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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:32 pm
"Ok then, moving on." Vretyel said. It was sort of the answer that Vretyel had expected from Navi now a days, he always seems distant but supportive of everything, and always told it like it was. It was a quality of Navi that Vretyel was trying to understand, right now could not quite fully comprehend, but still he hoped that one day he would be able to have Navi open up about why he is the way that he is to him.

As he looked at the dull and uninterested look that Navi gave Vretyel, it was a clear sign that he did not want to look at the book nor translate the last few pages of the book. So Vretyel figured if he discussed some of the things he had found it possibly could spark his interest. He also had to try and relay back to Navi the importance of this book to Navi. This was Vretyel's future and he expected that others, especially Navi would appreciate the information that he had already given him. The expression that Navi gave partly angered Vretyel giving him an elevated heart rate, but he found the strength to relax and not get angry at the Jounin. After a few moments of silence Vretyel begun to speak again.

"I have shown you so much about my clan that almost every other living person in the world doesn't even know exist. I have put my faith and my clan in your hands because without you I would never know anything about my clan. Your efforts are going to help my clan rise from the shadows and become powerful again. I thank you for your efforts prior to this point but now that I am almost done with the translation I need to know what happened to my ancestor Pronoia. In almost every end chapter of the book this mans name has come up as the "archon" or creator of the True Inazuamhi clan. This man is the key to everything, and the only way I am ever going to know why is through you. Finish the book Navi, just a few more pages, please."

Vretyel's voice would change from friendly to almost sheer desperation, without the last few pages of this book translated there would be no way that Vretyel could know for sure, and Navi's cooperation hung in the balance.
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:09 pm
Navi sighed and took the book from Vretyel, leafing through to the last few pages which had been untranslated. He reached over the counter to grab a pencil, then took a small piece of paper usually meant for taking meal orders and placed it in front of himself. For a moment he would close his eyes, and then reopen them to reveal the red symbol within each of them. With his Navagan activated, he fully opened the book and put the pencil to paper. The work was repetitive and boring, but after a few minutes Navi had drawn out each symbol on the last few pages exactly as he saw it through his chakra sensing eyes. Once he was finished he closed the book, then handed it back to Vretyel along with the piece of paper filled with the symbols he had written.

Navi was happy to be finished with the book, as working as a translator was not a job he enjoyed. Hopefully Vretyel would find some use out of the symbols he had given him, and it wasn't just some ancient tome that he felt needed to be studied. With his work concluded Navi stood up and stretched one more time, preparing to head off as he assumed that was all Vretyel had invited him to do. If no objections arose, then Navi would vanish a moment later, leaving a small cloud of dust that would settle where his feet had stood.

[WC: 1244]

Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:51 pm
Vretyel finally had it, he finally had the entire book translated and would finally know what happened to the great Pronoia Inazuamhi and to the rest of his great clan. But as he was looking at the page of material that Navi had produced Vretyel realized that this was not the writing he was looking for. The last few pages had nothing to do with why Pronoia was powerful or what made him the "Archon" of the clan. This did not make sense. The only thing that the last few pages revealed was that Pronoia had a son, and some unnamed person kept on writing these words in the final Paragraph. "The serum worked." On for an entire page of text.

What serum, and what happened to Pronoia and his son? Where is all of this information? Where did all of it go? He had to make sure before Navi left that he gave him the correct information.

"Navi, are you sure that these symbols were the ones that you saw on the book." Vretyel asked him as he went up to stretch his legs, hoping that Navi was joking around with him or possibly messed up.
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:39 pm
"Navi, are you sure that these symbols were the ones that you saw on the book." Vretyel asked him as he went up to stretch his legs, hoping that Navi was joking around with him or possibly messed up.

Navi peered over at Vretyel right before he blurred away and left, turning around and letting out another sigh. With a slight eagerness to leave Navi stepped back and took another look at the book. Now he understood why Vretyel was confused, it seemed that some of the symbols repeated in a distinct pattern for the entire final paragraph.

"Yeah, the symbols repeated just like that. Why, what does it say?"

He looked over at Vretyel with some interest now, curious as to why someone would spend an entire paragraph repeating the same words over and over. Vretyel clearly didn't have the firmest grasp, as he had chosen to ask for further clarification on what the repeated phrase had said.

With a small level of interest Navi waited for Vretyel to respond, still planning to leave once the information had been divulged.

[WC: 1400]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:53 pm
"The serum worked." Vretyel said in reply. If this really was

"Navi, the serum worked, there is no telling of a serum in the entire book! In the last few pages of the book Pronoia, who is considered the "Archon" of the true Inazuamhi clan, had a son. Then right after that, nothing, except 'the serum worked' over and over again. I think it means that Pronoia or his son was injected with a Serum, something that would give them power, and it worked. It could mean that Pronoia was attempted to manufacture a Kekkei Genki for the clan, and used it on his son. If that was the case, Pronoia lived almost 100 years, it could mean that I have a bloodline trait, passed down through the generations to my father, and then to me."

Vretyel was confused but shocked, he did not know what to believe with all of this information, but now there was nothing left.

"I don't know, there is nobody that I can talk to about this and you just translated the last page of the book..."

At that point Vretyel was rudely interrupted by the chef of the bar. Earlier Vretyel had ordered a second cup of ramen to consume and right now there seemed to be a problem.

"Hey kid, somethings wrong with the cooker, I can't heat it up. Sorry." The chef said, but Vretyel did not really care about the ramen any more, but he just realized that even with getting the information from the book he was left with more questions than answers.
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:45 pm
"I don't know, there is nobody that I can talk to about this and you just translated the last page of the book..."

Navi looked at Vretyel's crestfallen face while briefly pondering what it could have meant. "The serum worked", just a random line with no context repeated over and over in the last paragraph. It was puzzling, and Navi had no clues at to what it could possibly mean. He hadn't even read the book, and if Vretyel was confused on what it meant, then Navi wouldn't risk a wild guess.

"Unfortunately I have no idea, I mean I could always have you talk to your ancestors..."

Navi realized what he said and stopped speaking, not wishing to get involved further then he already had. The awkward pause was fortunately interrupted by a chef in the back of the kitchen, currently cooking up some more ramen.

"Hey kid, somethings wrong with the cooker, I can't heat it up. Sorry."

With a quick leap over the counter Navi walked over next to the chef, trying to ignore Vretyel and appear busy with this man's current problem. He knelt down and peered over a few bits of the machinery, then noticed that the gas valve was out. The chef had already been cooking ramen for customers in a large pot, so it would go all to waste unless someone was able to rekindle the flames.

With a quick tiger handseal, Navi formed a tiny ball of flame out of thin air. A moment later he would steer the ball of fire under the pot, and with some extra chakra Navi would begin heating up the meal with his fire jutsu. The amount of effort it took to do this was strenuous, for even as a near master of the fire element, spawning flames out of thin air was a huge feat to accomplish. It would take a minute or two, but after swirling the flames under the pot for a while the broth would begin to boil and the noodles would continue to cook.

A small bead of sweat appeared on Navi's brow and a slight smile appeared on his face, pleased with his work and abilities with the fire chakra he just summoned forth. Even for accomplishing a simple task, he was happy to have been able to perform it. The chef himself seemed surprised at first from Navi's intervention, but then grinned widely and happily dished out the now well-cooked ramen to each customer. He thanked Navi, and then walked into a back room to grab some tools and attempt to fix his broken cooker.

He watched that man disappear into the back and noticed a few other untouched pots containing meals that now remained uncooked and unattended due to the chef's absence. With a sigh Navi looked over at the depressed customers as they watched their potential meal's get cold. He would make the tiger hand-seal again, spawning small swirling torrents of flames out of the air under each pot, replacing the gas power with chakra power. It would again take a few minutes, stirring the broth with slight bubbles and being careful not to burn the chicken or noodles within it. After holding the fire torrents there, the food would finally come to a boil, sitting for a few seconds before becoming warm, cooked, and ready to serve.

Navi released the handsign and dissipated the fire chakra, letting out a deep breath and watching with a small level of annoyance as the chef came back and started working on his broken machinery. He gestured the chef towards the hungry customers, informed him of the extra noodles he had to cook, and crossed his arms. The chef held an embarrassed look on his face, then scurried off to dish out the meals. When the man came back, he thanked Navi again, and quickly informed him that for his efforts, he didn't have to pay for his meal. Upon learning he had received free food, Navi uncrossed his arms and smiled widely, instantly forgetting the charity he had given.

He hopped back over the counter and hummed a little to himself, walking away with his hands in his pockets before vanishing from view, leaving a tiny dust cloud in his wake. On the counter would be a sum of 3,000 ryo, waiting for Vretyel to repay a debt he owed the boy.

[Navi Exit
Katon Mastery Complete: 2316/2000]

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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:49 pm
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:40 am
Did he just say that he could have you talk to our ancestors? Vretyel thought in his inner self, this was huge to Vretyel if it was really the case, and Vretyel could not help but stare in shock at the Jounin. Even at equal level Navi had shown that he could be insanely better than Vretyel in many ways.

Vretye just sat there as Navi cooked the ramen, sensing that his chakra was basically make the fire without any effort at all, handing a bowl to Vretyel and then giving him 3000 ryo as the repayment. Then, he was gone, there was nothing more Vretyel wanted to think about. HE ate his ramen, packed up his thinks, and left the building.

[Exit, 2374/2000 training for Chakra Sensory Level Three, + 2374 words (3019/10000 words) for Soul Amethyst completion, +23 JP, closing upon approval.]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:28 pm
[Has Been 36 Hours, Bumping for my approval]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret) - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning and Fire (P, NK, Navi and Vret)

Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:16 pm
Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:28

[Has been longer than 48 hours, bumping my approval request]
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