habee was killed by a missing ninja and I suspect the same fate of Damballa. That's the way it is, Fire Nation teams will always exist as long as there are Fire Nation ninja, there isn't much else to it."

As Vretyel was listening to the response from Navi, he took out his sacred book of the Inazumahi's, the one that Navi was helping him decode, and which only Navi could read the symbols written in it.

Navi glanced at the book and sighed heavily, a dull expression conquering the irritation that was previously stuck on his face. He fell back into the chair and rested his head in his palm, sort of expecting what was coming next. That book was the same thing that he had helped to translate earlier on a mission the two of them had completed a while back. His back slumped into the chair again and his gaze rested on the cover of the book, waiting for Vretyel to begin speaking. While he had at least forgotten about the Nanabi slightly, translating ancient inscribings was hardly a favorite past time of his.

[WC: 1000]

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