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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:38 am
The man with the strange hat as Echo has dubbed him leads them to a booth made for two people to sit side by side, the booth Echo had his eye on earlier it'd be revealed.
He lays the menu's down and leaves the two Jinchuuriki to look through the menu, Echo smiles in thanks towards the man before stepping back and with a short bow and a small kind gesture of his right hand he offers her the seat...he would have pulled it out for her..but it's a booth and they aren't those type of chairs..still he likes to present himself as a gentlemen.

He joins her if she decides to take a seat, keeping close but not close enough as to appear forward but close enough to show he'd be interested of's a subtle art he's picked up.
"Is everything to your liking so far, Milady?" He asks giving her another small grin.
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:16 am
Minorin watched as the hat man set the menus down and shuffled away, to do more hosting she supposed. Then Echo steps back a bit, only to conduct himself as a gentleman. She stares for a moment, unsure of what to do being so surprised by such an act.

Then she snaps back into hungry Min, and scoots into the spot Echo had offered, leaving room for him too of course. Then the boy sat down next to her. She knew he would, but now that he actually had it was different. Sitting down seemed a lot more personal than standing around and talking.

She smoothed down her pale blue skirt, making sure it wouldn’t wrinkle while she awkwardly sat before folding her hands in her lap as she listened to the boy, turning her face towards him as he spoke.

There was that “Milady” thing again, so embarrassing, and the grin was back. This time she decided she’d do her very best to fight off the embarrassment though! Hoping her cheeks would comply of course.

“Um, yes,” Then she thought maybe she shouldn’t have said something like that, admitting to liking everything so far, “How do you like everything so far?”

What a dumb question, she was just repeating him. In the second it took for her to feel embarrassed at herself she brought both hands from her lap to grasp the menu that had been set in front of the spot she was currently sitting in.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:24 am
He chuckles softly at her reaction, she seems to be nervous...could this be her first date?
Well, he'll have to make it fun now won't he?
He nods at her question "Your presence alone is enough to-.." He pauses now..the corny line in his head...nah it's not for her.. he actually kind of likes her she deserves more then just his old corny lines"Heh..I'm just enjoying your company Milady." He states honestly shaking his head as he too grasps his menu in between his fingers and flips it open...thank goodness...they have pictures of the food! And it's translated into a language he can read!

He chuckles softly and something immediately catches his eye, he nods at that but continues to read the menu just in case...but his mind is already pretty much made up.
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 3:29 am
As she opens the menu, keeping her eyes glued to the pictures it contained she heard the boy speak, but then he suddenly cut himself off. She wouldn’t move her head; instead her eyes would dart to the side in his direction as she fiddled with the menu’s top corners, nearly dog-earing the one on the right as she hears him say he’s enjoying her company. She notices him shake his head and lets her gaze fall back onto the menu.

None of the food looked very familiar. And she wasn’t exactly the type that tried new things unless it’d been recommended. And she’d definitely never heard about these kinds of dishes before. Then again, that meant she’d never heard anything bad about them either. But still. She guessed it was nice that she could at least she could read about them. Maybe if it was good she could try and make it on her own later. She had a habit of doing that kind of thing.

But maybe she should ask Echo what he was getting. That might help her make a decision.

“So…” She paused, continuing to play with the top corners of the open menu, “What are you getting?”
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:27 pm
He glances towards her and with a grin he shows her the picture of what appears to be a Sirloin steak served with sauteed onion, french fries, broccoli, carrots, and snow peas, garnished with chives...Echo enjoyed beef before and figured this was a safe bet..although some of the fried items on the menu piqued his interest. "Looks good huh?" He asks simply tilting his head to the left inquisitively..he's found himself doing that quite a bit as of late....more of the Foxes influence seeping through?

Heh...or maybe he's just kind of weird?
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:41 pm
The picture Echo showed her was a dish that looked really tasty.

After examining it for a moment and reading a little about it she would look up at Echo as he asked her if she thought it looked good too. Then the boy tilted his head to his left, an action that reminded her very much of a fox or small dog.

She smiled up at him and nodded her head, “It looks really good!” Then she’d laugh a little, “I don’t really know what to get, so I might just end up copying you, unless, maybe, if you see something else you’d like to try I could order that and we could share?” She used to do that with her mother back when they lived in Kirigakure, so that they could figure out which dishes tasted best at new restaurants as quickly as possible. But maybe she shouldn’t suggest that kind of thing to a boy she was pretty sure she liked. It might be weird or something.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:12 pm
He blinks at the suggestion and chuckles softly with another small grin "Sure, if you'd like" He says before his eyes scan down the rest of the menu and with a small 'Aha..' he finds such a dish.
It's more a delicacy apparently and he's reminded of Dango or shears by the act...Shrimp, sliced crab meat along with sliced veal and sliced's a meal that's served via a platter with toothpicks embedded into the slices of's for couples to share apparently...Yes he is teasing her a little bit if the mischievous twinkle in his eyes are anything to go by...
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:27 pm
The way he responded kind of scared her, not in the “oh my gosh this guy is a creep” kind of way though. It scared her in the “holy cow I bet he’s going to do something embarrassing” kind of way.
Then she hears a small ‘Aha’ escape his lips and she allows her eyes to look where his are.

It was.. Well, it was good looking and it would probably be tasty too, but. This kind of dish was meant for couples… She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks yet again as she looked at the picture, “Um, that looks, uh, good too. We could get that.”

She couldn’t look the boy in the face; instead she’d stare at the picture of the dish he’d chosen. If she looked at him she’d be ten times more embarrassed, she was sure. But it might be rude not to look at him, but he had chosen something embarrassing.

She decided she should probably look at him, even if it was super embarrassing. And so she did, nodding in agreement with his choice.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:39 pm
He nods his grin still present as the girl looks up at him, he raises his right hand skyward as if summoned a waiter comes almost immediately to their sides ready to take their orders.
Echo points towards the picture with his right hand which now settles against the menu.
The man nods and asks them what they'd like to drink...causing Echo to blink...completely forgetting about that...he takes another glances at the menu and picks a random drink from something called the soft drink section.

He then glances towards Minorin an apologetic grin on his face at forgetting such a thing his right finger coming to scratch his cheek awkwardly once more..
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Nine and Five. - Page 10 Empty Re: Nine and Five.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:58 pm
Minorin watches Echo, who was still grinning, as his right hand skyrocketed upwards and a waiter came over instantly. What an odd restaurant this was. She watches as Echo brings his hand down onto the menu, his index finger pointing towards the picture of what they were ordering.

Then the waiter asked what the two of them wanted to drink causing the small girl to stare at him blankly for a moment before smiling at Echo. It seemed they’d both forgotten all about drinks. She looked at where Echo had chosen his drink from and chose one that had been listed right under it. She didn’t know what it was, but the name looked cool.

The waiter then asked for the menus, Minorin would hand the man hers if Echo handed his to the man too.
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