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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:06 pm
The clouds were breaking, letting the light pierce through and touch the village of skyscrapers. One such ray would lay on Yozora's face as she was walking horizontally on the largest building around these parts, using chakra at her feet to make this possible. The building was the one housing Tenkage as well as most of village's intelligence and bureaucracy. The girl was slowly proceeding to the spot. She loved the view from here, all the other skyscrapers, the masses down bellow and the weird angle made it even better. This village was worth fighting for, of that she was sure.

Finally at the spot she would stop and, while smiling, knock at the window which led directly into the Tenkage's office. Then without much delay she would open it, sit on the sill and if Shinji was inside, say "Yo. You said to come by your office some time, so we could talk and here I am. Is this an appropriate time?"
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Re: Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:21 pm
The whole kage building was a buz with action as aides scuttled this way and that. However, there was a different type of buzz coming from the kage office it was the buzz of a slight snore. Shinji had fallen asleep on his desk and lay snoring over the schematics of the village defenses. Alas, his sleep was not meant to last as a feminine voice awoke him from his slumber with a start. He quickly identified the voice as that of Yozora. With a sleepy sigh he responded with sleep lacing his voice: "Get off the window sill and grab a seat and then we can talk." Shinji sat with his back to the window, so it would probably seem to Yozora that the chair was speaking. Though this was only, because Shinji's head was resting on his desk. In fact, he had no intention on moving it till needed though his eyes were open and looking across his office at the closed door.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Re: Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:33 pm
Yozora would hear Shinji's voice, which seemed to come from his chair behind his desk. "Get off the window sill and grab a seat and then we can talk." She'd jump from the sill and walk around the desk, noticing Shinji's face laying on it. He did not seem very active at the moment. After grabbing a chair Yozora pulled it to the desk, but instead of putting it straight in front of it, she got it to the side, in the direction Shinji was facing. She sat down, smirking - it was funny seeing Tengakure's strongest this way.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Re: Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:43 pm
Thankfully Yozora sat in such a way that allowed Shinji to continue resting his head on the desk-a kind gesture Shinji thought to himsefl. With a sleepy, but not creepy, smile on his face, Shinji spoke in his sleepy voice once again, but this time put some more thought behind his words: "Well, seeing as you wish to be part of my anbu tell me about yourself. I do not want the cut and dry story of your life. If I wanted that I could read your file. What are your goals? Your desires? Your reason for living?" Shinji knew these were rather large subjects, but he hoped that his point was received well. He wanted to know all about Yozora-how else could he come to trust her? Waiting for a response Shinji mind wandered back to how he kind of wanted to skip the meeting with the leaders he was supposed to have later that day.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Re: Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:31 pm
Shinji then spoke in his smae sleepy tone. "Well, seeing as you wish to be part of my anbu tell me about yourself. I do not want the cut and dry story of your life. If I wanted that I could read your file. What are your goals? Your desires? Your reason for living?" Yozora leaned back sighing, the questions were big and she wanted to decide where to begin. After a moment she spoke. "Well, I'm probably driven by my will to survive any crap I might step into during my life and surpass as many others as possible. Which leads my to my goal - to become stronger. My life is not that eventful, my mother died after a bandit raid on a farmland my family lived in, I was 6 at the time. Then my father and I moved in here. He was a fool who sought revenge and he met his end quite early due to it. My reason for living.... damn Shinji you ask such question I feel like I should have read in a book about such things. I have no idea what my reason for living is. I think I'll figure it out on the way. As for my goals, except getting stronger, there is one more. I recently learned both of my parents were from a distant clan and that I possess abilities of the clan. If given a chance I'd like to visit it to learn more about my heritage." That was a short summary.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Re: Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:22 pm
Shinji listened silently to Yozora's story it was not an uncommon one in shinobi's life. A long lost clan. A few dead people and skeletons in the closet. Nothing too surprising overall. Though he did have a few comments here and there, which he promptly spoke up about with his same voice as before: "Just a few more questions: why do you wish to be an anbu? And what do you think the purpose of the anbu is?" These two questions were without a doubt key to Yozora's furutre if she did indeed wish to join the anbu, so with a oddly quizzical look on his face Shinji waited for Yozora to respond.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Re: Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:44 pm
When she was done Shinji asked "Just a few more questions: why do you wish to be an anbu? And what do you think the purpose of the anbu is?" Yozora realized these were the deal breakers, if she messed up with them. Obviously she was not supposed to appear selfish. For a moment she tried he reasons to see if they actually were selfish, the she spoke. "Well, the ANBU serve and protect the village and... you. I think this village is worth my effort and my sacrifice if need be. And why I want to be ANBU... hm, well, I guess it's to make myself valuable. It also shows I've grown stronger, at the same time it lets me grow even more so. ANBU are more resourceful, more trained and more respected than Genin. Any other way of advancement for me is through Chuunin and Jounin exams." She hoped her answer would suffice.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Re: Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:44 pm
Shinji listened to Yozora speak with an unnatural attention to detail. She seemed to have a strong grasp of what and anbu was expected to do. Normally that would have been enough, but he felt he should deliberate for a while as it would give him time to decide if Yozora would be able to stand up with the other anbu. There would probably have to be another spar at some point, but that would be for another time. Instead Shinji would answer sleepily once Yozra had finished speaking: "Very well, I will put you in consideration for the anbu. For now I will ask that you leave me to my devices as I have much to get down." Naturally Shinji's devices were to continue sleeping, but hopefully Yozora would not get that. After waking from his sleep he would leave the announcement in the anbu base that they had a new member: Yozora. He would leave it to another anbu member to inform her of her promotion. Frankly Shinji did not like having all these formal meetings.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Re: Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:51 pm
And so she did.

[Ranking to ANBU
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17 posts from Twin Towers
8 posts from Shark's Rebirth
16 posts from Master's Ambition Resurfaces]
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Forging a New Light (P, NK) Empty Re: Forging a New Light (P, NK)

Wed May 01, 2013 2:25 am
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