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Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Is this a Date?? (P,IO,NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this a Date?? (P,IO,NK)

Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:22 am
Nodding he would scratch his head slightly until she kissed him on the cheek, which made him chuckle and smile," Whenever your not busy Ayumi, i will be waiting at our usual spot," standing up slowly as she walked off. He would tap his foot once and shake his head," If your going to do it...go for it and stop being a little kid," the small voice in his head spoke to him. Moving to the outside to catch up to her, he would move her close to him and hug her, planting a small kiss on her lips," You can beat me for that later, but good night," with that he moved away and jumped onto a nearby rooftop, disappearing from the area unless stopped.
Ayumi Uzuki
Ayumi Uzuki
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Is this a Date?? (P,IO,NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this a Date?? (P,IO,NK)

Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:36 am
She was walking slowly as she felt an arm reaching her shoulder from behind her. The arm turned her around and it was Hideyoshi who hugged her and suddenly kissed her lips. He then said something that Ayumi couldn't listen and jumped to a rooftop. She stood there with her right hand on her lips and a smile on her face watching him move from one rooftop to another until he disappeared. After that she just kept walking home thinking about their kiss, she wanted to do it but only had the courage to kiss him on the cheek as she left the restaurant. Although she didn't expect it, she was glad Hideyoshi caught her before she left.

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