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Shotaro Nara
Shotaro Nara
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Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:22 pm
Hisuke's body thrashed as he layed in his bed. Going in and out of his dream state. Inside the dream of Hisuke there is a large man standing over him. He smiles down on Hisuke with a devilish, yet 'inviting grin'. The man lifts his arm from his side and offers his hand to Hisuke. Hisuke for a moment hesitated before he grabbed onto the hand of the man. With a firm and powerful grip the man yanked Hisuke towards him. Hisuke slammed into the chest of the man and starred up into his devilish face once more...

End of Dream
Hisuke woke up, raising in the bed quickly, his heart racing. 'What is that all about.' Hisuke though to himself. His uncle barged into the room slamming the door against the wall. "Hisuke, are you alright? I heard you screaming. What's the matter." The quiet and innocent hisuke looked up into the eyes of his uncle and siad, "Nothing it was just a bad dream." His uncle starred at him for a few seconds and said, "Well...what was it about?" It took a moment for Hisuke to answer this question before he said, "Your cooking?!" Hisuke said jokingly. looking to change the topic quickly. His uncle got the memo and got off the subject. He laughed at Hisuke's joke and left the large room. Hisuke starred up at the ceiling a small tear escaping his left eye. He did not know why...Hisuke walked through the large masion he stayed at. In the living room there was a large portrait of Hisuke planted on the wall. It was a photo of Hisuke's father holding him in one head palming him like a basketball. Hisuke smiled as he saw this. He walked over towards the dinner table where breakfast was already made thanks to the maid. Hisuke sat down on an old chair. He lifted up a single piece of toast biting into it once, as the crumbs from the single bite fel onto his chest. Hisuke frowned a little and sat a napkin on his lap. He then began to bite into the toast, finishing it quickly. He exited the large mansion, passing the security gate and scannings. Soon he would find himself in the village. He saw a few of his friends sitting down eating ramen. He walked over to them, his hands in his pockets and a large hat on his head, indicating his wealth. "Hey guys, wats'up." Hisuke said as he took a seat next to the group of them. "Nothing much." They all replied in unision. "So...whats it like being a ninja?" Hisuke's friend Ema said. Hisuke starred into her eyes and replied, "I dunno." Ema looked back at Hisuke and said, "What how can't you know? I mean you are a ninja?" The tone of her voice and even her questioning him in that sarcastic tone angered Hisuke. His skin began to unfold turning into sheets of paper, soon, so did his entire body. His friends all backed away from him. "Cool it man. she was just joking." Hisuke heard one of his friends say. "So you're taking her side?" Hisuke said, his teeth grinding against each other. He then flew up into the air, with the use of the large paper wings on his back. He would fly away towards the slums of the village to see an old...friend. Hisuke opened the bar and quickly rushed towards the back of it. His cousin sat on a stool drunk. Though once he saw Hisuke he quickly sobered up. He did not even have to say a word. He could tell by the look on Hisuke's face that Hisuke was very unhappy and angry. Hisuke walked to a more private section and sat down. His cousin right behind him did the same. "Tell me what's goin' on" His cousin would say to Hisuke a rather serious tone to his voice. Hisuke would begin to tell him everything that had hapened that day and even about the konoha ninja that had attacked him. His cousin rose to his feet when he heard of the attack. "Those damn bastards. They think that they can get away with anything. Did you tell the Tenkage of this? I'm damn sure that he'd want to hear it. The nerve of them. I understand now how you feel Hisuke and I believe that it is normal for a person in your situation to strive for revenge. Ny advice to you would be to get stronger. Return in the prescence of the Tenkage and let him know that you were attacked by these..these scum." He then begin to calm down a little. His face turning from red to it's normal color. "Thanks I know I can always count on you." Hisuke said before taping his cousin on the shoulder. He would then disappear leaving the bar and returning back to the slums. He walked around slowly until he reached a target range. Numerous people had been using this place to practice their accuracy with senbons and arrows. Hisuke figured that he would use the place to practice his accuracy with his paper throwing.
He begin to concentrate hard. All the way until two cards appeared in each of his hands. He felt the hard cards, they felt exactly like metal, they had the sharpness of it too. Hisuke threw both of the cards at the accuracy paper. They were both bullseyes. With the second card landing in the exact same spot as the first, splitting it in half. He noted that his accuracy and chakra control had changed for the better. Before it would be hard for him to even create one car, let alone throw it. Though that was then and this is now. Hisuke exited the target range, there for him there. He walked through the streets of the slums looking to spill some blood. He then had a flashback on his father talking to him.
Hisuke sat on the floor in his tree house. He was playing with toys, acting out a scene where one toy was attemoting to kill the other. His father heard this from below the tree house. He leapt into the tree house with a single step, his weight waying the tree house down. He starred at Hisuke for a moment. "Let me tell you a story from when I was in my younger years." Hisuke's father said, although he was only in his late twenties. "Me and an old buddy of mine were both walking through the village ine day. When these two guys approached us. They were dressed in all black, which was alarming. Suddenly this man pulled out a knife and he said, 'Gimme all of your money or else.' I was afraid and so was my friend. I knew better to give up the little ryo, since it was not worth my life at all. We left that night separately. The next morning I was told that my friend, the same guy that was mugged along with me, was killed. You see, Hisuke, he felt that his pride was hurt and he was determined to get revenge and our ryo back. But he failed and it caust him his life." Hisuke's father said all of this as he starred at Hisuke. Hisuke smiled at his dad and said, "Okay dad can I finish playing toys now?" His voice was puny and sort of cute. His father chucled and said, "Sure buddy, just thought I'd say that to you."
End of Flashback
The sudden urge for blood went away. This memory now fresh in his mind. He somehow felt a little bad. That he was coming so close to let his rage take over him. His now deceased father would be surely upset. Knowing that his only son had become a failure. Hisuke began to cry a little as he walked around, now in a more isolated place. He sobbed and fell to one knee. His emotions that were all kept up were now becoming evident. Had he remembered that moment he would have stopped himself from doing so many things. It was at that moment that Hisuke made a promise to never wrongfully hurt anyone else. He would stay to true his words till dealth, just as his father had once done. He wanted his father to look down on him and smile, not cringe in disappointment. Hisuke stood up wiping his tears. With a new found happyness Hisuke approached his friends once again and apologozed for his ludacris behavior. They accepted his apology and were all glad to see him. Hisuke had a good day for the rest of the day. He slepy peacefully that night and for once, the nightmares were gone.
[WC: 1472, 7 stats, 14 jp, 14 sheets of paper]
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:28 pm
Approved for the listed stats, JP & paper creation.
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