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Vegeta's training thread. [Private/Invite] Empty Vegeta's training thread. [Private/Invite]

Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:10 am
Vegeta is just now making his way back from his last mission, how dare the Raikage give him such garbage missions, yet they pay but the mission itself is something he has to lower himself just to do, seriously he had to find lost cats, all this pussy work in the village is causing him to grow soft, it is time for him to get back to his roots and start training once again.
Vegeta soars through the sky as he heads to the distant mountains, the high altitude and altered oxygen will be perfect for his training.
Landing upon a flat surface deep within the mountain range Vegeta looks up at the mighty mountains his white boots placed firmly upon the stone ground, it is now time to train.
Vegeta jabs with his left hand extending it fully as he picks up the speed from the start, his hand seeming to blur as he moves as he has preformed one hundred punches in only a few seconds, now comes his right hand which follows suit preforming a hundred more, a simple warm up for the heir of the Saiyan clan.
Vegeta now begins alternating hands going left then right, each hand blurring as he switches his punching arm, after doing a total of two hundred more punches Vegeta now works on his kicks, his form turning to the left as he balances upon his left foot, his right lfits and kicks the air in a blurred fashion preforming one hundred kicks with his right leg, immediately switching legs with a hop Vegeta lands on his right foot and begins the same motion with his left leg, his body now warmed up for some more training.
Vegeta raises his left hand to the side of his face and grabs the scouter pulling it off and setting it in a small hole in the mountain so it does not get in his way but also does not get messed up, he had to do shit missions just to get it the last thing he wants to do is do more if it breaks.
Vegeta now turns to the mountains away from where he hid his scouter, in his right hand he charges up a single ki blast, the yellow hue of his hand vanishes when he thrusts his right arm forward releasing the blast into the mountain wall, the explosion blowing a small hole in the mountain, his left hand charging one of his own as he thrusts it forward firing a second blast at the same hole making it larger.
Ki is now channeled to both of his hands, the raise above his head and connect before they slam downwards releasing a larger sphere with even more power that dwarfs the combined hole of two single blasts with a combined one.
Saving his energy for later Vegeta kicks off the ground closing the gap between himself and the mountain, his right gloved fist slams into the stone crushing it inwards, his left follows as he proceeds to punch the mountain over and over to help increase his strength and over all durability so he can become more resistant to damage, this continues for a good thirty minutes as Vegeta has made himself what can only be described as a tunnel esque cave that he carved out with his own bare hands.
Vegeta's right hand glows with Ki as he looks around in the cave, he went pretty deep, guess he got caught up in the training, this causes him to smirk that he casually made a hole in the mountain, Vegeta kicks off the ground and propells himself backwards before he sweeps his right hadn forwards firing the glowing sphere form his right hand and into the darkness blowing up the back wall only to his surprise for the area to light up more, curious he flies back within the cave to see glowing plants illuminating the area around a waterfall, could it be a secret training ground?
Vegeta goes inside and lands on a small platform in front of the waterfall, he breaths in deep taking in the smell of the calming waters, Vegeta now begins practicing his styles as he punches the air a few times, preforms a few spin kicks, followed by a few flips in which he lands on his feet afterwards, finally for the time being Vegeta ends this set of his training with a few stretches to make sure his muscles are taking in the exercises properly.
This area is peaceful, to peaceful, Vegeta's eyes narrow, his hands thrust outwards in many directions as multiple ki blasts are shot all around the area causing the cave to collapse in upon itself, Vegeta flies laughing out of the cave, he looks up at the sky and sees the gun beginning to go down unbeknownst to him the full moon is tonight, Vegeta flies upwards and preforms some aerial jabs and kicks in the air attempting to push himself to the limit but that has always been hard in any form of training, Kumogakure no Sato does not have the resources to make anything truly challenging, and no one seems to be on his level, the world is truly pitiful since the old days where his clan was on top.
Vegeta begins his descent, still annoyed for some reason Vegeta lands upon the ground touching down with his right leg first, the source of his annoyance and recent anger soon to be clear, the approach fot he full moon has his body acting on blood lusted instinct which has caused his negative emotions to rise.
Vegeta dusts off his blue shirt with a sigh, "Well I guess it's time to head back home for the day." as he speaks his gaze shifts his head tilting to the sky as it is now he sees it, the full moon.
His form remains stationary at first, his eyes begin to widen, his form as if it is in a trance, it begins to shake slightly his canines begin to enlarge his form next follows as he begins to get taller, his form wider including his arms, legs, and tail which is the cause of all of this, with the enlargement of his body his clothes begin to tear, hair begins to form upon the mans bare body, upwards he enlarges until reaching the full maximum height of one hundred feet.
One of the Saiyans dark secret weapons being his current form, the Oozaru, a large monkey shaped form with glowing red eyes, Vegeta in this form looks upwards roaring at the moon his tail thrashing around destroying the tops of the mountains around him, the man is in a berserk like state due to not having controlled the form up until now, it is truly fortunate he was training far form the village, this causes no interruption of his transformation and potential attack.
His form jumps in place the sheer strength of the form causing craters to form as with growling roars his mighty fists swing into the mountains busting large chunks out of them, this goes on throughout the night as Vegeta rampages across the mountain range obliterating entire mountains just with his sheer strength, deep inside Vegeta tries to take control of his primal instinct, gradually it begins to work as he can see from the beasts eyes, although he is slightly gaining control he cannot control the worm only watch as it rampages like a mindless beast, how disgraceful that the heir of the Saiyan clan would let his Oozaru form dominate his sanity, this will not be left unchecked as with one more attempt to regain control it is successful, Vegeta stands in the form breathing deeply now in full control of the Oozaru, "I did it, Haha I fucking did it!"
In celebration Vegeta turns spin kicking a mountain over, this form is truly powerful and only spoken about in the documents his father possessed back at his home, one fo the only things he truly has left form his clan after it was butchered by Frieza.
Vegeta proceeds to exercise the power of his new form, his strength being most notable as the highest in this state as he proceeds to demolish the mountains around him making what seems to be a plateau with the mountains cleared away where Vegeta is now free to train to his hearts content.
With one last roar to the moon it begins to vanish behind the clouds, the moon starting to set the lunar powers not cut off from Vegeta as his roar slowly changes, his form growing smaller, the hair receding as what was once a roar is now Vegeta screaming in to the night, the form slowly but surely fades leaving Vegeta naked in the middle of the mountain range screaming in to the night, coming to the realization after hearing his real Voice Vegeta looks down at his nude form, "Well that just happened" Vegeta says while panting softly, his form grows weak after being in the Oozaru form, "And there goes the legs.." Vegets says as his form falls back on the cold stone ground, his form drifting off the sleep, for the most part he does not dream, his snoring is loud showing the man truly is exhausted after mastering the Oozaru, in his mind he sees nothing but black, an abyss it seems like that is his current dream, however coloration now enters the darkness, red pigment now forms what seems to be lips, white crescents now shoot open to form eyes, a face now staring at him from inside the darkness, at first it does nothing before it finally speaks in a tone matching satan himself, "Hiiiiiiiiiii" this causes vegeta to shoot up, waking up screaming with his eyes wide and his body covered with sweat.
"Who in the hell are you?!" Vegeta yells into the night, the face plaguing his nightmares every since he was little, no clue as to who or what it is.
Wobbly Vegeta gets to his feet, although still slightly tired from his training he feels the result of it after resting, his form pushing itself to awaken greater power.
Vegeta begins looking around for his scouter, he finds the mountain he hid it within and surprisingly it is still standing, er will the bottom half at least, Vegeta crouches and reaches inside the hole with his left hand grabbing his scouter and placing it upon the left side of his head, now with training done he has only but one other issue, getting back home without his clothing.
Vegeta sticks to the mountain paths, thankfully he lives on the outskirts his form now takes flight to increase his speed as he ascends to the clouds to keep himself hidden, nearing his home Vegeta dives at high speeds landing in front of his house and opening the door before going inside, so much for his days being boring lately, his aggression also quelled now that the moon has passed and the form is mastered, although he begins devising a way to harness the moons power so he can use that form in battle, perhaps a project for the future.
For now, Vegeta makes his way to his bedroom, he slips on basic clothing simply so he can rest more in, he lays back in his bed while grabbing a book beside it and opening it, the book tells the history of the Saiyans, a collection of personal notes and stories written by the Saiyans of old, even sections by his father are written within the pages and soon he will have to begin telling his story, he rereads the tale of the Super Saiyan and smirks feeling it as his birthright and that he will soon reach that level, he places the book on his bedside table before laying back in his bed, his eyes close as he breaths softly heading off to sleep once more.



Oozaru Mastered, requesting 20 stats and 20 JP thanks to the Saiyan training buff of 100 words per stat.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Vegeta's training thread. [Private/Invite] Empty Re: Vegeta's training thread. [Private/Invite]

Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:13 am
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