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Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite] Empty Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite]

Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:01 pm

Mission Name: Patrol
Type: Scouting
Word Count: 300
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: Scout around the village to make sure the area is secure. If anyone who doesn't seem to be an ally is seen, report it to higher ranking shinobi.

It is a boring day in Kumogakure no Sato, the cloudy are gloomy and everyone for the most part is indoors being the lazy fools that they are, everyone however except for the man known as Vegeta, his form seen flying over top the village doing mandatory surveillance out of what can only be boredom, he could truly care less what happened to the people but alas it put money in his pocket and there was a new scouter he has his eye on.
Vegeta descends maneuvering between buildings as his flight trail leaves behind him a light blue aura of Ki, his path of travel takes him to the village gates which have many humanoid shaped holes made in them by his foolish "leader", flying over the walls Vegeta makes his way to the mountains surrounding the village, it is truly a boring day with no one to be seen for miles, Vegeta's form descends slowly onto that of a cliff off the edge of a mountain, Vegeta's heartless gaze looks around the winding mountain paths but alas there is not a soul to be seen aside from a few animals that inhabit this mountain terrain.
Bored with the situation Vegeta ascends slowly and makes his way back to the village to end his shift, he takes a slight detour due to having nothing to do as he weaves through the mountain paths and around the peaks moving through the clouds a few times before he makes it to the village, he lands beside that of a genin that is set to take his place, without even a word Vegeta walks past him and grabs an envelope from the wall which has his daily pay inside, it is collected and put within his pocket, Vegeta then makes his way home for the day.


Mission Name: Thief in the village.
Type: Capture
Word Count: 300 words
Reward: 400 ryo.

Task: Multiple villagers have reported their belongings stolen. Multiple villagers had reported being a target of a thief, mostly at the same time. Your job is to find the thief or thieves and capture them.
Word has gotten around the village of thieves daring to enter the cursed village of Kumogakure no Sato, their villagers were not even safe from their Raikage so what makes thieves think that they would survive stealing from his people?
Regardless of the reasons behind the thieves it is no importance to Vegeta, this will just give him an excuse to ease his boredom on some poor suckers.
Hearing the scream of a female off in the distance Vegeta smirks and makes his way towards the sound, a man is seen running with a purse, "Mine!"
Vegeta hollers as he preforms a dive kick hitting the man in the upper back, this cause him to go ass over tea kettle and smash into the ground facing the sky only for Vegeta to land upon his stomach with a crunching drop blood shooting form his mouth and the purse sent flying.
"Hey What cha doin'?"
Vegeta says with a smirk, the man responds with a groan, "What am I doin'?" Vegeta says louder as he stomps his right foot down crunching sounds are heard again, "Yeah what cha doin?!" The man coughs up more blood as he struggles for a response, "Stealing a girls purse.." the man says weakly.
"Well how did that work out for ya bubble gum?!" Vegeta says with his smirk growing wide, his form floats as his right leg swings forward with his booted foot hitting the bottom of the thief jaw sending him sliding across the ground with his head into a building crushing his skull and causing it to explode.
"Dun dun dun, another one bites the dust" Vegeta says before he tilts his head back laughing, he collects the body and flies towards the Raikage's office only to throw it at his door step, swooping down he collects his money for the day putting it within his pocket before leaving.


Mission Name: Wild Animals
Type: Guide
Word Count: 500
Reward: 500 ryo

Task: There is a man who wants a simple escort from Konohagakure to Sunagakure, all you have to do is travel with said man until he reaches Sunagakure and make sure he gets there safely.

Vegeta wakes up from his nap and gets prepared for work once again, with a yawn he sits up his form currently laying upon that of a large tree branch, his form begins floating as his arms move upwards stretching as he wakes up his still slumbering form.
It is roughly noon, the sun is high and today seems more active then the last one with the clouds but wisps in the sky. Vegeta bursts through the air leaving an azure trail of Ki behind him as he makes his way to the mission board, he is currently smirking and in somewhat of a good mood for the money has begun to pay off, he was able to get his new scouter just the other day.
Vegeta's left hand moves up to where his left temple is located, his pointer finger pressing a small red button on his scouter that is over his left eye, the device turns on and shows him all the power levels in the village while he flies, all of them low and pitiful which disgusts him, ignoring this he keeps on flying before he lands beside the mission board, in his designated section there is but a single mission today.
Vegeta reads through it only to find out he is put on escort duty, "You have to be kidding me!" Vegeta hollers after being given such a low level mission, with a slight growl he tucks the paper in his pocket and flies off , his left hand turning his scouter off for the time being as he makes his way towards Konohagakure no Sato.
Due to his flight speed the man reaches the village in only a short time, he lands before the gates the see the man waiting for him, "You the asshole that I gotta escort to Sunagakure no Sato?" Vegeta says bluntly, taken back the elderly man stutters for a minute unable to speak it coming out as gibberish.
"Look if your not the jack ass then I'm going back home, I have better things to do than baby sit!" Vegeta says with his tone growing louder and more annoyed.
"Y-yes, that's me" the man finally says, Vegeta narrows his eyes and breaths out annoyed, in a swift motion he grabs the man by the back of his clothing and takes off flying towards Sunagakure no Sato.
"All the mission said was I have to get you there safely, how we get there however is my choice!" Vegeta smirks as the elderly man screams in fear due to being dangled by his clothing over the very far down ground, Vegeta purposely going higher and higher to scare the man more getting somewhat of a sick thrill out of his screams.
Vegeta soon nears the gates seeing them in the distance before he dives at high speed the mans screams grow ever louder as with a sudden halt and graceful landing Vegeta softly touches down with the man whom is pale, shaking, and smells very foul, with his mission done Vegeta begins flying home to collect his pay.


Mission Name: Missing Pets
Type: Capture
Word Count: 500
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: A few cats belonging to an old lady have ran away, she requested help on getting them back. Your job is to find the five missing cats and bring them home.

It is no sooner that Vegeta returns from his previous piece of shit mission that he receives another in its place, this one more absurd than the last, he has to find felines for an old hag who cannot find them, Vegeta is clearly not in a good mood as he simply wishes to get this one done with as fast as possible.
Vegeta presses the button on his scouter once more with his left pointer finger, the normal setting still on but Vegeta alters this by pressing it twice in a row the setting now set to detect even smaller power levels only opposed to high ones for battle.
Looking around the scouter goes off with a cluster of low power levels a good 50 yards away, Vegeta begins making his way towards them as out of all of them he only views one thats a cat, around it is many hounds seeking to get a late lunch, Vegeta's right hand points towardsthem with his palm open, a yellow sphere of energy shotos forth exploding in front of the cat and scaring the hounds away, the cat turning and running only to smack into the wall behind it, Vegeta swoops downwards to grab it by the tail with his right hand while it is dizzy before taking off, only one more he has to find as he looks around for different power levels, the cat mewing in fear as it is dangling from his grasp scared to fall.
It is at the outskirts he sees another power level, flying over it he views it to be no more than a stray dog, getting annoyed that this feline is evading him he picks up his speed the cat screeching in his grip as he speeds up checking out every power level he runs across, it takes him a bit but eventually he locates the cat slumbering in a tree, weather this is the right cat or not Vegeta blasts the tree branch with his left hand a ki blast blasting the branch off the tree and causing it to fall, the cat screaming as it falls only for Vegeta to extend his pointer and middle finger on his right hand and grab its tail, Vegeta now flies off to the old hags house with the two felines in his grip which are both pissed and scared shitless.
Vegeta lands outside her door after receiving the address in the mission, he sees her window open before he tosses the cats inside and forces it shut, "This time stay in there!" Vegeta hollers through the windows speaking to the cats, his form now taking off as he makes his way back to the mission board to collect his pay for both missions, if he has another shit mission waiting for him he is most likely gonna kill someone just to ease his annoyance.
Vegeta reaches the locations and begins his descent landing upon the platform and grabbing his envelope of Ryo, no mission waiting for him which he is thankful for.


Mission Name: Art Theft
Type: Capture
Word Count: 500
Reward: 550 ryo

Task: There have been reports that multiple people have had their paintings stolen from their homes or shops. Find the thief and bring him in by any means, while at the same time returning the stolen arts, or what remains, safely back to the rightful owners.

After the training with the Oozaru, some well earned rest, and learning a few new tricks it is time to get back to work.
Vegeta awakens within his home on the outskirts of Kumogakure no Sato, the sun is high in the sky making it about noon, the birds outside chirp loudly as Vegeta sits up and gets out of bed, slipping on his blur shirt and pants followed by his Saiyan armor he begins to look for the rest of his attire, his white gloves and boots, and his scouter.
Once all of his equipment is gathered Vegeta makes his way to the door, opening it he makes a slight run forward before taing off into the sky, the door closing by itself as he rockets through the air with a smirk on his face and the wind blowing through his black hair.
Vegeta soon reaches the mission boards for Kumogakure no sato, he views his regular private section as he looks through the list, he has quite a few stacked up, he grabs the first one on the list that speaks about someone stealing art from houses, are people truly this stupid?
With a sigh Vegeta puts the mission request in his pocket and takes off, he begins to feel out the area for life, all the power levels around him are weak like normal aside from the few high ranking ninja in the village but still none of them compared to the might of Vegeta.
Vegeta goes to the last house reported to be broken in to, he talks to the people to find out some form of lead, sadly the fools know nothing and with an annoyed sigh Vegeta takes to the skies once again flying around the village to find any clues, the sun at this point is beginning to set as Vegeta lands upon the perimeterr wall of Kumogakure no Sato, he lets his passive ki sense flow outwards as he senses for any irregularities in the energy with the villagers, it is then he gets his lead, fluctuation of chakra near the eastern section of the village stand out, Vegeta bursts into the skies to each the location only to see two men carrying a large painting from an artistry shop in the business district, Vegeta lands in their path, "You two are really this stupid aren't you?"
The two men stop when he speaks, they are caught, "Get out of here punk, don't make us hurt you!" the one in the back says as the two drop the painting and pull out a kunai each.
"Oh I am so scared, please don't hurt me big scary men!" Vegeta says with a mocking laugh, with a burst of speed he closes the gap punching each of the men in the stomach and causing them to fall over groaning on the ground.
"Your lucky I gotta bring you in, otherwise I'd test some new moves on you sorry wastes of flesh."
Taking his time Vegeta brings the men to the jail and hands them over after putting the painting back in the house, the location of the rest of the burglars person.


Mission Name: Helping The Academy
Type: Help.
Word Count: 400
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: The teachers at the academy are looking for some small assistance. Your job is to simply show a group of three academy students the basics of being your rank.

Mission Name: Cleaning
Type: Chores
Word Count: 300
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: The village has become rather dirty, with most shinobi already on a mission the kage had requested that you help clean some places in the village up.

Mission Name: Supply Run
Type: Delivery
Word Count: 400
Reward: 500 Ryo

Task: A small group out in the forest were building a small home for a family, they had left behind some supplies and it would take too long if they would come back and get them.

Mission Name: Tree Climbing gone wrong.
Type: Rescue
Word Count:400
Reward:300 Ryo

Task: A little boy climbed a large tree in the forest , 40 meters high, but one of the branches he used to get up the tree broke and now can’t get down. Your mission is to use your skills to get him down the tree to safely. Be warned though, ninja were assigned to the mission because of a hornets nest in the tree, so keep that in mind.

Mission Name: Is there a problem, Grandma?
Type: Rescue/Escort
Word Count:400
Reward: 300 Ryo

Task: A grandmother missed her morning brunch yesterday and her family is worried about her safety. Her last known location was in her house on the border of the village, so go check it out and see if there are any problems.

Mission Name: Flip Men
Word Count:600

Task: A few local demolition specialists have requested some ninja assistance in tearing down a wall and clean it up. It is your job to provide any assistance that you can.

Mission Name: I need it!
Type: Retrieval
Word Count:500

Task: A local boy who is the son of a wealthy man lost his limited edition action figure and is willing to pay his “allowance” to get it back. He thinks that a couple of his friends may have taken it from him, so see if you can find it.

Mission Name: Capture the kid
Type: Capture
Word Count: 600
Reward: 700

Task: Some kid has been putting graffiti on the walls of the buildings in the village for weeks. The village thinks they can locate where the kid will strike next, so apprehend him , but take your time because he is a rebel and will be hostile if it means he can get away.

Mission Name: Onbaa!
Word Count: 500
Reward: 450 ryo

Task:There is an Onbaa baby roaming around the village. Catch it before it grabs onto someone's back! And don't let it get yours!!!!!

Mission Name: Ninja Workout Extreme
Type: Help
Word Count: 400
Reward: 500 ryo

Task: Some local Civilians have asked for some physical training, ninja style. This group is willing to pay for a ninja or ninja group to show them some of the physical exercises that they do. Don’t work them too hard, but be ready to handle several of them at a time.

Mission Name: Grave robbers
Type: Apprehension
Word Count: 500
Reward: 650 Ryo

Task: The guards around a local cemetery have reported several grave robs every day for the past few weeks, selling their spoils on the black market. Your mission is to go the cemetery and capture the grave robbers before they do any more damage to the graves tonight. Be warned: If a conflict arises the robbers may just be thugs but they could be dangerous, and respect the graves of the dead.

Mission Name: Guarding the Parade
Type: Help
Word Count: 450
Reward: 500

Task: A small parade is taking place inside the village, there are going to be many people there, and the village doesn’t want things to get out of hand. Your mission is to guard the parade route and participants from the audience and any person (if any) that may try to halt the parades progress.

Mission Name: Finding the black market.
Type: Scouting
Word Count: 500
Reward: 600 Ryo

Task: Recently, there are rumors that a small black market has been conducting business in numerous locations inside the village. Although they are rumors the village still wants to check it out. The mission is to go to the rumored locations where this black market was doing its business previously, find any evidence that may remain of the market being there, and bring it back to the leaders of the village. Be careful.

Mission Name: The Student’s Spar.
Type: Help
Word Count: 400
Reward: 500 Ryo

Task: The leaders of the ninja academy have requested some ninja to help regulate a spar for their students. The mission is to be a judge of the spar, making sure that the students don’t get too hurt, breaking up fights if necessary, and giving them advice on battle strategy along the way.

Mission Name: The road less travelled.
Type: Chores
Word Count: 600
Reward: 750 Ryo

Task: An often unused road leading to the village has debris, including rocks, fallen trees, and undefined path lines. The mission is to take a patch of the road and clean it up so that it doesn’t completely go to waste. Be careful of animals that may become hostile because of their habitat being moved.

Mission Name: Taxes
Type: Apprehension
Word Count: 500
Reward: 550 Ryo

Task: Its tax time and a man doesn’t want to pay his share to the village, as he has not done several times in the past. Your mission is to go the man’s house and get the money from him, capture him to go to jail if he refuses, and report back to the village leaders when it’s done.

Mission Name: Heavy Food
Type: Chores
Word Count: 400
Reward: 450 Ryo

Task: A local eatery in the village needs some ninja assistance. Their next shipment of food has arrived at the village gates, a few miles away, and the mission to get the food from the gate to the restaurant. Make sure that all the food gets to the eatery, otherwise you will have to pay for it, and that would not be fun.

Mission Name: To the wires.
Type: Chores
Word Count: 400
Reward: 500 ryo

Task: A recent storm in the village has created some downed power lines, it is your missions to clean up the area affects and assist the local electrician with putting up the new ones.

Mission Name: A ninja needs to read too.
Type: Chores
Word Count: 500
Reward: 650 ryo

Task: Some recent additions to the village library have caused the place to go into some disarray. The local librarian has asked that your resort and stack all the books in their proper place, this will take some time to do and some considerable effort, but it is for the good of the village.

Remember, All of these missions are Repeatable.

Last edited by Vegeta on Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite] Empty Re: Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite]

Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:45 pm
Patrol,and Thief in the village completed.
850 Ryo naows and w/e JP I get
Son Goku
Son Goku
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Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite] Empty Re: Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite]

Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:45 pm
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Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite] Empty Re: Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite]

Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:14 am
Wild Animals, and missing pets completed.
1,000 Ryo and 6JP.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 49110

Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite] Empty Re: Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite]

Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:48 am
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Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite] Empty Re: Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite]

Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:46 pm
Completed Art Theft, requesting 550 Ryo and 3 JP.
Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite] Empty Re: Vegeta's mission thread. [Private/Invite]

Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:48 pm
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