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Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:39 am
The position he's in is unfavorable, even though he's prepared himself for this, even though he's taken several steps to prevent this, even when he's avoided this situation countless times before, even though his plan should have been flawless...!!!!

What most would now see if thy were observing is a young man of thirteen years of age, sporting a Kumogakure headband, slowly and shakily walking through a crowd, his goggles and gasmask in place as he walks through the crowd like a frightened rabbit surrounded by wolves..

HOW DID HE GET STUCK IN THE AFTERNOON CROWDS!!!!!?!?!? His plan should have been perfect! But his normal route was blocked off by some other Genin trying to learn Earth Wall blocking off the back-way he cuts through! Not to mention his final remedial class runs later then he anticipated due to a few rowdy students!!
Quivering and sweating underneath his mask and goggles with his hood pulled up he continues on his way through the crowd, pausing and jolting in fright as someone rounds a corner and walks in his path causing him to turn and dash away..

The man merely blinks in confusion at this strange act, what a weird little kid..

Ducking into an alleyway the young Shinobi breathes outwards in a haggard manner, people are scary! This isn't possible! Absolutely impossible! The Genin thinks frantically while he glances outside the alleyway. Eventually he makes his way slowly out of the alleyway and attempts to continue his course towards the training grounds, the slightly intimidating looking goggles and gas-mask combination and lesser crowd, despite his height and shaky frame make him appear far more threatening then he actually is, so it is that which causes people to spread a bit farther away from him which leads him to be able to make his way to the training grounds shakily.

Dropping to his knee's when he arrives he breathes heavily as if having exerted himself greatly, That was too much! Really too much!! Way too many people!!! He begins in his head frantically, sliding his gas mask down and reaching into his pocket, he plucks a nail from his pouch and stick it into his mouth before chewing it slowly his bodies enzymes breaking it down and absorbing it into himself as is his nervous habit, steel nails are the best thing to use with his ability..
He's alone now so he can properly train this...And possibly perfect his newer ability, but first he's gotta perfect and master converting his body to the metal compounds he's collected...
Steel first..
Chakra is gathered through Strength of Body and Strength of Mind, Physical Discipline and Mental Fortitude make powerful Chakra, if you have a strong body your reserves are usually quite large, if you have a strong mind, your control is much more precise...
If you have both you achieve perfect balance, this is the basis of the old teachings of the art of Ninjutsu..

His ability, requires strong Mental Fortitude and borrows Bodily Strength from the Metals he's absorbed, it then forms a layer of chakra over his entire body and converts it into the metals by mimicking there alchemical and physical properties, while they are not entirely the Chakra Fire compared to Actual Fire, it's close enough and generally has the same effect...
Chakra Steel is first...As a child, after awakening his abilities, he's found he's unable to use them to that extent again, when he was young he was only capable of covering one of his fingers, a little bit after that he was capable of covering his hand...Now he's able to coat most of his body, about fifty six percent if he had to estimate such a thing..And with further experimentation and a visit that was registered in the hospital, he found not only was he capable of converting his body into various metals..
But something stranger, a very strange type of technology, secrets to vast stores of technological advancements rest inside his body...
His first creation is simply proof of that, he had to learn chakra theory from the academy in order to perfect it and keep it from blowing up in his face again...

Sitting cross legged, his goggles and gas mask laid to one side of his body after he's removed them, he sits in the center of the training ground, steel coating half of his face visible, before it slowly fades then slowly crawls over his body once more, before once again retreating from his body...
What's he's doing currently his forcing the steel over his frame, but from his senses he finds it's either too stiff or simply too hard, meaning it will crack if exerted too much..He needs to find the perfect fluidity ratio, this would be much easier if he had some titanium...But steel is also quite a formidable metal! Come on steel! You can do it! With the right amount of you can form an incredibly powerful alloy! Steel is used in almost everything! Even in the buildings we live in! Don't fail! I'll back you up with my chakra!!

....The boy doesn't have many friends okay? And even the friends he does have usually spend time with others rather then him due to his near crippling crowd anxiety...Of course he might make imaginary friends! He realizes logically that the steel is an inanimate compound but it helps him concentrate a bit and human beings crave interaction even in it's smallest form, kinda like when you're troubled and you vent your problems to your dog or your pet, you know they don't have an answer for you, but there your friend and will listen and may let you cuddle with them.
It's not exactly the same, but it's something close to that feeling!

Yes I agree, he is an odd child, still he's making progress!
The steel runs over his entire body this time, only visible covering his face and each individual hair follicle, and running over the skin and eyelids perfectly, even the mouth and inside of the mouth is coated..he opens his eyes and they happen to be coated as well the dull red color being transferred...He appears capable of seeing breathing and staying conscious and shows no signs of discomfort, however the movement of his body still seems a bit stiff, causing him to frown slightly and retract the metal his skin returning.

He returns to a meditative state and attempts this again..
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Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Re: Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:04 pm
"Why did i agree on taking that brat and watching over him...i swear those Hyuuga's from Konoha think they are still superior," grumbling because at first he thought it was a good idea at first, but having ANOTHER mouth to feed and one that liked to complain was not the ideal version of a cousin that he expected. He had been out shopping for food for his house which had been a boarding home for his younger cousin from Konoha who apparently thought he was a good enough influence to watch over him...those idiots were retarded for choosing him, but he'd rather watch the kid than watch him die.

With that being said he left the comfort of his house to do these mundane tasks and if the boy did not like it he was going to get a very angry foot up his ass and a fist to his throat if he ever back talked him. The village was a little more crowded than he originally thought it would be but he didn't mind it considering he decided to take the alleys to get to his favorite stores...but the lines were so long that he decided he would come back at a later date," Dammit...why are all of these stores so freaking full!!!!," he roared at the top of his lungs causing a couple of people to look at him in confusion, but he mumbled to himself and walked off in a hurry.

After a while of walking he continued passed the academy, where he remembered the previous day with Angel and Blues, the two who had completed his new and hopefully legendary team. He had not seen the two since their first meeting although he had a feeling the two were off getting stronger or at least finding themselves, but when they had met again he would try to train them more. At first he was thinking about giving them one on one lessons for a bit in his free time and then training them together during their team meetings, but the thought of one getting more attention than the other kind of scared him. Chuckling lightly he would continue on his stroll while waiting for the stores to get decongested, unknown to him that he was slowly walking into the training field.

As he arrived into the training field he would have stumbled upon one of the people he was just thinking about, His Genin student Blues. With a smile he stood behind the boy some odd meters away watching to see just what he was up to. Seeing that the boy was busy engaging in something, he waited in silence while watching intently to see just what the boy was working on out here.
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Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Re: Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:55 am
Steel is composed of Iron and Carbon which makes up two point one percent of it's total weight, carbon is the miracle worker that removes Irons weaknesses, it controls the hardness ductility and tensile strength of the steel that's manufactured, this knowledge comes from several years of reading alchemical books and other books on forging in order to better help his abilities. His strength is Metal, his defense is Metal and his will is Metal too..!! His chakra is shaping itself according to his design, to his limited knowledge and then by somehow fills in the gaps, but the better grasp he has of it..The better it becomes, the more he understands the easier it becomes to form his body of metals...Iron, Steel, Bronze and even Titanium...The stronger the metal the stronger he becomes..!

The best thing to do, would be to find the proper alchemical combination of Metals to form an alloy of unmatched potential...So far however and especially at this given moment..Steel is the most available and best choice offered to him..If he had to guess currently, there is thirty percent foreign Iron in his body,  fifty percent Steel and twenty percent Titanium...Which he won't waste on a simple exercise like this..Maybe after he masters creating steel with his chakra he can work on a stronger titanium version, however the metal keeping its defensive properties while remaining fluid is becoming more and more apparent that it will be harder then he anticipated, perhaps at his current level he should sacrifice a bit more defense for maneuverability..? He hums in this thought and attempts to form a more malleable coating over his body with the seal of focus...

This results in the coating almost flowing off of him like syrup..before the compound is retracted and he finds himself growing a bit lower on chakra from the repeated use, he's close though...he can feel it, one more try and then he'll try and recuperate a bit...
Steel flows outwards and wraps around his body replacing his skin and other softer forms of flesh with the strong alloy, giving the boy a polished gleam as he slowly stands flexing his arms and bending his knees before he begins a simple Academy Style taijutsu routine, his left leg curling inwards as it flashes backwards and retracts back to his side and he spins on the balls of his back foot his right leg snapping out with a quick flick of his leg, his knee being bent before it straightens and retracts in a fast motion utilizing momentum and balance..

The basic Hook Kick and the Round-house snap kick of the Basic Academy Style...And his speed is not unhindered...The steel is a bit weaker then he'd like, but currently it's at an acceptable level...This is his limit..for now, he'll train and learn more about his ability and others, he'll become strong, this will be another step on his way to becoming the Raikage. His dream since that faithful day, to protect Kumogakure and everything in it, to defend his home...

He has defense, after this he'll work on offense..It won't be long until he's sent on a mission with his new Sensei, the Master ranked commander of Team Yaju Hayate, with his team mate, Angel, a puppet user with formidable skill even for a Chuunin, he can't lag behind and be a burden! Even if he can't do much, he won't be baggage for the two more skilled Shinobi! He will be Raikage, but first, he'll make sure his team has a decent team mate to help them if need be, or even if it'll just make things easier!

Turning to glance over his shoulder, revealing his steel like visage, well speak of the devil! He blinks and turns towards his Sensei after finally noticing his presence, he bows respectively as is proper towards a superior officer and greets him in his quiet whisper like voice, looking a bit confused as to why the man has arrived "Hello Hayate-Sensei." he greets politely inwardly beginning to panic once more.

Was that too formal?? Not formal enough?? Should he have used his given name??? Did he bow low enough?? Ah! He forgot to deactivate his Metal Body method! Is that technically disrespectful!? He heard a rumor that if an Uchiha shows there sharingan to an older Uchiha while his is active it's considered a challenge!! Do they have some type of rule fo-

And once again his thoughts continue onwards in a panicked tangent, his face still possessing a calm visage, only looking a bit troubled..Some might mistake this for deep introspective thought, though the reality is...less cool then what people could imagine, so let's leave it at that shall we?

The steel fades after a moment, his skins normal pigment returning as does his eyes and hair, however a bit of his arm lags behind stopping at his right hand just above the wrist, this is caused by his tangent leading him to an interesting thought of.

What if the missions really dangerous! Or really complicated and he doesn't understand the objective!? What if an enemy Shinobi attacks and his Buster Gun isn't functional yet!? What if he needs to leave right now!? But then why the groceries!? How long will the mission be for!? Will it take a week!? A month!? A yea-

We should tune out now, the point is the focus on his Buster Gun function has caused his metal body to pause and analyze his arm, to prepare it for the feeling of being coated in metal, more specifically Steel, one of the most used metals in our current generation. Steel flows downwards and vanishes completely after a moment just as Blues begins to reach critical mass, hopefully Yaju Hayate speaks and breaks this train of thought before he passes out from over thinking things and embarrassment combined with social anxiety.

(Total WC's; 2,088 words, requesting Metal Body learned.)
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Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Re: Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:02 am
Yaju continued to watch the boy as he continued to train and steel his body in silence, actually impressed by the boys determination and resolve to get stronger. It reminded him of well...himself as he climbed up the ranks with a stronger purpose each time he fought, trained and grew with those close to him. As his student continued to train he would be able to catch a first hand glimpse at the boys unique bloodline technique that he had mentioned earlier during their first meeting and he had to admit that he was impressed. He had never seen an unique bloodline like his before, the way his body looked liked tempered steel was amazing which made him wonder if this was just the beginning...what would the boy be able to do after he is trained by him?

Yaju smiled once the boy bowed to him and offered him a small chuckle as he slipped his hands into his pockets," you're very formal....i like that about you Blues, but you can call me Yaju or by my last name if you want. I don't mind either one and i have to admit i like your technique there. It seems as if you would have a very strong defense if trained correctly...although i would love to see your potential in taijutsu with it," and the thoughts came flowing to see what he would try to teach his student. Maybe some of the basics in the Gentle Fist style to help his defensive capabilities or maybe even teach him his own fighting style for a bit of destructive offense.

After rambling inside of his head for a moment he would return to speaking to Blues, his thoughts now a bit in order as he finally decided to ask the boy a serious question," So Blues...would you like to learn something today?," he would wait for the boy to answer before demonstrating the technique at hand. It was one he had actually learned recently through a bit of trial and error to get another jutsu just right, but when results like that came into play he did not argue. For now he would wait for Blues to give him an answer before starting up the technique and showing him how it was done first before teaching him how to execute it.

[Approved for Metal Body]
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Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Re: Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:13 pm
The robotic Genin merely blinks owlishly as he's snapped out of his thoughts and nods with a miniscule smile at the direction given to him by his Team Leader and current Teacher, formality is something that he was taught at a young age in the orphanage, it's been ingrained in him to be respectful at all times, manners are important for children who wanna get adopted after all..Of course now he's a ward of Kumogakure. He nods at the man giving him permission to call him by his first name and scratches the back of his head awkwardly as he's praised for the abilities of his bloodline, this is the first step, the second step is much more complicated and he's noticed this since he first happened upon this strange ability...

The strange technology that resides inside of his body, flesh one instant and then a bout of mechanical wonders sprouting another..Whirring gears and a strange turbine powering some of his other weapons that he's experimenting with...Blades were the simplest things to make once he learned of weight, balance and other forging techniques involving how to treat metal...
There is a forge inside of him, not only that...It assembles..creates and distributes it..
Almost like a factory with him being the only worker..

The question is asked and Blues eyes widen "Y-yes! Thank you for your time!" He says before bowing once again eagerness shining through his eyes along with the anxiety of having to speak once again as thoughts run through his head of if that was too much enthusiasm among other things that causes him to once again begin going into an overload, however he is watching intently for the demonstration the stray thought of his Buster Gun once again coming to fruition, which causes a panel on his forearm to raise up while converting to a strange blue colored then flips backwards and returns to it's flesh and cloth colored appearance returning to it's natural state after the stray thought runs through his head.

What will Yaju teach him? The Master Class Shinobi is obviously a Taijutsu practitioner from his interest in the subject, possibly a swordsman as well from the blade he has given to Blues which is still strapped and sheathed at his waist, while he IS skilled in hand to hand combat it isn't his main forte, weapons are and even then close range weapons aren't his favored tools of combat, however he wishes to be a well rounded Shinobi, as any Kage should be and thus he will learn everything he can, just as long as he also stays pragmatic about what he excels at as well.
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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Re: Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:30 am
Yaju smiled for a moment as he stepped in front of Blues and began to focus for a moment as he spoke," For this specific technique you have to channel your chakra into the palms of your hand, which ever one you want to use," demonstrating by pushing his chakra through his tenketsu and focusing it into his hands, the chakra becoming visible to Blues. As the chakra would begin to show he would disperse it and smile," that's only the beginning to the jutsu because once you learn how to control your chakra and send it to certain points of your body, you can make strikes that almost no one can predict it, also this lesson will help you later on if you want to continue to train your chakra to new levels," with a smile he would continue the lesson by showing the hand seals for the jutsu.

" The next thing you will need are the hand seals to invoke the jutsu and call it forth so to speak, although as you continue to practice with the jutsu you will be able to use it without the hand seals," as a testament he would hold his hand into the sky and create the large burst of lightning into his hand, the sound of chirping birds taking over before dying down. After the display he would hold his hands up for blues to see him do the hand seals slowl," Ox, Rabbit, Monkey," holding his hand down he would begin to channel his chakra into his hands and covert it into lightning," Chidori!!," the technique coming forth as he walked over to a dummy and striked it, causing his hand to go directly through it and leaving a large hole in it.

Slowly pulling out his hand he would smile and roll his wrist," This technique, Chidori, Will be our first lesson together and once you master the basics i will show you how to apply your speed and strength into it to do a lot more with it besides run at people," chuckling lightly he would wave his hand for his student to try his hand at the technique while planning to teach him another technique that would help him out in the long run. After watching blues try the jutsu out he would scratch his head and think about something before snapping his fingers," I have something that might help out while your training this jutsu alone. Its a technique of mine that inside of channeling the chakra into your hands, you project it," although this was a technique that he himself had not perfected yet, he was hoping his student could indeed learn from the jutsu and attempt to use it or make his own version of it later.

If Blues was ready to see the technique in action, Yaju would begin to conduct the hand seals for the jutsu, Dog, Boar and Ram before concentrating his chakra into both of his hands just like he did with Chidori, but instead of immediately releasing it he continued to hold it until his hands began to crackle and surge with lightning," Obey the command...Thunder Emperor, Come Forth," the lightning becoming more visible as it flowed up his arms. Within tha moment he would outstretch both of his hands out towards one of the dummies as the lightning shot out in a large arc and made the dummy explode, leaving small traces of lightning in its wake as well as a few charred and on fire pieces.

Yaju slowly exhaled as he cracked his neck and smiled," With that jutsu, its a simple channel and redirect into a blast rather than a force and with this one you can use it at long range. Be wary however that if you use that jutsu, you must be prepared to move around for a bit because it takes a while to charge up but i am sure that in time you will be able to do it without the need of the charging," dusting his clothing off he would look to the spot where the dummy once was and smile," so what else do you want to learn from me?," a slight chuckle escaped his lips as he waited for his student to respond.
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Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Re: Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:13 am
Lightning chakra, created by those with the affinity for it by generating chakra into tenketsu in certain areas and manipulating protons and electrons which they charge with there chakra, with enough training the chakra will take on the properties that are incredibly similar to lightning, this phenomenon only Shinobi are capable of has actually been studied by both Civilian scientists and Shinobi scientists alike, if they could figure out how to generate this chakra into a power-source, they could have a new D-rank job that could potentially double as chakra training. Just have a Shinobi on shift generate lightning chakra and have him swap out with another after a few hours, it'd be a meditation exercise and could boost ones chakra reserves greatly.

Chakra theory and Tenketsu application is something he's studied extensively along with Elemental Chakra natures and Metals, it gives him an edge over stronger Shinobi more often then not at least in terms of knowledge and planning...One interesting thing he's found which also makes him a bit nervous, due to his Kekkei Genkai, he conducts electricity better then most..Now, while that sounds bad in theory it should also help his Lightning Chakra generation and perhaps give it some extra power and applications...He'll just have to be more careful then most, he doesn't wanna be fried to a crisp, while Chakra Lightning isn't as powerful as Mother Natures version, it's still capable of amazing feats! Just taking in the technique that Yaju Sensei showed him, this 'Chidori' shows the lightnings piercing properties perfectly. It's impressive, however just as his Sensei points out as he begins thinking it, a technique like that must take a LOT of chakra and while it seems to give a boost of speed, it does nothing for reaction time or maneuverability making it...A risk to use...

If mastering the technique rids the Chidori of it's issues then he'll definitely take this technique and work on it until he's completely mastered it. Maintaining a current like that and continuously generating it while forcing it to keep a point must be quite draining, his reserves are fairly low as he's only recently begun learning Ninjutsu and training began actually only two months before he met the man now showing him several high level techniques...The point must be to get his reserves up! The man did say he would help him become Raikage and with these techniques, or rather the training methods for these techniques his chakra reserves should surely sky rocket at an alarming rate!
Blues watches intently the entire time, nodding when asked if he's prepared for demonstrations but keeping his narrow analytical eyes on the formation of hand seals and the pulses of chakra that must be flowing about the training ground, powerful and bold, Lightning chakra while flashy is capable of several offensive applications and he's heard rumors of a medical Shinobi who has once generated lightning element chakra to restart a comrades heart in the middle of a battle field! That comrade then got up and destroyed an enemy platoon single handedly! Ironically with a giant blast of lightning!

Lightning chakra is also what he uses with his Buster Gun, rather a type of lightning converted once from chakra into lightning to better channel it towards the barrel and then back to chakra which is converted into a ball for better velocity and striking potential..Later he might develop a method of converting a higher generation of chakra into the blast, but would that require more turbines?? He'll have to do some experimentation but currently he needs more methods of combat and the second technique, this chakra projection technique is something that interests him as it's stronger then the blasts from his Buster Gun but also appears to take some time to charge, his Buster Gun while formidable is still a weapon and technique crafted by a fresh out of the Academy Genin while this Thunder Lord technique is used by a Master Class Shinobi and while he does not know if the man has created it himself, he is going with that assumption.

The Buster Gun is used in almost the same way, except his chakra is basically channeled and formed for him by the strange technology that he's using, rather converting his body into..shouldn't that be strange to most people?? A few people were startled for sure when he converted his body to steel the first time but they got over it and instead began analyzing him afterward...Maybe all Shinobi are just pragmatic like that? They ignore what's considered weird and merely look at what is functional? ..It's kind of nice to know that as long as you are good at what you do, a Shinobi won't care about your gender or what family you come from..But your combat prowess or ability to kill them..It is kind of a morbid way of looking at equality but hey...It IS still equality!

The lightning blast is demonstrated by his Sensei and he begins explaining both the pros and cons of this technique, yes the charge could be cumbersome but the destructive potential and precision clearly makes up for that fault it doesn't needlessly endanger you either, the Chidori will have to wait as this technique will help him master THAT later and is currently the superior ninjutsu for his style of combat and preferred methods of attack...However once again he finds that the technique will require much more chakra then he believes he has to muster currently and he will learn these two techniques in order to build up his reserves as stated before..Perhaps these will also help him if his Sensei decides he is to take the Chuunin Exams, which he isn't sure of, however from these techniques he can deduce that this man believes in his ability at least somewhat, these are at least skills of A rank level! Techniques that potential High level Chuunin and Jounin would use in live combat!

Talk about having an edge and these are but two techniques on the FIRST day of training! Who knows what else he'll learn down the line?? He'll make sure he trains as hard as he can in order to learn all Yaju Hayate has to teach and then he'll have to think of a way to repay the man when he's capable...

A question is asked by the man and Blues glances up before looking thoughtfully down at his right arm, which opens revealing several gears before folding backwards being replaced up to the shoulder with solid blue plating the gears whirring as clothing up to his shoulder vanishes being replaced with what appears to be a type of latex, which in reality is the steel body technique he's just learned converted into an alloy which just happens to have a blue pigment due to the forging technique used. A strange power core is also visible as it's put together before this mans very eyes, the power of a God, reincarnated, his Factory of technology lost to mankind, stripped from them due to there hubris and warring ways..Now at the disposal of a Genin of Kumogakure, Blues of the Hidden Lightning village. Panels close inwards and a barrel extends where once were five fingers and a fist, he turns his gaze south where another dummy lies and with s strange beep and a glow from one of his crimson eyes...A targeting system perhaps? A blast of chakra erupts from the barrel with a loud crack, the ball traveling at a high speed for a Genin before it blasts off the head of the target, the ball made form pure chakra which glows like the heart of of the sun...Tinged strangely enough..Yellow, yellow electrical discharge powering the chakra 'shell' with explosive and penetrative power...The Blues Buster Gun. The barrel smokes from the shot fired and he glances towards his Sensei curiously and tilts his head to the left while his elbow is no cocked at his side his arm raised level with his forearm and the barrel aimed up towards the sky, curiously in his quiet whisper of a voice he simply asks "Can you help me use this better...? It's still incomplete, I believe it's something to do with the Tenketsu and I'd like to learn how to channel chakra more effectively in order to get more out of my shot..I believe the techniques you've shown me will help tremendously but since we'll be going on missions quite soon I'd like to have something combat ready before then..." he says before pausing "Uhh...That is a good idea right..?" He asks awkwardly, not wanting to seem ungrateful or disrespectful, but he is a bit pragmatic in the regard of not wanting to be caught out without a means of defending himself at a distance..He thinks the sword his Sensei gave him will provide a very powerful close range offense...

He blinks after a moment and his head whips around towards the target as he's realized what just happened...Normally the chakra blasts simply singe the target..!! What just happened to make this more...? The techniques! The chakra application he's observed! The Thunder Emperor! His analysis of the technique and how he viewed it's discharge must have instinctively crafted something new inside the Buster Gun! The final piece to the puzzle! The blue core...that wasn't there before! It must be some sort of generator which converts the chakra and creates more of a channeled blast..While the Thunder Emperor completely destroyed the target..His Buster Gun merely blew a hole in it..Upgrades can be made at a later date...Currently, he may be combat ready..! He'll just learn to utilize all these techniques and methods his Sensei just displayed to him.

(WC's; 2,093 requesting Buster Gun.)
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Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Re: Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:26 am
In awe and silence he would slowly watch as Blues' arm began to transform and become something different altogether until it was in a form not even he knew of. Yaju wondered if it was some form of technology or maybe a solidified version of chakra that he had no knowledge of but either way it had impressed him enough to put a smile on his face," Everyday shows something new...i wonder what else this boy has up his sleeves," thinking to himself he would watch as his student took aim at one of the dummies and shot what appeared to be to him as a shell of condensed lightning which put a hole inside of the dummy.

Impressed by the power output of the strange jutsu of Blues (if it was a jutsu) he would turn to him and ponder on his question before nodding," Sure i can help you with what i can, as far as the chakra system goes i know a lot more about it due to not only my eyes but a bit of my clan has actually went on to become successful medics," pausing his thought he would chuckle and nod slowly," Actually you are right on the ball, but seeing your little display you are actually on the right path of it," he had to admit that his students were actually progressing a bit faster than he had originally thought. After a bit of silence from him, Yaju would motion Blues to stand beside him as he was about to demonstrate his own chakra channeling techniques. His body would be straight, but slowly he would move his arms forward before bending his knees and continuing to breathe slowly before flaring his chakra a bit and making it visible," The key to chakra control is to allow it flow as free as a river while also guiding it slowly," showing what he meant, he would channel most of his chakra into his hand and create the chidori again before dispersing it.

" When you simply go with the flow in a sense you can have your chakra at your beck and call without having to concentrate like your life depends on it. Try channeling your chakra from your stomach to your arms, but simply breath and go with the flow. When you get the Chakra to your arms release the flow and continue to do it until you feel comfortable and then release another shot," returning to his stance he would channel his chakra into his arms once again before sending it into his arms and releasing it again in the form of Raitei Shourai, but aimed for the air before canceling the technique. After a bit of that he would sit down and observe Blues through his Byakugan to see if he would get the hang of controlling his own chakra and if he did he would be able to use the two techniques without burning himself out.

[Approving your Buster gun]
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Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Re: Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:29 pm
The Thunder Emperor will most likely be his most useful technique once he acquires enough chakra to sustain and fire it, until then his Buster Gun will be his main method of attack and thus it's most likely what he should focus on, he raises his arm which is currently a very large cannon and aims again..But he does not fire, he merely closes his eyes behind his goggles and follows his Sensei's instructions, the flow of chakra coming rather abruptly, before his muscles relax a bit more, a steady stream beginning to run through his arms from his stomach as instructed, he's glad he met this man...

Before he was running the chakra directly from his baser tenketsu, his arms to use jutsu focused on his arms...He can feel how much less of a strain this is, he'll have to work on making this instinct now but he's sure he can do so before a mission comes up.
The Buster Gun makes a bit of an ominous whirring noise as he charges his chakra, which begins visibly flaring almost flashing as tiny line particles seem to radiate and vanish from his form as the gears inside the Buster begin working...Perhaps there are things even Blues does not realize about his creations...

Which is why study is so important, why learning and reading along with tests and his training have made him skilled enough to keep proving himself, which he'll continue to do..
Which he'll always do, even after he becomes Raikage he'll prove himself as effective, time and again he'll make sure Kumogakure is protected...
Anything in my line of fire will be shot. I will not hesitate to defend my Home. The boy reminds himself, chakra continues to build up as his arm slowly retakes human shape and he performs the necessary hand seals for Raitei Shourai, he then pauses and takes a deep breath..before releasing it...
He then makes the hand seals again, takes a deep breath..and releases it..
This continues as he practices calling upon his chakra, quicker and quicker he trains the responses, almost as if circuits are guiding his power sour- err...As if his Tenketsu are expanding and guiding his chakra when he calls upon it..

And, quick as he can muster, his arm shifts again, almost appearing to slide into place, the Buster Gun reappears and he fires another shot into a dummy, followed by another his aim shifted, his right palm placed against the top of the barrel to reduce recoil, he then shifts his aim behind him and fires one last shot towards another of the dummy that happened to be set up inside this training ground..

Yellow blurs, giant holes and a smoking barrel...It felt more fluid, quicker in response to being summoned...Of course a Master Class Shinobi see's the shift in slow motion, his flesh drawing back like panels revealing strange circuitry and electrical currents while his bones..or what one could assume are his bones shift into a barrel and several strange pieces of technology that make up the Buster Gun..

(Sorry for the late and small reply my man, had some issues with my connection!)
Koumatsu the Chain Warden
Koumatsu the Chain Warden
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Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.] Empty Re: Rules of Steel, Forging 101[Io, Yaju.]

Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:46 am
Yaju watched in silence as his student had begun to train his body to allow his body to channel his chakra more fluently so that he had a greater control over not only that aspect of himself, but also that of his body. It was amazing to see his student take the lesson he had just been taught and apply it so quickly it almost baffled him. Taking another look at blues through his Byakugan, Yaju would be able to see that the training although slowly, it was still having its intended effect on his body and made him actually happy to see such a great result that he started to smile.

He would now watch as the boy used his buster gun more fluently, while standing there and performing a technique of his own that would eventually come into play for the safety of Kumo. Two hand seals were made slowly as he clapped his hands together and held them there for a moment while still observing his student practice. Small crackles of lightning would appear from his hands as two circles appeared in his palms before dispersing causing a small sigh to come from his mouth. It would seem that the technique wasn't ready to manifest itself completely yet, but then again he could easily wait until later to finish training the jutsu.

Turning back to Blues he would think for a moment to try and see what else could he teach his student other than jutsu. It dawned on him that he really didn't know much about his own student so instead of asking him what did he want to do next he smiled," I've never asked this to you but tell me a bit about yourself Blues...other than your goals what else do you want to accomplish in life," slowly he would kneel and wait for his student to answer his question.

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