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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:45 am
His grin turns even happier at her complimenting his element, being able to fly is one of his proudest achievements, since only some of the most powerful Wind Users are even capable of rough flight..he can do it casually, it is the easiest thing in the world for him.

Of course...his training has lead him to becoming more then just a user of Futon..he can manipulate the wind surrounding him for a very far distance for many..interesting effects.
"Yeah, I'm good with wind, a couple of people who didn't know my name on my travels even started calling me 'Fujin' pretty cool huh?" He asks simply, course he might be bragging a little bit...but he's one of if not THE strongest Shinobi in all of the Elemental Nations!

It's not like he can't back up his words!
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:26 pm
She was glad that Echo seemed so content with the subject. It caused her grin to morph into a warm smile. She’d nod at the boy, “Yeah, that’s really cool!”

She was seriously impressed, such a nice boy who not only was a fellow Jinchuuriki but someone who could be called ‘Fujin’ by people he wasn’t even accustomed with. It was just incredibly… Cool. There really wasn’t any other word she could think of, oh wait! Fantastic would’ve been a good one. She’d use it later; maybe, it kind of depended on what was said. Then after pondering a moment she decided she could actually use it now, it wouldn’t be odd – they were having a conversation after all.

“It’s really fantastic that you’ve accomplished so much at such a young age. I know it’s becoming very common to be young and skilled, but it’s really very brilliant that you’ve done so much already.”

It really was, he could FLY of all things. She definitely couldn’t swim through the earth like that, and personally she wouldn’t want to – talk about filthy. Echo really did turn out to be interesting just like she’d thought he would be, it was so fun being around him.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:00 am
He nods his grin widening as he soaks up the praise of the cute girl sitting next to him, he chuckles happily.
He leans forward once more and takes another sip from his drink which is by now rather empty before he continues speaking "Yeah..Flying is the best.." He states his eyes turning slightly more relaxed at the thought "Just floating with the's pure freedom." His grin morphs into a content smile now.
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:16 am
Minorin is really enjoying the conversation, even if she was mostly just complementing him. Credit was given where it was due, or however that was supposed to go.

She’d smile at the boy as he continued to speak a little; talking about his element seemed to relax him. It was cool to see him like that, his wild grins were great too, but this was also nice.

The small girl would stretch a bit as she nodded to Echo and leaned back into her seat, feeling a little sleepy after eating. She’d play with the ends of her ivory hair as she sat; trying to think of what to say instead of just spewing compliments, worried that the boy wouldn’t think she was serious if she kept doing so. Even though she was.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:23 pm
He glances towards the girl his smile still in place and his left eyebrow now quirked in amusement "Tired Milady?" He asks with a small chuckle his eyes gleaming mischievously, thoughts of whisking the girl away to her home and flying through the window before bidding her a good night in an overtly romantic way...yep...of course Echo is quite the poetic romantic as he enjoys being flashy with pretty much everything he does.
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:09 pm
Minorin ceases her playing when she hears Echo speak, red tinting her cheeks once more, it was true that she was tired – but she didn’t feel like she wanted to go home just yet. She felt as though she liked this boy, how could she just leave after what seemed like such a short amount of time? What was the protocol for this kind of situation anyways? Maybe there were some books she could read or something.

She would watch the boy nervously, unsure of how she should answer him. They had seemed to agree that there could be another date. Should she ask? Then again he hadn’t really said anything about taking her back home just yet, but what else could it be? Maybe she should ask about another date though, even if it wasn’t time to go yet. Just to be sure, that’s all.

“Um, maybe just a little bit…”

She just couldn’t ask him. It was much too embarrassing.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:14 pm
He nods once at her answer humming in thought "Alright, would you mind if I be selfish and escort you home, and then stick around for a little while?" He asks simply his smile still in place his gaze also locked on her as if she's the only person in the room.
'She really is quite pretty' He notes while waiting for her answer.

The reason for him sticking around is simply he wishes to continue to enjoy her company if she'll permit it.
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:24 pm
She stares at him for a moment, color still lingering on her cheeks. Stick around a little while? Well, she might get to ask him about another date that way, if she could eventually build up the courage for such a thing. Oh, and he might get to meet Balder if the bunny wasn’t sleeping by this time.

She smiles and nods back at Echo, “Sure, I’d really like that.”

Wait a second! Why was she saying something like that? He’d be in her home! And she liked him! Wouldn’t that be weird? And she was getting all excited about a date. Another date with him. Wasn’t this one embarrassing? This was a date, right?

She’d look down at the seat, brushing her fingers through her long white hair to smooth out a few small tangles that’d been left from her first flight with Echo. Should she say something along the lines of ‘No funny business!’ ? Would she even have to worry about that sort of thing?

The small blue eyed girl would lift her head to look at Echo. She really did like the way he looked, but she’d already decided that kind of thing wasn’t important hadn’t she? But… She shook the thought away, deciding that she was just acting weirdly at the moment.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:51 pm
He nods and slides himself from the booth before standing up and with a small offering of his left hand that if she takes, he helps her move from her seat and stand up giving her the same charming smile he's kept up for the past few minutes. "Care to fly away with me Milady?" He asks in a soft voice his eyes flickering with amusement and happiness..he hasn't let his emotions be this clear in awhile.
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Nine and Five. - Page 16 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:33 pm
Minorin mimics Echo’s action, sliding out of the booth. Only she had taken Echo’s hand. He’d helped her out of the seat, making it possible for her small shoed feet to make contact with the floor of the restaurant once she was standing.

His smile flustered her, creating butterflies in her stomach yet again. And not only were his actions flustering, but so were his words! Now that she thought about it she wasn’t sure if she’d ever get used to him calling her “milady.”

But he was so… inviting, that was probably the best word to use. Just seeing how happy he was made her feel even happier with every passing second. And his words, no matter how flustering, had been spoken softly. All she could do was nod in response to the boy known as Echo.
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